TTC #1, Would Love a Buddy! On CD 5...

oh no, im so sorry. Thats awful news, I can only begin to imagine what they must be going through. xxxxxx

Well thats it, after reading your posts i think, here i am moaning about a messed up cycle, still not pregnant after only 4/5 months and not getting my bfp for xmas........ really does put things in to perspective!

I hope your headache clears soon Matilda10 x
Hi all

How is everyone doing?
No news here - feeling a bit fed up to be honest. Got to thinking that maybe I won't have a baby until 2012!!! If I got pg between now and March I'd be OK for 2011 baby - seems like such a long way off!

Have decided that I cannot go through the next goodness-knows -how-long constantly symptom spotting!! Trying to relax about the whole thing. Decided to open a bottle of wine this evening - if I was (by any bizarre chance) pg then it's only a few days and I've have been told that nothing passes from mother to baby until 8 weeks.

Been plotting my cycle on a website and I'm sure that I just convince myself that I have the symptoms! Been feeling a bit 'yuk' this afternoon and have had AF-like low stomach ache for 3 days. Maybe I always get this??? I've let this take over and have forgotten what is normal for me!

My sister has recommended I buy loads of tampons, a case of wine and book a holiday abroad - a wierd attempt at irony - hopefully all of them would remain unused?!

I have been really lucky to have a 4 day weekend - 2 snow days then sat and sun! Back to reality tomorrow and a chance to have something other than baby-making to occupy my mind.
Hi ladies! So sorry I've been so MIA. With my friend losing her baby and my sister officially announcing her baby, and with crazy busyness at work, I've been kinda out of the whole TTC mindset the last few days, which is nice. I think I'm somewhere around CD 14, although I have no clue. Still getting nothing but lows on the CBFM, but have some milky cm today. I'm going to bd anyway tonight! One thing I like about the cbfm is that you use FMU, which means you can just forget about it the rest of the day. I like that because I hate having the need to poa ovulation stick on my my mind all day!

My friend is hanging In there. She found out she would have had a girl. So sad! Really does put things into perspective. I've only been trying for 7 months, and I'm sure the wait isn't as bad as having to go through that.

I loooooovvvve the wine and tampons idea! Has it worked so far?? Any other symptoms or updates? I have been drinking wine...I figure as long as I'm not in my tww, I can have a glass here and there. This ttc business makes you crazy enough as is!

How's everyone? Any other news or symptoms? Oh, forgot to mention. I had cramps and sharp pains in my breast the last few days, but since my period only ended like cd 10, I'm sure its nothing. It must just always happen to me!
Glad to see you back - been checking in here and there but like you, work has ben busy.
Think I am on CD27 today. Have had quite a few symptoms even though I'm not meant to be spotting them! AF like cramps for the last 5 days but seem better today. Mild yukky feeling at times during the day and boobs sore sometimes - might just be the way I sleep all squished up!
Had to see the doctor last night as I've had this horrible rash since thursday across the top of my thighs and across my stomach, spreading to my underarms yesterday. Spent ages on the Internet researching, found lots of links to pregnancy related rashes! Doc thinks it's urticaria - a basic rash caused by cold weather/central heating. Boo...we'll have to see. Hoping all my tww symptoms aren't just a sign of a really heavy and painful AF approaching.

Think I will try testing on Saturday as we are going out with friends for dinner. Have had a few glasses of wine over the last week - I figure a tiny bit really can't hurt, especially as the chance if bfp is very small.

We have my in-laws coming to stay over christmas, right around the time I'll be ov so could be a wasted month for us! Not sure I could bd knowing they're in the next room!
Hi everyone - hows things?

Looks like I'm out this month again. First signs of AF after almost 10 days of symptoms. The cramps have been very bad for the past 3 days, waking me up 2 or 3 times each night and my boobs have been agony. Also had the most strange burning sensation in my nipples - sorry for tmi!

