TTC#1 - Newbie to Baby & Bump!

Happenstance, you are a strong woman! I would be going totally insane if I was in your position with the spotting. I don't think I would leave the bathroom! It's one of those things where your doc says not to worry and logically you know that's true but you just can't make yourself feel that way! :hugs:
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing?

SignoraL glad your tests are finished. When's your appointment with the doc when you and DH get your results analysed? I know it's sometime in March, just hope it's not too far away. How are you getting on this cycle?

LotusWomb I've had a look at your chart and I agree you probably o'd around cd15 or 16. It's no wonder it's us women that have the babies, can you imagine men trying to track these kind of things? Unless you put it in football league format then I don't think they'd get anywhere! How are things with you?

Welcome to all the new ladies on this thread. We've got a great little community here and I'm glad you've joined and become a part of it. Hope you all get your BFP really soon.

How are all you other ladies? Babyfeva, OneBumpPlease, LilyRose, Neha? Sorry if I've missed anyone, BnB is only letting me go back so far...!

AFM: Still spotting, still driving me crazy. Still a little ball of worry. No real change there! Sending you all :hugs: and :dust:

Hi Happenstance! How have you been? Have you seen your doctor and discussed with her? I too would have gone crazy, if I were you. Btw, I have a good news. I got my much-awaited :bfp: early last week. I'm now 2 months pregnant. Have seen my doctor. She did a scan last week. She said the baby looked fine and measured 1.2cm. Have another scan next week. :)
Hi ladies,

So I'm 13 DPO today and got another BFN on a clear blue easy digital. I wasn't even going to test again today because I was convinced after yesterday's that I was out for this month. I still have been extremely tired and nauseous, which I think could be from all the stress I put myself thru this past month. I have no symptoms of AF even coming (no cramps and no spotting like I had last month) and my temps are still really high. Last month my temps had already started to drop. That's why I convinced myself to test. I feel like my chart still looks good.

Could you guys look at my chart and tell me what you think?
Hi Lillyrose20wd, that looks awfully positive to me! I hope this is your month! We need a March :bfp: and being mostly Irish (despite my Italian maiden name, my Italian married name and my BnB name), I tend to think of it as a lucky month! Wishing you lots and lots of :dust:

Happenstance, so sorry you are spotting, but I have heard that some women spot throughout pregnancy. If your doc says not to worry, I wouldn't worry.

I'm on CD 24, so I should be getting AF today or tomorrow. Took a CB Easy HPT this morning and :bfn:. Sigh. At this point, I think it's more likely that my DH could get a BFP than I could - LOL!

Happenstance, DH's 2nd SA is March 7 and our consultation is March 8. Our RE mentioned at my final test (an u/s and cervical culture - so super easy) that we will talk about Metformin, and I looked it up and it's a medication for PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes - I don't really fit the profile for either (I don't seem to be anovulatory, I have short cycles (I think some women can have PCOS and have short cycles though, but usually it's very long ones) and definitely not overweight. But I do have the thyroid issue and I read it can be linked to that. So we'll see.

Thinking of starting a TTC journal, but being I've been at this for almost 11 cycles and we're seeing an RE, I'm thinking about doing it in the LTTTC area rather than the regular TTC area (but it's only been 8 months). What does everyone think? Rosababy said she thought it would be fine since we aren't newcomers to this, but I know that most of the ladies over there have been trying for a year or more.
Hi Lillyrose20wd, that looks awfully positive to me! I hope this is your month! We need a March :bfp: and being mostly Irish (despite my Italian maiden name, my Italian married name and my BnB name), I tend to think of it as a lucky month! Wishing you lots and lots of :dust:

Happenstance, so sorry you are spotting, but I have heard that some women spot throughout pregnancy. If your doc says not to worry, I wouldn't worry.

I'm on CD 24, so I should be getting AF today or tomorrow. Took a CB Easy HPT this morning and :bfn:. Sigh. At this point, I think it's more likely that my DH could get a BFP than I could - LOL!

Happenstance, DH's 2nd SA is March 7 and our consultation is March 8. Our RE mentioned at my final test (an u/s and cervical culture - so super easy) that we will talk about Metformin, and I looked it up and it's a medication for PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes - I don't really fit the profile for either (I don't seem to be anovulatory, I have short cycles (I think some women can have PCOS and have short cycles though, but usually it's very long ones) and definitely not overweight. But I do have the thyroid issue and I read it can be linked to that. So we'll see.

