so it looks as though (and FF confirms) I ovulated on CD 18, which is fairly normal, right??? Better than the CD20 that I suspected.. So is everyone's luteal phase 14 days?? I HOPE mine is... I am now on CD 21. and is it 14 days and then you start AF on day 15 or do you start on the 14th day of the LP?
I'm a little confused.
and we leave for vacation on July 1.. We will be cutting it close. If I have a similar cycle to this one, I will O on June 30th..The night before we leave! I'm hoping to O before we leave and not have to deal with having

at my parents's house and all that jazz.. I would hate for husby to not be able to get the job done because he felt weird... Would be nice to BD here at home the days leading up to and on O day. We are headed up to the mountains on our own a few days later, but I think I will have missed O by then.. Just easier to get it out of the way.. and what a great way to spend the TWW..on vacation!!