TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

How's everyone else?? Elt, sorry you're not feeling so great...hopefully first trimester will fly by and you'll start feeling better in the second. Good luck with the long test too!

Hann - how are you doing Hun? Almost there!!!

Runner - how's your little one? You're coming along too!!! So many babies in here!!!! :)

Happy, Banana and Isaac - how are you ladies holding up? :hugs:

Afm - temps still low. Pretty surprised ff hasn't taken away the crosshairs. I felt really "in the mood" yesterday and today so I'm wondering if maybe ov will happen. Only going to go to cd30 though and if no ov or AF then I'm going for the provera.
Hey girls. How is all??

Mama - how are you holding up?? Its still on cd20 tho I don't usually ov until cd 17 - 19 so hang in there just yet!! And of course Hugs for your ttc anniversary we'll be the year trying at the end of next month.

Elt - Same as Mama said fx the first trimester flys by for you and its smooth sailing from there on in!! x

Amanda - Welcome :) I not a big one for cm but as far as I know ewcm is before and during ovulation its there during your most fertile time which is 2-3 days before ov but if you look at my chart I had ewcm (not alot now but some) after my crosshairs. I would trust the ewcm over fertilityfriend tho - can't beat nature!!! Plus I think ff is at least 1 day early with my cross hairs. GL x

Kirstie - Really sorry for your m/c. Stick around here the girls are great for advice and support x

Hann - How are you and Yes I am going to ask you the dreaded "Any Sign" question!!!! :D

Issac - How are you any updates did you us OPKs and OV???

Afm, Consultant just phoned me, seemed surprised that my day21 bloods came back the exact same as previous month with no clomid - asked a few times was I certain I took it which of course I am. Didn't bother telling her that I only Ov'd on CD 18/19 so the bloods will be low as she will only give out to me for "thinking about it" and temping etc.. she doesn't want to know about late ov just day21 bloods. So anyway she has doubled my clomid to 100mg for this month. FF has the witch due on Thursday but as I said before I think ff has me a day early so could be Friday instead but then again I usually have a 12day LP so that would make it tomorrow - ah sometime this week. Have taken a few cheapie tests all stark while and the usual 99.9% sure she is on her way anyway :(
Yes...yay for 10 weeks!!! According to my midwife, I am 10 weeks Tuesday, but considering I know when I ovulated (early that month), I set my tickers according to my calculations.
I haven't been on much, so I guess I could give everyone a little update. I'm still feeling pretty bad most days, so I'm hoping that ends soon. I had my 1 hour glucose tolerance test a couple weeks ago, and the results were "borderline", so I had to fast tonight and I go in the morning for the more extensive 3 hour test. Wish me luck ladies as I don't need gestational diabetes on top of all the other difficulties I tend to have during pregnancy!

why did you do that test so early? mine isnt until 28 weeks...:shrug:
I am doing well ladies, just getting big, which, of course is par for the course. baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead according to measurements and I am already up 18lbs :dohh: Oh well!
Hi, thanks. I'm surprised I just found this website! Yes there is hope!! My aunt has PCOS and never carried past 6 weeks so I went through some depression thinking I was doomed to the same fate.... NOT TRUE!! Don't give up!! I've never used the bbt method. This is the first time really ttc. In 2010, I kinda just wanted to prove the dr's wrong so I used the OPKs but it got too confusing for me (is the line there, isn't it? O'ing or not?). I've read PCOS can affect CM so I gues I'm trying to see what works and what doesn't. I'm thinking about trying bbt though.

Here's my conception story:
I was diagnosed in Fed 2010, my dr gave me Clomid in May.... didn't do a thing for me. After failed Clomid, I lost hope and stopped trying. After mos of wrapping my head around never having kids, I decided in Nov 2010 "what the hell? here's the week I should ovulate if I am actually ovulating, why not try?" So I just BD every other day that week. I actually forgot that we BD on my O week and had light bleeding around when I was supposed to get AF. The day before AF was due, I was feeling sick so my coworker made me take 3 tests at work, all negative. Exactly two weeks after AF was due, I had some light brown blood on the tissue after I wiped, so the next day I took a test at work, thinking " oh, gonna be yet another neg..." but that second line popped up and I couldn't believe I actually got pregnant! Over that summer, I had been put on a no/low carb diet by my endocrinologist and he had prescribed metformin. I was on metforimin from May - Aug. I was eating healthier, but hadn't lost any weight. After three mos on metformin I just stopped taking it because I didn't notice any changes. Three mos after quitting the metformin I conceived. I guess it really depends on the severity of your PCOS. It seems to me like the diet and being on the meds kinds helped to reset my body. DS was born in Aug 2011 and holy mother of God, my PCOS reared its ugly head after he was born. Been in the ER four times in the past year for the horrible pain. The first cyst after I had him, the docs were convinced I was having a kidney stone. They even gave my dilaudid in the ER I was in so much pain. Never had a cyst so big. I had Mirena inserted last Oct and didn't bleed at all while on it but had cysts constantly. I was sick of the cysts so I had it removed in Feb. Had a 4.5 cm cyst in Feb, biggest one I've had yet. But when I had an u/s to check it on Fri, it was gone. Must've ruptured, I guess. I'm taking advantage of no cysts for now and ttc while I can. I think the Mirena reset my system like PCOS treatments did before I conceived DS.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

