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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Neha, CONGRATULATIONS. I love hearing about all the BFPs on here even if its not mine, because it gives me real hope that mine is around the corner, or round quite a few corners, but on its way nonetheless. Thanks SignoraL!!

Happenstance, thanks for your wishes, fx'd you never know. OH has been good with the SMEP, CD10 so starting opk's tonight, even though not due to o till next week sometime. I want a better idea of my cycle and this will help.

Here we go ladies, we can do it, bring on those sticky beans. :)
Hi Ladies

Neha Congtatulations on your :bfp: that is great news!!

Well I have missed you all been a crazy few days. I am sure I was going to Ovulate on Friday last week but my temps have there own plan. As you know I thought I was out so maybe not. DB knee not 100% better but much better than a week ago. Not really going to count this month but you never know. I am sure the Damn OPK's were positive last Thursday and Friday :shrug: today my temps are still under the coverline. CM in and out of watery but CP seems to be medium ish. Last month after O I was creamy the next day. My cycles are never later than 32 day but average 29 day so we shall see. I seem to have alot of watery CM.

Getting a little worried that I won't O at all :nope:

I have checked my Themometer when I felt hot later in the day and temp was up so that seems to be ok. This body driving me crazy smh. I have given up on the OPKs this cycle. Just gotta :sex: on a hit and miss basis as long as it is watery.

How are you all?

Lotus Womb- glad to hear that DB's knee is a little better :) Just keep on bding, you never know.
Congrats, Neha! I don't think it's possible to get a false positive, so I think you're good! Take another test if it'll make you feel better.
I'm hoping what I felt last night was implantation cramping. I just thought that took a little longer. I'm only 5 DPO today. Oh well only time will tell :)
Thank you so much, ladies, for your best wishes! I took not one but two more tests. So, in all, I've taken three tests. All came positive with two really prominent lines. I'm going to see my doctor this afternoon. Hoping for the best! And baby dust to you all! :)
2 more hours to see my doctor. I'm getting scared now. I had PCOs, and have heard it increases a lot many complications in pregnancy. So scared! :(
2 more hours to see my doctor. I'm getting scared now. I had PCOs, and have heard it increases a lot many complications in pregnancy. So scared! :(

Praying for you and your bean, neha!!! Hope everything went well with your doctor!!! :hugs:
I'm hoping what I felt last night was implantation cramping. I just thought that took a little longer. I'm only 5 DPO today. Oh well only time will tell :)

5 days doesn't seem to early! Usually they say 6, but everyone is different. Sending :dust: for you, Lillyrose20wd!!! :hugs:
My thoughts are with you Neha, let us know how your appointment goes.
Hey ladies,

Still spotting today... ugh. I don't know what's going on. It's driving me crazy! I just want my AF to start already.

How's everyone else?
SignoraL: Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad that I can come on here and talk About exactly how I feel. My DH is the type of guy that doesn't like to get his hopes up about certain things. Now when it comes to TTC he doesn't like me to get my hopes up either,which I understand because he doesn't want me to get upset if doesn't happen this month. However, the way I feel about it is that I will be upset if AF arrives whether I get my hopes up or not so why not let myself be excited with every new symptom I am feeling. Haha! He can be so doom and gloom sometimes!

Babyfeva: What cycle day are you? How long are your cycles on average?
Aww Lilyrose- I know how you feel. I try not to talk to much about ttc around DH. He says it'll happen when it happens. I think he's just enjoying all the bding. :p

I'm on CD 26 today. My cycles are usually 28-30 days. My spotting is so very light now. I'm going to take a test in a little while just to ease my mind. If it's negative then I'm just going to wait another week for AF.
Update* As i was using a hpt I saw some red blood. AF has started woohoo! The only thing that sucks now is my cycle has shortened to 26 days. Who knows it'll probably change again. Sometimes I miss the pill.
Hey all! So I'm back. Doctor has confirmed pregnancy. :happydance: She also did an ultrasound. I was so happy to see my tiny one – barely 1cm. I also discussed my concerns with her. She said I was crazy. I shouldn't rely so much on Internet sources and stay positive. :)
Hi all! I'm a little younger than most of you on here (21) DH is 22 and we have been married almost 2 yrs. We just started ttc in Jan and it would be great to have some buddies for support! I've read pretty much this entire thread so I feel like I know you all already! Congrats to those with :bfp:
may i join your thread :) me and my oh are ttc i know very little about my cycle as it changes every blimming month:growlmad: lol im 22 and my oh is 23 we have been trying for a few months and im kinda hopefullsomething may be happening :D
i have extremely sore bb my mood swings have been known to make oh hide and im generally a bit achy :D
iv just started a very light flow dunno if period or hopefully implantation bleeding but im not sure...... sorry for the long post :D
Congrats, neha!!! Glad everything went well with the doctor and she assuaged your concerns. I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months!!!

babyfeva, sorry about AF, but glad that she stopped teasing you. 26 days doesn't seem terrible though, since it's not that far off from 28 (mine used to be about 26 days on average, so I'm curious what they'll be this month since I'm trying to lay off the simple carbs and sugars like my doctor told me to help lengthen my cycle). I'm on CD 18, so anywhere from 6-10 days to find out.

Welcome MrsGriff and carlyjane!!! We're glad to have you on here, but we hope that your TTC time is short and sweet and you get your BFPs soon!!!
Hi all! I'm a little younger than most of you on here (21) DH is 22 and we have been married almost 2 yrs. We just started ttc in Jan and it would be great to have some buddies for support! I've read pretty much this entire thread so I feel like I know you all already! Congrats to those with :bfp:

Welcome Mrs. Griff !! This is a great little community of wonderful and supportive women. Happy to have you :)
Welcome Mrs Griff yes there is great support hear.

Well I have had a crazy Cycle OPK's said O was last Friday Temps are saying this Friday only just gone over the coverline. Good thing I thought I was out this cycle or I would be stressed. I dont' think I got the Egg so I am waiting for AF. However I am really interested in when AF will come because I never had a cycle past 32 days my Average is 29. Confusion all round but we will wait and see.

I was called out on Wednesday night to my client who had a beautiful home birth called me at 10.30p.m baby boy arrived at 2.10a.m. She was amazing and though not planned she had the baby in the bathtub. The midwife was amazing and really hands off and told her pick up your baby from the water. It was beautiful. Wanted to share with you guys

I am looking forward to more BFP to come lots of :dust:


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