TTC 1st Child, naturally, 35, cycle #2

Sorry about your dad Elpha:nope:that is hard.

I caved and took a tet this morning, yes I am only 6DPO but i was hoping for maybe a faint line? Feeling out this month. Not to mention the more i exercise and eat right the fatter I get!! so depressing! oink oink!!
Elphabaa, I now it's hard, but at least he saw grandkids and had impact on them.
My mom too is asking how are we doing with the fertility thing. Every time we cheer with our glasses, she cheers to me for a baby. Even today, is a big Orthodox holiday and wished us next year to celebrate it with a baby. Oh, boy!

Sloan, maybe it'll happen on 7 or 8 DPO (keep fingers crossed) :) you are so inpatient :) I'm the same one :) I use to do that, but now I wait for the AF to arrive. I actually want to see my period LATE! I've never experienced that :) I know it's silly.
Are you doing some special diet like "fertility diet" or just being careful what you eat?
Funny that you guys should mention diet. I am trying SO hard to find the 'right' things to completely motivate me to get my butt to the gym more. I have beat myself up saying 'Wanting a baby should be ENOUGH motivation! You want a baby more than anything else you have ever wanted in your life and you often say you would do ANYTHING to get pregnant!' All I feel are true statements... but for some reason, I just can't get a regular gym schedule going and I can't figure out why. I did it before and I lost 80lbs (then let myself gain it back), why is it so hard now? I spend so much time trying to figure out why it is hard now. The only thing I can come up with is a subconscious fear that it won't be enough. My hubby's diet is terrible, what if his sperm count is the issue? He has no interest in eating healthy or losing weight. OR what if I lose the weight and it doesn't help me get pregnant? I can't see any other reason for really working at it other than hopefully getting pregnant easier. Yes, there are the health benefits... but I want a baby so bad that if I can't have a baby, why should I care how healthy I am? Why should I care about anything? It is a HORRIBLE attitude to have, but I can't shake it... and I think maybe it is hindering my overall motivation. Until my doctor literally guarantees me that losing weight will get me pregnant, I just have a pessimistic attitude. Although when I had lost the weight before... my cycles started to regulate much better! That I have proven to myself, but that alone does not guarantee getting pregnant. I know my cycles will get better if I could lose even just 30lbs because that is all it took before.

Gah...... I wish there was some motivation 'cure-all.' I lost that weight before because I wanted to be confident and find somebody to spend the rest of my life with. It obviously worked. Problem is, he loves me just the way I am. lol Shouldn't be a problem, right? He brings home CHEESECAKE when I am dieting!!! *sigh* I love him, but when I need to be dieting I really want to strangle him. :rofl:

I know I have no patients! I want instant gratification all the time! No I am not on a fertility diet, I am on a "I am tired of looking disgusting diet"! I have gained 10 pounds in the past 6 months! I am only 5'4", so 10 pounds looks like 30 on me! (i think I look like Snooki from Jersey Shore!). My husband is super healthy and works out 6 days a week, he wont stand for me being over weight so i feel added pressure. I am not obese (142 lbs), but feel really horrible about myself, and how I look naked. I have outgrown all my clothes and had to buy new.

I also dont want to go into a pregnancy over weight because that is extra weight to lose after, i want to give myself a running start!

Elpha - Its none of my buisness but do you think your husband doesnt mind if your heavy because then HE wont have to lose weight? Why dont you just start really slow, I think the best way is to take walks together at night, walk the dof maybe? Also make very small changes like cutting out ALL soda, especially diet because it is horrible for you! I just ordered these shakes today called IdealShape. I am going to replace breakfast and lunch with them until I lose 10 pounds. Also not to freak you out or anything but, i have heard if the mother is diabetic while pregnant, that can lead to many complications in the baby, its even been linked to autism. Just things to think about, we all want babies but we also need HEALTHY babies with healthy mothers.:hugs::thumbup:
I would be happy to go on a diet journey together with you! Oh also the meal replacement shakes i mentioned above, mix them with coconut milk, or almond milk, never dairy milk as it is super high in suger and fat.
"Snooki from Jersey Shore"- hahahaha :rofl:
I always say, people are not heavy or fat, but happily rounded. And there's nothing wrong with our bodies, but there are little things that creep in our closet and shrink our clothes. :) :)

Now serious. Sloan's plan is actually great. We are doing that. My husband is overweight as well and since I moved to Canada 3 years ago I gained 10 lb (which is a lot for a person being underweight in the past). I just lost 2 lb (yayyy!) with what Sloan said- cut soda, cut sugar (changed it with stevia- natural sweetener), ditched the white flour, cut to 1 coffee/day, change the milk chocolate with chocolate with 70% cocoa, taking walks, roller blading.
Elpha, for me the unexplained infertility was a motivation. I know it's hard when you're not motivated, it took me a while to change. Even today he would bring home CHIPS (love chips), I try to resist (not successful always though) :) Tell your husband that's not nice.
sounds great Malamae! I LOVE chips! I will choose salt over sugar anyday! My girlfriend who lived in Canada said all you girls up there are super skinny and fit :haha: lucky duck!

