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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Sorry about AF, Lotus Womb!!! Although, as I said yesterday - this thread seems to be pretty lucky. We have three ladies already who have gotten BFPs in the last couple of months and eight (?) more to go. I think we can do it!

Thanks, Happenstance. I'm hoping that the same is true for us, but trying not to get my hopes up too much for this month.
Thanks Babyfeva yes I am going to be nothing but positive this cycle there is lots of :dust: to spread around!!

SignoraL you are right we can do it :happydance:

Thank you guys you are so supportive it really helps especialy during horrible AF time lol!!
Lotus Womb I'm so sorry to hear AF arrived. :hugs: But I'm glad you're keeping your chin up and let's hope that next month is your month :flower:

I'm glad you've started temping, I only started a couple of months ago but it gives a great insight into what's happening with our bodies. Besides, now you have a better idea of your o time, there's even more chance of getting a lovely BFP really soon. Do you use anything else? E.g OPKS?

Take care :hugs:
Lotus Womb I'm so sorry to hear AF arrived. :hugs: But I'm glad you're keeping your chin up and let's hope that next month is your month :flower:

I'm glad you've started temping, I only started a couple of months ago but it gives a great insight into what's happening with our bodies. Besides, now you have a better idea of your o time, there's even more chance of getting a lovely BFP really soon. Do you use anything else? E.g OPKS?

Take care :hugs:

Thanks Hun, I have just been checking cervical mucus and CP but thinkiing of getting some opk's this month also. Yes I have to be positive and make it happen.

How have you been feeling, hope all is well with you. :winkwink:
Happenstance: I got a + and - OPK on 01/24 so that was either O'day or perhaps the day after? It's all very confusing. Just made sure to BD that day and the next and must have BD'd 1/22 as well?!

YAY for October babies. You are very sweet to calculate!

Lotus Womb: DISLIKE that AF got you but here's to hoping a BFP for you in this next cycle! Using the OPK (for the first time in Jan!) helped me a lot. The temping confused me, wasn't sure what I was looking for exactly but did notice at least a 1 degree increase just before I got a + OPK. I only temped two days after so have no idea whether the temp decreased after that. We were traveling so it wasn't possible to keep up with everything.

SignoraL: Next cycle - JOIN ME!!!


LearningLife Your husband must have got a real shock coming out of the shower!!! :rofl: I'm sorry you're not feeling too great, I hope that your excitement works as an antidote and you feel better in no time!

Right, I've tried to work out your due date based on you o day. If you were 10dpo yesterday then your o day would be 23 January, is that right? If so, I reckon your due date is around the 15th October. So, it's a little October baby for you! :headspin::yipee::happydance:

Lotus Womb 15dpo and temps still high - it's looking really good! I know you're not planning on testing till 19dpo, but I can't wait that long. How about we compromise at 16dpo? :haha:

SignoraL I know what you mean about the EPO, FF was getting slightly confused with me too but it eventually settled on a date. The EPO worked its magic for me and I'm keeping everything crossed that it does the same for you this month and that you don't need to bother with any further tests. I found my DH's results and motility was approx 25% (should be 50% or more) and morphology was just 7% (and they would like 15% or more). However, low figures on these results didn't stop me getting pg. My doctor kept saying to me 'all you need is one' and I'm saying the same to you. I've got all my crossables crossed for you! :hugs:
Many congrats, LearningLife! I'm on CD34 today. No sign of AF, but I've always had irregular cycles and my cycle length varies from 32 to 37 days. I would wait for another week before doing the test.

Not experiencing "symptoms" from past few days. :nope: Boobs are not sore, but slightly painful to touch. Craving for tart candies from past couple of days, though I've always hated anything with a tart taste.

Hoping for the best! :baby:
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give you a quick update. Unfortunately, I won't be joining the preggo group this month. AF came on Tuesday and so I'm on to cycle 10.

However, on Monday, DH and I visited the RE that rosababy recommended and liked him a lot. It's a small practice, so there's just one doctor there. We found out DH's count was actually on the low side, in addition to motility and morphology (I guess it happens a lot with men who have occupations where they sit a lot, especially in the computer technology field, which is DH's field). So as I mentioned earlier, he's got male prenatals he's been taking and various changes he's been making - getting up and moving around at work, no alcohol, no hot showers, no laptop on the lap (he always puts a pillow under the laptop anyways), only boxers (he doesn't wear briefs anyways). He has a follow-up test on March 7.

