TTC 1st Child, naturally, 35, cycle #2

Hey Ladies,
Mind if I join? I am 35, ttc#1. I also have PCOS, but personally hubs and I have ruled out IVF or IUI, it just isn't for us. Just started meeting with a reproductive specialist, and so far everything seems good, which is encouraging. We have been NTNP since we got married in May 2010.
Elphabaa, it sounds like we have a lot in common..... height and weight wise at least! Same height, very close in weight. I am not on any medications yet to assist with pregnancy, but probably next cycle they will start me on Clomid. Waiting on bloodwork to come back, and I have an HSG test for next Tuesday. Lovely to meet you ladies!
Thanks Malamae! We loved St. Lucia! Although the food was pretty funky!

Elpha I was going to say the exact same thing as Malamae! 20 minutes is not a waste! Anything is better than nothing! I also agree that its time to "get your hair did sister"!!! looking better makes you feel better! Go get your hair colored and cut fabulous, buy a new pair of fancy sneakers and just start slow! Diet is actually more important than excercise when it comes to weight loss. Cut your portions back, eat teo pieces of pizza instead of four! Think about how horrible it is going to be adding 30 pounds of pregnancy on to your current weight? PLEASE just start something! We are here for you!!! do it do it do it! I will even write you a meal plan with exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and the food will be awsome!
Hey Ladies,
Mind if I join? I am 35, ttc#1. I also have PCOS, but personally hubs and I have ruled out IVF or IUI, it just isn't for us. Just started meeting with a reproductive specialist, and so far everything seems good, which is encouraging. We have been NTNP since we got married in May 2010.
Elphabaa, it sounds like we have a lot in common..... height and weight wise at least! Same height, very close in weight. I am not on any medications yet to assist with pregnancy, but probably next cycle they will start me on Clomid. Waiting on bloodwork to come back, and I have an HSG test for next Tuesday. Lovely to meet you ladies!

Hi Sassypants! of course you can join!
where are my girls at today???:telephone: haha.

so i am obviously super bored today... anyhow yo wont believe the post I just read. This 21 year old girl is TTC and in all her posts shes going on and on about how her boyfriend hits her! WTH, I kind of went off on her saying how irresponsible it is to bring a child into the world in that situation! none the less why on earth would you want a baby at 21? Travel the world, get a job, go to school, party!! anything but that..... good grief, I just dont get it. I am putting an IUD in my daughter until she is 18 and can have it removed!!!
Wow! That is crazy Sloan! Makes you wonder a bit if she just wants attention. Most battered women don't take to a public forum to tell everybody.

It was a CRAZY day at work... no downtime to catch up on my TTC threads. :)

I am definitely going to work at the weight, I know that. Plus I did it before. It just isn't an easy thing without a support system. Not that you guys aren't, but people to go to the gym with me and eat healthy with me 'in person' would help. I tell ya, it is hard to see women BIGGER than me with no problems TTC.

It can also be harder with PCOS due to the insulin resistance. PCOS women can follow a diet and still gain weight because our bodies seem to turn everything into sugar. If I do start up my shakes again, I think they will be okay but I need to really watch the other food and stay on a low amylose diet which is similar to low carb. Basically I get to be cattle too, but no below ground grown veggies except onion and garlic! No potatoes, sweet or not... no carrots, no radishes... it is a bit crazy!

Hi Sassypants! :) Welcome!
Are you on Metformin for your PCOS? Seems to be first line treatment for PCOS'rs. There is also a new supplement called Pregnitude that some refer to as 'natural clomid' for us PCOS women. My OBGYN told me to start it in June and it is already making my cycles shorter. I have also talked to a couple women who only have cycles when taking Provera to induce AF. After 3 months along with a low carb diet and exercise, she started ovulating on her own. 2 calendar perfect 28 day cycles in a row! Very inspirational! :)

Thanks MalaMae! I let my bridesmaids choose their own styles so that they felt comfortable. Only stipulation was the clover color, my sister had already called the purple as her's! Lol

Sloan, my cousin went to St. Lucia on her honeymoon last October! They stayed at Sandals and loved it!!! (they are now expecting a daughter in late November)
Elphabaa, I am actually not currently on anything for the PCOS. I was diagnosed at 22 and all they told me was that when I got married I would want to start trying for kids right away. So 13 years, 100 lbs, and a husband later...I am finally taking it more seriously. I am very fortunate and recently some friends at work and I have been working out a few nights a week. It's a start. I am working on the diet too, but the weekends always kick my butt. Ahhh well, gotta keep trying right!