runnergrl- I'm not sure why they had me test so early...I don't remember it being this early last time. But, I'm guessing because I am probably high risk for diabetes because I am quite overweight unfortunately. So, I suppose they would want to catch it early. All the ladies in the lab said that I will probably pass the 3 hour though since my 1 hour was only a few points over. Apparently a lot of people fail the 1 hour and pass the 3 hour!
Hey girls - oh my head is a little all over the place. Had a bummer of a night really low about ttc AF is due sometime between today and friday. Got a call from my Bestfriend/SIL last night we were talking about her new house and her wedding plans for next year.... Then she just slipped in that she was a few days late. I counted her days for her and turns out she was 10 days late she didn't think she was that late. She had a little accident with her fiancee a few weeks ago and took the morning after pill straight away. I met her this morning as I have loads of cheapie tests neither of us acutally expected to see two lines we were joking about it the whole time. Then she came out of the toilet within seconds of taking the test and two big thick dark lines within seconds. She didn't know what it meant she never took a test before - she is in bits she does want kids but was just about to book her wedding venue this week etc... She really didn't want kids before she was married, it would be semi frowned apon in her circles and she is the kind of person who really cares about what people think of her (not like me!). She rang her finacee and he tried to calm her down and say that it was ok not the end of the world, I took her out to get a digi test and just sat by the waves for a while so she could try to get her head around it. She took the digi and it says 3+ weeks. I feel so bad for her. She said she feels bad for me that if she thought it would really be positive she wouldn't have asked me as she knows how badly I want it I'll admit it was tough, I have wanted to see those two lines so so badly for the last year but not on someones elses esp poor maggie - Oh god my head :(
:hugs: banana. Im not sure what to say.. you chart looks so promising! :shrug:
:hugs: Banana I'm sorry that you're having a difficult time. I pray that God gives you comfort during this time. I struggle with the same thing when I hear about someone expecting. It's hard. It'll happen for you too hun. Hopefully soon. In glad they upped your meds. Watch you end up getting preggo with twins :) hehe
Hey girls. Well it is starting to settle in with my BF/SIL her fiancee is delighted he said he would have rathered it happened in 2 years but that it has and he is happy and that she needs to start getting excited. Her biggest concern was the wedding dress and whether she should panic and go shopping now before she gets a bump or if she would have enough time after the birth. She will have 9 months between her due date and the wedding and the general opinion in the bridal shops was she will have enough time to order her dress by March which I've worked out give her about 6-8 weeks after the baby is born to get the inital bloating down and 2 weeks to find the dress. So Glad her Finacee took it well. She was delighted with my research as I know that was one of her biggest worries.

So while the dust settles for her, its just sinking in and rising for me! Feel worse about it now then I did this morning - God how I wish it was me!! so so heartbreaking when she wasn't even trying but preventing. But we did say there is a most likely chance with me on meds or even if I have to go for IUI/IVF we'll be pregnant at the same time! Ha imagine the state of the two of us!

Runnergirls, thanks for the well wishes on my chart but I'm afraid AF is just around the corner 12/14dpo today and BFN :( and FF says only 22% of charts like mine have ended in pregnancy.

Thanks Happy - yeah looking forward to doubling my meds read lots of stories where people got their BFP after uping their clomid fx

Hey girls. Well it is starting to settle in with my BF/SIL her fiancee is delighted he said he would have rathered it happened in 2 years but that it has and he is happy and that she needs to start getting excited. Her biggest concern was the wedding dress and whether she should panic and go shopping now before she gets a bump or if she would have enough time after the birth. She will have 9 months between her due date and the wedding and the general opinion in the bridal shops was she will have enough time to order her dress by March which I've worked out give her about 6-8 weeks after the baby is born to get the inital bloating down and 2 weeks to find the dress. So Glad her Finacee took it well. She was delighted with my research as I know that was one of her biggest worries.

So while the dust settles for her, its just sinking in and rising for me! Feel worse about it now then I did this morning - God how I wish it was me!! so so heartbreaking when she wasn't even trying but preventing. But we did say there is a most likely chance with me on meds or even if I have to go for IUI/IVF we'll be pregnant at the same time! Ha imagine the state of the two of us!

Runnergirls, thanks for the well wishes on my chart but I'm afraid AF is just around the corner 12/14dpo today and BFN :( and FF says only 22% of charts like mine have ended in pregnancy.

Thanks Happy - yeah looking forward to doubling my meds read lots of stories where people got their BFP after uping their clomid fx


Oh banana :hugs:. I know it's always the hardest to swallow when people end up preggers when they aren't even trying or ready!

afm- I failed my 3 hour test, so I am a gestational diabetic:-(
Hey ladies,

Amanda - thanks for sharing your story :) I sure hope some magic happens for me!