So now we're moving on to doing some testing for me (I know we still have some months before we hit the one-year mark, but insurance covers it, so we said now is just as good a time as any). I went yesterday to have another thyroid test (RE's are more exact with the numbers than regular endocrinologists) and next week I have an HSG, Sonohysterogram and Endometrial Biopsy, and a Hysteroscopy scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and an exam/sonogram/cervical cultures scheduled for the 27th.

I also have to make some slight changes to my diet - cut out most carbs (can still do whole wheat pasta and bread, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal - stuff like that) and sugar (none in my coffee, need to eat less sugary fruit like berries, green apples, etc.) I haven't had alcohol since Christmas, so no need to worry about that. The doc said that cutting carbs might help lengthen my cycle. He said I can keep going with prenatals and B-Complex, but to cut out the Evening Primrose Oil because of the estrogen. I can keep exercising, but can't do anything high impact.

I'm a little nervous, but having my loving and supportive DH and parents help. And the fact that rosababy and her DH have been through all helps us a lot too, because I have a better idea of what to expect. I have to admit, I felt fine after the appt., but felt quite sad yesterday and a bit worried because our insurance only covers testing, not IVF or IUI if we get there - but as DH pointed out, we could very well get through these tests and DH's boys could improve and we could get pregnant naturally (the doc even said to keep trying). But if not, it's okay too. We're going to open another bank account and try to put money in each paycheck to cover it (and if we don't need it, it's an instant baby fund). So I'm feeling much better about it today.

I hope everyone is doing well! Thank you for your friendship and support! Wishing you all :dust:!

ADDITION - one thing I forgot to mention when I first posted this is the RE said I no longer have to chart my BBT or CM. Kind of excited about this! So no more time spent on Fertility Friend analyzing my charts!
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give you a quick update. Unfortunately, I won't be joining the preggo group this month. AF came on Tuesday and so I'm on to cycle 10.

However, on Monday, DH and I visited the RE that rosababy recommended and liked him a lot. It's a small practice, so there's just one doctor there. We found out DH's count was actually on the low side, in addition to motility and morphology (I guess it happens a lot with men who have occupations where they sit a lot, especially in the computer technology field, which is DH's field). So as I mentioned earlier, he's got male prenatals he's been taking and various changes he's been making - getting up and moving around at work, no alcohol, no hot showers, no laptop on the lap (he always puts a pillow under the laptop anyways), only boxers (he doesn't wear briefs anyways). He has a follow-up test on March 7.

So now we're moving on to doing some testing for me (I know we still have some months before we hit the one-year mark, but insurance covers it, so we said now is just as good a time as any). I went yesterday to have another thyroid test (RE's are more exact with the numbers than regular endocrinologists) and next week I have an HSG, Sonohysterogram and Endometrial Biopsy, and a Hysteroscopy scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and an exam/sonogram/cervical cultures scheduled for the 27th.

I also have to make some slight changes to my diet - cut out most carbs (can still do whole wheat pasta and bread, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal - stuff like that) and sugar (none in my coffee, need to eat less sugary fruit like berries, green apples, etc.) I haven't had alcohol since Christmas, so no need to worry about that. The doc said that cutting carbs might help lengthen my cycle. He said I can keep going with prenatals and B-Complex, but to cut out the Evening Primrose Oil because of the estrogen. I can keep exercising, but can't do anything high impact.

I'm a little nervous, but having my loving and supportive DH and parents help. And the fact that rosababy and DH have been through all helps us a lot too, because I have a better idea of what to expect. I have to admit, I felt fine after the appt., but felt quite sad yesterday and a bit worried because our insurance only covers testing, not IVF or IUI if we get there - but as DH pointed out, we could very well get through these tests and DH's boys could improve and we could get pregnant naturally (the doc even said to keep trying). But if not, it's okay too. We're going to open another bank account and try to put money in each paycheck to cover it (and if we don't need it, it's an instant baby fund). So I'm feeling much better about it today.

I hope everyone is doing well! Thank you for your friendship and support! Wishing you all :dust:!