Lets all try to lose 5 pounds? and we can easily do that with a few changes. At least it will keep us distracted from the TWW, or more like two year wait in some cases! :cry:

Elpha and Malamae do you girls have facebook?
Oh, I forgot to tell you. So several months ago I was doing diet research and started writing down what I can eat. The "fertility diet" was good and told me what am I suppose to eliminate. Then I found TCM diet recommendations and I had to eliminate more food, so I was left with half of ingredients. Then, I found alkaline diet which eliminated half of that. At the end all that was left in the list was green leafy vegetables.
I felt like a cattle. :rofl:

I gave up, I'm sticking to Mediterranean diet :)
sounds great Malamae! I LOVE chips! I will choose salt over sugar anyday! My girlfriend who lived in Canada said all you girls up there are super skinny and fit :haha: lucky duck!

Lets all try to lose 5 pounds? and we can easily do that with a few changes. At least it will keep us distracted from the TWW, or more like two year wait in some cases! :cry:

Elpha and Malamae do you girls have facebook?

I'm on facebook :)

As for Canada- not skinny at all, there are a lot of overweight people :) You should see Europe- skinny! Makes me want to go back.

Let's loose 5 lb!
haha cattle! I know right? I always eat crap, I am addicted to cheese! :munch::mamafy::mamafy:!!!!

is the diet your on mainly fresh veggies and meat? I would be a vegetarian if i could but its soooo hard!

um heelo! youtold me your on facebook but not how to find you? mine is xxx
I just sent you friends request. I'm the one with weird last name (actually 2 last names) :)).
I'll write you later for the diet.
I'm back.
So mediteranean diet is consisted of a lot of veggies and fish, but also meat is incorporated, stews, soups. All the processed food has to eliminated. The ggod thing is that you are never hungry. Make sure you always buy meat without antibiotics and hormones.
Breakfast: have an egg with cheese, small piece of bread, add some veggie, (u can use butter, never margarine), add a bit of marmalade. Ditch the cereals as they are processed food and full of sugar.
Snack: have a smoothie- any fruit blended with greek yogurt, dark chocolate (70% cocoa or more)
Lunch- this one has to be big, not the dinner: rice, potatoes, quinoa with chicken, beef, lamb, fish, some stew. Always begin the lunch with salad (use only olive oil and vinegar as dressing), then soup, then the main course. Cook the meals with tomoatoes, peppers, garlic, onion and add spices.
Snack: greek yogurt, almonds etc.
Dinner: big bowl of salad or anything that is not carb
In Europe and especially on the Balkan, the lunch is the main meal and is eaten from 1-4 pm. I love eatting at night, but that's what causing me to gain weight.

As for the cooking, check online for Macedonian, Turskish, Lebanese, Greek cooking.

I know I have no patients! I want instant gratification all the time! No I am not on a fertility diet, I am on a "I am tired of looking disgusting diet"! I have gained 10 pounds in the past 6 months! I am only 5'4", so 10 pounds looks like 30 on me! (i think I look like Snooki from Jersey Shore!). My husband is super healthy and works out 6 days a week, he wont stand for me being over weight so i feel added pressure. I am not obese (142 lbs), but feel really horrible about myself, and how I look naked. I have outgrown all my clothes and had to buy new.

I also dont want to go into a pregnancy over weight because that is extra weight to lose after, i want to give myself a running start!

Elpha - Its none of my buisness but do you think your husband doesnt mind if your heavy because then HE wont have to lose weight? Why dont you just start really slow, I think the best way is to take walks together at night, walk the dof maybe? Also make very small changes like cutting out ALL soda, especially diet because it is horrible for you! I just ordered these shakes today called IdealShape. I am going to replace breakfast and lunch with them until I lose 10 pounds. Also not to freak you out or anything but, i have heard if the mother is diabetic while pregnant, that can lead to many complications in the baby, its even been linked to autism. Just things to think about, we all want babies but we also need HEALTHY babies with healthy mothers.:hugs::thumbup:

Funny you mention IdealShape. I bought their program shortly after my wedding. I bought the 4 tubs plus 2 bottles of ResveraShape deal that they had. I opted to buy the CDs on iTunes but they didn't download right, but the people at IdealShape were super cool about it and sent me all brain training CDs for free. Their Facebook page is amazing and they are so helpful! I think it is a great program overall and SOOOOOO glad you chose them over Body by Visalus. Seems like everybody does Visalus then they try to shove it down your throat to sell it and get your stuff free. Hate that marketing crap!!! Anyhow, I still have most of 2 tubs left. You should totally get PB2 (peanut butter powder) and mix it with the chocolate in the blender, it tastes like a Reese's blizzard from Dairy Queen. I also used unsweetened Almond Milk with the shakes. Even before IdealShape I used Truvia (stevia) as my sugar substitute for everything and I LOVE Sobe Lifewater 0 calorie and it uses Stevia. I buy the crystal light pure lemonade packs because it also uses Stevia.