The weird thing is my periods were terribly irregular, but it seems like since I have gotten married they are a lot more consistent, but last forever. Go figure. Not sure that I was ovulating though. We shall see! I am interested to know what the bloodwork shows. It was a nurse that threw out there they would probably start me on clomid next cycle. Hopefully that works, otherwise we will eventually look into adoption.
Good evening my ladies!
I was busy with Ikea shopping this afternoon :) love Ikea!
Sloan, Elpha is right, she is attention seeker. When I read a post like that, I just shake my head and move to the next thread. i know she won't hear advices, all she wants to hear is people being sorry for her.
Elpha, maybe going to St.Lucia for vacation will be the trick for BFP :) A bit of rest and relaxation can't hurt. :)

5 DPO- not obesessed at all :nope:, just can't stop analyzing the fertility friend chart :haha:
Hello Sloanpet.

I am 38.5 and trying naturally. I read your post and thought the same, alot over 35 are doing IVF which is great. I am trying naturally (could never afford IVF even if I need it)..
Good luck to you. I am on 2nd cycle now on CD3.
I am trying to pick when I ovulate I think its between day 20 and 24.
I have not done temping yet. I just use Maybe baby and used the OPK sticks but really ran out before the time in my cycle where i needed them so thinking of buying some more and will start to temp if I am unsuccessful in 2 or more cycles.

Again good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Baby dust to you and everyone trying.
Elphabaa, I am actually not currently on anything for the PCOS. I was diagnosed at 22 and all they told me was that when I got married I would want to start trying for kids right away. So 13 years, 100 lbs, and a husband later...I am finally taking it more seriously. I am very fortunate and recently some friends at work and I have been working out a few nights a week. It's a start. I am working on the diet too, but the weekends always kick my butt. Ahhh well, gotta keep trying right!

The weird thing is my periods were terribly irregular, but it seems like since I have gotten married they are a lot more consistent, but last forever. Go figure. Not sure that I was ovulating though. We shall see! I am interested to know what the bloodwork shows. It was a nurse that threw out there they would probably start me on clomid next cycle. Hopefully that works, otherwise we will eventually look into adoption.

Wow, I cannot believe they diagnosed you but never did anything to try to help. Did you have an insulin test done? Especially if we are similar in height and weight, you probably are insulin resistant. Most PCOS women are. I have found from talking to a lot of women that a lot of doctors know very little about PCOS and how to treat it so they don't. Many women's doctors told them they could not conceive at all. It doesn't have to be that way for all of us. Weight loss and exercise will help more than likely, but Metformin has also been proven to help PCOS women to ovulate. The Pregnitude does too. Both help control insulin resistance and by doing so help your hormones to work properly and when they do, cycles begin to regulate and PCOS symptoms seem to fade. Do you still have the same doctor that diagnosed? Clomid can help and I hope it works for you! If it doesn't though, don't rule out talking to your doc about metformin at the very least. Pregnitude is new and since it is a natural supplement and available over the counter, some docs won't recommend it. Some docs aren't fans of natural remedies. I can tell you my OBGYN actually recommended it to me and told me 'it can't hurt!'

Anyhow, I am definitely not a doctor! I just hate to think you may be missing out on something proven to help us PCOS women. Did you say you go to a reproductive specialist? I would definitely be asking them their thoughts on Metformin to help your PCOS. Their are good studies out there for it, and even better studies with Pregnitude.

