ttc#1 new looking for buddy!

I spot when I O. I spot on and off my whole fertile week some months and some months I don't at all. Sometimes I even need to wear a pad to catch it. It's more if a watery blood than period blood. Either way it annoys me lol. I want to try stork. Lol
Ok so today I'm roughly 7-8DPO, but idk exactly when I O'd cuz I'm not tracking anything. But I've noticed, lol I hate saying this word, but I have a little pain in my clit.... I mean I think that's where it is, it's not on the inside, I feel like it outside my body, if that makes sense, like definitely down there! I noticed it the other day too... It's not like "oh my god this fucking hurts" but it's def like, makes me stop like "go away wtf is this"...... Sooo wtf is this????
Hey Ladies! We are back from Disney. :( We had so much fun! Now my hubby is trying to get me to move to Florida.

AF is just starting...I think. So I will be taking the femara, getting the hsg done, and having a monitored cycle. Fingers crossed this works!!

Michele- That sounds like O to me, but I dunno. I get that weird pain too sometime, but not sure what causes it. I wish there was a way to just know what every weird feeling is! Lol

PS. I don't know why my phone posted y. Lol I didn't even get on the site for a week! Haha
Hey Ladies! We are back from Disney. :( We had so much fun! Now my hubby is trying to get me to move to Florida....not happening. Lol

AF is just starting...I think. So I will be taking the femara, getting the hsg done, and having a monitored cycle. Fingers crossed this works!!

Michele- That sounds like O to me, but I dunno. I get that weird pain too sometimes, but not sure what causes it. I wish there was a way to just know what every weird feeling is! Lol

PS. I don't know why my phone posted y. Lol I didn't even get on the site for a week! Haha[/QUOTE]
My phone is acting cray! Lol Sorry for the double post
Disney is so much fun... but hectic! We went the past November and I wish we would've stayed longer, but now we can go back again - with our newest family member - and hit up the spots we didn't get to visit!

FX the extra help with your cycle produces a :bfp: for you SOON Jules!

Michele I saw some wedding photos on Facebook of you and DH, I'm jealous! I secretly wish I could have another wedding but mostly just would like to be married again someday :coffee: My OH says we are basically married, just don't have the little paper to validate it... whatevs
That's how we felt! But we decided to make it official!! I wanna get married again!!! To my husband! Haha! They went so fast I wanna do over so I can enjoy it more!!!
I already brought up a vowel renewal to my hubby. It was fun doing all of the planning and the excitement building up, then when the day came it was such a blur. I felt like I was in a daze and if we didn't have pictures then I probably wouldn't have remembered much. lol

Small wedding are nice as well. We almost just went somewhere tropical with just the two of us and our parents. :)
Do u guys use OVulation tests? I think next circle I will try that, and maybe this praised "preeseed" lube:)

Hello! :) I'm 26 and dh is 27 we are ttc #1 and I am using preceed and clearblue ovulation tests. (20 pack) I started testing again every day on the 3rd of this month and started getting positives on the 7th and have been taking the tests every 2 days since getting a pos. For some reason, I'm still getting pos when I take them. A few ppl have told me that I may have conceived, and that may be why they are still showing as pos. anywho, they do work, because while taking metformin I am finally ovulating again (haven't done so in about 4-6 months due to pcos) and the tests have been accurate. Before now I would never get a pos. so, long story short, if you haven't already, you should try them! :)
Hello ladies!! Do you mind if I join? Hubby and I are ttc #1 I'm 26 and dh is 27. I'm currently taking metformin and using preceed along with clearblue opk. I think I may have conceived because I've been having some cramps and slight pains on my right side. And still getting pos on my opk after I started getting a pos on the 7th of this month. (Started testing on the 3rd. Tested every day till I got a pos on the 7th, then started testing every 2 days) a few ppl said I may get a BFP when I test because I'm still getting the pos on the opk. Hopefully they're right because I've been ttc for over 2 years. But just now trying something different (like the metformin, preceed and opks) but they all seem to be helping I'm excited! :) and I would love to have some buddies through our journey
hey ladies sorry im new to this im also trying to concieve baby #1 is it ok to join this thread?
I used Preseed for a couple months, along with OPKs. The month I got my :bfp: I tried using Preseed just about EVERY time we DTD and was still using OPKs. I also temped, which is what prompted me to test when it spiked at around 11DPO. Good luck to you ladies!
Hey ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing!

Pretty good here!

<3 Baby dust for everyone!
Hi luckybug!!! Oh my are so close to meeting your little one! I can't believe it. I know it has felt like forever to you, but it feels like time sure has flown. :)

Mamma bunny, it looks like you are getting close as well. :)

I feel like things quieted down on our thread. Though, I am glad I can follow a little bit with Tina and Michele on fb.

AFM: Things are going well. I took femara this cycle and had two mature follicles at my u/s on Friday. My blood work showed that my LH was where it should be. On Sat. I got my long awaited positive OPK. I also had lots of pain on my sides and a massive headache. My temp went up this morning and no more pain so I am hoping I ovulated. I will find out for sure when they get my bloodwork on Friday. I am excited that things are going in the right direction even if it does take a few cycles. Though I am hoping sooner or later since these doctor appts. are getting expensive..along with having to go so often.

I hope everyone else is doing well! I still have you all in my thoughts! :)
Yup Jules, getting closer and my anxiety is ridiculous! Feels like there's so much to do and also so much is happening. And on top of it, OH got laid off from work today :cry: Horrible timing. Hoping for a miracle...

Excited to hear how everything goes for you in upcoming weeks!

Hope everyone is well! :hugs:
I am so sorry to hear that mamabunny...I know how it feels to have financial stress. Funny thing is no matter how much we stress things are always ok in the end. :) I will be thinking about you guys and hope something opens up for him soon.
Turns out, he did not get laid off! Not sure what the whole deal is with that but just happy we still have that income for now. He checked out a job possibility yesterday after work that sounds much better than what he's currently doing and will guarantee 40-50 hours weekly, if not more.

Hope everyone's having a lovely week!
Hi Ladies :hi:

I'm looking for a ttc buddy :) Im currently trying for baby number one and feel I need someone I cant chat to through this hard time especially the two week wait periods :haha:

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