Am wondering whether I should try and see my doctor about this. Maybe she'll think I'm crazy and tell me it's all in my head because I WANT these symptoms to exist!!
Have put the batteries in the cbfm. How are you getting on with yours Matila? Is it showing highs and peaks?! I read in the book that it won't ask for a test stick until day 5/6 - is that what happened with yours?

I've realised that I've put on a ton of weight in the last 2 months. I stopped doing my aerobics during the tww in case the bean didn't stick because of me jumping about too much - fairly lame excuse I know. Added to that, my gym buddy is one of the pregnant ones so she's not up for it now!
Have agreed with myself (hey, told you I was going crazy!) that I will do the aerobics again daily over the christmas holiday as I have 2 weeks off and lots of eating planned - provided AF has been and gone, that is!

So, I guess my wine and tampons idea didn't work out too well but hey, I'll have the need for both of them now!!!
Hey there. So sorry AF seems to have gotten you. :growlmad: Did you test just to be sure?? Some of those symptoms of course sound like pg symptoms. I know I've never experienced some of them! It's so frustrating how close they are to AF symptoms, though. I think you should test just in case, especially if you have any IC's lying around!

As for me, I'm on CD 18 and noticed a surge of bright pink spotting today. So, so weird. :shrug: I would be hopeful and think maybe it's IB, but according to my fancy CBFM, I haven't ovulated, so that can't be right. I still haven't gotten even a moderate reading on the CBFM, which is weird. It's been low for 18 days. So in that sense, I don't like it very much :) I just keep hoping to get a middle reading, you know? Maybe I'm not OVing at all, and I just never knew it. It didn't ask for a stick until like day 5, like the book says. But my last period was so screwy, I could've been way off on whatever day should've been CD1.

But when I went to the bathroom today, I swear I felt this weird surge (TMI, I know) and when I wiped it was bright pink. I have been in an absolutely terrible mood all weekend and blown up at my DH for no reason, so I guess that could all be signs of AF. That would be crazy if these short cycles happened to me a second month in a row. My AF just ended 8 days ago! But that's exactly what happened last month. We're going to BD tonight on the off-chance it's OV bleeding. I just wish I knew what was going on with my body! My doctor said everything is ok with my hormones, so I just don't get it. And I know what you mean about doctors, I wish mine would just agree with me that something is clearly not right :winkwink:

Maybe we can hold each other accountable to exercising more...I definitely need to lose some weight. That is the one thing the doctor said I could try. She said it wasn't a huge deal, but it might help. I am just so bad at getting up the motivation! Maybe we can check in with each other every few days or so to see if we exercised and ate right. I could definitely use the accountability!

If we're not PG this cycle, I think we might take a break the next two cycles. My best friend is getting married across the country in October, and I would absolutely hate to not be able to attend her wedding. If we got PG in January or February, I would be too far along to travel. I could pull it off in March, though. It might be a good mental break, anyway.
I'm beginning to really see that something is screwy with my body. I FINALLY got a high fertility rating (two bars) on Monday. (Of course, I also left for a business trip Monday, so there was nothing I could do to BD) Hubby and I had BD'd on both Saturday and Sunday, so I am/was keeping my fingers crossed that helped at least. I am beginning to realize I definitely bleed when I OV. This morning, I also got two bars on the CBFM. So high fertility, but not a peak. So yesterday, the blood went from light pink, to a little heavier, to the point where I needed a panty liner. Today, the blood started to brown and lighter. I think all of this is pretty much normal (for me) until tonight. Now, the blood is bright red and gushing. I'm so frustrated! I haven't even gotten a peak on the CBFM yet! Does this red gush mean I Ov'd and if so, is my body just incapable of a luteal phase? Does OV instantly cause me to bleed? This is the second month this has happened.

Deep breath.

Has anyone had this happen to them? Any advice? I am going to call the doctor tomorrow.

