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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Signora- I'm happy to hear things are coming along. Hopefully everything turns out fine :) I had a question about epo. When do you take it in your cycle? I just bought some last night but I'm barely on CD2.

Thanks, babyfeva. I take EPO twice daily from CD 1 to ovulation. I think the bottle said three times, but I've heard some people say not to overdo it - I think it increases your estrogen level. I also take a B-Complex every other day which is also supposed to increase CM and lengthen the LP. Good luck! Hopefully we'll both have luck in February!
Thanks Signora. I really hope we both get our BFP's next month! :)
Hey all,

So I'm on CD28 today, and have been feeling on and off nausea from past couple of days. Didn't have sore bbs, but a strange heaviness in them last night. Also had period-like cramps few days back. Don't want to be too optimistic. Just keeping my fingers xx. Wish me luck! Baby dust to all. :)
Hey all,

So I'm on CD28 today, and have been feeling on and off nausea from past couple of days. Didn't have sore bbs, but a strange heaviness in them last night. Also had period-like cramps few days back. Don't want to be too optimistic. Just keeping my fingers xx. Wish me luck! Baby dust to all. :)

I am also CD28 no major symtoms a little gassey today and some spider veins last few days on my breast but so much is simlar to pms :shrug:

Anyway wishing you the best of luck hun lets hope it is our month

Okay, so CD29 today. Have heard women tend to get too emotional during their pregnancy, which is probably because of hormonal changes. Last evening I suddenly broke down over an issue as petty as the laundry guy not delivering the clothes on time. Don't know if it's a "symptom". Felt nausea again this morning. But that could also be because of late dinner last night. My cycles have never been regular, so I won't know unless it's at least 2 weeks after a missed period. Too scared to test. :(
Further to my previous post... Don't know why I'm unusually thirsty today! It's so unlike me. I drink quite less water – usually just a glass after lunch and one after dinner. But today I'm consuming gallons and gallons of water. Looks like I'm going crazy.
Further to my previous post... Don't know why I'm unusually thirsty today! It's so unlike me. I drink quite less water – usually just a glass after lunch and one after dinner. But today I'm consuming gallons and gallons of water. Looks like I'm going crazy.

That actually sounds pretty positive, neha! Lately I've seen several women on here say that this was one of their symptoms. When do you plan on testing? :dust: for you! Hope you get that :bfp:!!!
Lotus Womb, Neha and Babyfeva are you all planning on testing soon? Got everthing crossed for you all! :hugs:

SignoraL sorry that your DH's SA showed that motility and morphology needed to be improved. Can I ask what the figures for those two were? My DH had his results and both motility and morphology were quite low (I'll try and find the test results so I can tell you all the results in case it helps any), but because the volume of the sample and the count were okay they didn't see it as so much of a worry. We put him on a good amount of zinc, a multi-vitamin and vit C to try and improve it. I also know a girl on another site whose DH had a low almost everything. He was put on Wellman Vitamins and at his next test everything had improved dramatically and he was within the normal range. What vits has your DH been put on? I'm glad you've both got an appointment with an RE next week, what day is it? I'm praying for your BFP and hope you get the answers you're looking for :hugs: What cycle day are you on just now? Have you o'd yet?

AFM: Had my six week scan. They saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac but they said it was too early to see anything else (I ovulated later this cycle). I've got another scan booked in two weeks and I'm trying to keep as positive as possible until then, but it's hard! Still spotting...for the 24th day in a row!

Good luck everyone and hoping to see some BFPs! :hugs:
CD30 today. No sign of AF. Feeling nauseated ever since I had lunch. Not sure if it's a "symptom" or just a consequence of calories-laden food. Will test after a week perhaps. Also, just wanted to know if everyone gets sore boobs. Mine are not sore, just itchy sometimes (which could be blamed on my dry skin as well).
CD30 today. No sign of AF. Feeling nauseated ever since I had lunch. Not sure if it's a "symptom" or just a consequence of calories-laden food. Will test after a week perhaps. Also, just wanted to know if everyone gets sore boobs. Mine are not sore, just itchy sometimes (which could be blamed on my dry skin as well).

Signigol, hope you get those swimmers in optimal health for you bfp :hugs:

Happenstance, the sac is great news just keep positive all the way through. I know it is hard but you will get through this. Good Luck:happydance:

Neha, I have been Thirsty but I drink a lot of water anyways lol. I have spider veins they make my breast itchy in the shower or if i get too hot or cold.

Well I am at a loss :shrug: I had a big dip yesterday I thought she was on her way as there was cramps and a little brown discharge first thing. But nothing. Today big jump up in the temp again. So we shall just wait and see. My chart is in my ticker.

I hope she stays away it is my Birthday today :happydance:

No testing for me until 19dpo if I make it that far. Thats my rule lol

Hey guys, we're doing pretty well with the BFPs on this thread (we have three already - congrats to LearningLife, our latest, who shared on the other thread!!!) If you give me the dates you plan to test, I can enter them in on the first post of this thread, where we're keeping the "lucky list." Keep 'em coming, ladies!!! :dust:
SignoraL: I still can't believe it! I am patting my abdomen and saying multiple times, OMG is there really something in there?!!!! As you know, I tested today 02/02!

Is there a way to calculate a due date?

