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TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Welcome MrsGriff- this is a great thread to share your journey with us.
Lotuswomb- what a wonderful experience. What is it that you do? In regards to your cycle, I understand. This cycle was completely off for me. Hopefully it'll all even out for us soon!
Congrats, neha!!! Glad everything went well with the doctor and she assuaged your concerns. I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months!!!

babyfeva, sorry about AF, but glad that she stopped teasing you. 26 days doesn't seem terrible though, since it's not that far off from 28 (mine used to be about 26 days on average, so I'm curious what they'll be this month since I'm trying to lay off the simple carbs and sugars like my doctor told me to help lengthen my cycle). I'm on CD 18, so anywhere from 6-10 days to find out.

Welcome MrsGriff and carlyjane!!! We're glad to have you on here, but we hope that your TTC time is short and sweet and you get your BFPs soon!!!

Thanks, Signora! I've to see my doctor again tomorrow. I was going through fertility treatment from past 3-4 months. I got Endometrial Biopsy and HSG test done last month and this month I got pregnant. My doctor said HSG test often helps, though it's not a treatment, but just a test. But very often it clears any minor blockages in the system, increasing the chances of pregnancy. You mentioned in one of your earlier posts that you also got HSG done. Hope it works for you too. Good luck!

Babyfeva, sorry to know about your AF. But you must be relieved now. Best wishes for next month! :)
Thanks, neha!!! I have heard that - a co-worker of mine said she conceived the month after hers. I'm hoping it worked, too. What did you think about the endometrial biopsy - I thought it was torture! Ugh!
Has anyone tried Royal Jelly? I heard it's supposed to help with ovulation and help regulate your cycle. Mine have been all over the place (pretty normal for me, went on BC in high school bc I had my period for 73 days, yikes!). Since coming off BC last May my cycles have been anywhere from 40 to 60 days. This is the first month I've used opk. I'm not sure that I'm ovulating and I want to have as much info as I can if I need to see the doc. This is only our 2nd month trying so I'm going to give it some time. It's just so difficult with not being able to predict my cycle.

Anyway, Royal Jelly, I just bought some and was wondering what everyone thinks. I also got something called "Pregnancy Prep" it's a combination of herbs that is supposed to help fertility. I'm also increasing my VitD because I know I'm really low (my levels were below 20 with my last blood test). What do you think?
Has anyone tried Royal Jelly? I heard it's supposed to help with ovulation and help regulate your cycle. Mine have been all over the place (pretty normal for me, went on BC in high school bc I had my period for 73 days, yikes!). Since coming off BC last May my cycles have been anywhere from 40 to 60 days. This is the first month I've used opk. I'm not sure that I'm ovulating and I want to have as much info as I can if I need to see the doc. This is only our 2nd month trying so I'm going to give it some time. It's just so difficult with not being able to predict my cycle.

Anyway, Royal Jelly, I just bought some and was wondering what everyone thinks. I also got something called "Pregnancy Prep" it's a combination of herbs that is supposed to help fertility. I'm also increasing my VitD because I know I'm really low (my levels were below 20 with my last blood test). What do you think?

Hi MrsGriff! I've heard of Royal Jelly, though I've never used it, and haven't heard of Pregnancy Prep, but I think it's worth a try! Let us know how it goes!
If it might help bring you a :bfp:, then I think it's worth trying once! But I think it's always safe to do some reading up on whatever you're taking.

I had my final test yesterday and everything went well, although the doc told me that when we do our consultation (March 8, DH's 2nd SA is March 7), we'll talk about Metformin. I looked it up and it seems to be medication used to treat PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes. I'd be surprised to get a diagnosis of either of those since from what I've read I don't think I really fit the profile, but I'll have to wait and see what he says on the 8th.

How is everyone else doing?
Signora, I'm happy to hear your final test went well! Hopefully you get some answers on the 8th. I'm just waiting to ovulate- who knows when since my cycles are now all over the place.
Signora, I'm happy to hear your final test went well! Hopefully you get some answers on the 8th. I'm just waiting to ovulate- who knows when since my cycles are now all over the place.