My problem was I tired of the shakes and I mixed them with different fruits and such. They didn't taste bad and were decently filling... but I literally was choking them down because I was tired of drinking my breakfast. :-/ I was doing 2 shakes a day. I did good, I even lost 10lbs my first week! I also think the little bit I did with brain training CDs helped me in terms of drinking a lot more water.

I know what needs to be done and healthy alternatives, I did well with it when I lost 80lbs before. As horrible as it is, I do blame the hubby. We don't have any pets to walk, but he said awhile back he would go for walks with me... but never has. Plus I hate walking. It just doesn't burn calories fast enough for me. I used to go to the gym everyday and spend an hour on the elliptical trainer. I would watch Netflix on the monitor of the machine via my iPhone and the hour would fly. I did so well, but now the hubby just eats terrible and refuses to try anything new. He won't eat any veggies but potatoes and carrots, but ironically... Those are the worst veggies for my PCOS. I need to avoid anything with maltodextrin, simple sugar, and/or high fructose corn syrup as well! Try to find found that doesn't contain maltodextrin!!! It's horrible and is definitely not something hubby will eat.

Hubby won't change his diet or exercise, but we had a talk and he will try to be a little more 'sensitive' about bringing home cheesecake, ice cream, ordering pizza, and things like that. I guess it is a start. I just need to force the willpower! If I lose even 30 lbs things will get better. However, I should lose a total of 150lbs technically. I stopped the shakes for now because I felt I was burnt out and wasting them, also they don't adhere to PCOS diet rules... but they were working so who cares? It is nice to know others using them for sure!

Sheesh! Lengthy post!
Also, I am Candy Baer-Teders on Facebook from Kendallville, Indiana. My profile pic is my sis and I making goofy faces and my cover photo is my nephews posing on letters spelling ZOO. :)
Sloan, I sent you a request because you were easy to find! Same pic on here as there. :) MalaMae... you may just have to find me or I will have to attempt on something other than my phone.
Yes i got yours and malamaes fb rquest! sounds like you know all the right things to do, its just a matter of putting it into action! I think I am going to try the shakes for breakfast and dinner and just have a big lunch? not sure yet? I really want to lose 10 lbs! n:sleep:ite nite ladies!!
Elphabaa, found you and sent request. I'm the one with weird 2 last names :)

Sorry, I can't say anything about the shake powders, I've never used them.
I use the Sweet Leaf Organic Stevia Extract (it doesn't have any other ingredient but stevia).

Elphabaa, we can do this! A journey of a tousand miles begins with a single step. The begining is hard, after that it will be easy. The reward is worthy :)))

Good night girls!!
It looks like I have a much greater weight loss journey than you lovely ladies, but I am certainly going to give it a shot... just probably not wholeheartedly until next Tuesday. AF is here in FULL force to me, and with PCOS it is just about a paralyzing experience. I tried to go to the gym last time and I was in so much pain I about passed out on the elliptical. Had to give up after only 20 minutes, which felt like a waste. My gym is also in the city where I work which is 40 minutes from where I live, so it is hard to go on the weekend. I could go for a walk, but I have such a nasty attitude towards walking. It's so boring to walk and to walk alone makes it worse. Then of course, Monday is Labor Day and most likely a family cookout with his family. Pretty much all of his Aunts are morbidly obese and these cookouts usually contain nothing healthy. Their definition of salad is macaroni salad, potato salad, and pasta salad. But they DO use fresh peaches and strawberries........... in their pies! :shrug:

I will do as I usually do and try to watch what I am eating, but the exercise portion won't really come into play until next Tuesday at this point. Well, except I think Hubby and I have a date with some MAJOR yard work this weekend! That will be a workout!

Maybe come Tuesday I will start up my IdealShape shakes again and break out my motivational jar from June. They had a challenge where you fill a jar with beans, beads, or rocks to represent your important accomplishments. I had a black bead for every pound lost, a clear bead for every day I worked out more than 30 minutes, and a white bead for every day I was under my calorie goal. I may try it out and see if that can work for me again. Maybe I will even get a calendar and reward my self with a sticker each day I go to the gym. Sounds childish, but sometimes it helps to measure your accomplishments and reward yourself. I haven't had my hair cut or colored since before my wedding last April. Maybe I will make that my first reward! I weigh 315 (I am 6 foot tall) right now, maybe when I break through to the 200's I will let myself splurge and get my hair done.
There is nothing childish about it. Use whatever method to keep you motivated. Actually I like the jar with beads, that is a great idea! Go pamper yourself, new haircut/color makes a woman feel like a new woman, so that may give you another boost :)
And 20 min on elliptical is actually good for a start. That's all I can do :)

Btw, great wedding photos both of you. You two look stunning! Sorry, I was stalking you two a bit :) Candy, beautiful bridesmaid dresses. Nikki, couldn't choose a better place for wedding- heaven on Earth!

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