TTC 1st Child, naturally, 35, cycle #2

Welcome, Tryin36! It is pretty amazing thread. Are you taking any supplements?

Elphabaa, what's in the Pregnitude supplement?

Pregnitude is simply 2G Myo-Inositol and 200mg Folic Acid in the form of a powder that you take twice a day. You mix it with 8oz of water and drink it. Mostly it is used to treat PCOS women, BUT nothing has ever said that is couldn't be beneficial to non-PCOS women.

The lady at the following link: has a few links in her blog that can tell you more and whether or not it is right for you. Like I said, mostly it has been used in PCOS women... but honestly, there are a lot of PCOS women out there that are not diagnosed because doctors do not know enough about it, or will not test. To be 100% honest, my doctor never did anything more than a insulin resistance test for me and from the results marked me as suspected PCOS. I also have irregular cycles and when I was younger I would only have a cycle 2-3 times a year. Those are a bit of a red flag for PCOS. Plus, I am overweight. So, it was at least an educated assumption, but I have never had my androgen levels checked or ultrasounds done to confirm. I was just put on Metformin years ago, and then just recently in June told to start Pregnitude. I don't have the typical 'high testosterone' signs that other PCOS women have, like thinning hair, hair on the upper lip, hair on the back, dark patches of skin, or issues with acne... so I would consider myself non-traditional. I had a girl who has researched PCOS extensively once tell me I need to have my thyroid checked because that could be my real issue. She wasn't a doctor and I am not taking her advice at this time. I have no real signs of a thyroid issue and I hate when people try to scare me! I am not going to pay all that money to have testing done just to 'be sure' when no doctor ever suspected it. I have a high deductible HSA insurance plan and $3,000 comes out of pocket before insurance covers anything. I have been saving the money in my health savings account for fertility related testing, not tests related to being a hypochondriac.

Okay....... that was a bit excessive. lol I guess I am super grumpy this morning, probably a sign the :witch: will be here Tuesday as I figured. ANYHOW... Myo-Inositol is a form of vitamin B, but an easier form to process. Our bodies make Myo-Inositol on it's own, but in some women not enough. So the Pregnitude aids with that and helps to make more follicular fluid to help the eggs mature better. Something that I am sure could be useful to us 35+ folks, with or without PCOS. However, I am no doctor. That is my disclaimer. :haha:
THANKS! I'm fairly naive to all this TTC stuff. The only thing I'm taking is prenatals and metheldopa for HTN. I thought I would get a BFP this morning, but BFN. I've benn peeing like crazy and my bb's are so sore and still no AF, but I'm only one day late if I go off what my last cycle was. But maybe my cycles are all screwed up. I'm such an impatient person and a complete control freak. This is torture for me because I can't control it and I already feel like it's taking too long, even though I know it's not. Crazy!

<~~~~ Fellow control freak who knows EXACTLY how you are feeling right now! I just feel like something is wrong and this won't happen naturally, so I want fertility testing now! (control freak thing) I have no patience and I just want to feel like I am doing everything possible to get pregnant. I feel like I have had problems forever just because hubby and I haven't tried to prevent anything the whole time we were together. However, 2 years of not trying, not preventing followed by 4 months of actively trying using OPKs, charting BBT and CM, and taking prenatals, metformin, and pregnitude... well, I suppose it really hasn't been that long. :shrug: I mean, who other than a control freak, would spend $160 on an OvaCue Fertility Monitor and another $100 on the vaginal sensor to go with it when she only had 2 cycles with BFN's under her belt. (Been TTC since the end of April, but am only just finishing up cycle 3 thanks to long cycles) :rofl: Although, if this is going to be a long struggle, this monitor was probably a good investment over OPKs.

Welcome and Good Luck!
Welsom trying36!

good morning ladies! Well I am on DPO 5 and have absolutley no symptons, so probably out. Probably better since we partied all weekend, went to San fransisco for the America's Cup.

I have hear really really great thinks about pre-seed! Elpha are you doing SMEP?
Welsom trying36!

good morning ladies! Well I am on DPO 5 and have absolutley no symptons, so probably out. Probably better since we partied all weekend, went to San fransisco for the America's Cup.

I have hear really really great thinks about pre-seed! Elpha are you doing SMEP?

hahaha wow! whats up with my spelling! sorry, i am work and typing fast, on the sly!
Sloan, DPO5? Don't think about it, don't obsess. :))) I'm telling you as an "obsessive control freak" person :))
It may be too early to have any kind of symptoms and you may not have symptoms at all. Just have more :sex:, just for the fun of it :)
Woman's body is weird! I just ovulated on CD10. What's up with that?!
Elphabaa, I did ovulate on CD 10 (!!!) Go figure!
The temperature shift just showed that, too. I guess the OPK was ok after all.

