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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Signora- I'm sorry that the procedure was uncomfortable. Wishing you much look for the rest of your tests!
Thanks, babyfeva! How are you doing lately? I saw you thought you O-ed early?
Hey Signora,

I think I ovulated either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Totally confused this month b/c I only used opk's and missed a few days. Got a positive on Friday. I really did try and just be more relaxed this month, which is nice.
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments, it's very much appreciated.

Rosababy I'm so glad you're out of hospital now and I hope you're remembering to take it easy. You've gone through so much lately but yet you have such a great attitude - your LO is very lucky to have such a great mum :thumbup:

And yes, I got a scan pic :happydance: It just looks like a little blob, but I've posted it at the end of this post for you to see!

Lotus Womb I'm so sorry your DB has hurt his knee and has put an end to the BD for this month. I really hope he gets better soon. And I admire your positive outlook, I'm sure you will get your BFP really soon. By the way, I too have heard great things about vit C and sperm quality. I had DH on vit C and zinc as they're meant to improve the swimmers and, like you say, it can't hurt!

Please know that you're in my thoughts and I hope your DB feels better soon. Don't be a stranger from this thread, we'd miss you! :hugs:

SignoraL I'm so sorry that your test was so painful - I'm so, so sorry you had to go through that. However, I'm also very impressed that you were so brave and managed to get through it. :hugs: At least that's the worst one out of the way (although, I'm sure that didn't make it any better at the time). Oh, and I know this is a bit off subject, but your honeymoon in Italy sounds great, where did you go? I LOVE Italy! And when did you guys get married? Was it quite recently?

I'll pray that all of your other tests go much more smoothly and that you get a positive outcome with your test results. :hugs:

Babyfeva thanks for your kind thoughts. And yay for o-ing :happydance: Let's hope this is your last ever TWW. Sending you lots and lots of :dust:

Smh..Ahh sorry, I've never tried Clomid so can't help either. But I wish you a lot of luck with it and hope you get your BFP soon :hugs:


  • 14.02.12 eight week scan small.jpg
    14.02.12 eight week scan small.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 4
Thanks so Much Happenstance, I will def stay connected with you guys. It will keep me Sane. :hugs:

Ahh love your scan pic it is amamzing hun so happy for you.

Well I am going to reserve a copy of taking charge of your fertility from my local Library. Also picked up a book called how to get pregnant real cheap from the 2nd hand book store. So I have my reading to do and I will take it as a cleanse and research month lol.

:dust: to all
Oh Happenstance, so excited about your LO!!! Thank you for sharing the scan!!! When are you due by the way? And you should get a ticker now like rosababy has!!!

Also, thank you for your kind thoughts. I had the second test today (the HSG - a dye test and it hurt a bit, but not as bad - just strong cramps for a couple of minutes). The good thing is - the doc said everything looked perfect on this one - the dye went right through my uterus and fallopian tubes. So that was a relief. I just have the sonohysterogram left - they'll put a saline solution in my uterus to look at the walls. That's the easiest of them all.

We got married on June 26, 2010 and left for Italy the day after and stayed for two weeks. We LOVED it! We stayed in Florence for four nights, Rome for four nights and Sorrento for four nights (and the other two days were traveling) and we took side trips to Siena, Pompeii, Capri and Positano. Both DH and I are Italian-American, so we had always wanted to go there, and now we can't wait to go back. We loved everything about it - the landscapes and cityscapes, the art, the pace of life, the Vespas - and most of all, the food and wine!
Signora, SO glad the hsg went well! Glad it didn't hurt that much either. The sonohyst is nothing, especially compared to the other 2. Did they suggest you take pain meds for that one? I don't think they did for me. The hysteroscopy/endo biopsy was more than just a little uncomfortable...:wacko: I'll be happy to NEVER do that again. Made me realize I could not have a natural childbirth. :haha: Are you taking the rest of the day off from work?

Happenstance, GREAT scan pic! So cute! When is your next scan? You'll be surprised at how much the baby changes each week. :awww:
Thanks, rosababy! :hugs: I was relieved that it went well - that it was only painful for a couple of minutes and that the dye flowed through. My dad said he woke up at 2:30 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep and was praying about it (luckily he's off because my parents' new kitchen is being done this week).

Question though, did your uterus tilt slightly on the image? Mine was somewhat at an angle, but he didn't say anything about it, so I was wondering if maybe it was natural - he seems to mention little things like my uterus looking slightly enflamed or redder than usual, so I thought he would have mentioned it if something looked off. I can't wait for everything to be "revealed." My guess is that will be in March after M's second SA.

I don't know if I could every do the hysteroscopy/endometrial biopsy again. I mentioned to Dr. S that I have a really low tolerance for pain, but he said I did well yesterday and today. They said I didn't need Advil for the sonohyst, but I might take some anyways. I'm working though, but taking it easy and probably will leave a little earlier.

