TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Hi I am new here! But happy to meet you all. I hope I can join your group. I am 23 hubs is 22 we have been ttc since last April and been married since Feb of last yr. We decided to have children asap bc we wanted to be young with our kids.

We've had two almost, one immediately after starting to try, and one right at Christmas. I was so devastated when we got a BFN at Christmas. I know I am young but it is all that I can think about! It drives me crazy!

My aunt recommended taking Folic Acid to help, so I just started that. Anything else would help.

I hate trying to talk to my DH because it hurts even more, I end up crying more and thinking the worse and he tries but I don't know if he fully understands what its like.

Have a great day Ladies and Baby Dust to all!!!
Hi all, I'm new here an hoping to share my TTC journey with u all. I'm 28 on the 30th of this month and my DH is 29, we've been TTC since July last year after coming off the pill, I got a BFP two days ago when I was 3 days late but unfortunately I have just lost it due to early m/c. We will keep trying and I can't wait to be sharing a Sticky BFP with u all soon X
Oh my, Happenstance. I'm praying for you and hoping that everything is okay. I hope you get your doctor's appointment ASAP. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Welcome ksesco88 and Vesper_, we're glad to have you on here!

Vesper_, I'm so sorry about your m/c. It's good that you have such a positive attitude about the future.

ksesco88, I know, it can be so tough sometimes, especially with your DH, because he wants one badly, too, but doesn't understand everything going on in your body. But it is good to talk to him - I think enduring this together helps strengthen a marriage!

I hope you both get your :bfp: soon! :dust: to you both!
Hello everyone!

Nice to see such comfort and support given out, Im new and have been TTC for what feels like forever.

Ive joined to try and get some support and advice as the months feel like there getting longer!!

All the best and good luck TTC xxxx

I'm so sorry to hear that. Please try and stay positive and keep us updated. I'll be thinking of you today.
kcesco and vesper- welcome!

vesper- so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you get your sticky bean soon!
For those of you who use FF, has FF ever changed your ovulation day a few times? It's so frustrating.
Thanks for thinking of me everyone, it means a lot! :hugs:

So here's my update: I went to the doctor yesterday and told her I had a positive pregnancy test. She said congratulations and I burst into floods of tears! :cry: I told her I was spotting/bleeding and that I had been for around 10 days. before, during and after BFP). She explained that lots of women spot early in their pregnancy and it could just be normal but said that as I had experienced spotting/bleeding that it meant I was a 'threatened miscarriage'. She said it's a 50/50 chance and that for now I should just rest and take it easy. She called the Early Pregnancy Unit and booked me in for a scan at the end of the month. If I'm able to hold on to the pregnancy till then I'll be six weeks and still really early for a scan but she explained they should be able to see that the sac etc is in the right place.

She also told me not to worry if the bleeding gets worse and I do miscarry (easier said than done), because at least now I know everything is in order and that hopefully there'll be a next time. But not to lose hope for now. Today, I'm still spotting/bleeding but it seems to be about the same as yesterday and still having no cramps. So trying to keep as positive as possible - though, it's not easy. I dread every trip to the bathroom. :nope:

On a brighter note, I'd like to say welcome to all the new joiners to this thread. There's a great bunch of girls here and I'm very happy to be sharing my TTC journey with you all - wishing you all lots of luck and :dust:

Babyfeva, I totally understand your frustration with FF. It keeps changing based on the new information you give it. My temps never seem to match up with my fertility monitor/opks so it tends to give me solid cross hairs, change the dates a few times and then settle on dotted cross hairs - just to confuse me further! Don't worry about it, just keep giving it as much information as possible and hopefully you'll start to see a pattern emerging after a couple of months. I've only been charting for two months and I can already see patterns! Good luck! :thumbup:
Congratulations, Happenstance!!! Please try to relax as much as you can and stay positive! Sending you and your bean love and prayers from across the Atlantic!

babyfeva, I know what you mean with FF - sometimes it throws everything off. I also noticed that when I've gone a cycle without having noticeable CM, it seems to not know when I've ovulated, even though my temperature is risen.