Anyone of you girls know why ovulation happens earlier sometimes? Mine was usually CD13-CD15.
Hi ladies! Hope you had a great weekend. I wish I didn't have to work this week!!!

SloanPet & Elphabaa - I just started taking CoQ10 about 2 weeks ago. I take 200mg two times a day, so 400mg total. It's supposed to increse the energy inside the egg... basically it gives energy to older eggs! It's an antioxidant, and you'll find it in the vitamin isle pretty much everywhere vitamins are sold. Look at the first post in the thread Research "Supplement CoQ10 could be key to pregnancy for older women" I actually read that entire thread. Several women in that thread started taking CoQ10 and got pregnant 3 months later - pretty cool. It takes 3 months for the CoQ10 to be fully effective since it takes our eggs 3 months to mature before they are ovulated! (fun new fact I never knew before).

SloanPet - How do you like the New Chapter Perfect Prenatals? I think those are supposed to be some of the best (I'm not sure why they're supposed to be so good, but I've read a lot of ladies really prefer them).

Tryin36 - Hi!! We have a lot in common. I got married in April too. I'm 37 and DH is 29. We started TTC in May!

Elphabaa & MalaMae - haha totally with you two on being obsessive-compulsive. LOL

In addition to the RainbowLight Prental One and RainbowLight Smart Essentials DHA, I'm also taking 400mg CoQ10, an extra 400 mcg folic acid (the prenatals already have 800mcg folic acid), 1000mg vit C, 400mg vit E, and calcium. I also take Evening Primrose Oil. For the first 2 weeks of my cycle, I take everything above. For the 2nd 2 weeks, after ovulation, I just do the prenatal, DHA, folic acid, and calcium.

I also bought a tube of Pre-seed and love it! In addition to the supplements, I try to drink 1-2 glasses of whole milk a day.
what is the whole milk supposed to do? is that just for calcium? I did a ton of research on prenatals and the new chapter had the bet reviews and had all the reccomended dosages of everything you need. I absolutley love them! super easy to take,no after taste, and i can take them on an empty stomache. I also love the nordic DHA because they are strawberry flavored so no yucky fish burps!

Malamae, i know i am obsessing i just hate waiting because I know Im not pregnant but still feel guilty to drink just in case, and DH wants to pack in all this party time before the BFP, so im being drug around the world! lol not that i am complaining!

I have no idea about the early ovulation? I think ill get preseed for next months trying session!
Ii have to start using spell check before sending!!!!!!!!!! Duh
Sloan - I have 'attempted' the SMEP, but hubby typically gets too burnt out. It works for a few days... then he is just too tired. I don't have the 'typical' predictable fertile period that women with a normal cycle have... so what should just be about a week of SMEP turns into 2-3 weeks of it because I am just never really quite sure when I am going to ovulate. Hopefully as this Pregnitude supplements keeps working in my system and shortening my cycles, I will get a better handle on it. Then I can have more success getting the hubby on board (punn intended, :blush:).

Moondust & Tryin36 - I was also just married this past April. :)

MalaMae- Our bodies are just weird. It doesn't take much to throw them off. CD10 isn't that big of a difference and still a totally normal O day. They say that is why a lot of women 'miss' their O day, because they think they O on the same day every month. It doesn't always work that way. Trust me, with irregular cycles, I KNOW!!! I would probably be doing a cartwheel for a CD10 ovulation! :) Heck, I almost did one for a CD25 ovulation this past cycle!!!

As far as CoQ10, I am going to hold off for now, although it sounds VERY promising. From my understanding, my Pregnitude should have a very similar effect but in a 'supportive to PCOS' type of way. Although, if we are not pregnant by January, I will ask my OBGYN her thoughts on it when we go in for fertility workups.

Those of you that have used Preseed, are you using the external or the internal applicators? I am not sure what it is about the internal applicators, but I feel like it takes the spontaneity out of BD'ing. You have to stop to insert it, and I think if the hubby had to watch me do that he would probably be more horrified than aroused. ROFL I bet the results are betting with the internal, but for now I guess external is better than nothing. It still works GREAT! :haha:
Sloan- take a glass of red wine- it's recommended, good for the blood flow too ;)
Moondust- read similar stories about CoQ10. I started taking it just recently.
Elphabaa- try giving your hubby Maca- does amazing things on the libido :), but on the serious side, it has to be hard to have iregular periods. Hopefully soon they'll normalize. Keeping my fingers crossed :)
SloanPet - whenever I read articles on how to increase fertility, they always say that whole milk helps ovulation (actually any full-fat dairy helps, so cheese, ice cream, yogurt count too). They say that the fat in full-fat dairy is what helps, but you're not supposed to over-do it either (so you don't gain weight, which could hinder ovulation). I think it probably helps EWCM too. Anyways, I've read it in a enough places that I'm making sure to drink it. Plus, it's delicious :D