Thinking of starting a TTC journal, but being I've been at this for almost 11 cycles and we're seeing an RE, I'm thinking about doing it in the LTTTC area rather than the regular TTC area (but it's only been 8 months). What does everyone think? Rosababy said she thought it would be fine since we aren't newcomers to this, but I know that most of the ladies over there have been trying for a year or more.

Thanks Signora for your kind words :) I am also very Irish with an Italian last name. Over the last few months my husband has been telling me not to get my hopes up. However, this month he told me to keep my hopes up until AF come. He is learning what to say I guess :winkwink: She is due tomorrow so we will see what happens!

I think it would be great if you started a journal. Even though it hasn't been over a year of TTC you have started fertility testing, which in my opinion allows you to start a journal as a LTTTC.
Signora, I don't think there is a specific date for ltttc, and you have been going at this for 11 cycles and seeing an RE. I think it's fine to start a journal in there.
I think I will. I've been wanting to gather all my thoughts together in one place. Ugh, I've been having light cramps all day, but AF hasn't reared her ugly head yet. I wish she would just come already. I'm glad we're going down to see my parents this weekend because I think it will make me feel a lot better.

Rosababy, BTW, I just found out my brother and his girlfriend are also going to be visiting New Orleans in April - end of the month, though! I'm a little envious; I told him I want to go eat gumbo and listen to zydeco! I don't think there's going to be a vacay this year though, and as much fun as the last one was, I'm kind of wishing we had that money now!
I'm 14 DPO today (AF should be here today) and this is the first day I haven't tested this past week. My temp was REALLY high this morning and my chart is starting to look like it wants to form a triphasic pattern. Fingers x'd.

I was devastated to see the "not pregnant" come up on the test yesterday morning that I decided to not test today and see how my day goes. I felt like I was miserable all day yesterday because of that stupid BFN! So I was excited when my temp was as high as it was this morning and decided to let myself be excited today and what ever happens will happen whether I test or not.

I ovulated later last month than I did this month so my cycle was 30 days last month so I guess I won't technically be late Wednesday. I have no symptoms of :af: coming !
It's looking good, Lillyrose20wd!!! I can't wait till you test!!! Praying for your BFP!!!

I'm out and on to cycle 11. The :witch: got me this morning. Oh well!
It's looking good, Lillyrose20wd!!! I can't wait till you test!!! Praying for your BFP!!!

I'm out and on to cycle 11. The :witch: got me this morning. Oh well!

I don't think I am gonna test today. Im gonna see what my temp does tomorrow morning and I will go from there. I have to see my in-laws tonight so I don't want to make my day any worse by getting a BFN before going :winkwink:

Sorry the witch got you this morning. Just relax the next few days before your RE appointment. My fingers are crossed for you that it's something simple and you get your :bfp: SOON :)
Thanks everyone for your kind messages and support. You guys are brill! :hugs:

SignoraL I'm so sorry the witch got you this month. I'm glad you've only got a few more days to wait until you get all the answers you need. I agree that it's strange he mentioned the Metformin as you definitely don't seem to fit any PCOS pattern, and if you don't have diabetes then it does sound a bit odd. However, you're probably right and it's linked in some way to your thyroid.

As for the journal, I think you are perfectly entitled to have it in the LTTTC section. After all, it's been 11 cycles and you are seeking treatment so I think you would fit there perfectly. And you have a lot of budding stalkers just waiting to sign up :hugs: Please take it easy this weekend and know that I'm thinking of you. :hugs:

MrsGriff, whereabout in your cycle are you? I hope all is going well. And thanks for your kind words of encouragement.

Neha, glad the scan went well and that your bean is measuring a good size. Hope your scan next week goes just as well.

LilyRose, your chart looks very positive. Let's hope this is your BFP. Keep us up-to-date with when you plan to test next. Sending you lots of :dust:

Babyfeva, how are things with you? Not heard from you in a bit. Hope all is going well.

Sending you all lots of :hugs:
Hey Happenstance- things are going good. Just waiting to ovulate... I'm thinking I should start using opk's tomorrow which would be about CD10. I'm unsure how long my cycle will be this month. It's ranged from 25-30 days now. How are you doing?
Signora, I"m so sorry about AF. Just remember that the tests really clear things out and you have a few months window of fertile times. :thumbup: Do you have more appointments scheduled? :hugs:
Thanks, rosababy! DH has his 2nd SA on Wednesday and then we have our consultation to find out our results on Thursday! Can't wait!
Happenstance: May I join in congratulating you. I too love your lil blob :) and hope for a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

Lotus Womb: Thinking of you and your hubby. Praying he heals up quickly.

