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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

hello_kitty_t, I don't produce much CM either, so I used Evening Primrose Oil last month and it produced a TON of CM (6 days straight of EWCM or watery CM!) My RE told me to stop taking it this month because the estrogen might affect my blood tests (so be careful - I was only doing 1-2 capsules a day until ovulation - don't take it after because it can cause uterine contractions - here's more info: https://www.babyhopes.com/articles/epo.html ). How long have you been temping? If you are ovulating, your follicular phase (the period from menstruation to ovulation) temps should be lower and then you'll see a rise post-ovulation and your luteal phase (ovulation to menstruation) temps should be higher. Keep tracking for a few months and you should see a biphasic pattern if your are ovulating. Don't stress over it too much though.

Happenstance, The tests are a little nerve-wracking, but I'll be fine. Basically, all three of the ones for next week are to see if there are any blockages, scarring, etc. in my uterus and fallopian tubes. I just need to take a little Advil with a few of them. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

You probably saw from her journal, rosababy is still in the hospital. We went to visit her and her DH yesterday and she was feeling a bit better, but as you probably saw, she had a rough night. The good thing is the baby is doing well and hopefully rosababy will be able to come home tomorrow (we've been watching their sweet dog in the meantime). Please say some prayers for her, her DH and their baby.
Thanks Signora. I just started my chart this month so hopefully it'll make more sense soon.
SignoraL best of luck with all of your tests next week and fingers crossed they find everything to be exactly as it should. :hugs:

Poor Rosababy, she's gone through so much already. Do they have any idea what's causing it? I hope they find out what it is and are able to fix it asap. Like you say, the good news is that she and baby are doing well. I'll keep them, and you, in my prayers. And good luck with looking after their dog - I love dogs but they can be pretty hard work at times!

Well, I've got my scan tomorrow. This is when I should find out if there's a baby in there or not. I've been praying for positive news but it's really hard to keep my chin up. I know it sounds strange, but I almost prefer blissful ignorance. Tomorrow will be a black or white answer. Today is going to seem like the longest day ever!

Hello Kitty good luck with the BBT charting. It takes a bit of time to see a pattern but I'm glad I started BBT as it told me so much about what was happening with my body. It's frustrating at times but definitely worth it. Are you using Fertility Friend to chart it? That's where I chart mine and I've always found it to be really good. But if you've got any questions then ask them here. SignoraL has been charting for ages so she's like a BBT guru! :hugs:
Hi ladies.

Signora- I don't know what's going on with Rosababy but please say hi to her and I will keep her in my thoughts. Also, I will be thinking of you while you go through all your tests.

Happenstance- I have positive thoughts for your appt today. Please keep us posted.
I have a paper chart but I did enter the info into FF. Haven't updated the last few days of info though. I will have to check out this Evening Primrose. Although, I don't think I lack CM. Last month when I was not observing it, I had one day that there was a ton, tmi, sorry. But this month when I am LOOKING for it, it isn't making an appearance. Darn confusing bodies. :p
Thank you for your kind thoughts, Happenstance. I will be praying for you and your LO that everything goes well with your scan. :hugs:

Thanks, babyfeva! I will pass along your thoughts to rosababy! We haven't heard from her or her DH, but hopefully she will be able to leave the hospital today. :hugs:
Hey ladies,

I need some advice please! I'm only on CD 8 and last month I ovulated around CD 17 per FF and the use of OPK. I started temping last month and found it very interesting. Now this month I am trying to chart my cervical fluid as well. I read Taking Charge of your Fertility and it was definitely an eye-opening book.

See here is my problem... I never paid this much attention to my cervical fluid before now and this morning I felt like I had watery cervical fluid. Sorry to get so personal, but I literally felt like I wet myself. Now I know that my cervical fluid should be like this when I get close to ovulating, but I think it is still early for me. We :sex: just in case, but now I feel like charting my cervical fluid is confusing me more then actually helping me. What do you guys think? Any advice? I figure when in doubt... :sex:
Hey hello_kitty_t and Lillyrose20wd, I charted and kept track of CM for a long time (about 8-9 months, 11 cycles - I started the cycle before we started TTC) and I can honestly say - it seems like when you're looking for it, it never happens when you expect it. hello_kitty_t, I also saw it before we started TTC and then it totally disappeared as soon as I was started waiting for it. It's funny like that! I think it's kind of like how DHs want :sex: all the time, but when you start TTC, they suddenly feel the pressure. All I can say is, keep track of the chart and CM, but don't stress yourself out over it. That's one relief for me to be at this point in the journey and seeing an RE - no need to chart this month (depending on how our tests go, I might try it again, I might not).