Welcome sophiee20! We're glad to have you on here and hope we can provide you comfort and support!
Happenstance- I know you're stressing but just TRY and relax as much as you can and think positive thoughts for the sake of your little bean. I'll be thinking of you.
Happenstance, I missed your bfp! I know it's so scary, believe me. Try try try not to worry though because I know LOADS of women who spotted not only in the 1st tri but all the way throughout their pregnancy and now have beautiful babies. :hugs: Try to be calm and trust your doc. Good news that you have an early scan!! When is it?
Hi Ladies,

This seems like some beautiful supportive energy so I am hoping it's ok to join you. As Babyfeva is here is must be a great place. Well this is my 5th month TCC and I only started temping this cycle so really learning more on fertility friend. I feel more in control now but I can see there could be dpo issues from you guys post lol. Well it looks like I ovulated wed/Thur I won’t know until tomorrows temp for sure. I think that’s how it works anyway.
One of my best friends had a baby girl last week and she is beautiful. I have been helping her with breastfeeding as this is part of my work. I am so happy for her and soo broody too lol.
I am 31 and 32 on 2nd Feb that’s about the time I predict I am due so this is officially my last cycle at 31 and I am freaking out.
So I am hoping for the best birthday present ever lol!! :happydance: I am so ready for my little lotus petal to come into the world.
looking forward to getting to know you all

Hi Lotus Womb! Welcome, welcome :) I'm hoping and praying for your BFP! My hubby's bday is on the 6th so wishing him or should I say us a BFP too! :)
Thanks everyone once again for the kind words and support, and welcome to Sophiee20 and Lotus Womb.

Babyfeva, how are things going with FF? Has it settled down to a confirmed o day yet? I hope so :hugs:

Also, I was wondering how everyone has found their DH copes with the whole temp thing? Mine bleeps for quite a while after I've taken my temp and this bugs the life out of my DH! I keep expecting to wake up one morning and find him jumping up and down on it. Mind you, that would involve him having to get out of bed! :wacko:

SignoraL thanks for the love and prayers, it means a lot. I'm sending lots right back at you and praying for your BFP. :hugs:

Rosababy my scan is booked for 31st Jan, when I'll be about six weeks. I'm just hoping the bean continues to snuggle in safely until then. I honestly didn't expect it to be this scary. I suppose I bought into the whole 'glowing pregnant women' thing I've seen on tv. That is soooo not the case! How are things going with you? Are you back on water yet? I hope you're taking it easy and relaxing as much as possible.

Mini update from me: still spotting.

Bigger update from me: Ended up at accident and emergency last night and if you continue to read this post then you'll want to punch the doctor I saw last night as much as I do.

Okay, I'm going to keep this as short as possible, but be prepared to be annoyed!

Yesterday morning I woke up at 5.30am with a really sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. I assumed it was a wind pain and continued with my day. Throughout the day it was coming and going, always in the same place and felt like someone had poked me with a knitting needle (not that anyone has ever poked me with a knitting needle before! ).

Anyway, it continued all day every four or five minutes and I just couldn't think what it could be. I was nervous it might be associated with a m/c, but it was just one small stabbing pain, not a cramp. So, I didn't go to the toilet for four hours so I could take another HPT (knowing full well it wouldn't necessarily tell me anything useful but it felt like the only thing I could do.) So, I came home, pee'd like a camel (!) and the line on the FRER was darker than the last test taken two days previously and the Clearblue Digital said 'Pregnant 2-3'. I was actually really happy about this seeing as the last one had said 1-2. So, getting to the point, my hubby advised me to call NHS24 because of the pain. I told him it wasn't that bad but he was worried there could be a problem with one of my tubes and I knew it made sense to speak to someone who might know more about it than me. I called and told them my symptoms but also that I wasn't sure what it was and if this was a normal part of early pregnancy. She told me to go to Accident and Emergency, so I did.

When I got there, the doctor was really horrible. He told me to pee in a cup (which I would say I'm now a black belt in!). I told him I had just gone for a mammoth pee before I left and explained the whole HPT thing. They fed me water until I was able to pee again and by the time I did, it was practically just water that came out (sorry, TMI!). He then came back, gave me a horrible look and told me his HPTs had come back NEGATIVE - as if I was lying!!! He asked if my doctor had taken a pregnancy test and I said no, that she thought I was perfectly capable of peeing on a stick and reading the word 'pregnant'. He then said that their pregnancy test strips aren't as sensitive as HPTs and that HPTs are aimed to 'prey on the fears of vulnerable women' as they find out they are pregnant much sooner than they should and that I shouldn't worry as "it's only a 'clump of cells' right now anyway". I wanted to punch him. He said the pain was probably from my bowels and to go home and come back if the pain got worse. HOW INSENSITIVE AND HORRIBLE!

So, if you have ever used or ever plan to use an HPT then you are classed as a 'vulnerable woman'. What a complete *!@!*$!