ADDITION - one thing I forgot to mention when I first posted this is the RE said I no longer have to chart my BBT or CM. Kind of excited about this! So no more time spent on Fertility Friend analyzing my charts!

Sorry about AF coming. However all you are doing sounds very positive so wishing you the best of luck :flower::hugs:

Wow, this is a progression. It's so nice to have a doctor that really cares and is having you do all these tests. I really wish you the best and I hope to still see you on the thread. I wanna hear what's going on with you. :)
Sorry to hear about your AF coming, SignoraL. How I hate that witch! I'm on CD37 today. No sign of AF. Somehow I'm having a feeling I'm not preggo... maybe I didn't ovulate this month. No symptoms as such, but feeling sick since morning. Guess that's because I tried something new in the breakfast today, and it tasted like crap. Would probably do the test on Sunday.
SignoraL sorry about AF showing :hugs: But I'm so glad you had a positive experience with your RE. It sounds like all your tests are going to get done really quickly (we normally have to wait an age for any of these things over here) so that's really good news. The fact that DH will be making changes too is great - you'll be like a TTC tag team, attacking it from both angles! :haha: I've never heard that cutting carbs can improve your LP, that's really interesting. And I hadn't realised the EPO could have caused any problems - is that because it could affect your ovulation or is it some other reason?

I'll pray that all your tests come back positive and, if not, that they are very easily and quickly treated. I know you'll have that BFP in your hand very, very soon. Like you say, you have a great support network around you - both online and offline and we're all rooting for you. I'm sure it won't come to IUI or IVF but I think it's really wise to start putting some cash away every month - however, I'm sure it'll be used for nothing other than a wonderful baby fund to spoil your little one.

Oh, and :happydance: for not having to take BBT anymore!!! No more 6.30am starts for you! I'm thinking of you and please keep us updated on what's happening :hugs:

Neha good luck with testing on Sunday :flower:

babyfeva and Lotus Womb how are you ladies doing? When are you due to o?

LearningLife hope you're doing well and that the news is starting to sink in!
SignoraL sorry about AF showing :hugs: But I'm so glad you had a positive experience with your RE. It sounds like all your tests are going to get done really quickly (we normally have to wait an age for any of these things over here) so that's really good news. The fact that DH will be making changes too is great - you'll be like a TTC tag team, attacking it from both angles! :haha: I've never heard that cutting carbs can improve your LP, that's really interesting. And I hadn't realised the EPO could have caused any problems - is that because it could affect your ovulation or is it some other reason?

I'll pray that all your tests come back positive and, if not, that they are very easily and quickly treated. I know you'll have that BFP in your hand very, very soon. Like you say, you have a great support network around you - both online and offline and we're all rooting for you. I'm sure it won't come to IUI or IVF but I think it's really wise to start putting some cash away every month - however, I'm sure it'll be used for nothing other than a wonderful baby fund to spoil your little one.

Oh, and :happydance: for not having to take BBT anymore!!! No more 6.30am starts for you! I'm thinking of you and please keep us updated on what's happening :hugs:

Neha good luck with testing on Sunday :flower:

babyfeva and Lotus Womb how are you ladies doing? When are you due to o?

LearningLife hope you're doing well and that the news is starting to sink in!

Thanks, Happenstance. Yes, this doctor isn't a "let's wait and see" so everything should be done within a month. The doctor said cutting refined carbs and sugars will actually help increase the overall cycle length (and on the plus side, it will help me shave off those final pounds I gained after our wedding). The EPO has estrogen, so he told me to stop taking it, as it may affect some of the test results.

Neha, :dust: for your testing! Hang in there!

Happenstance and LearningLife, how are you enjoying the first month or so of pregnancy?

babyfeva and Lotus Womb, good luck with your O week! :dust:
Hey Happenstance- I think I should be ovulating around the 15th. I'm gonna try the opk's. How are you doing? Where are you in your cycle?
Thanks SignoraL. All is going well with me, feeling slightly :sick: but I'm hoping that's a positive sign. Just trying to keep my chin up and praying for a positive scan on Tuesday.

I know you're friends with Rosababy IRL and I saw on her journal that's she's on morphine at the moment. I hope she's doing okay and is starting to feel better, you can pass on my regards to her :hugs:

When is your first test?

