TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Thanks ladies! I know this is only cycle #1 for me, but it feels like we have waited forever since it took so long for AF to come back after depo. I know there is a good chance we wont get a BFP this cycle, but I'm being optimistic. And I cant say how relieved I am to just know that my body is working right!! I'm so grateful that it all started on its own (although I totally was ready to pop provera and clomid to get this party started!)
Thanks ladies! I know this is only cycle #1 for me, but it feels like we have waited forever since it took so long for AF to come back after depo. I know there is a good chance we wont get a BFP this cycle, but I'm being optimistic. And I cant say how relieved I am to just know that my body is working right!! I'm so grateful that it all started on its own (although I totally was ready to pop provera and clomid to get this party started!)

So happy for you, that wait must have been torture! I'm having a hard time accepting it'll take me a couple months to start ovulating again....hats off to you for sure!!!! :thumbup:
Thanks ladies! I know this is only cycle #1 for me, but it feels like we have waited forever since it took so long for AF to come back after depo. I know there is a good chance we wont get a BFP this cycle, but I'm being optimistic. And I cant say how relieved I am to just know that my body is working right!! I'm so grateful that it all started on its own (although I totally was ready to pop provera and clomid to get this party started!)

I remember when I got my first +OPK. I was so relieved to see my body was doing what it was supposed to.

Every cycle I start feeling down right around the same time (10DPO). I know I could test and possibly get an accurate answer but I'm so convinced AF is going to come. With DS, I just knew I was pregnant and I have yet to get that feeling. I also have like zero early pregnancy symptoms.
At this point I just want AF to come so we can start again.
Sorry worked all day yesterday, then had a hair appointment so I didn't top until I went to bed lol.
Things are good with me. Temps are high and I am still getting nausea and twinges lol. Also very hungry. I feel different and I'm fairly confident I am pregnant but I'm stil going to hold off testing until Monday.
Struggling with ds right now. He's really pushing things. First, he bit DH on his junk this week (ran at him and bit him) WTH? I need that stuff to work!
Now he deliberately dumps his drinks on the floor, hits the cat etc. at this moment he's on time out. Been a trying week with him for sure :dohh: hopefully it passes quickly like all other phases.
Sorry worked all day yesterday, then had a hair appointment so I didn't top until I went to bed lol.
Things are good with me. Temps are high and I am still getting nausea and twinges lol. Also very hungry. I feel different and I'm fairly confident I am pregnant but I'm stil going to hold off testing until Monday.
Struggling with ds right now. He's really pushing things. First, he bit DH on his junk this week (ran at him and bit him) WTH? I need that stuff to work!
Now he deliberately dumps his drinks on the floor, hits the cat etc. at this moment he's on time out. Been a trying week with him for sure :dohh: hopefully it passes quickly like all other phases.

Holly, how many DPO will you be when you test? I know I should wait at least a week, but Im not sure if it is better to wait until past the time AF should be here? Fx'd for you!!

Anyone with experience have any suggestions?
Sorry worked all day yesterday, then had a hair appointment so I didn't top until I went to bed lol.
Things are good with me. Temps are high and I am still getting nausea and twinges lol. Also very hungry. I feel different and I'm fairly confident I am pregnant but I'm stil going to hold off testing until Monday.
Struggling with ds right now. He's really pushing things. First, he bit DH on his junk this week (ran at him and bit him) WTH? I need that stuff to work!
Now he deliberately dumps his drinks on the floor, hits the cat etc. at this moment he's on time out. Been a trying week with him for sure :dohh: hopefully it passes quickly like all other phases.

Holly, how many DPO will you be when you test? I know I should wait at least a week, but Im not sure if it is better to wait until past the time AF should be here? Fx'd for you!!

Anyone with experience have any suggestions?

With ds I got my first positive at 12dpo. When I test on Monday I will be 13dpo. The earliest I would test is 10do but that's still very early (I'm 10do today). When is your AF due?
Sorry worked all day yesterday, then had a hair appointment so I didn't top until I went to bed lol.
Things are good with me. Temps are high and I am still getting nausea and twinges lol. Also very hungry. I feel different and I'm fairly confident I am pregnant but I'm stil going to hold off testing until Monday.
Struggling with ds right now. He's really pushing things. First, he bit DH on his junk this week (ran at him and bit him) WTH? I need that stuff to work!
Now he deliberately dumps his drinks on the floor, hits the cat etc. at this moment he's on time out. Been a trying week with him for sure :dohh: hopefully it passes quickly like all other phases.