So, I'm either a 'vulnerable woman who is having my fears preyed upon' or else First Response, Clearblue, supermarkets and internet dip test manufacturers have come up with an elaborate plan to fool me into thinking I'm pregnant. When I came away I was in floods of tears and poor hubby thought something awful had happened.

I got up this morning, more blood, so decided to 'have my fears preyed upon' once again. Still positive, so hoping that's a good sign.

I feel like taking all of my tests over to him this morning, shoving them in his face and reminding him that he was once 'just a clump of cells' and probably had more sensitivity when he was 'just a clump of cells'.

I've never been more angry!!! :growlmad:
Thanks everyone once again for the kind words and support, and welcome to Sophiee20 and Lotus Womb.

Babyfeva, how are things going with FF? Has it settled down to a confirmed o day yet? I hope so :hugs:

Also, I was wondering how everyone has found their DH copes with the whole temp thing? Mine bleeps for quite a while after I've taken my temp and this bugs the life out of my DH! I keep expecting to wake up one morning and find him jumping up and down on it. Mind you, that would involve him having to get out of bed! :wacko:

SignoraL thanks for the love and prayers, it means a lot. I'm sending lots right back at you and praying for your BFP. :hugs:

Rosababy my scan is booked for 31st Jan, when I'll be about six weeks. I'm just hoping the bean continues to snuggle in safely until then. I honestly didn't expect it to be this scary. I suppose I bought into the whole 'glowing pregnant women' thing I've seen on tv. That is soooo not the case! How are things going with you? Are you back on water yet? I hope you're taking it easy and relaxing as much as possible.

Mini update from me: still spotting.

Bigger update from me: Ended up at accident and emergency last night and if you continue to read this post then you'll want to punch the doctor I saw last night as much as I do.

Okay, I'm going to keep this as short as possible, but be prepared to be annoyed!

Yesterday morning I woke up at 5.30am with a really sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. I assumed it was a wind pain and continued with my day. Throughout the day it was coming and going, always in the same place and felt like someone had poked me with a knitting needle (not that anyone has ever poked me with a knitting needle before! ).

Anyway, it continued all day every four or five minutes and I just couldn't think what it could be. I was nervous it might be associated with a m/c, but it was just one small stabbing pain, not a cramp. So, I didn't go to the toilet for four hours so I could take another HPT (knowing full well it wouldn't necessarily tell me anything useful but it felt like the only thing I could do.) So, I came home, pee'd like a camel (!) and the line on the FRER was darker than the last test taken two days previously and the Clearblue Digital said 'Pregnant 2-3'. I was actually really happy about this seeing as the last one had said 1-2. So, getting to the point, my hubby advised me to call NHS24 because of the pain. I told him it wasn't that bad but he was worried there could be a problem with one of my tubes and I knew it made sense to speak to someone who might know more about it than me. I called and told them my symptoms but also that I wasn't sure what it was and if this was a normal part of early pregnancy. She told me to go to Accident and Emergency, so I did.

When I got there, the doctor was really horrible. He told me to pee in a cup (which I would say I'm now a black belt in!). I told him I had just gone for a mammoth pee before I left and explained the whole HPT thing. They fed me water until I was able to pee again and by the time I did, it was practically just water that came out (sorry, TMI!). He then came back, gave me a horrible look and told me his HPTs had come back NEGATIVE - as if I was lying!!! He asked if my doctor had taken a pregnancy test and I said no, that she thought I was perfectly capable of peeing on a stick and reading the word 'pregnant'. He then said that their pregnancy test strips aren't as sensitive as HPTs and that HPTs are aimed to 'prey on the fears of vulnerable women' as they find out they are pregnant much sooner than they should and that I shouldn't worry as "it's only a 'clump of cells' right now anyway". I wanted to punch him. He said the pain was probably from my bowels and to go home and come back if the pain got worse. HOW INSENSITIVE AND HORRIBLE!

So, if you have ever used or ever plan to use an HPT then you are classed as a 'vulnerable woman'. What a complete *!@!*$!

So, I'm either a 'vulnerable woman who is having my fears preyed upon' or else First Response, Clearblue, supermarkets and internet dip test manufacturers have come up with an elaborate plan to fool me into thinking I'm pregnant. When I came away I was in floods of tears and poor hubby thought something awful had happened.

I got up this morning, more blood, so decided to 'have my fears preyed upon' once again. Still positive, so hoping that's a good sign.

I feel like taking all of my tests over to him this morning, shoving them in his face and reminding him that he was once 'just a clump of cells' and probably had more sensitivity when he was 'just a clump of cells'.