Thanks, babyfeva! Have the length of your cycles changed dramatically? Good luck with O-ing and BD-ing! I'm on CD 22 myself and waiting to see if it will continue to be short or if it's getting longer.
Has anyone tried Royal Jelly? I heard it's supposed to help with ovulation and help regulate your cycle. Mine have been all over the place (pretty normal for me, went on BC in high school bc I had my period for 73 days, yikes!). Since coming off BC last May my cycles have been anywhere from 40 to 60 days. This is the first month I've used opk. I'm not sure that I'm ovulating and I want to have as much info as I can if I need to see the doc. This is only our 2nd month trying so I'm going to give it some time. It's just so difficult with not being able to predict my cycle.

Anyway, Royal Jelly, I just bought some and was wondering what everyone thinks. I also got something called "Pregnancy Prep" it's a combination of herbs that is supposed to help fertility. I'm also increasing my VitD because I know I'm really low (my levels were below 20 with my last blood test). What do you think?

Hi MrsGriff! I've heard of Royal Jelly, though I've never used it, and haven't heard of Pregnancy Prep, but I think it's worth a try! Let us know how it goes!
If it might help bring you a :bfp:, then I think it's worth trying once! But I think it's always safe to do some reading up on whatever you're taking.

I had my final test yesterday and everything went well, although the doc told me that when we do our consultation (March 8, DH's 2nd SA is March 7), we'll talk about Metformin. I looked it up and it seems to be medication used to treat PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes. I'd be surprised to get a diagnosis of either of those since from what I've read I don't think I really fit the profile, but I'll have to wait and see what he says on the 8th.

How is everyone else doing?

Signora: Glad to hear that all your scheduled tests are completed. It sounds like your doctor is on the ball and doesn't really make you wait around to long to get things done and to get back to you :).

AFM: I'm on 11 DPO, CD23. I've been symptom spotting left and right even though I made a conscious decision not to do this and I also have been a POAS addict!! Boy I feel better now that I got that off my chest ! Hahaha! My BBs have been tender for the last few days, have not been sleeping well, my back has been bothering me, and I have been having mild cramping. Also have been queasy on and off but if I eat a little something the queasiness settles. I know I'm CRAZY :wacko: I am only 11 DPO how can I be having this many symptoms :/


Last month was the first month I really started keeping track of my ovulation days by OPK and ovulated on CD 17 Now my luteal phase was 13 days long my cycle was 31 days. Now this cycle I ovulated on CD 12-13 and if my luteal phase stays consistent (which I heard that it should) that means my cycle will only be 26 days long. Is this normal to have 1 cycle 26 days and another 31 days. Before I started really keeping track I thought my cycles were 29 days. I know stress can effect ovulation so I have been trying to not stress too much, but you know how that goes. Haha
Thanks, Lillyrose20wd! I know, it's tough not to symptom spot and POAS, but hopefully this will be good news for you. I think it's pretty normal to have a cycle that runs between 26 and 31 days - they are not that far off from each other. With the exception of the four months or so when I got off of birth control in Nov. 2010, I've seen mine range between 23 and 27 days - never over and never under. I have also heard that stress can delay ovulation or menstruation, though. I hope this month is it for you! Wishing you a :bfp:!
Hi MrsGriff! I've heard of Royal Jelly, though I've never used it, and haven't heard of Pregnancy Prep, but I think it's worth a try! Let us know how it goes!
If it might help bring you a :bfp:, then I think it's worth trying once! But I think it's always safe to do some reading up on whatever you're taking.

I had my final test yesterday and everything went well, although the doc told me that when we do our consultation (March 8, DH's 2nd SA is March 7), we'll talk about Metformin. I looked it up and it seems to be medication used to treat PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes. I'd be surprised to get a diagnosis of either of those since from what I've read I don't think I really fit the profile, but I'll have to wait and see what he says on the 8th.

How is everyone else doing?

