TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Thanks issac. Am nearly suicidal here. Opks have went from about 60% dark to stark white I never seen a blazing positive. So frustrated. Had huge temp jump this morning but didn't go to bed until 3am and that was at 11am and i was sweating so it could be a false temp rise. I've never got a blazing positive on opks used them twice before. Am so so cross I didn't get the digit ones to eliminate all this confusion. We are covered bding wise whether it happened already or is about too. All my cramps are gone.

Have horrible feeling I might have geared up to ov but never actually did.

Just feel so out already :-(

How are you keeping issac waiting to ov. Are you going to do anything different this cycle?

Happy your chart is looking really really good. Fx for you. My bombs were in bits before I got my bfp with ds and I got a bfn 2days after AF was due only get bfp a week after!
Hey banana don't be feeling negative already, you have an excellent chance this month! Is it diazepam your taking? Are they not helping? Like I've said before the new clear blue tests om amazon are quite reasonable. I'll be getting after I run out of my stash of the old clearblue digitals with smiley face. I picked up some the other day really cheap £10 for a 20 pack. Usually £40 in boots but because new omes taking over they were reduced so I got 2 packs and I usually only use 4 or 5 maybe in cycle.
This month I'll be mainly recovering from op, popping pain killers snd generally feeling like crap, tonsillectomy on Tuesday and due to ov later near weekend. Probably not bd as much as normal but will give it a shot, nothing to lose hey!
Hey Issac - Thanks and sorry for the extreme rant!!! I'm just very confused over my chart this month last month was fairly clear cut but this month its all over the place ff has now put ov at last monday cd11 (dotted lines) but I am 99.9% sure this is incorrect, I know the clomid can make you ov earlier but this is just way to early and I had no other signs or cramps anything plus stark white opks.

Now if I change my darkest 60-70% opk to positive it takes away these cross hair and if my temp stays up tomorrow (temporarly did data entry ahead) it put ov at Saturday CD16 (still early but more normal and Thursday / Friday were my really bad cramps.

Typically despite almost everything running like clock work this month if I have ov'd on Saturday we Bd wednesday and DH was exausted Friday so after alot of arguing decided to compromise and go for first thing saturday morning.

yeap am on dizapan it is working but just stuff like this is to frustrating for the low dose to work but for everyday stuff it does take the edge off. As DH said I am doing my really bad singing in the kitchen again!!!

Sorry for the one sided post - just so frustrated and confused and in a hurry - will catch up with everyone later today.

But any advice on whether to change the darkest opk to pos or not?????


What should I do ??????
I wouldnt change the semi dark OPK to a positive, plus I think (based on your history) that cd 11 is just too early for you to O... of course this is just my opinion, so take it as you may :hugs: Good luck to you!!
Thanks runnergirl, I am very reluctant to change it to a pos opk but I hate seeing the crosshairs at CD11 when I am so sure its incorrect. Have now discovered if I discard my low temp dip on CD11 and my temp stays up tomorrow she will put my crosshairs at CD16 (Saturday) same as if I changed the OPK to pos but still leaving it negative.

So thats two small changes that change crosshairs to CD16 which I really think makes sense based on cramps and history etc....
K have decided provided my temp stays up tomorrow I am going to just disregard my temp dip on CD11. Which will give me crosshairs on CD16 which makes so much more sense based on

Darker OPK
Temp rise

Getting my day 21bloods done on Thursday morning so should know the results by the following Monday - Tuesday at which point I have to ring the consultant and with the results to see if I have ov and what dose of clomid I should be taking when AF due the following week. Need to ask her about whether I should keep going with the clomid this month after the depresion it seems to have put me in this month.

then AF due following Monday - Tuesday.
Take a deep breath banana...I remember how frustrating it is, but you will get through it!
Hey girls.

Sooo got my crosshairs this morning all be it dotted but they are there. So started my natural progestrone cream this morning. Still doubting if I ov'd or not the temp rise is not that great and the two higest ones were the morning after we had a big fire lit in the house so I woke up sweating this morning I had no fire last night and my temp was above coverline but not much.

FF seems to be down, went to look a yer charts.

Happy seen the the temp drop yesterday fx for you its not AF x

Mama - How are you getting on? Feeling good about this cycle au natural??!!

ELT - that is brilliant about hearing the heartbeat - delighted for you. Hope all is going well and thanks for the breathing advice!!!

Issac - How are you just waiting to Ov?? Do you remember we were all on difference parts of our cycle at the beginning then we all ended up at pretty much the same point and now were all back to different points totally!!!

How are you getting on Runnergirl??

Hi ladies,

Happy - I see your temps have dropped, any sign of AF? Hopefully not. Fx for you!

Isaac - good luck with your surgery this week! :hugs:

Banana - :hugs: hope all goes well with the 21 day bloods and I say trust your gut over ff. ;)

Afm - think AF is about done. Has been a very odd one, blah, glad it's about done. Been having weird abdominal twinges the last 2 days and felt very odd to my stomach. Assume it's AF related, may be that my period is just feeling weird and off because its my first AF from a natural ov. :shrug: who knows.

Going to dtd a minimum of every other day. DH has been informed haha so he's on board...told him to enjoy the AF break because we're going full out this cycle!

