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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Hello everyone!
Signora- good job with all the bding!!
Afm- this morning in the shower I decided to check my cp/cm for some odd reason. I thought I had saw some very light brown/beige tinge to my cm but thought I was seeing things b/c I didn't have my contacts in. Later we bd'd and when we were cleaning up we saw the same thing. I haven't had it again but I really hope it's not AF coming. She's not due until 5-8 days. I'm so confused. I have no other symptoms...

How's everyone else?
Hello everyone!
Signora- good job with all the bding!!
Afm- this morning in the shower I decided to check my cp/cm for some odd reason. I thought I had saw some very light brown/beige tinge to my cm but thought I was seeing things b/c I didn't have my contacts in. Later we bd'd and when we were cleaning up we saw the same thing. I haven't had it again but I really hope it's not AF coming. She's not due until 5-8 days. I'm so confused. I have no other symptoms...

How's everyone else?

Thanks, babyfeva! FX-ed that it's implantation bleeding!
SignoraL I'm so glad your testing is nearly over. And I'm glad to hear that your DH has been given a new workstation, that sounds great. It's nice to hear of employers who take these things seriously. And it's great that your tests seem to be coming back clear.

Your honeymoon sounds amazing. I've been to Italy a few times but haven't been to Florence or Rome yet. We went to Sorrento a few years ago and thought it was amazing! We too visited Pompeii, Capri and Positano and I thought they were quite simply out of this world. Capri was like a little bit of paradise. I'd love to go back some day. Oh, how I miss the pasta!

I'm glad you and DH got busy this weekend, let's hope the next test you take is an HPT. Praying for your BFP. :hugs:

Onebumpplease thanks for your kind thoughts, let's hope it listens to you and continues to grow! How are you doing? :hugs:

Babyfeva have you had any more spotting? Like SignoraL says, let's hope it's implantation bleeding. Keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:

AFM: my spotting returned with a vengeance on Saturday. Bright red and then turned to brown. I completely freaked out! EPU asked to see me for another scan this morning and baby seems to be okay despite the fact I'm still spotting. My u/s tech reckons I might just be one of these women who spots throughout pregnancy. I really hope not, I don't think my nerves could handle it! The good news is that it's starting to look less like a blob and more like a jelly baby!

Fingers crossed for all of you ladies in the TWW :hugs:
Happenstance- I'm glad to hear your scan looks good. I hear that a lot of women spot during pregnancy. I'm sure it's stressful but try and enjoy your journey. :)

Afm- no more spotting but this morning I went to check my cp and it was so high I could barely reach it. I know that your cp doesn't really mean anything but it kind of makes me hopeful.
That does sound stressful Happpenstance. But at least they are keeping a close eye on things to make sure.

I'm waiting to O and am on the every other day plan till I get a +opk. Heard of 2 pregnancies today, noone I personally know, friends of friends. But its still a wee bit hard when it is something we are thinking about soooo often...:coffee:
Today, I had a little bit more spotting, slightly darker than yesterdays. Little on my underwear and some while checking cp. I really hope it's not AF. She's not due until Saturday-Monday. :( So confused...
Today, I had a little bit more spotting, slightly darker than yesterdays. Little on my underwear and some while checking cp. I really hope it's not AF. She's not due until Saturday-Monday. :( So confused...

How many DPO do you think you are?? If AF isn't due until Saturday-Monday then this spotting very well could be implantation bleeding. I have my fingers x for you. Please keep us updated on how you are feeling :hugs:
Thanks Lillyrose- I'm about 9dpo. I used the restroom a little while ago and the spotting is a little bit heavier. :( I usually have a 28-30 day cycle. If AF starts today then that would put me at 24 days. That's too early!
Thanks Lillyrose- I'm about 9dpo. I used the restroom a little while ago and the spotting is a little bit heavier. :( I usually have a 28-30 day cycle. If AF starts today then that would put me at 24 days. That's too early!

Hey babyfeva! That does seem early and hopefully it's not AF come early! Do you normally have spotting before AF or is your first day usually medium or heavy? Hopefully, Lillyrose20wd is right though, it could still be implantation bleeding. Praying for you!
Hey Signora,

I usually have spotting just 1-3 days before AF but not this early. It's so strange. I don't have any hpts either. Maybe I should just wait and see...
Hey Signora,

I usually have spotting just 1-3 days before AF but not this early. It's so strange. I don't have any hpts either. Maybe I should just wait and see...

