TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Sorry I haven't been on much...this pregnancy is treating me about as awfully as the first! I'm miserably sick 24/7 and nothing including nausea meds and IV fluids is helping!
I just wanted to let you all know that I may not respond, but I am still following and keeping my fx for all of you.

:hugs: Elt! Feel better!!!

:hugs: Runner, so glad you are safe!!!

Banana - your 21 day bloods should be low obviously so my guess is she'll def up the dose for next cycle, but you still could ov later or maybe you have already with those awful pains. I haven't had any ov pain from clomid except that last cycle my boobs started aching something awful right at ov time and didnt quit till several days into AF. Fx for you to ov!!!!

Happy - :hugs: sorry you're having a rough one. Hang in there! Fx for you!!! Btw your chart still looks great! Testing yet???
Hey girls.

Well am a bit disappointed today. I did finally get my crosshairs had a good big temp rise this morning ( although the house was really really hot when I woke up this morning). Ff says I ov on Wednesday which is devastating because we bd Monday and Friday Wednesday was the only 2nd day we missed we were so well covered if it was any other day in the month. Total Murphys law. I know they say they survive a few days but even at that its so upsetting after all the effort we put in this month. We missed it because of visitors etc. Plus I think ff was wrong I think it was actually Thursday as that was the day I had the really really bad pains what else could that be they were really bad. Which makes bd on Monday even less relevant. All pains and swelling totally gone now. Ah well onwards and upwards.
I think you are well in with a good chance by DtD on mon and ov on weds - that's what I did when I conceived my DD anyway! They say that the best times are two days before ovulation and the day before. I'm glad you have your cross hairs! FX
Hey girls.

Well am a bit disappointed today. I did finally get my crosshairs had a good big temp rise this morning ( although the house was really really hot when I woke up this morning). Ff says I ov on Wednesday which is devastating because we bd Monday and Friday Wednesday was the only 2nd day we missed we were so well covered if it was any other day in the month. Total Murphys law. I know they say they survive a few days but even at that its so upsetting after all the effort we put in this month. We missed it because of visitors etc. Plus I think ff was wrong I think it was actually Thursday as that was the day I had the really really bad pains what else could that be they were really bad. Which makes bd on Monday even less relevant. All pains and swelling totally gone now. Ah well onwards and upwards.

Hey banana nice to see those lines! When you having your blood taken? I would suggest to get some cheapie ov tests next month/ if there's a next month if your worried about missing your window. One step omes from amazon are really good. Good luck chick! X
I think I would have an ok chance from bding Monday and ov Wednesday but I think iv ov on Thursday which gives me almost no chance :-(

Yeah I regret not using opks this cycle but the consultant warned me on two occasions not to use them. Ah shur what she doesn't know won't hurt her I suppose! Just really gutted about this month being out after so much effort apart from 1 night which just happened to be the important night.

How are you issac???? Where .are you in our cycle now??
Yeah I'm good thanks just very tired as ds has tonsillitis and has been needing much mummy cuddles day and night! Think he is on the mend now.
Had a new baby nephew born on the Thursday gone he is absolutely gorgeous from pics I've seen. Won't be able to meet him for few weeks yet as they live in the Midlands!
Currently on cycle day 8 so ov not too long away. After last cycle where I basically messed up bding as i ovulated few days after normal, I've gone back on my word and got some opk's! Will start to use them in few days or so. I have also started a homepathic remedy called folliculinum which will hopefully give my ovaries a boost! Don't know much about it so we shall see xx
Elt - good to hear from you I missed your post until now so sorry I didn't respond to you earlier. Sorry your feeling so ill fx it will pass for you soon - keep up updated anyway :)

Issac - Sorry about DS hopefully she is on the mend by now x. Hope your getting lots of bding in regardless! Yeah I am going back on my word and getting the opks. Will still bd every other day but will just be an extra push for us. I will not mess up like I did this month and miss one session which turned out to be the most important one!

Happy - I see your temp dropped - did the witch arrive, I really hope not x

Even if she does I'll prob be joining you next week, I think she is due Thursday but very weary after her being a week late last month so I won't get to excited if she hasn't arrived by then.

Feeling pretty out this month, just not really feeling it this month. I have felt pretty sick pretty much all day - nothing to run to the bathroom for just a light sickness feeling constantly - could be something I ate, I dunno. I did spend sometime googling chances of getting pregnant 3-4 days before ov and there are a hell of alot of stories about people who did. But also, I took the ewcm out of my chart on cd17 as it really was so so little it was almost unnoticalble and they took away my solid crosshair and gave me dotted ones so now I don't even know if I did ovulate!

Blah that is all I have to say at this stage - just Blah!!!

How are you mama - that was a fair temp rise you have there???
Banana it certainly looks like you ovulated to me! Will keep my fingers crossed that this is it for you!