Banana - :hugs: girl I feel ya! I have such a hard time when a friend announces they're pregnant and when it's not even planned it really tugs the heart strings. :( All we can do is try to stay calm, be happy for our friends and pray that a little blessing will come our way soon. Your chart is looking great! Sorry about the bfn though :( hang in there! Next dose of clomid should give you a real nice strong ov!

Elt - ugh sorry about your test Hun :( that's a fear for me as we'll because I'm pretty overweight myself. I've been trying to lose weight as I know it will help with ttc but losing weight with pcos is really hard. Going to kick into higher gear though and start getting to the gym more/eatting better. Hopefully even if lbs don't drop it will at least help me be healthier and more likely to conceive like in Amanda's case.

Afm - still pretty low temps though I gotta say I'm not sure I trust my new thermometer. I've gotten pretty good over the past year predicting how high or low my temps will be based on how i feel when I wake up to take it and today I woke up certain it was higher and it turned out very low. :shrug: I don't know, maybe it's just wishful thinking but I've questioned it's results a few times. I may pick up a second to compare with.
Thanks mama. Yeah, losing weight is a really good idea before getting pregnant (I lost 10-15 pounds before pregnancy and about 10 pounds since finding out (but that's nothing compared to what I need to lose).

The only problem is that GD seems to be quite random, considering most of the ladies I've seen on BnB with it seem healthy and slim! I thought most of the ladies would be heavier, but they aren't!

Oh, and mama, maybe your thermometer is off! You have been doing this long enough to know if something seems your instincts!
Sorry about your test elt - Hope it doesn't create to much hassle and you can still enjoy the pregnancy x

Mama, I agree with you and elt - trust your instincts! maybe get another one tho just to be totally satisfied!

Afm, temp drop this morning just above cover line - didn't bother testing today the BFN at 14dpo was good enough confirmation for me. Today is CD33 last month was a 35day cycle my longest yet. 15dpo which means the longer cycle is all LP I'm still ov at usual time...
I feel like I'm pregnant the symptoms keep intensifying
Just catching up, sorry I've not been about as much, been trying to get last minute things done before the baby. Guessing I have up to 16 days left even though due in 6! Where has that time gone lol?!

Elt - sorry about the GD, you are right it's totally random as to who gets it and seems to be less attached to being obese from what I've come across too. I hope they give you good pointers to control it

Runnergrl - don't worry about the weight gain - mine increased from around 5 pounds after trimester 1 to 20 pounds at the end of tri 2 and now only 2 pounds in tri 3. I've been told I'm carrying a 7.5-8 pound baby by my mw, a 7.5 by my day to day doctor, and between a 6.2-6.10 baby by my friends dad who is a consultant obstetrician (delivered over 50,000 babies!) so quite a difference! We shall see! To be honest I don't see how it can be do big as I'm the same size as I was with Annabelle and I've put on 4 pounds less this time but who knows!

Banana - thats quite the story about your friend although its nice that they have worked things out and are happy. I'm sure the clomid will work for you and you'll get your bfp really soon. I know how hard it must be to hear of someone fall so easily though :(

Mama - guessing you are looking forward to next cycle? Or did you decide you did ov and the thermometer is wrong? I think either way its good you gave your body a rest so hopefully your next clomid month will be more impact full

Happy - how is clomid treating you?

Hello to the new girls!
Amanda - I'm sorry you have pcos and that your time has been difficult too. You will get lots of support here
Shey - good luck with the testing!

Issacralph - still thinking of you and hoping things are okay

Sorry if I missed anyone!
I'm still reading and thinking of you all. Sorry I'm not around as much but my thoughts are with you.
I hope to have news for you soon anyway so watch this space :)
Oh Hann I am so excited for you I really am, can't belive your ticker is in single digits!! I know your saying it could be up to 16 days but just to look at your ticker is amazing!! Have all my fingers and toes x for you that everything goes nice and smoothly!! Keep us updated!

Afm, another temp drop and BFN this morning think today is the day she will arrive have pretty bad cramps.

Myself and DH have spoke alot about what happens next over the last couple of days. We did a bit of research on success rates of IUI / IVF and one of the clinics in Dublin have their stats for 2010 up IUI only has a 9.9% success rate and their IVF 47.6% that is a huge difference. IUI is about €1000 and IVF/ICSI about €5000 our private medical will cover €2500 a total of 3 times in a life time.

The ICSI is a few hundred euro more expensive but for €900 a year they will freeze and hold the rest of them for you so we wouldn't have to go through the whole procedure again just the transfer.

So we have pretty much decided if the clomid doesn't work for the next 2 month and my tubes come back ok we are going to bypass the IUI and go straight for the IVF.

Have decided also we'll be going for Irish twins so pretty much as soon as one pops out I'll be trying to get another in! This will financially be a disaster if it works out childcare for 2 kids will be almost the same as my weekly wages so I would have to give up work or pretty much be working for nothing but who knows its a few years away.

Think I'm going to use progestrone cream this month, I didn't use it the first month as didn't want to mess with the clomid on the first round but it obv didn't work.

We are going to give it the biggest biggest push this next 2 months on clomid - really really don't want to go for IVF.

Have also ordered OPKs on the internet yesterday. So am pretty much doing everything under the sun this month!!!! fx

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