TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

I think that I'm about 6dpo. I'm feeling so impatient.

I know, the waiting is the hardest part. With all the technology and medical experts out there, you would think they could remove the waiting from this whole TTC business - they'd make a fortune!

Are you a 'symptom-spotter' or a 'wait-and-see' kinda gal? I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for your BFP :hugs:
Hello ladies,

So I'm back after a very busy week at work! Unfortunately I couldn't go for the TV scan last Saturday. Saw my OB this morning and she said I'm late for the scan. She just asked me to stay positive and see her again next month on Day 2 of my cycle. (Hope I don't see the ugly red head of AF this month.) Hoping for the best!

Just wanted to know what to expect in TV scan. I'll be having it for the first time. I've already had endometrial biopsy and HSG scans, and both pained like hell. I almost fainted during both the procedures. Too scared to go for TCV scan. Is it painful too?
I need some advice ladies!

I'm so frustrated! I don't think that my husband gets the concept that there are only a few days to conceive every month. I am definitely the planner in our relationship and that seems to be coming in between me and my DH. I try not to get crazy about TTC, but I have always been the type of person that when I set my mind to do something I do everything in my power to do it right and be successful. Now I see these traits coming thru in our TTC process and I think I am driving my husband crazy.

My husband works weekends (Saturday and Sunday 7a-11p) and of course our luck I was scheduled to ovulate this weekend. Had my first positive OPK and was ecstatic Now we talked about the timing of things at the end of last week and he was on board with BD after he was done work both days. He seemed to understand that even though it wasnt ideal it was what we had to do. However, it was a different story once he got home. Saturday felt like "job sex". Do any of you guys feel that way? That when you are TTC BD feels like a job. Now Sunday when he came home I tried to keep things "interesting" in the bedroom, but he totally blew me off and it started a fight.

I see his point that he was really tired and not feeling into it, but there are a few select days that we can conceive. I was reall frustrated that he couldn't see the bigger picture that if we don't BD we will have another disappointing month :( Have any of you guys felt like this? I start to wonder if he wants a child as much as I do OR if he does and I just have been driving him crazy and he wants to take the more laid back approach. Opinions are more then welcome ladies! I haven't told anybody that we are TTC so I have nobody else to talk to about this. I want to the TTC process to be as enjoyable as possible for both my DH and myself :)
Thanks everyone once again for the kind words and support, and welcome to Sophiee20 and Lotus Womb.

Babyfeva, how are things going with FF? Has it settled down to a confirmed o day yet? I hope so :hugs:

Also, I was wondering how everyone has found their DH copes with the whole temp thing? Mine bleeps for quite a while after I've taken my temp and this bugs the life out of my DH! I keep expecting to wake up one morning and find him jumping up and down on it. Mind you, that would involve him having to get out of bed! :wacko:

SignoraL thanks for the love and prayers, it means a lot. I'm sending lots right back at you and praying for your BFP. :hugs:

Rosababy my scan is booked for 31st Jan, when I'll be about six weeks. I'm just hoping the bean continues to snuggle in safely until then. I honestly didn't expect it to be this scary. I suppose I bought into the whole 'glowing pregnant women' thing I've seen on tv. That is soooo not the case! How are things going with you? Are you back on water yet? I hope you're taking it easy and relaxing as much as possible.

Mini update from me: still spotting.

Bigger update from me: Ended up at accident and emergency last night and if you continue to read this post then you'll want to punch the doctor I saw last night as much as I do.

Okay, I'm going to keep this as short as possible, but be prepared to be annoyed!

Yesterday morning I woke up at 5.30am with a really sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. I assumed it was a wind pain and continued with my day. Throughout the day it was coming and going, always in the same place and felt like someone had poked me with a knitting needle (not that anyone has ever poked me with a knitting needle before! ).

Anyway, it continued all day every four or five minutes and I just couldn't think what it could be. I was nervous it might be associated with a m/c, but it was just one small stabbing pain, not a cramp. So, I didn't go to the toilet for four hours so I could take another HPT (knowing full well it wouldn't necessarily tell me anything useful but it felt like the only thing I could do.) So, I came home, pee'd like a camel (!) and the line on the FRER was darker than the last test taken two days previously and the Clearblue Digital said 'Pregnant 2-3'. I was actually really happy about this seeing as the last one had said 1-2. So, getting to the point, my hubby advised me to call NHS24 because of the pain. I told him it wasn't that bad but he was worried there could be a problem with one of my tubes and I knew it made sense to speak to someone who might know more about it than me. I called and told them my symptoms but also that I wasn't sure what it was and if this was a normal part of early pregnancy. She told me to go to Accident and Emergency, so I did.