Babyfeva your ovulating on 15th? Sounds like you'll have a very happy Valentine's Day!!! :haha: Happy BD-ing and good luck with the OPKs!

AFM: I'm now 7wks and 3days. Trying to stay positive as my first scan at 6 wks was inconclusive (only saw a yolk sac and gestational sac). My next scan's on Tuesday but it feels like forever away. Trying to stay as positive as I can :flower:
Hi ladies! It is comforting to see some people my age TTC #1. I will turn 30 this year as well as hubby. He's the one who's wanted to wait to start trying even though I have told him I've read it can take up to a year for normal healthy couples. So, this is our first month of TTC. I am on CD15 and had my first positive OPK today!! It was 5:30 am but I went & woke him up for a baby dance because we haven't done it in a few days, lol. He wasn't thrilled but he knows it's important to me so he let me do my thang, hehe. I am glad I found this thread! :D
Hi ladies! It is comforting to see some people my age TTC #1. I will turn 30 this year as well as hubby. He's the one who's wanted to wait to start trying even though I have told him I've read it can take up to a year for normal healthy couples. So, this is our first month of TTC. I am on CD15 and had my first positive OPK today!! It was 5:30 am but I went & woke him up for a baby dance because we haven't done it in a few days, lol. He wasn't thrilled but he knows it's important to me so he let me do my thang, hehe. I am glad I found this thread! :D

:hi: hello kitty and welcome!

There's a great bunch of ladies on this thread and I'm glad you've joined to share the journey. Great news on your positive OPK, get BD-ing! Hopefully your BFP is just around the corner :flower:
Hey Happenstance

Glad your well, good luck for Tuesday. Well prepping for O which should be the 17th Feb. I have my OPK's at the ready this cycle.
Good Luck for Tuesday and stay positive.

Welcome hello_Kitty_t sounds like your prime for O and the start of 2 week wait. Good Luck.

Welcome hello_kitty_t and glad that you can join us! This thread is incredible supportive and it's great to have friends on here who understand. Yay for your positive OPK and getting into BD-ing! Are you doing any temping or charting CM? You have a great attitude, but here's hoping your TTC journey is short and sweet and you become a mommy-to-be soon! Wishing you a :dust: and a :bfp: on a pregnancy test next!

babyfeva and Lotus Womb - you're O-ing Valentine's week too! Good luck and lots and lots of :dust: to you.

Happenstance, thanks for your thoughts for rosababy. I haven't talked to her in person yet (just on here), but hope to see her soon and will pass along your regards. I'm so glad that she and the baby are okay. I'll be thinking about you and your bean too. Keep up with the positive thoughts!

I actually had my first test yesterday - a CD 3 blood test to check my hormones and a u/s. The RE said it looks like I may be O-ing early (contrary to what my BBT seemed to be saying) and that my follicles look like they should on day 6 instead of day 3. He thinks my ovaries look a bit older and smaller, but he said he'll know more after other tests. I have a Hysteroscopy and Endometrial Biopsy next Wednesday, a HSG on Thursday and a Sonohysterogram on Friday.

How is everyone else doing? neha, any news? LearningLife, how are you feeling?
Thanks Lotus Womb, your kind thoughts mean a lot. :hugs: And great news that you'll be o-ing around Valentine's Day - makes it all the more romantic! :winkwink:

SignoraL glad your tests have already started. Sounds like you have a busy few days coming up though - you'll need a holiday after all this! I haven't even heard of many of those tests. :blush: It's interesting that you look like you'll be o-ing early despite the BBT, it just goes to show that we shouldn't put all of our faith in our tracking methods. Sometimes our bodies just do what they want to do, despite our best efforts!

It's good that you get your results fairly quickly too. I'm keeping everything crossed that you get good news from all of your tests. And I'm glad to hear that Rosababy's doing much better now. She's lucky to have a good friend like you who understands what she's going through and who can take good care of her. Hope you and your DH are taking it easy too, all these tests can be stressful so just make sure you're both taking time out to relax. Sending you :hugs:
I am charting my BBT and CM. So far this month I've had no CM at all?? I always have CM, every month, I've never paid attention to it though. Also the chart doesn't seem to have any pattern to me yet. Hopefully if I continue for a few months it'll start to make sense.

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