Getting close now for me although still think it might be a while yet. I'm on a face book group and they are all doing the 'baby evictions techniques' - some started at 32 weeks. One girl has been bathing in clary sage since week 35 and doing nipple stimulation since then, unsurprisingly her waters went this morning, she's not even 38 weeks yet and was overdue by a week with her first. I think it's really sad that people can't just be patient for the last few weeks of pregnancy and just wait until the baby is ready to come out. I mean we manage for 35 weeks but everyone seems to hit that and decide that a baby's time is up and the have to get out even though the last 5 weeks is really important for a baby's lung and brain development. I don't get it! Sorry I know it's a bit off topic!!
Jes that is a bit strange Hann - I've never heard of people doing anything to speed it up until they were overdue but even at that I always think unless it goes way over and the baby is in danger let them cook as long as they need! I was 9 days over with Ds they were going to induce me on day 10 as they said they won't let you go over 14days for the safety of the baby something to do with the placenta starting to stop working after a while but I went in myself the night before. Only thing I did was go for a really big long walk and my waters broke that evening but whether this was coincidence or not as I was 9days over due I'll never know!!! :D

Had a huge fight with DH this morning and I ended the conversation by saying I hope I'm not pregnant, that if this is the way things are going again I do not want to be stuck to him with another baby its a long story I won't actually go into it but really it was just all a bit heat of the moment but he really really upset me. Hope I haven't jinksed it now wishing I wasn't pregnant :(
Ah banana you won't have jinxed things - if anything it's more likely to be that you are pregnant because you said you didn't want to be! Hope you sort things out with your DH - I'm sure it was all his fault ;)

Yes I agree with you, people are really weird about trying to evict babies and doing stupid things. I don't think they realise that it can put the baby in unnecessary danger if it comes out not ready. Really stupid when you spend all that time wishing for one and carrying them so safely all the time leading up to it!
Ah banana you won't have jinxed things - if anything it's more likely to be that you are pregnant because you said you didn't want to be! Hope you sort things out with your DH - I'm sure it was all his fault ;)

Yes I agree with you, people are really weird about trying to evict babies and doing stupid things. I don't think they realise that it can put the baby in unnecessary danger if it comes out not ready. Really stupid when you spend all that time wishing for one and carrying them so safely all the time leading up to it!

I am embarrassingly guilty of this.. :blush: at 37 weeks, I was so done being pregnant and my OB had completely terrified me telling me my baby was already over 8lbs, would probably be over 9, close to 10lbs at birth. I didnt do anything crazy, I just bounced on my ball, got on all 4's a lot, and went for long slow walks.. Not forcing him out, persay, but definitely encouraging it.

he did end up coming early (no induction) at 38 weeks, and was born 6lbs 6oz.. my doctor was WAY off!!
Ah runnergirl that doesn't sound bad at all def just more gentle encouragement!! Plus I think if your baby is born anytime between 38 - 42 weeks its considered "ontime" as the due date is always an estimate based on LMP like that way you know you only ov'd 2 weeks before BFP but your automatically 4weeks according to docs!!

I think its the mad ones who take olive oil and stuff at like what Hann said about 32 weeks which is crazy!!

Yes Hann it was all his fault haha!! Even if it wasn' the would get the blame.
I agree I don't think what you did was proper eviction techniques - I'm taking about the people who drink castor oil and bathe in clary sage when it's dangerous and can cause fetal distress. Nothing wrong with a good bounce on the ball or a long walk or even DTD as they are all natural processes :)

Banana - I knew it was his fault! Hope you are feeling a bit better now :)
Hi ladies :)

Banana - :hugs: I'm sorry about your fight with DH. I hope you guys sort it all out. And I've still got fx for your bfp this month!!!

Hann - that is crazy! I get so annoyed at women who won't let their babies fully cook! They'll come when they're ready! Feeling so excited for you!!! :) won't be long and your little one will be here! How's Annabelle doing with the baby on the way concept?

Afm - some excitement this am....temps went up past 2 days and today it jumped up again even higher and so ff gave me crosshairs! They're dotted and I haven't opk'd or anything so it could easily just be pcos temps run amock but its still exciting. Honestly it would shock my socks off if my body just ov'd on its own on cd11!!! I mean what the heck!?? But I would gladly take it of course. If its the real deal we bd the day before and 2 days before that so should be covered. Didn't dtd the day of if it is ov but day before still gets us in the game. The one odd thing is my temps aren't really post ov high. But my bbt has been lower this cycle, which I figure is because no clomid this time. So who knows. I'm really trying to stick to my guns and just be calm this cycle and trust my body and most importantly for me, trust God. We've prayed and prayed for a baby and this is the first time I've just stepped back to let nature do its thing...hoping that may do the trick. But even if no bfp, if I at least really ov and get another natural AF this cycle that is sooooooo good! Maybe the metformin is really doing wonders for my reproductive system and maybe the clomid my working was a blessing in disguise to get me to knock it off and give my body the chance to show me it knows what to do now.

Feeling very optimistic :)
Its looking good mama - I seen that big temp spike the other day! Fx crossed for you. I love how you aren't just wishing (as fab as it would be!) for a BPF but being so optimistic (sp?) about even just getting a normal cycle!

Myself and DH have made up well not even made up just carrying on as normal, which is pretty much what we usually do, I usually end up regretting it and wish we had sat down and talked about whatever the problem is - whoever said you learn from you mistakes was wrong - well I certainly don't!!!

Afm ttc wise, not a whole lot to report but a extreme amount of creamy cm, as in I had to change a panty liner twice today and at one stage when I wiped it would nearly half fill an small egg up - it was alot. So of course I went to Dr Google and I discovered I had googled the exact same thing at 6-7dpo before (the hyperlinks came up purple) and he was able to predict what I was typing. Still went ahead and investigated and turns out it means dam all is littearly 50/50 people who had serious amounts of creamy cm and ended up with a BFP.

I did read the other night tho on alot of different sites that bd 3-4 days before O is still considered pretty good. Even some mad stories about women who bd 6-8 days before O then their husbands went away so no more bding and lowe and behold a BFP for them. I'm sure its rare enough tho!

FF has me at 7dpo which I still think is 6dpo.

Happy I seen on your chart that AF arrived - if your reading, thinking of you and hope your holding up ok x
Jes, just realised this thread was started 24th May 2012 - exactly 11 months today :o

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