When I got there, the doctor was really horrible. He told me to pee in a cup (which I would say I'm now a black belt in!). I told him I had just gone for a mammoth pee before I left and explained the whole HPT thing. They fed me water until I was able to pee again and by the time I did, it was practically just water that came out (sorry, TMI!). He then came back, gave me a horrible look and told me his HPTs had come back NEGATIVE - as if I was lying!!! He asked if my doctor had taken a pregnancy test and I said no, that she thought I was perfectly capable of peeing on a stick and reading the word 'pregnant'. He then said that their pregnancy test strips aren't as sensitive as HPTs and that HPTs are aimed to 'prey on the fears of vulnerable women' as they find out they are pregnant much sooner than they should and that I shouldn't worry as "it's only a 'clump of cells' right now anyway". I wanted to punch him. He said the pain was probably from my bowels and to go home and come back if the pain got worse. HOW INSENSITIVE AND HORRIBLE!

So, if you have ever used or ever plan to use an HPT then you are classed as a 'vulnerable woman'. What a complete *!@!*$!

So, I'm either a 'vulnerable woman who is having my fears preyed upon' or else First Response, Clearblue, supermarkets and internet dip test manufacturers have come up with an elaborate plan to fool me into thinking I'm pregnant. When I came away I was in floods of tears and poor hubby thought something awful had happened.

I got up this morning, more blood, so decided to 'have my fears preyed upon' once again. Still positive, so hoping that's a good sign.

I feel like taking all of my tests over to him this morning, shoving them in his face and reminding him that he was once 'just a clump of cells' and probably had more sensitivity when he was 'just a clump of cells'.

I've never been more angry!!! :growlmad:

My DH has been fairly patient with the temping and just kinda let's me do my things, but I think deep down he thinks I'm crazy :wacko: He is the type of person that is a wait and see and I am a take control kinda gal. So as you can see it takes a lot of patience in our relationship.
Aww happenstance, thank you! I'm really hoping & praying for your bfp too!! I'm so excited, I just want to test already. I'm on CD25 of my 28 or 29 cycle... So, this cycle I'm really trying not to symptom spot because I did that last month. I really don't have any symptoms besides full feeling breasts. I am getting over a sinus cold that i've had for over a week and I was having this weird muscle like pulling in my right bikini area for about a week. I'm not sure if I actually pulled a muscle or what but everytime I cough or blow my nose it kind of caused me to hunch over. How about you?
Lilyrose- I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I try my best to not let my husband know when we exactly need to do it but I had to do it once. I think he wants to just let it happen naturally like your husband but he knows how excited I am. I'm sure you're husband will come around - I think like you said he was really tired after such a long shift. I really hope the best for you!
Sorry guys - I've been following along, but was feeling kind of blah this weekend so didn't end up feeling like posting. Feeling better now though!

Welcome Lotus Womb!!! We're happy to have you on here and excited to get to know you!!!

Happenstance - I can't believe how insensitive your doctor was! I'd write a letter or file a complaint or something. :hugs: for you and your bean!

babyfeva - FXd for you!!! Sending you :dust: - hopefully you will get your :bfp: soon!

neha - I don't know what to expect with a TV Scan (Rosababy, maybe you can chime in if you did this?) What is it exactly? I hope it's not painful for you though!

Lillyrose20wd - I know what you mean about husbands getting stressed or overwhelmed. Ditto what babyfeva said - I try not to overwhelm my DH with the details about my cycle, but it's tough sometimes. Maybe explain to him that men can be fertile all the time and women are only fertile a few days out of the month, which is why you're trying to pinpoint those days. And I think it's good to keep it as romantic as you can.

Anyways, gotta go, but :dust: to everyone!!!

That's ok, we are all here for each other and keepig up the positive energy with you.
I am 4DPO now and trying to relax lol:thumbup:


My DB does not want to know about O at all, he just wants to move with nature. Well nature has a window for me so I make it romantic and bring on the suduction. If you can make it so you can :sex: at least 2-4 times a week before O. It becomes less of a stain because you become relaxed about it. I know it must be hard for you, especially when you miss an O. Work patterns effect us too. Hard on men they don't like to feel under pressure to perform.
I need some advice ladies!