Ahhhhhh okay, sorry if that seemed preachy. :-/ I really am just trying to help. :)

MalaMae- I would love to go to St. Lucia! We have plans to go to Riviera Maya, Mexico next June to celebrate my sister finally getting married after 12 years and 2 kids. LOL Of course, TTC is priority one, so if I get pregnant we won't be able to go more than likely

Well, I better get ready for work!
Hey Elpha,
You don't sound preachy at all! PCOS is really not something to take lightly, which is exactly what I have been doing. I do not have the same doctor that diagnosed. I know it is bad, I have never really had any bloodwork done for it. I have done a fair amount of research on my own about PCOS, and knew about the insulin resistance/tendency towards diabetes, and truthfully have felt so bad about my weight, I have just kinda stuck my head in the sand over it. My doctors seemed to not do anything with it, so I didn't advocate for myself on it either. Horrible approach to take, but there it is! That is why I am trying to do better now and eat better and exercise. I actually did ask my regular OBGYN about Metformin around 8 months ago, but she just suggested I see a Reproductive Specialist.
I do really like our RS, and he is doing all the tests to ensure I actually have it. He said there are about 12 diseases out there that can mimic PCOS. I think my head is finally out of the sand. I am going to need to bite the bullet and schedule just a regular checkup with my GP as well. I wouldn't be surprised if when we go back to the RS, Metformin is on the table. Thank you for all of the info on this! I am definitely a fan of natural remedies, so I will look into the Pregnitude.

St. Lucia would be amazing! A co-worker of mine went there a few years ago and loved it. Travelling anywhere sandy and sunny is right up my alley though. Riviera Maya is beautiful as well! I went on a trip with a friend to Cozumel a few years ago, and we popped over to the mainland....the ruins are incredible.

Have a wonderful Thursday ladies! Good luck on everything! I am currently CD7, so not sure when I will be able to test in September, but have been charting my temps. I had an ultrasound done last week to see what was going on, and I had 6 eggs on the left ovary, and 4 on the right, so that is promising. Plus the hubs sperm is all above normal, although not as good as Malamae's hubby's, those are some impressive swimmers!

Sloan, are you coming up on O time?
Sloan, just went back and read that you are about 8 dpo, doh! Hoping a BFP comes your way soon!
Glad to hear your specialist is considering ALL options! My doctor just say the insulin resistance, my highly irregular cycles, my weight and made her suspicion of PCOS. When I moved back home to my old doctor's office (where my Mom is a nurse) that is exactly what my chart said. It had my insulin test results and 'suspected PCOS.' I have been prescribed Metformin all along the way, I just never got serious about taking it until May of this year when I finally knew part of WHY I was taking it. My old doctor NOR my doctor up here ever mentioned PCOS to me. They just put me on Metformin because of my insulin test. So when I was having my Mom read off info from my chart over the phone so I could jot a few notes for my new OBGYN, I was SUPER surprised at all of the things that were written yet not told to me!

It is possible that I might have one of those other problems mistaken for PCOS... but for now, metformin addresses the insulin resistance issue and the Pregnitude does as well. So if I do not have PCOS, I am not doing anything drastic.

Right now we are in the 'keep trying naturally' window until January. No real tests have been done. I seriously hope they never have to be done! I hate shelling money out for tests that may or may not be necessary and with my crappy insurance that is exactly what I will have to do. I read that the HCG can cost between $700 and $900 just by itself! My insurance pays nothing until I hit a $3,000 deductible. Dumb crappy insurance!
Wow I've gotten behind!! You guys have been busy posting!! Hope you're all having a great week! I can't wait for the weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off, and then Monday is Labor Day, so it's a 4-day weekend!!! :happydance:

Elphabaa - haha oops!! Ok, so if you don't have problems with CM / EWCM, then please disregard my post!! LOL But ya, I agree, preseed is just nice to have when BD'ing a lot LOL :blush: My DH is the same exact way... he always has TONS of drive (and I'm usually pushing him away half the time!! teasingly, but still...). It's definitely nice for making :baby: but he does seem to get a little more nervous when he knows we're trying, and it's like his drive goes down then. Funny how they can change when they know you want it!!! LOL sigh. I am with you on trying naturally until the end of the year. After November it will be 6 months of trying, so hopefully we both get a BFP before then! I guess I'd either go for testing in December, or January (since it might be hard to fit that in with the holidays... we'll se!).