Holly, how many DPO will you be when you test? I know I should wait at least a week, but Im not sure if it is better to wait until past the time AF should be here? Fx'd for you!!

Anyone with experience have any suggestions?

With ds I got my first positive at 12dpo. When I test on Monday I will be 13dpo. The earliest I would test is 10do but that's still very early (I'm 10do today). When is your AF due?

Im really not sure. CD 1 was 5/18, so i am currently CD15. I think I will O today based on OPK and temp, CM, etc. I never tracked my cycles before DS, but Im pretty sure they were somewhat regular. Im just going to assume that 28 days ir regular for me, especially since I am Oing right in what would be the middle. Pretty textbook:) So tomorrow would be 1DPO for me then, right? I will wait at least ten days to test which would be 6/11.
Sorry worked all day yesterday, then had a hair appointment so I didn't top until I went to bed lol.
Things are good with me. Temps are high and I am still getting nausea and twinges lol. Also very hungry. I feel different and I'm fairly confident I am pregnant but I'm stil going to hold off testing until Monday.
Struggling with ds right now. He's really pushing things. First, he bit DH on his junk this week (ran at him and bit him) WTH? I need that stuff to work!
Now he deliberately dumps his drinks on the floor, hits the cat etc. at this moment he's on time out. Been a trying week with him for sure :dohh: hopefully it passes quickly like all other phases.

Holly, how many DPO will you be when you test? I know I should wait at least a week, but Im not sure if it is better to wait until past the time AF should be here? Fx'd for you!!

Anyone with experience have any suggestions?

With ds I got my first positive at 12dpo. When I test on Monday I will be 13dpo. The earliest I would test is 10do but that's still very early (I'm 10do today). When is your AF due?

Im really not sure. CD 1 was 5/18, so i am currently CD15. I think I will O today based on OPK and temp, CM, etc. I never tracked my cycles before DS, but Im pretty sure they were somewhat regular. Im just going to assume that 28 days ir regular for me, especially since I am Oing right in what would be the middle. Pretty textbook:) So tomorrow would be 1DPO for me then, right? I will wait at least ten days to test which would be 6/11.

I was reading on ff that about 32% of people who are pregnant will get a positive by 10dpo, so I think it's likely enough to try. If you ovulate today then yes, tomorrow will be 1dpo. I have very regular cycles too so it certainly makes it easier to predict things!
Thanks ladies! I know this is only cycle #1 for me, but it feels like we have waited forever since it took so long for AF to come back after depo. I know there is a good chance we wont get a BFP this cycle, but I'm being optimistic. And I cant say how relieved I am to just know that my body is working right!! I'm so grateful that it all started on its own (although I totally was ready to pop provera and clomid to get this party started!)

I remember when I got my first +OPK. I was so relieved to see my body was doing what it was supposed to.

Every cycle I start feeling down right around the same time (10DPO). I know I could test and possibly get an accurate answer but I'm so convinced AF is going to come. With DS, I just knew I was pregnant and I have yet to get that feeling. I also have like zero early pregnancy tests.
At this point I just want AF to come so we can start again.

I hope she gets you soon too so you can get started again!! I have a feeling the TWW is going to be just as hard or even harder than waiting to O!
Thanks ladies! I know this is only cycle #1 for me, but it feels like we have waited forever since it took so long for AF to come back after depo. I know there is a good chance we wont get a BFP this cycle, but I'm being optimistic. And I cant say how relieved I am to just know that my body is working right!! I'm so grateful that it all started on its own (although I totally was ready to pop provera and clomid to get this party started!)

So happy for you, that wait must have been torture! I'm having a hard time accepting it'll take me a couple months to start ovulating again....hats off to you for sure!!!! :thumbup:

Im sure it will happen before you know it!! I read in a previous post of yours that this will be your first but your hubby's 4th? Is that right? Very exciting!!
Thanks ladies! I know this is only cycle #1 for me, but it feels like we have waited forever since it took so long for AF to come back after depo. I know there is a good chance we wont get a BFP this cycle, but I'm being optimistic. And I cant say how relieved I am to just know that my body is working right!! I'm so grateful that it all started on its own (although I totally was ready to pop provera and clomid to get this party started!)

So happy for you, that wait must have been torture! I'm having a hard time accepting it'll take me a couple months to start ovulating again....hats off to you for sure!!!! :thumbup:

Im sure it will happen before you know it!! I read in a previous post of yours that this will be your first but your hubby's 4th? Is that right? Very exciting!!