I'm so frustrated! I don't think that my husband gets the concept that there are only a few days to conceive every month. I am definitely the planner in our relationship and that seems to be coming in between me and my DH. I try not to get crazy about TTC, but I have always been the type of person that when I set my mind to do something I do everything in my power to do it right and be successful. Now I see these traits coming thru in our TTC process and I think I am driving my husband crazy.

My husband works weekends (Saturday and Sunday 7a-11p) and of course our luck I was scheduled to ovulate this weekend. Had my first positive OPK and was ecstatic Now we talked about the timing of things at the end of last week and he was on board with BD after he was done work both days. He seemed to understand that even though it wasnt ideal it was what we had to do. However, it was a different story once he got home. Saturday felt like "job sex". Do any of you guys feel that way? That when you are TTC BD feels like a job. Now Sunday when he came home I tried to keep things "interesting" in the bedroom, but he totally blew me off and it started a fight.

I see his point that he was really tired and not feeling into it, but there are a few select days that we can conceive. I was reall frustrated that he couldn't see the bigger picture that if we don't BD we will have another disappointing month :( Have any of you guys felt like this? I start to wonder if he wants a child as much as I do OR if he does and I just have been driving him crazy and he wants to take the more laid back approach. Opinions are more then welcome ladies! I haven't told anybody that we are TTC so I have nobody else to talk to about this. I want to the TTC process to be as enjoyable as possible for both my DH and myself :)

Liliyrose, I know exactly where you're coming from. The first few months we NTNP so there was no stress involved (at least not from his side, I still fretted and hated seeing the BFN at the end of the month). However, I think this lulled him into a false sense of what it was going to be like as when we really started trying he got a bit freaked out. For one thing, we used to have sex. Now we baby dance! :haha: Anyway, it went from doing it when we felt like it to every day for about 8-10 days (my CBFM started always shows high days really early!). The next month I sat him down and explained things a bit more. He didn't understand that there was only one day a month I could get pregnant and how, if we missed the important days leading up to it, we could miss our chance completely. He bought into a lot more after that!

Also, I feel like the fertility monitor really helped as I could keep track of days and he could see the 'science' behind it if you like. Boys like gadgets so he liked to know what my monitor was doing that day. When it showed 'peak' and a little egg he thought it was funny to play hard to get with me. So, if we had a disagreement that day about something (and I would go in a huff!), he would taunt me and say 'you can hate me, but you have to have sex with me...!' in a really cute voice and I would roll about laughing! We also tried this month to do it every couple of days rather than every day. Just to take the pressure off and make it feel less like a chore.

Anyway, that was a really long way to say, try and talk to him and tell him how important it is to you. It could just be that he was knackered, or it could be the same as my DH and he felt a bit 'out of the loop' like he was being used or something! When I asked my DH he told me he felt a bit like a machine when we first started because he didn't really understand why I was jumping at him like a crazy lady :haha: Also, I found this video which DH and I watched together - DH thought it was VERY cool and started to think of his little swimmers as 'warriors on a mission' :haha:

Good luck :hugs:

Aww happenstance, thank you! I'm really hoping & praying for your bfp too!! I'm so excited, I just want to test already. I'm on CD25 of my 28 or 29 cycle... So, this cycle I'm really trying not to symptom spot because I did that last month. I really don't have any symptoms besides full feeling breasts. I am getting over a sinus cold that i've had for over a week and I was having this weird muscle like pulling in my right bikini area for about a week. I'm not sure if I actually pulled a muscle or what but everytime I cough or blow my nose it kind of caused me to hunch over. How about you?

When are you planning on testing Babyfeva? Are you waiting until missed AF or are you planning to test before?

I had a bit of a pulling feeling in my lower abdomen too - I noticed it more if I stood up too quickly, as if I'd pulled a muscle. It's not there anymore so I'm not sure if it was a symptom or if I really had just pulled a muscle! Seems a bit of a coincidence though. I've got all of the crossables crossed! :hugs:

Sorry guys - I've been following along, but was feeling kind of blah this weekend so didn't end up feeling like posting. Feeling better now though!

Welcome Lotus Womb!!! We're happy to have you on here and excited to get to know you!!!

Happenstance - I can't believe how insensitive your doctor was! I'd write a letter or file a complaint or something. :hugs: for you and your bean!

babyfeva - FXd for you!!! Sending you :dust: - hopefully you will get your :bfp: soon!

neha - I don't know what to expect with a TV Scan (Rosababy, maybe you can chime in if you did this?) What is it exactly? I hope it's not painful for you though!