SignoraL: I am continuing to read up on your updates to see where you are at with all your (and your hubby's) tests. I hope that there is health, hope, and happiness for you soon. :dust:

Babyfeva: Miss you buddy! I hope things are going well and that you will soon have your sticky bean.

Things have been a bit off since my BFP on 02/02/12 - working/not working/feeling bloated and nauseated (it comes in waves and even when I'm just plain hungry)/traveling (the other symptoms are: cont. sore boobs, increased vag. discharge, tiredness, HUNGER and making sure I have enough little snacks to eat through the day, putting on the pounds already :( !!!)...Just received a letter today that I now have govt. ins.... hooray! Not completely sure how many weeks I am. Need to choose a hospital, pcp, OB/GYN in this great vast city, convenient to public transportation! I'll breathe a little easy once I'm through with the first appt. which will hopefully be in the near future. Hubby is continuing classes, comes home really late most days. Happy to say I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER than a few weeks ago when I had that horrendous sinusitis, wisdom tooth/gum pain going on...

Wishing you guys lots of :dust:

...feeling a bit lonely and hoping you all can join me soon! :hugs:

PS: A few of our friends now know, but we haven't told our parents yet...not sure when we will...
I started to spot this evening so I think I may be out for this month. I'm sure my temp will drop in the morning and AF will be here with a vengeance :(. Thanks for all your support ladies :hugs:
MrsGriff, whereabout in your cycle are you? I hope all is going well. And thanks for your kind words of encouragement.

I'm on CD 11. I started using opk a couple of days ago because I have no idea when I ov. My cycles have been between 40 & 60 days :shrug:
I would love to temp but my schedule just won't allow it. I work nights but I also work during the day a couple of times a week and will sometimes go 36 hrs before I get to bed. I can never be counted on the be asleep the same time every day.
Thanks, rosababy! DH has his 2nd SA on Wednesday and then we have our consultation to find out our results on Thursday! Can't wait!

Yay!!! Let's get some answers and get this party started! Btw, where's your journal? :haha:
Thanks, rosababy! DH has his 2nd SA on Wednesday and then we have our consultation to find out our results on Thursday! Can't wait!

Yay!!! Let's get some answers and get this party started! Btw, where's your journal? :haha:

Hehe, I'll get it up. Just need to find some time. Maybe tomorrow night. Your baby is a peach, yay!!! Did your DH sing a song about peaches?
Hey Happenstance- things are going good. Just waiting to ovulate... I'm thinking I should start using opk's tomorrow which would be about CD10. I'm unsure how long my cycle will be this month. It's ranged from 25-30 days now. How are you doing?

I always started using OPKs aroud cd10 too. Do you test more than once a day? I used to test three times a day as I had quite a short surge and it tended to happen early afternoon. I hope it's not long till you o and that you get plenty of bd-ing in this month!

Thanks for asking after me, I'm doing fine. Still a little ball of worry but I've decided that's probably how I'm always going to be! My mum says it's bub's way of getting me ready for a lifetime of worry! Thanks, mum!!! :haha:

Happenstance: May I join in congratulating you. I too love your lil blob :) and hope for a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

Thanks LearningLife! And sorry you've not been feeling too great lately, hope you start to feel better soon. When's your first appointment? Hope it's soon!

I started to spot this evening so I think I may be out for this month. I'm sure my temp will drop in the morning and AF will be here with a vengeance :(. Thanks for all your support ladies :hugs:

I'm so sorry Lilyrose. Remember that you're not out until AF shows. I hope you're still in with a chance this month. Sending you :hugs:

I'm on CD 11. I started using opk a couple of days ago because I have no idea when I ov. My cycles have been between 40 & 60 days :shrug:
I would love to temp but my schedule just won't allow it. I work nights but I also work during the day a couple of times a week and will sometimes go 36 hrs before I get to bed. I can never be counted on the be asleep the same time every day.

Tracking o is sooooo frustrating. Do you tend to ovulate around the same time each month or can it be quite different each month? I used the Clearblue Fertility Monitor (as well as OPKs!) to track o and it worked really well for me. It told you your 'high' days leading up to o and then you're two peak days each month. It was really easy to use and might be worth considering if you have trouble tracking o?

Just remember: if in doubt, get bd-ing!!!

SignoraL I'll be praying for you and your DH this week and hope all goes well with his final SA and your consultation. Let us know how you get on. And I agree with Rosababy, where's the journal?!?! :haha:

Rosababy how are things with you? I can't believe you're little bean is a peach already!

LotusWomb not heard from you in a bit, hope all is well with you and that your DH is on the road to recovery.

Sorry if I've missed anyone. Hope you are all doing great and enjoying the weekend :flower:

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