Also going to work on my eating healthier and particularly exercising. It has to help, even if I don't drop a ton of weight any little bit could help and exercising will make me healthier in general which will also help. DH and I have been going on walks together the past few days and think we will make it a goal each evening. Plus I'm going to make the effort to get to the gym 5-6 days a week. Between that and lots of bd I'm sure I'll be exhausted this cycle haha but really want to give it my all. After another cycle or two I will probably start the process of getting into the actual fertility doctor if no bfp. Hopefully we'll get our bfp and won't need to. Just talked to a friend at a BBQ over the weekend about her fertility issues. She ended up using injectable a and IUI and got her bfp the first cycle after 4 years of trying for #2. The great news was that its ny as expensive as I feared so I guess that will be our plan if the natural approach doesn't work. Hopefully it will though!
Hey banana- thanks for asking. I'm doing pretty good actually. I have a lot of stuff coming up which makes the days go by faster, which is a good thing at this uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. I wouldn't change it for the world. its just different having to make some of the physical adjustments. Like, bending over sideways to put shoes on, literally leaning backwards to thrust myself forward so I have enough momentum to get off the couch...waddling (yes already) instead of walking normally.. you get the picture. I had to buy a belly support band because I have a lot of back pain for the extra 20 lbs i'm carrying around and my back isn't used to it. It helps a ton, although not the most comfortable thing in the world to wear :)

I can see the end in sight! currently I am waiting on my glucose test results and to re-do my 3d scan this friday because he wasnt cooperating last week. Im just so happy I get to see him again. Tomorrow is my husbands birthday and we are celebrating this weekend. Oh and I have Friday and Monday off! Woot!!
Oh sorry your uncomfortable already runnergirl but at the same time I'd take it all in a heartbeat!!

Do you like the 3D scans? I think they are amazing but they freak me out a bit!! I'm always 50/50 when I see them. Do you pay for that yourself or are they standard over there??

Sorry issac I forgot you said you were for surgery this week until I read Mamas post - hope all goes well x

Thanks Mama, I have to trust my instinct with this one I think, CD11 would be just way way to early and there were no other signs. Tbh I'm doubting ovulation this cycle at all just don't feel like it happened. Should know blood results next week but consultant doesn't want to know what day I Ov on so doesn't seem to give a f**k when my progestrone is low even tho its prob because I only just Ov'd - going to her one more time to probably be refered to the fertility specailist in Galway and please god I'll never have to see her again. If I'm not being refered straight to the fertility specailist I'll change consultant.

Anyone heard from Hann - hope all is going welll for her x
Hello ladies. Just wanted to drop in and say hi.

Banana - I see you got your crosshairs. Hope your bloods come back good.

Mama - I like yours and DH's plan. :) good luck to ya!! I'll keep praying for you.

Hann - Hope you and your family are well.

Isaac - Hope your surgery goes well and you feel better quickly.

AFM - AF showed up a day early. Based on my temps yesterday and today, it didn't suprise me. But I was starting to think this was it this time. Onto the last month of Clomid before we go back for testing and such. DH and I talked and we are thinking of trying IUI within the next 6 months depending on what my labs show. I'm not as bummed as I thought I was going to be. Guess our talk last night really helped. Please say a payer for us. We feel God has lead us to this dr, I pray that God is with this dr and He gives him the knowledge that its going to take to give us a baby (or two).

I have a question for you ladies both TTC, expecting, and those who just had babies :)

Do you want more? Or has this journey been enough? I know I want at least 2 more, but with as hard as its been this time, I feel like I would be selfish to ask God for another child after this. If its in His will, great. But otherwise, I don't know...
That's a good question Happy...I think this is the last for me. Pregnancy just doesn't treat me well! I'm not one of these ladies that gets pregnant easily and has a wonderful pregnancy, so I think I'm going to take that as a sign that 2 will be enough!
Hey Happy - so sorry about the witch, your chart was so good and I had a good feeling about you this month but seen your temp drop yesterday. :hugs:

In answer to your question - Yes 100% we want more 3-4 in total. That hasn't changed despite how hard this has been already. The only thing that has changed is that we will be going for irish twins (2 kids born within a 1 - 1.5 years). Unless we have to go for the IVF and end up with twins. It would mean me having to quit work full-time as the creche fees for 2 at the same time would be almost the same as my wage but some things are more important in life then money.

DH is so much older now, I think he will always be a only child he won't really play or socailse or share a room with the other kids so I just think of him as my bonus baby and we are starting from scratch now so will prob go for another 3.

If we do the IVF with ICSI its 900euro a year to store the fertilised eggs so when we do go again for a 3rd time if its not happening in a couple of months we can just go to the clinic and defrost the eggys for a fraction of the cost because its only the putting the egg back into me that is required not retrieving the eggs or the ICSI.

Thats our plan anyway.

:hugs: again Happpy x
this will be it for us. I would love to have one more, but I dont think I could handle the potential of another loss, nor could we afford another. Its going to be tight with money as it is with the two :) good question!
Hmmmm serious temp drop this morning only CD21 and 5dpo - any ideas???? Suppose will have to wait and see what it is tomorrow if it stays down maybe I haven't O'vd at all. The only two high temps I had that confirmed possible ovulation were mornings after I had big hot fires on the night before.

Had my Day21 bloods taken today and got her take a load of other bloods as I've been feeling really lightheaded and dizzy since Tuesday. Doc thinks it could be a combo of the Diazipan and the progestrone cream, said just see how it goes and if it doesn't improve i'll have to stop one of them. Should know my results tomorrow she said but I would say it will be Monday.
Grrrrr irratic temps - just barely touching coverline this morning.

Didn't let DH put on a fire last night so it would be a more accurate temp. If i discard the temps I got when the house was really hot - it takes away my crosshairs

Banana - just out of curiosity, if you plug in the temp you discarded, what happens to your chart?
Decided to start Clomid earlier this month. It's our last month before returning to the dr. Figured why not?

Hi girls, I'm sorry its taken me so long to get this posted, here is my little guy at 1 week old. He's been gorgeous so far, not quite back to his birth weight but i think thats because I got mastitis, but we are doing well.
I am still reading along and thinking of you all, just struggling to post with my DD and now DS to look after. Hopefully I'll get myself into a routine soon and be better at responding!

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