Yuck Tina. Maybe talk to your doctor about your depression too, maybe you have low vitamins? I know when I was anemic I would get really super depressed. Sometimes when I'm sick and don't know it yet I get super down too.
So, today I'm having some cramping, and I don't think it's because I might be pregnant.

I think it would be too soon for that. It doesn't feel like last time, it feels like a really exhausted cramp, if that makes sense, like my uterus is overly tired. Wondering if AF is coming super early. I also felt super light headed and dizzy yesterday, but assumed it was because I hadn't ate breakfast yet. If I am pregnant, I would have had to of ovulated ON THE DAY of hubs accident, or ovulated super early, when we had sex, but he didn't finish the deed. This cycle has me all sorts of confused because I've felt unbearably horny the entire time up to now, and I'm not that person, if it makes sense.
I wish my hormones would get a grip on themselves, calm the hell down and let me just be normal for a little while.