Think positive - to you all a :bfp:

Hey guys, we're doing pretty well with the BFPs on this thread (we have three already - congrats to LearningLife, our latest, who shared on the other thread!!!) If you give me the dates you plan to test, I can enter them in on the first post of this thread, where we're keeping the "lucky list." Keep 'em coming, ladies!!! :dust:
Lotus Womb, Neha and Babyfeva are you all planning on testing soon? Got everthing crossed for you all! :hugs:

SignoraL sorry that your DH's SA showed that motility and morphology needed to be improved. Can I ask what the figures for those two were? My DH had his results and both motility and morphology were quite low (I'll try and find the test results so I can tell you all the results in case it helps any), but because the volume of the sample and the count were okay they didn't see it as so much of a worry. We put him on a good amount of zinc, a multi-vitamin and vit C to try and improve it. I also know a girl on another site whose DH had a low almost everything. He was put on Wellman Vitamins and at his next test everything had improved dramatically and he was within the normal range. What vits has your DH been put on? I'm glad you've both got an appointment with an RE next week, what day is it? I'm praying for your BFP and hope you get the answers you're looking for :hugs: What cycle day are you on just now? Have you o'd yet?

AFM: Had my six week scan. They saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac but they said it was too early to see anything else (I ovulated later this cycle). I've got another scan booked in two weeks and I'm trying to keep as positive as possible until then, but it's hard! Still spotting...for the 24th day in a row!

Good luck everyone and hoping to see some BFPs! :hugs:

Thanks, Happenstance! I don't remember exact numbers, but the RE was somewhat concerned, but said it's an easy fix. He is on a vitamin he bought from the RE's office - Coast Reproductive I think they are called? He takes 2 in the morning and 2 at night. He has another test on March 7. My OBGYN seemed to think that may be the issue, but since our insurance covers fertility testing, we're doing that to rule anything else out. Our consultation with the RE is on Monday afternoon.

I'm on CD 19, so possibly 4-8 days until AF. I know I O-ed, but FF is a little confused because I had a weird rise (weird rises are actually pretty normal for me - I don't see a huge increase within one day) and EPO caused me to have a ton of CM. So FF thinks I O-ed three days ago, but I'm not sure myself and didn't have any cramping or anything this month that would indicate it.

Please stay positive for your little bean!!! :hugs:
SignoraL: I still can't believe it! I am patting my abdomen and saying multiple times, OMG is there really something in there?!!!! As you know, I tested today 02/02!

Is there a way to calculate a due date?

Think positive - to you all a :bfp:

WOW! That's excellent news LearningLife - I'm so happy for you. A big congratulations! :happydance::yipee::wohoo::headspin:

If you only tested today then I bet the news hasn't sunk in yet! Have you told your DH or are you going to surprise him later? Oh, and as for due date, they figure it out from the first day of your last period. There's a ton of due date calendars online and they're pretty accurate.

Sending you a big CONGRATULATIONS and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! :hugs:
Thank you Happenstance!!! You are right, it's a weird, surreal feeling right now. This morning I was feeling horrible - bad wisdom tooth pain + head cold with fever and all, but decided to test once just to see - was waiting for AF to arrive btwn. Jan22-Feb7 and initially thought I'd test on/after Feb7th...I think today is 10dpo...?

Anyway, DH was in the shower when I tested this morning. It took the Amazon strip just 5 secs. to turn positive and it turned darker as the seconds (5 mins) went by and I said, omg, omg, omg!!! I told DH right away, "We are having a baby!!!" He turns the shower off, toweling himself and just standing there (lol) until I told him to quick put his glasses on and come out here and look! I made him take a picture of the strip just for keeps!!! The strip is still laying on the table - should probably throw it away!

Re: Due date - mine is going to be messed up because, although I am generally irregular, AF came unusually late in Dec...and I know I only got pg. this month...BD'd almost every other day, when possible, from CD8 onwards...

Congratulations to you as well and sending you lots of sticky :dust:


SignoraL: I still can't believe it! I am patting my abdomen and saying multiple times, OMG is there really something in there?!!!! As you know, I tested today 02/02!

Is there a way to calculate a due date?

Think positive - to you all a :bfp:

WOW! That's excellent news LearningLife - I'm so happy for you. A big congratulations! :happydance::yipee::wohoo::headspin:

If you only tested today then I bet the news hasn't sunk in yet! Have you told your DH or are you going to surprise him later? Oh, and as for due date, they figure it out from the first day of your last period. There's a ton of due date calendars online and they're pretty accurate.

Sending you a big CONGRATULATIONS and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! :hugs:
LearningLife Your husband must have got a real shock coming out of the shower!!! :rofl: I'm sorry you're not feeling too great, I hope that your excitement works as an antidote and you feel better in no time!

Right, I've tried to work out your due date based on you o day. If you were 10dpo yesterday then your o day would be 23 January, is that right? If so, I reckon your due date is around the 15th October. So, it's a little October baby for you! :headspin::yipee::happydance:

Lotus Womb 15dpo and temps still high - it's looking really good! I know you're not planning on testing till 19dpo, but I can't wait that long. How about we compromise at 16dpo? :haha:

SignoraL I know what you mean about the EPO, FF was getting slightly confused with me too but it eventually settled on a date. The EPO worked its magic for me and I'm keeping everything crossed that it does the same for you this month and that you don't need to bother with any further tests. I found my DH's results and motility was approx 25% (should be 50% or more) and morphology was just 7% (and they would like 15% or more). However, low figures on these results didn't stop me getting pg. My doctor kept saying to me 'all you need is one' and I'm saying the same to you. I've got all my crossables crossed for you! :hugs:
CD31. No AF, but suddenly no symptoms. Heartbroken! :(
Sorry to all the ladies who got AF

Well the :witch: got me yesterday CD 2 for me now. Feeling really sad today :cry:. But onto the next cycle.

The good news is as last month was my first month temping I now know I probably ovulate on cd 16 and my LP is 13 days where I always thought it was 14 so I would have been counting my ovulations wrong.

Anyway best of luck to anyone still waiting.

Neha don't give up till you see the :witch:

Sorry to hear AF got you Lotusbomb- this next cycle will be ours :)

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