Great news - rosababy is out of the hospital and resting at home! :happydance:

Happenstance, any news? I've been praying for you and your LO! :hugs:
SignoraL, thanks for the shout out. I'm home now, ladies. Doc thought it was a cyst rupturing, then thought it was a kidney stone, possibly an ectopic (one of the embryos got lost on the way) and then we ruled everything out and are back to OHSS (ovarian hyper-stimulating syndrome from IVF) and a pretty large cyst on my left ovary. It was touch and go for a while but I'm good now.

Happenstance, good luck with your scan tomorrow!
Me and my fiance have been together for almost 4 yrs. we had a mc last yr :cry:
my hubby wants to try again, ever since my mc i dont ovulate. i got put on clomid tomorrow i will start my first try 100mg 3-7 i ovulated last month this is the first time in 4months i ovulate. im young. im 20 and my fiance is 24. what are my chances of having multiples if my mom has a set of fraternal twins and my aunt has 2 sets twins run in my family ? of course they had theirs all naturally with no fertility drugs. since im young will the clomid work well??
Thank you for you answers?
im hoping i only have to go through one cycle of clomid and it will work :cry:
Rosababy- sorry to hear you were going through that. I'm sure it was not fun. I'm glad that you're out though and that you're better. Keep us posted.
Well ladies, it's great news. They saw a little blob (the baby) and a heartbeat! :happydance: It was completely surreal and so fantastic. I don't think I've ever been so emotional! What a great day!

Thank you all for your support and reassurance - looks like your love and prayers paid off! :happydance:

Sending you all MASSIVE :hugs: from me and my blob!
Oh Happenstance- that's great news!!! I'm so happy for you. What a wonderful Valentines gift. :) Enjoy your day!
GREAT news, happenstance!! :happydance: Did they give you a scan pic? So happy for you!
Happenstance thats such great news :flower: now you cna relax :coffee: a bit and enjoy!!!!

Unfortunatly I am out this month :cry: My DB had an old knee injury that flared up really bad yesterday at work he is a P.T. He is in soo much pain and it effecting both knees. He can't really BD over next 5 days maybe less depending on recovery. He said we better wait till next month to TCC again. My yesterday today and Friday BD plan are out :cry::cry:.....
On the positive side his osteopath has recoemended he take 1000mg of Vit C for his knee, which I have read is great for sperm quality and count. I don't think there is a problem with his boys but it can't hurt.
I will also take the oppotunity just to learn my cycle and see all the pg symtoms I get when I can't possibly be pg :nope:
Also his health is important so I will just nurse him back to health asap

Anyways I will check in with you guys and see when you all get your BFP, I will be back in March for my spring freak week lmao

Lotus Womb- I hope your hubby heals soon. Take care of him.
Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day!

rosababy, I know I said this before, but so glad that you are home!!! I read on your journal about your DH's V-day gift - so sweet!!!

Happenstance, so happy that you saw your sweet LO!!! Congrats!!!

Lotus Womb, sorry you're out (I'm kind of out for this month, too - with all the testing, there's not really time for my DH and I to BD before I O - if I haven't already). Hopefully I will rejoin everyone next month, too. I hope your DH heals quickly!

Welcome, Smh..Ahh! We're glad you are joining us. Unfortunately I don't have any answers to your question on Clomid since I've never used it, but my SIL is a twin and told me it isn't necessarily hereditary? I don't know if that's true or not, though. But good luck with the Clomid and hopefully you will get your BFP soon!

I had my first big fertility test today (this was actually the hysteroscopy - where they inserted a small camera in my uterus and looked around and the endometrial biopsy, where they took a piece of the uterine lining). I can honestly say, it was one of the most painful experiences of my life, but thankfully, altogether, it only lasted five minutes and just feels like dull menstrual cramps now with a little spotting. The doc and the nurse and I chatted about our honeymoon to Italy in summer 2010 during the hysteroscopy and that made things a little better (although my voice was shaking because it was hurting) but during the endometrial biopsy, which lasted all of a minute, the nurse was talking (rosababy, it was Jo - sweet but quite chatty), so unfortunately I ended up focusing on the pain more than I think I would have if I was concentrating on talking. Luckily, the HSG, which is tomorrow, and the sonohysterogram, which is Friday, are not as bad. The things we do to have a baby!

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