BTW, I will definitely NOT have a natural childbirth either! Ha!

How are you feeling? How is J? Our house feels quiet without Maize there; not that she was loud, but she did give us that 4 a.m. wakeup call on Sunday that we didn't miss!
I forgot to say, so excited you will be 11 weeks tomorrow! Are you still planning to contact everyone at week 12 (and post on Facebook)? B&A and M's parents ask how you guys are when we talk to them and it's so tough playing dumb!
I don't remember if my uterus tilted...however, if it was an issue, I'm sure doc would have said something. Great news that the tubes are free and clear!! My test was inconclusive, hence the laparoscopy and the IVF. I told doc about my low tolerance and he also said I did great. He said some women are just awful and can't handle it. I'm like I was sobbing, so I don't know how that means "handled it well" but whatever. :haha:

I'm feeling okay. last night was not a good night, I woke up several times. Dh is feeling better, but still sick. Maize has pretty much ignored us. She didn't get a walk yesterday because we were both so bad, and she's not letting us off the hook today. Already giving us the eyes. :wacko: How many times do we have to tell you...sleep with your door closed! She would totally wake us up too if we had our door open! :dohh:

I forgot to say, so excited you will be 11 weeks tomorrow! Are you still planning to contact everyone at week 12 (and post on Facebook)? B&A and M's parents ask how you guys are when we talk to them and it's so tough playing dumb!

Yay! :happydance: I'm not sure...my scan is 13 weeks, so I may wait until then. Yes, I'll tell my boss and a few more friends first and then announce on FB. Thanks for keeping our secret. Do you think they're fishing for some info or just asking in general?
Haha, we do sleep with the door closed! But because we still have the wood floor up there, we can hear her pacing back and forth when she decides it's time. Normally we'll try to ignore her for a bit, but I figured because she was up so early, she must really have had to go!

I'm sorry last night wasn't a good night's sleep for you. I actually slept, but I was uncomfortable for a while, so I got up to put a heating pad on my abdomen on low. That helped. I felt uncomfortable when I tried sleeping on my stomach.

I don't think B&A and M's parents are fishing for information, but I think because they know we're doing fertility testing and going to the same doc as you guys, when we tell them about our tests or something, they must think of you guys. Normally they'd ask how you guys are anyways, but they always seem to ask right around the time we're talking about the doctor. We've been mum on it though. M says it will be funny when we get a call from B mentioning that you're preggo and we're like, yeah, we've known forever! A was already 4-5 weeks pregnant when they told us, so we only had to keep it for like 7-8 weeks, I think? Haha.
LOL! :rofl: I can just imagine Maize trit trotting back and forth, knowing FULL WELL that her nails make that noise. Did she scratch her collar and shake her tags too? :nope: She does that on purpose you know.
Just like she pushes her bowl across the floor to remind me that it's time to feed her. ;)
Is it weird to feel great after the week I've had? Because I feel pretty great (a nice contrast to last night, because I felt bloated and crampy)! I had my last test for this week - the sonohysterogram, a test in which they injected saline into my uterus and it only pinched for a second. My doctor said everything looks good and told me that I was ovulating within 48 hours - he told me to go home and have fun this weekend! So maybe we're not out for this month. Hoping BD-ing won't be painful, but the doctor said I should be fine. So that's good news! In other news, DH got his standing work station all set up, so he's using that. Only HR and his boss (DH actually mentioned he and his wife took a year to conceive the first, so he was quite empathetic) know; everyone else thinks it's for back pain. LOL! So anyways, I have one more test on the 27th - just a u/s and cervical culture. Then DH has his second SA on March 7th and then hopefully after that we'll get all the results of our fertility testing. I know there is still much to learn and maybe we'll conceive naturally and maybe we won't, but feeling okay about it today. Maybe it being Friday has something to do with it, too. ;)

How is everyone else doing? rosababy, we should get together and have virgin margaritas in honor of your 11-week lime baby! :hugs:
BTW, he also said uterus tilting a bit to one side or another is completely normal.
Haha, rosababy, your new profile pic is awesome. I think she must get confused and forgets where the toy is at our house because we didn't see much of it.
LOL! This is the day she figured out she could pick it up and bring it to us. :dohh: Not like she's a retriever or anything. :wacko:

I'm glad you're done testing. :thumbup: The hard part is over now.
Happenstance, I'm so delighted your scan went well this week. Such a relief. How good to see your wee 'blob' :) Grow baby grow.
This thread has been quiet lately! How has everyone's weekend been? We mostly just relaxed all weekend, but got some BD-ing in on Friday, Saturday and today since my doc told me on Friday morning that I would O within 48 hours! :winkwink:

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