We'll see what happens tomorrow morning on the CBFM. I'm not giving up hope, despite the blood. Maybe it's just some weird mid-cycle bleeding and I'll get a peak on the CBFM sometime this week and we'll BD and I'll get a BFP! (See, I'm trying to remain positive...)
Hi, sorry not been on much recently! Sorry to hear you're having another rubbish cycle. I had one last month too and still not sure where im at. My bleeding sounds just like yours and also started just as i should have been getting my +opks. Anyway i dont think i did ovulate despite feeling the ovulation pains? who knows? My original af has not shown (should have arrived on the 9th) so i dont really know where i am in my cycle, when i should ovulate or when next af will show. Docs said that if it happens next month then she would do progesterone? tests or something to check if im ovulating. I hope we get some answers soon, it feels impossible when you dont know whats going on! So frustrating!
I hope you get that peak and bfp! If it is ovulation bleeding then that is apparently a sign of high fertility so fx'd it is x

How confusing and frustrating for you.
Matila - are you on about CD20? Too early for AF? Have you tried googling for ovulation bleeding? Not something I was aware of.
Set my CBFM on Monday when AF started, now I'm eager to get testing and see how it tracks my fertility. Starting to worry though - what if I don't get any highs or peaks?

I seem to be in a really crappy mood this week, particularly today! Was hoping to meet up with one of my p/g friends but she hasn't bothered to get back in touch. Another one of her friends had a baby recently - I feel like she'd rather see them than the childless one! I had always thought that friends having babies doesn't have to change anything but I'm starting to think it might. It seems to render people incapable of picking up the phone or emailing!! Ooooh, I am in a mood!
Hi guys, wow I can't believe I haven't posted in so long! I've gotten really frustrated with all my random bleeding and that's all I've been thinking about lately.

To update, I spotted all last week through the days I was getting high fertility ratings on my CBFM. I got six high ratings and then it just went back down to low. I don't know if that means I didn't OV or the monitor was just getting used to my body. The last day I got a high rating I also had a bunch of EWCM, so I think I OV'd that day. That was Saturday. Last night (Monday), my AF came on full-force. Like heavy red bleeding. So maddening!

I've been researching like crazy and I'm going to try taking B-complex vitamins as I've read they help with progesterone deficiencies. I'm also going to take Soy on CD 5-9. We'll see if these two things help! I'm iffy about TTC in January anyway because of my best friends wedding, so I think this is a good month to try these things.

WhiteOrchid, how is the CBFM going? What CD are you on? Has it asked for sticks yet? I really did read that you might not get a peak the first month, so don't be too alarmed if that happens! Did you ever meet up with your friend? It's crazy how much having a baby changes some people. That happened to me with a girl I work with---she's a completely different person now. I guess I just don't understand yet!

Pixie, how are you? I'm sorry to hear you're having some of the same issues as me. Any answers? Hopefully, we'll get past this!
Good to see you back!
You seem to be having a very confusing time! So did AF come just a few days after you think you o'd?
I was reading another post where someone said that Pregnacare pills had messed up their AF - I thought these things were meant to be helpful? They are only multivitamins so I don't understand that one!
What is soy supposed to do?

CBFM is going well - thanks for the warning - I am already getting impatient with all the low readings! It asked for a test on CD6 and then every day since - now on CD10. I have made myself a chart where I am recording the readings along with CM and an symptoms. I figure that it will be helpful to have a paper copy of these things in case I need to show my doctor and also, stops me going onto the countdown or fertility friend site and getting more obsessed!

Did speak to my friend very briefly on sunday - she said she would come down and see me monday but we have had very bad weather here so I suggested she didn't. She was going to call me on Monday but I'm still waiting!!!! You are right - maybe we just don't understand yet and will become those people one day!

I finished school for the holidays last friday and have been doing loads of jobs around the house as my inlaws are coming tomorrow - no b/d'ing! I think my high/peak days should be around one week from now so they'll be gone by then! I am still going to go by my CM and diary dates for now, even thought the CBFM might not agree!
Looking forward to enjoying christmas without worrying too much about what I eat/drink! Have been doing my workout dvd to balance out the extra calories I plan to consume!
Hi there, sorry not been online much over the xmas period. I hope you are ok. My original af didnt arrive after my 'mid cycle bleed' until 4 weeks later so im counting it as my last af (which just decided to come 2 weeks early!?!?). I am now cd 6 and nearing the end of af so will soon be back on the opks to try and monitor whats happening. Praying my cycles will go back to normal! My next af should be due 25th Jan so im hoping she stays away untill then....... or even better, 9 months time!!! Positive thinking for 2011! Heres hoping the new year brings us all some much deserved good news. Happy new year! x
Hi there!