MalaMae - ya, I am pretty vague with my hubby about when I ovulate too, so he doesn't get too nervous. I definitely agree that acupuncture works for all sorts of things (pain management, TTC etc.), but I'm not ready to go to a session just yet. But I'd love to hear about your experiences with it!!

Elphabaa - I'm sorry about your dad. :flower: My parents are getting older too, and I worry that by the time I have babies and they grow up a little whether or not they'll have enough time to know their grandparents.

Sassypants and Rose - hi!! :hi:

And I totally hear you ALL with the diet/exercise thing!!! Since I'm not trying this month, I told myself I would workout tons and lose 5 lbs. But I haven't lost anything yet!! I have been working out a little more, but not anywhere near what I should be. But I'm not giving up, and I'm going to stick with it. It's so hard, but fitness is so important. I have heard that it's good to get lots of low-impact exercise in when TTC, but not to over-do it (that affects hormones apparently). But walking or 30 minutes of other types of aerobic activity is supposed to be good. And I agree - 20 minutes is better than nothing! Even 10 minutes counts. My DH used to say that if I get in 10 minutes one day, that's still worth something. And he's right. When I'm just not up to it, I still try to do a little something and it does make a difference.

Wow! That is crazy Sloan! Makes you wonder a bit if she just wants attention. Most battered women don't take to a public forum to tell everybody.

It was a CRAZY day at work... no downtime to catch up on my TTC threads. :)

I am definitely going to work at the weight, I know that. Plus I did it before. It just isn't an easy thing without a support system. Not that you guys aren't, but people to go to the gym with me and eat healthy with me 'in person' would help. I tell ya, it is hard to see women BIGGER than me with no problems TTC.

It can also be harder with PCOS due to the insulin resistance. PCOS women can follow a diet and still gain weight because our bodies seem to turn everything into sugar. If I do start up my shakes again, I think they will be okay but I need to really watch the other food and stay on a low amylose diet which is similar to low carb. Basically I get to be cattle too, but no below ground grown veggies except onion and garlic! No potatoes, sweet or not... no carrots, no radishes... it is a bit crazy!

Hi Sassypants! :) Welcome!
Are you on Metformin for your PCOS? Seems to be first line treatment for PCOS'rs. There is also a new supplement called Pregnitude that some refer to as 'natural clomid' for us PCOS women. My OBGYN told me to start it in June and it is already making my cycles shorter. I have also talked to a couple women who only have cycles when taking Provera to induce AF. After 3 months along with a low carb diet and exercise, she started ovulating on her own. 2 calendar perfect 28 day cycles in a row! Very inspirational! :)

Thanks MalaMae! I let my bridesmaids choose their own styles so that they felt comfortable. Only stipulation was the clover color, my sister had already called the purple as her's! Lol

Sloan, my cousin went to St. Lucia on her honeymoon last October! They stayed at Sandals and loved it!!! (they are now expecting a daughter in late November)

I hear ya sister, i know how hard it is, i am a food addict (no joke). Yes your wedding looked great! your very beautiful :) So I am 8DPO today, do you girls think i should test or wait until tomorrow? still no symptoms other than sensative nipples which i always have before AF:nope:
Good evening my ladies!
I was busy with Ikea shopping this afternoon :) love Ikea!
Sloan, Elpha is right, she is attention seeker. When I read a post like that, I just shake my head and move to the next thread. i know she won't hear advices, all she wants to hear is people being sorry for her.
Elpha, maybe going to St.Lucia for vacation will be the trick for BFP :) A bit of rest and relaxation can't hurt. :)

5 DPO- not obesessed at all :nope:, just can't stop analyzing the fertility friend chart :haha:

Good morning Doll!!

I know I should have readu it and moved on but she posted about it like 5 times! Yes all the other ladies were saying stick it out! WTH?? Maybe its a California thing, but girls here dont take crap from any man, and usually make more money!! Mal when are you going to test? I am 8DPO do you think its too soon for me? Zero symptoms:nope:
Maybe its a California thing, but girls here dont take crap from any man, and usually make more money!! Mal when are you going to test? I am 8DPO do you think its too soon for me? Zero symptoms:nope:

Hey SloanPet! LOL love what you said about Californians. I've only lived here 5 years, but I totally hear ya.