Yep that's right, I have 3 step daughters who are wonderful. Looking forward to adding to our family :) Their mom just had another baby a few months ago and our 6 yr old keeps saying she wants a baby at both houses haha
Thats nice that they are excited about it! My sister in law is pregnant with #8. Her first 6 were from marriage #1 and #7 and 8 with my brother in law who is marriage #2. Her three girls (age 11, 13, 14) have all been so awesome about helping out and being excited. the 3 Boys were excited too, but the girls all fight over baby #7 who is almost 2!
Geeze I go away for a few hours and have so much to catch up on! LOL! Great reading though:)

I tested at 9dpo with my DS and got the feintest of positives, but I didnt believe it..I was like Holly though, I just knew I was pregnant. Its really hard to explain, but you just feel different. Theres not one thing you can put your finger on either, its just an instinctual thing. At 10DPO, there was no denying the second line on my FRER test. and thats when I told hubby and both sets of parents. I like to think that we will be more creative and wait a bit longer to tell our parents this time.
For you other #2 try-er's.. Do you plan on incorporating your LO in sharing the news? ie: Big Brother or Big Sister T-shirt, etc? How sad Im already thinking of this and I cant even TRY for another MONTH booo!!

Holly- I am so sorry you are having a rough time with Dom. Brady is going through a biting stage too. He bites HARD!! he bites our faces, our hands, our tummies, everything. he will come at you with his mouth open.. I blame myself though because I tickle-bite him all the time.. I guess I should stop that, huh? oops. He would for sure be the 'biter" if he were in daycare.. I am sure this phase will pass.. :hugs:
I think family announcements are so cute!!

I agree. I also just knew with DS. I was so nervous to do HPT because I KNEW it was going to be positive.

I have not thought about how we will share the news. I know that we will be texting DH brother/SIL ASAP once I take the test if it s a BFP. My SIL is due 10/14/12 with #8 and I truly think they decided to have # 8 after we told them we were TTC. They just got their BFP alot sooner. She is anxiously waiting for us to get BFP and is super excited for when it happens. My DH sister, who is 21 and recently married after getting a BFP (due 09/14/12) is clueless as they come. Every time we talk to her about the baby and her plans, I swear I am watching an episode of 16 and pregnant! It drives me crazy. We have no interest in telling her and her DH right away. I have two girls at work that I am very close with who I wont be able to keep the news from!! I will be blabbing it to them or texting them too! They are super excited and really are very supportive of me!

I really am not interested in telling family or other friends for awhile. I want to enjoy and celebrate with the people who truly care about us (BIL/SIL) and work friends for as long as I can because once we tell parents they will start trying to ruin it for us (long story:) and be negative.
Geeze I go away for a few hours and have so much to catch up on! LOL! Great reading though:)

I tested at 9dpo with my DS and got the feintest of positives, but I didnt believe it..I was like Holly though, I just knew I was pregnant. Its really hard to explain, but you just feel different. Theres not one thing you can put your finger on either, its just an instinctual thing. At 10DPO, there was no denying the second line on my FRER test. and thats when I told hubby and both sets of parents. I like to think that we will be more creative and wait a bit longer to tell our parents this time.
For you other #2 try-er's.. Do you plan on incorporating your LO in sharing the news? ie: Big Brother or Big Sister T-shirt, etc? How sad Im already thinking of this and I cant even TRY for another MONTH booo!!

Holly- I am so sorry you are having a rough time with Dom. Brady is going through a biting stage too. He bites HARD!! he bites our faces, our hands, our tummies, everything. he will come at you with his mouth open.. I blame myself though because I tickle-bite him all the time.. I guess I should stop that, huh? oops. He would for sure be the 'biter" if he were in daycare.. I am sure this phase will pass.. :hugs:

My in-laws are coming out in July so we were really hoping I'd be pregnant by now so DS could wear a "Big Brother" t-shirt. It would be fun seeing how long it took them to notice.
Unfortunately, I don't have that "distinct pregnant feeling" like you mentioned (and I definitely got it with DS) so I'm 99% sure I'm already out. We'll have to come up with another good idea for when it does happen.
I cant wait to get pregnant although we're not telling anyone until at least 12 weeks. i really want to have my 20 week scan and find out the sex before telling anyone, depending on how big i'll show! family might even guess lol, we will see how long we can keep it in :) x
I cant wait to get pregnant although we're not telling anyone until at least 12 weeks. i really want to have my 20 week scan and find out the sex before telling anyone, depending on how big i'll show! family might even guess lol, we will see how long we can keep it in :) x

I have some weight to lose due to my thyroid issues so I am pretty sure I could hide a BFP for a few months. With DS, I didnt really show until after 5 months, but of course they say the more times you are preggo, the faster you show.

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