Yes - let's hope 2011 brings lots of BFP's!
I started using my CBFM this cycle, it asked for test on CD5, one week before xmas. It has asked for a test every day since and has shown a low reading. Was starting to get really disheartened with it even though I had read that it often needs a couple fo cycles to get to know you - I was convinced the lows meant I wasn't ov'ing.
Luckily today, it showed my first HIGH!!!!! Not sure how many highs I'll get or whether I will see a peak but at least it means my LH/eostrogen are changing!! Have been dtd every day since CD17 in the hope that I'm ov'ing around CD20/21.
Have ordered another pack of test sticks from amazon and couldn't resist the bargain offer of 50 ultra early preg tests for £7- the strip kind rather than the fancy window or digital sort - a bad move for me as I'll have a whole stash of them easily available! Must be strong in the tww!

Any other news from anyone??!!!!
I am very excited - got a PEAK today! Strange how I only had one HIGH day but the machine is certainly backing up my own dates and CM observations! We have dtd every day for 5 days now so fingers crossed.
The only problem I can see is that the CBFM gives me even more hope by telling me that estrogen/LH are surging and that I'm ovulating, which is going to make things a million times worse if AF arrives. There is still no way of knowing if we have ov'd!! All the signs can be there but possibly no egg?!

Is it me or does every 2ww get harder and harder and the disappointment doubles? I would have thought that I'd get used to it after a few cycles but I seem to be getting even more obsessed!
Yep it def gets harder and the month i got a positive opk i was SURE id be pregnant because of it. Silly eh!!! If only it were that simple! Im cd 10 today so starting my opks and hoping for a + in the next week. Just hoping that this month i get one and not an early period instead!!!!

Good luck and i hope you catch that eggy! we are def trying hard this month! Im starting the year on a positive x
Omg omg omg, I just got a :bfp: this morning! I took a IC on a whim, and it came up positive right away! I also took an EPT digital and it was positive, too! Crazy!

I have no idea how I could've gotten a positive so early, I thought I was only 4 dpo! I guess I'm wrong on the dates. I got a ton of "high" readings on the CBFM and just when I thought I'd never get a peak, I did on Saturday and Sunday.

I'm sorry I haven't been on much lately...I was trying to just relax this cycle and not obsess too much...I guess that worked! I also did end up taking B-complex vitamins and had NO irregular bleeding this month! They really, really worked for me! My doctor said if you have a really stressful job, your body can lose B vitamins like crazy. That is definitely me!

I'm just praying this sticks...I know it's super early. I'm going to call the doctor soon! excited you got a peak!!! Maybe we'll be bump buddies! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. When would you test if all goes well?

How's everyone else?
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Absolutely fantastic news, you must be on cloud 9! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months and praying i will be following you over to 1st tri soon.
Im just starting my 2ww so twiddling thumbs and trying not to get my hopes up x
Thank you thank you thank you! It's so crazy that you can't really tell anyone, so I'm bursting here at work today! I'm not going to let any of these kids stress me out though :)
Just goes to prove that counting the days itsn't always an exact science.

I am 12dpo - had lots of symptoms and worse sore boobs I've ever known. Had a teeny teeny pink/brown blob of CM earlier today and panicked that AF is coming a couple of days early but then remembered I had that on the cycle of the chemical/mc too - am trying to stay calm but am dreading my next loo visit!

Feeling bloated and crampy today which is why I fear the witch is nearby.
Fingers crossed for me as I would love to be bump buddies with you!
Oh yeah - been holding off the testing so maybe sunday if no AF? Not sure I can cope with the disappointment ruining the whole weekend!

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