So now Im confused. According to everything but my temp, I should have already o on CD15. My temp dropped again today back down. And I took opk last night that wasnt positive but was alot darker than the one i took in the morning. OPK this morning was back to being positive. I am starting to wonder if my thermometer is not very accurate or if I am just not charting cm and cp right. I guess we will just continue to bd every other day and i will keep using opk twice a day until af comes or we get a bfp.
Are you using a BBT thermometer? I tried using just a regular one a few years ago and it didn't work at all for me. Also, for some people oral temperatures never show a clear thermal shift so they need to switch to vaginal temps.
Sometimes it can take your egg a little while to "get out of the gate" making it so you get multiple +OPKS and patches of fertile cm. BBT is the only think that can definitively tell you you ovulated, everything else just shows your body is gearing up to ovulate.
Well I have a digital thermometer that measures in 1/10 of a degree, but it is the one that we bought for my son. It looks just like all the BBT Therm i see in the store, is there really a difference? If I take temp vaginally is it similar to oral temp? Or should I expect it to be lower or higher?
I think I will go buy one today if I can get away! I make cakes and have glued to my oven all day getting a wedding cake started for a co-worker at my "real" job

. I need OPK too since I ran out this morning and I want to continue testing.