Elphabaa - Let us know how using the pregnitude goes!! I just bought some pre-seed a month or 2 ago, and inserted it before we started BD'ing once (or maybe twice), but... since then we've just used it externally when we needed more moisture. I agree that it kinda takes some of the romance away. I didn't let my DH watch me put it in when I used it internally, and I did it under the covers, but still. I think I'll just stick with external for now. At the same time too, if you dont think you're producing enough EWCM inside, then I guess it's supposed to help give something for the :spermy: to swim through. :D You can also drink green tea and take Evening Primrose Oil to help increaase CM.
Thanks moondust! more reason to eat oreos and milk! only two though!!
Moon- I never really thought I had an issue in the CM department. :blush: Quite the opposite really, however the Preseed definitely makes things better!

Also, the Pregnitude is helping me for sure! I am just not certain what the results are for non-PCOS/insulin resistant women. Mostly it is marketed to them, but I have read where they are sure it can help non-PCOS women as well since it is natural and something our bodies produce anyway. The studies just aren't there for non-PCOS women.

MalaMae- I can barely get hubby to take a multivitamin! ;-) I don't dare give him that though... any other time of the month when we aren't TTC he seems to have more sex drive than I can handle! It just seems convenient the libido goes when I am 'ready to go' if you know what I mean!
Oh boy, I know what you mean. Same problem here. Took the vitamins for a month and that was it. With the BD same thing as you, I just stopped telling him when I ovulate :)
As for the Pregnitude, I think I'll skip, but definitely will try the Preseed.
Has anyone of you thought of using TCM?
I read a lot of threads about TCM and acupuncture.
I haven't but my hubby's cousin has tried a Chinese naturopath approach and it did nothing for her. She said she felt better, but what she really needs is to ovulate and have AF on her own without having it induced and chinese Medicene couldn't do that for her. She has done everything but IUI and IVF to conceive and all of the docs she has seen said the only thing left is to lose weight and things could very well be reversed! She also has PCOS and being overweight makes it much worse and she is significantly overweight. So who knows if Chinese Medicene could work for others, I have seen women swear by it.

As for acupuncture, I have considered it but reminded myself I am slightly jumping the gun at this point and since I have crap insurance I pay everything til I hit a $3,000 deductible. I don't have copays, I just pay. *sigh* I may consider it more when I have a couple grand in my health savings account.

I don't know any women personally who did acupuncture for TTC, but also read good things for women who didn't ovulate on their own who DID after a few sessions. Also, both my parents used acupuncture to quit smoking cold turkey and it completely worked! They did that in the early 90's and my Dad never smoked again, but when he passed away unexpectedly in 2010, the stress was too much and Mom started up again. :-(

So I am a firm believer that acupuncture does something but at $60-$100 per session I can't quite convince myself to go yet...
Sorry to hear about your dad :( Giving your mom a grandchild would be wonderful for her :) I thought that when my father-in-law was sick of lung cancer, that grandchild would at least make him happy in that horrible illness.
Don't worry, I strongly believe that all girls here on this thread, one by one will start conceiving soon (hope never hurts :))

Yeah, acupuncture and TCM works for one, doesn't work for others. I'm determined to try all the natural ways, so the plan is to start in October. Keep my fingers crossed that it will work for me :)
As for the money, thanks God at least blood work, ultrasound and some other tests are free in Canada, but I'll have to pay full price for acupuncture ( I have no insurance for that) :(
I'm telling you, Fertility Clinic is good business to start :)) or anything that has to do with fertility.
Sorry for my grammar and word choices, sometimes I construct weird sentences. Engish is my second language.:blush:
English is my first language and sometimes I really botch things up! :) I know what you mean. :smile:

It is hard for me to know that my children will never know my Dad. He was such a great 'PawPaw' to his other grandkids. They loved him fiercely. My 2 brothers each have 1 daughter and my sister has 2 sons. My Dad always told me I was next, that I needed to give him another granddaughter. His other 2 granddaughters were older because my brothers are older. His first granddaughter was 18 when he died and the other was 10. The boys were younger. One was 4 and the other was 7 when he passed. My Dad actually used to babysit the youngest of the boys up until the day he was admitted to the hospital. If he hadn't, I doubt that little boy would have any memories of his PawPaw at all, but he does.

My Mom really wants another grandbaby... she is constantly asking if we have had any luck. She knows my struggles and how bad I want this. I hope I can give her this gift.

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