I still think it sounds promising!! I would wait another few days before you test. The timing of your spotting sounds like implantation bleeding. You really wouldn't having enough hCG in your blood stream to show up on a hpt for a few days after implantation. If you test too early you will just be disappointed if it comes back negative. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.:winkwink:
Hey Signora,

I usually have spotting just 1-3 days before AF but not this early. It's so strange. I don't have any hpts either. Maybe I should just wait and see...

I still think it sounds promising!! I would wait another few days before you test. The timing of your spotting sounds like implantation bleeding. You really wouldn't having enough hCG in your blood stream to show up on a hpt for a few days after implantation. If you test too early you will just be disappointed if it comes back negative. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.:winkwink:

I agree with Lillyrose20wd. Maybe try holding off until Friday or Saturday if you can? Hold off on buying HPTs until then so you don't get tempted. :hugs: and :dust: to you!
Hello ladies! I'm back and finally mustered the courage to test last evening. And guess what! I got a :bfp: And, when I say BFP, I actually mean it to be really B and F. I got two really dark pink lines. :happydance: However, what scares me slightly is that my symptoms are not that prominent. I do have nausea on and off and sometimes feel light-headed. But that's about it.

Also, I don't want to be over-optimistic, and sometimes feel I should take another test. Is it possible to have a false positive? I was due on 4th this month, and haven't had AF till today. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Hope for the best.
Babyfeva I'm keeping everything crossed for you that it's implantation bleeding. :af::af::af: I would try not to test too early as it usually takes a few days after IB to show on an HPT. I really, really hope this is your month! Keep us updated :hugs:

Onebumpplease I know what you mean about hearing of other people's pregnancies. It's really hard. I really hope that this month is your month and that you'll be the one talking about your BFP. Hope you o soon and that a little bean is preparing to set up home in there :hugs:

Lillyrose20wd how are things with you? What cd are you on?

SignoraL are you now officially in the TWW? When's your last test this week? Hope it all goes well. :flower:

Neha congrats on the BFP!!! :happydance: And it's great that you got two strong pink lines! :happydance: Good luck at your doctor's appointment. :flower:
Thanks, Happenstance! Still I don't want to get too excited. Was just wondering if it's possible to get a false positive, especially that strong. Should I take another test?
Babyfeva I'm keeping everything crossed for you that it's implantation bleeding. :af::af::af: I would try not to test too early as it usually takes a few days after IB to show on an HPT. I really, really hope this is your month! Keep us updated :hugs:

Onebumpplease I know what you mean about hearing of other people's pregnancies. It's really hard. I really hope that this month is your month and that you'll be the one talking about your BFP. Hope you o soon and that a little bean is preparing to set up home in there :hugs:

Lillyrose20wd how are things with you? What cd are you on?

SignoraL are you now officially in the TWW? When's your last test this week? Hope it all goes well. :flower:

Neha congrats on the BFP!!! :happydance: And it's great that you got two strong pink lines! :happydance: Good luck at your doctor's appointment. :flower:

I am CD 17 and 5 DPO today. Had a really weird night :huh: I woke up from a dead sleep with really bad cramps. The kind of cramps I get when AF has arrived in full force. I went to the bathroom thinking that she arrived full force but, Nothing. Took some Tylenol and I feel ok right now. Don't know what to make of it???

Congrats Neha!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Neha!!!!!! Congrats- yes, take another test :) Wish you the best!

Happenstance- thanks so much! How are you doing?
It was so hard for me to wake up this morning and I went to bed before 10pm last night. I felt like I could sleep for days. I used the restroom this morning thinking for sure AF was here but no, still spotting brown... I think I just have an off cycle. I kind of just want to test to get it out of my head and move on...
Yay neha!!! Congratulations on your :bfp:!!! A H&H 9 months to you!!!

Okay, ladies, I think this is a lucky thread! For the last 3-4 months, we've had a BFP every month and there isn't really that many of us! So babyfeva, Lotus Womb, Lillyrose20wd, Onebumpplease and everyone else, just remember that the :bfp: is just around the corner!

Thanks, Happenstance! I'm officially in the TWW - CD 16 (I really don't know when I O-ed though - not taking my temp or using OPKs - which don't really work that well for me anyways - kind of threw me off, but my RE said on Friday that I would O within 48 hours, so we BD Friday night/Saturday morning, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. My last test is on the 27th and it's just a u/s and cervical cultures.

Lillyrose20wd, maybe implantation cramps?

Yay, rosababy and her DH are sharing their preggo news with everyone this week!!! Enjoy all the excitement and good wishes, guys!!! :hugs:

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