Lillyrose20wd - I know what you mean about husbands getting stressed or overwhelmed. Ditto what babyfeva said - I try not to overwhelm my DH with the details about my cycle, but it's tough sometimes. Maybe explain to him that men can be fertile all the time and women are only fertile a few days out of the month, which is why you're trying to pinpoint those days. And I think it's good to keep it as romantic as you can.

Anyways, gotta go, but :dust: to everyone!!!

SignoraL, sorry you've not been feeling great. Are you feeling better now? Just take it easy and hope you get back to full strength really soon.

Have you o'd yet this cycle or are you still waiting? I'm praying for your BFP this cycle and really hope you feel better soon! :hugs:


That's ok, we are all here for each other and keepig up the positive energy with you.
I am 4DPO now and trying to relax lol:thumbup:


My DB does not want to know about O at all, he just wants to move with nature. Well nature has a window for me so I make it romantic and bring on the suduction. If you can make it so you can :sex: at least 2-4 times a week before O. It becomes less of a stain because you become relaxed about it. I know it must be hard for you, especially when you miss an O. Work patterns effect us too. Hard on men they don't like to feel under pressure to perform.

Thanks Lotus Womb! I'm glad to hear that you're 4dpo and trying to take it easy. How long are your cycles? When are you planning to test?

Sending you lots of :dust:

Neha I've not had a TV scan (I take it you mean transvaginal?). I was meant to have one last week but had a bladder scan instead. However, I do know a few ladies that have had them and they've said they are completely pain free - so please don't worry. :hugs: Wishing you lots of luck with your scan.
Happenstance- My muscle pull has disappeared but yesterday I was feeling horrible. It started off with a really bad backache then all my muscles hurt. I went to bed at 9pm and that's so early for me. I feel much better this morning. My family have all had the stomach flu the past few days so I'm wondering if it's my body fighting it... ? As far as testing, I'm 9dpo according to FF and I might try testing tomorrow. If it's a negative I'll probably wait for AF which should be here by Friday or Saturday. How about you? How's things going?
Thanks, Happenstance! I wasn't really sick, just kind of lethargic-feeling. I'm supposed to O this week (probably around Friday or so). I'm still hopeful for this cycle, but I'm guessing that there is some little issue that needs to be fixed relating to my short luteal phase. My OBGYN appt. is on Jan. 31, so I'm hoping she finds something and that it's easily corrected. Thank you for your prayers!

babyfeva, excited that your 9dpo and hope you're feeling better! Excited for you to test and hope you get your :bfp:!

Other ladies, do you want to let me know your test dates so I can put them in the first post on this thread where we are keeping track? Happenstance, I put you on as a BFP! We need more of those, girls! :dust:
thanks! I'm excited that you'll be in the 2ww soon!
HappyDance my cycle around 28/29 days 32 the longest cycle last year in October. This is when you ladies will think I am crazy & :wacko: or both. I won't only wait till D day to test but always said I won't test till I am a week late so it will be the 9th Feb.

lmao I can't bare BFN so I test as little as poss.
Lilyrose, my dh was the same way. I suggest not telling him when you're actually o'ing, not to mention, it might make him "nervous." :blush: Just try to dtd throughout the cycle (even though I'm sure you probably don't feel like it all the time) here and there, and a little more during the o time. Maybe that'll help him with not feeling like a job. He'll just feel like he's getting lucky more! :haha:
Happenstance- My muscle pull has disappeared but yesterday I was feeling horrible. It started off with a really bad backache then all my muscles hurt. I went to bed at 9pm and that's so early for me. I feel much better this morning. My family have all had the stomach flu the past few days so I'm wondering if it's my body fighting it... ? As far as testing, I'm 9dpo according to FF and I might try testing tomorrow. If it's a negative I'll probably wait for AF which should be here by Friday or Saturday. How about you? How's things going?

Babyfeva, I'm hoping they are all positive symptoms that your BFP is on the way and I hope you manage to miss that horrible flu. Let me know how your testing goes today - I've got everything crossed for you! :hugs: Remember, if you don't get a BFP today then don't worry. I didn't get mine until 12dpo.

Good luck!!! Praying for your BFP!!! :hugs:

Thanks, Happenstance! I wasn't really sick, just kind of lethargic-feeling. I'm supposed to O this week (probably around Friday or so). I'm still hopeful for this cycle, but I'm guessing that there is some little issue that needs to be fixed relating to my short luteal phase. My OBGYN appt. is on Jan. 31, so I'm hoping she finds something and that it's easily corrected. Thank you for your prayers!