I've never been more angry!!! :growlmad:

OMG that is sooo awful and unprofessional. What a mean Dr :growlmad:. I am so mad for you right now. You just need to stay positive and try to relax but I know it must be so hard. I have just written on another thread about bleeding in pregnancy IB or Ducidual which tends to happen around the time your period is due usually in first trimester 4, 8, 12 weeks. Lining is shed from part o your uterus that the baby has not implanted into. I know 4 plus people this has happend to and 1 who had is all the way through pg. All had health babies. I have added some info . So don't let that nasty Dr effect you one minute more. Try to relax and leave it in the hands of nature. Good luck and I am putting positive energy out for your sticky bean.

Omg Happenstance, I am FUMING for you. What an ASS! How dare he say it's only a clump of cells?!?! I mean seriously! Who honestly says that to a woman?! :growlmad: I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.

I'm sorry you were in so much pain. So did they ever figure out what it was or just assume it was your bowels and send you home? I have to tell you, I haven't felt confident in my pregnancy yet. I'm literally counting the days until I'm in my 2nd trimester and can relax a little. I always assumed that I'd feel so at peace when I finally got pregnant. :nope: I think it's something that we've wanted for so lnog and we're in shock that it's actually happened and terrified that it's not real. You're not the only one feeling like this. :hugs:
I can't believe your experience. I would've yelled at him!! I'm so upset that someone, especially a "DR" could say something so insensitive and unprofessional. Sweetie, try to not stress too much. I will be thinking about you.
Lotus Womb said:
OMG that is sooo awful and unprofessional. What a mean Dr :growlmad:. I am so mad for you right now. You just need to stay positive and try to relax but I know it must be so hard. I have just written on another thread about bleeding in pregnancy IB or Ducidual which tends to happen around the time your period is due usually in first trimester 4, 8, 12 weeks. Lining is shed from part o your uterus that the baby has not implanted into. I know 4 plus people this has happend to and 1 who had is all the way through pg. All had health babies. I have added some info . So don't let that nasty Dr effect you one minute more. Try to relax and leave it in the hands of nature. Good luck and I am putting positive energy out for your sticky bean.


Thanks so much for this information Lotus Womb, I've read through it and it's good to know others have experienced this too. I'm still spotting today but trying to keep a positive frame of mind (or as positive as I can be!).

I really appreciate your positive thoughts and wishes and thanks so much for reassuring me :hugs:

How are things with you?

Omg Happenstance, I am FUMING for you. What an ASS! How dare he say it's only a clump of cells?!?! I mean seriously! Who honestly says that to a woman?! :growlmad: I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.

I'm sorry you were in so much pain. So did they ever figure out what it was or just assume it was your bowels and send you home? I have to tell you, I haven't felt confident in my pregnancy yet. I'm literally counting the days until I'm in my 2nd trimester and can relax a little. I always assumed that I'd feel so at peace when I finally got pregnant. :nope: I think it's something that we've wanted for so lnog and we're in shock that it's actually happened and terrified that it's not real. You're not the only one feeling like this. :hugs:

Thanks Rosababy. I told my DH that Dr A$$ is lucky that my BnB buddies are an online group of friends - otherwise we'd be picking up our torches and pitchforks and forming our own little lynch mob! :grr:

I know exactly what you mean about it not feeling real. I just really want to be able to talk about it, get excited and start dreaming about what the future will be like. But at the moment I'm living in limbo land and feel that talking about it will jinx it somehow. :nope:

I've decided that until my scan I'm going to stay away from Dr Google :comp:, it just tells me things I don't want to know. However, I have gone on a bit of an HPT spending spree. I know it's crazy blah blah blah, but I feel that I need to see if the line is as dark as, or darker than before. DH has tried telling me how nuts this is but I feel like a bit of an addict, I just can't stop myself.

Hope you are relaxing and taking it easy. I've been following your journal but haven't had a chance to post. Just wanted to say that I think your ideas for a nursery are wonderful and hope it's all coming along well.

I'm keeping you and your little bean in my thoughts and prayers :hugs:

I can't believe your experience. I would've yelled at him!! I'm so upset that someone, especially a "DR" could say something so insensitive and unprofessional. Sweetie, try to not stress too much. I will be thinking about you.

Thanks for having my back Babyfeva. I've decided next time I go to see a doctor that I'm not going to be so patient next time (despite their subconscious attempt to make me that way by calling me a 'patient'). I'm just going to go straight for the punch...and blame my hormones...! :haha:

How many dpo are you now?
I think that I'm about 6dpo. I'm feeling so impatient.

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