Not sure how soon to test! Which tests are you using? I've heard FRER is the good one for detecting early. I always told myself that I wouldn't test until I was late with AF, so I haven't gotten to test yet (but I've sooo wanted to!)... I'm always 28-days on the dot, so if I go through the whole 28th day, I'll test. But I'm considering getting some tests so I can check up (heehee) once I start trying again next month!! :D
Hello Sloanpet.

I am 38.5 and trying naturally. I read your post and thought the same, alot over 35 are doing IVF which is great. I am trying naturally (could never afford IVF even if I need it)..
Good luck to you. I am on 2nd cycle now on CD3.
I am trying to pick when I ovulate I think its between day 20 and 24.
I have not done temping yet. I just use Maybe baby and used the OPK sticks but really ran out before the time in my cycle where i needed them so thinking of buying some more and will start to temp if I am unsuccessful in 2 or more cycles.

Again good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Baby dust to you and everyone trying.

Hi Rose Darling!!!

Do you have an iphone by chance? If you do get the App, "P Tacker Lite", it has a flower on the front. That thing is amazing it nailed the exact day I ovulated to a T! I am a believer in it, my girlfriend got pg the first try using that app! anyhow, welcome!
Hey Elpha,
You don't sound preachy at all! PCOS is really not something to take lightly, which is exactly what I have been doing. I do not have the same doctor that diagnosed. I know it is bad, I have never really had any bloodwork done for it. I have done a fair amount of research on my own about PCOS, and knew about the insulin resistance/tendency towards diabetes, and truthfully have felt so bad about my weight, I have just kinda stuck my head in the sand over it. My doctors seemed to not do anything with it, so I didn't advocate for myself on it either. Horrible approach to take, but there it is! That is why I am trying to do better now and eat better and exercise. I actually did ask my regular OBGYN about Metformin around 8 months ago, but she just suggested I see a Reproductive Specialist.
I do really like our RS, and he is doing all the tests to ensure I actually have it. He said there are about 12 diseases out there that can mimic PCOS. I think my head is finally out of the sand. I am going to need to bite the bullet and schedule just a regular checkup with my GP as well. I wouldn't be surprised if when we go back to the RS, Metformin is on the table. Thank you for all of the info on this! I am definitely a fan of natural remedies, so I will look into the Pregnitude.

St. Lucia would be amazing! A co-worker of mine went there a few years ago and loved it. Travelling anywhere sandy and sunny is right up my alley though. Riviera Maya is beautiful as well! I went on a trip with a friend to Cozumel a few years ago, and we popped over to the mainland....the ruins are incredible.

Have a wonderful Thursday ladies! Good luck on everything! I am currently CD7, so not sure when I will be able to test in September, but have been charting my temps. I had an ultrasound done last week to see what was going on, and I had 6 eggs on the left ovary, and 4 on the right, so that is promising. Plus the hubs sperm is all above normal, although not as good as Malamae's hubby's, those are some impressive swimmers!

Sloan, are you coming up on O time?

Hi Sassy! I think I O'd on August 22nd! So hopefully we DTD enough! I am currently 8DPO, and have zero symptoms, feeling like it didnt happen :nope:
Maybe its a California thing, but girls here dont take crap from any man, and usually make more money!! Mal when are you going to test? I am 8DPO do you think its too soon for me? Zero symptoms:nope:

Hey SloanPet! LOL love what you said about Californians. I've only lived here 5 years, but I totally hear ya.

Not sure how soon to test! Which tests are you using? I've heard FRER is the good one for detecting early. I always told myself that I wouldn't test until I was late with AF, so I haven't gotten to test yet (but I've sooo wanted to!)... I'm always 28-days on the dot, so if I go through the whole 28th day, I'll test. But I'm considering getting some tests so I can check up (heehee) once I start trying again next month!! :D

Moondust, what DPO are you? when is AF due? AF for me is Sept 4th.
Well I caved. Took another FR, BFN at 8DPO so Im probably out. Not even a faint line.:nope:

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