What a shame, do you know what was causing it? Hopefully you're feeling much better and getting plenty of rest. There's nothing worse than a lack of energy - it's so difficult to get motivated to do anything. I prescribe lots of Red Bull and pampering from DH!

I hope you o soon and that your DH can keep up with you. I prescribe him lots of Red Bull too :haha: How long has your luetal phase been on average? They say anything 10 or more isn't anything to worry about. Last month mine was either 6 or 9, depending on whether my monitor of FF predicted the correct o date. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that you get the answers you want at your appointment. :hugs:

Oh, and thanks for updating the first post with the lucky list. I'm not changing my signature until after my scan as I'm too nervous to do anything in the meantime - I just feel worried all of the time and like it's not really happening. I feel like I'm living in limbo land.

HappyDance my cycle around 28/29 days 32 the longest cycle last year in October. This is when you ladies will think I am crazy & :wacko: or both. I won't only wait till D day to test but always said I won't test till I am a week late so it will be the 9th Feb.

lmao I can't bare BFN so I test as little as poss.

I don't think you are crazy or wacko - I just think you have nerves of steel! You should hold training classes on BnB to wean people off their POAS addictions!!! Really hope this is your month for a BFP :hugs:

Sorry if I've missed anyone, hope you're all doing really well and sending you lots of :dust:
Yesterday I picked up like 6 books on pregnancy and child-rearing from the library...I have never taken care of small children and I feel like getting as much information as possible would help...anyone else a newbie when it comes to taking care of children??
Good morning.

So, I tested this morning and got a BFN! Also, my temp dropped below coverline! I'm dpo and it's my first time charting. Does this mean AF is on her way?? :(
Thanks, Happenstance! I wasn't really sick, just kind of lethargic-feeling. I'm supposed to O this week (probably around Friday or so). I'm still hopeful for this cycle, but I'm guessing that there is some little issue that needs to be fixed relating to my short luteal phase. My OBGYN appt. is on Jan. 31, so I'm hoping she finds something and that it's easily corrected. Thank you for your prayers!

What a shame, do you know what was causing it? Hopefully you're feeling much better and getting plenty of rest. There's nothing worse than a lack of energy - it's so difficult to get motivated to do anything. I prescribe lots of Red Bull and pampering from DH!

I hope you o soon and that your DH can keep up with you. I prescribe him lots of Red Bull too :haha: How long has your luetal phase been on average? They say anything 10 or more isn't anything to worry about. Last month mine was either 6 or 9, depending on whether my monitor of FF predicted the correct o date. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that you get the answers you want at your appointment. :hugs:

Oh, and thanks for updating the first post with the lucky list. I'm not changing my signature until after my scan as I'm too nervous to do anything in the meantime - I just feel worried all of the time and like it's not really happening. I feel like I'm living in limbo land.

Eh, probably just a busy work-week and weather. Nothing to worry about. Can't do Red Bull though - I would be up for a week!

My cycles are 23 days lately with a luteal phase of 11 days (occasionally 9 or 10). I've read in a lot of places that 10 days is the marker of a possible luteal phase defect and in other places I've read 12 days. So I'm kind of borderline, but since it's always shorter than average, I figure it's a good starting place to check. When I went back to my endocrinologist last month, she said my TSH levels were good, but she was a little concerned about my cycle length (I also seem to have a slower BBT rise). She said at this point, given that I have records for the past 10 cycles, it's worth visiting my OBGYN. If something needs to be corrected hormonally, I'd rather do it now and take the next 4-5 months to see if we get preggo and if we don't, then start the more rigorous testing in late spring, when we hit the 1-year TTC mark. Hopefully everything is okay though and we get that BFP in the next few months!

Thank you for your prayers, though! How have you been feeling?
Good morning.

So, I tested this morning and got a BFN! Also, my temp dropped below coverline! I'm dpo and it's my first time charting. Does this mean AF is on her way?? :(

I'm sorry about your BFN, babyfeva! Don't give up hope! Praying for you and send you :dust:!!!

Oceania, I've babysat before and spent time with our nephew, but definitely feel like a bit of a novice. I flip through parenting magazines at my SIL's house, but honestly, I guess I'm not ready to pick up the books until I get the BFP. It's awesome that you are being proactive, though!

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