I've done a ton of looking but there isn't much. I did find a forum where several ladies were on ivf, etc and started taking Royal Jelly and conceived naturally! The only warning I read is that if you are allergic to bee stings or honey you shouldn't take it. I've never been stung so I don't know. I've taken two doses and so far I'm good! It can also increase your chances of having twins (I think by 10%??). I'll see if I can find a good link for it.

SignoraL, your doc seems really on the ball about things! I can't believe you are getting appts so quickly. Good luck!
Lotuswomb- what a wonderful experience. What is it that you do? In regards to your cycle, I understand. This cycle was completely off for me. Hopefully it'll all even out for us soon!

I am a Birth Doula, Pregnancy Yoga Teacher and Family Support Worker a lot of working with familes.

Anyways after fearing I did not O then sure I o late FF thinks I O of CD 16 you guys can check my sig and see what you think. My AF should be due on Friday Accroding to FF so we shall see. If so I def missed my Egg as thats when DB was unwell. I am happy becouse I can just get ready for the next cycle.

Let me know what you think of my chart in my sig

Glad all you guys are doing well

Thanks, neha!!! I have heard that - a co-worker of mine said she conceived the month after hers. I'm hoping it worked, too. What did you think about the endometrial biopsy - I thought it was torture! Ugh!

Hi Signora! Yes, biopsy was a torture. For me, even HSG was bad. I had almost fainted of pain during both the procedures. But they seem to have worked for me. Hope they work for you too! Wish you a :bfp:

As for me, I've started getting really tense and worried about the baby. My symptoms come and go. And whenever I don't experience any symptoms (even if it's for a couple of hours), I start getting anxious. Had an appointment with my doctor yesterday. She didn't do any scan, just gave me an injection. Next scan is due early next week. I discussed my concerns with my mum and a co-worker. They both said I was going mad. Like my doctor, they too advised me to stop surfing net, read good things, and stay positive. But what can I do? Can't stop worrying! :(
Have been feeling sick since morning! That actually makes me feel better. LOL...
Hi ladies! I am new to the site and is TTC#1 as well. I have not had a period for 10 months and went to a fert specialist in January. They started me on clomid cycle#1 for 100 mg this feb13, and Dr took an u/sound 3 days ago and found a 16mm follicle, and my bloods signify I will ovulate between today and Sunday. So hubby and I decided to :sex: until March 8 when they will check if I successfully ovulated or not!

Is there any other way to successfully track exactly when I will ovulate?:flower:
neha, don't stress yourself or the baby out! Just keep thinking positive thoughts! I'll be praying for you and your LO!

Welcome, wantabubba! We're glad to have you on here and happy BD-ing! Have you been charting your temps? That's a good way to figure out if your O-ing. Also, checking CM and checking your cervical position (I never did the latter, but I think someone on here was doing that - babyfeva, was that you?) and also be attuned to any sharp or pinching pain (Mittelschmerz) in your abdominal region.
Hi Lotus Womb, it looks like on the 15 or 16, based on your chart. FF always drove me a little crazy, though. It seems to have a mind of its own sometimes.
Welcome wantabubba!

I agree with Signora with charting your temps. I also use opk's to help me figure out when I'm about to ovulate. I sometimes check my cm/cp but not so much. Your cp especially changes throughout the day so it's not a good indicator. Good luck!!
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing?

SignoraL glad your tests are finished. When's your appointment with the doc when you and DH get your results analysed? I know it's sometime in March, just hope it's not too far away. How are you getting on this cycle?

LotusWomb I've had a look at your chart and I agree you probably o'd around cd15 or 16. It's no wonder it's us women that have the babies, can you imagine men trying to track these kind of things? Unless you put it in football league format then I don't think they'd get anywhere! How are things with you?

Welcome to all the new ladies on this thread. We've got a great little community here and I'm glad you've joined and become a part of it. Hope you all get your BFP really soon.

How are all you other ladies? Babyfeva, OneBumpPlease, LilyRose, Neha? Sorry if I've missed anyone, BnB is only letting me go back so far...!

AFM: Still spotting, still driving me crazy. Still a little ball of worry. No real change there! Sending you all :hugs: and :dust:

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