TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Mama - your chart is looking great! I'm sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. Your time is coming. It'll happen in God's time. I know your mother meant well, but ouch! Hugs Hun. I'm still praying for you!

Hann - That baby is being stubborn. Props to you for waiting it out. Hopefully it'll happen soon :)

AFM - Thank you for the support. I have almost 0 symptoms which is odd for me. Cramping started yesterday and today but its mild and comes and goes. No nausea, bbs aren't tender like they were at OV. No nausea. Dreams started this Weekend and started peeing a lot yesterday. Seems different and I feel like I'm constantly running a fever only I'm not. Temps are def a little more elevated. Earliest I will test will be Saturday or Sunday. AF is due next Wednesday so I'm going to try to hold off until then. I never can make it so we'll see.
Wow Elt! Look at you dropping weight so fast. At least your glucose is staying in the good range. That's important. I hope your visit goes well!
Hey girls

Happy belated Mothers day. Happy I always wondered if you were UK or US now I know! (Its not mothers day over here it March this side of the pond!).
Issac, I am so so sorry for how you feel, sometimes hormones just hit you like a tone of bricks. I am still not right, I thought I was but now I just feel like I'm totally losing it, my work is suffering, relationships everything. Have made an apt to see the doc tomorrow. Fx yours is just AF related Hormones and they pass shortly. AF left me nearly a week ago so I can't really blame AF Hormones anymore.

Mama - you are right, I did take an additional day, I know I shouldn't have but just felt so desperate. God knows why cause it was bad enough as it was without making it worse. Won't do it again, don't think i'll be able to take another month of it anway. But then again I was thinking today maybe since I am planning to skip the IUI and go straight for IVF maybe I should complete the full 3 months of clomid or they will think I am just trying to take serious shortcuts.

Hann - You must feel so close but yet so far!! I am sure it will be really really soon judging by what the nurses are saying . Will be thinking of you x

Mama - Hope you are feeling a bit better yesterday. Like you said I am sure she didn't mean it in a bad way - DH's mammy is like that she says things without thinking but if you didn't know here you would think she was awful!! (but she is def not!)
Banana - I hope you feel better soon and you get some answers at the dr. I'm sorry you have been so down lately. :( chart is looking good. When do you OPK? Hoping you see + soon.
I'm trying hard not to symptom spot but I have been peeing about every 2 hours and I have a pinching feeling near my left ovary. This is gonna be a long 4 days... Trying to behave...
I'm trying hard not to symptom spot but I have been peeing about every 2 hours and I have a pinching feeling near my left ovary. This is gonna be a long 4 days... Trying to behave...

I noticed that your temps are slightly higher this month post O than other months. That is exactly what my bfp month was like. I know people say that you can't have symptoms that early, but I totally disagree considering I had BAD cramps at 3dpo my bfp month and no others! FX for you!!

banana- maybe a pre O dip?
Thank you Elt. This month seems a lot different than other months with the lack of symptoms.
Thanks Happy - apt is after work today. Don't feel as bad now but I know its best to just say it to him at least. Your temps do look a good bit higher - have all my fingers and toes crossed for you this month x

Elt - I did wonder that it might have been a pre O dip but I really really doubt it, I don't think I've ever O'd or even attempted to O before CD17 at the earliest and that dip was only on day 11? I do have cramps but I almost always have cramps. It seems to have come back up again now so I dunno. Plus its all neg OPKs so far.

I have been OPKing (IC) since CD10 I am sure it to early for me to even start but am taking zero chances this month I'm doing everything,
Bding every second day without fail
Legs in the air for as long as possible
Using Preseed
Taking Pre-natal vitamins
Will be taking Natural Progesterone Cream when I get my crosshairs.
Checking CM
Trying to check CP but don't really get it, I know how it works in theory with the nose tip or lips feeling but I am never sure enought to put it on my chart - any tips?
Banana - wish I could give you some tips on checking cervix. I this is my first real month checking on a daily basis.

I'm glad you're feeling better. So the IC's typically work for you? With the extra dose of Clomid it's possible you could OV earlier...

AFM - noticed last night and this morning I'm having more creamy CM than usual and my cervix dropped a little bit as it wasnt as hard to get to, but its much softer than it was yesterday. Not as soft as during OV. It never returned back to "nose tip" but it was like def more firm yesterday.
Hann - how are ya? Any progression? :) I'm so anxious!!!

Mama - chart is looming good! Any symptoms?

Runner - how are you feeling? Just hanging in there?

Elt - Let us know how your apt goes.
I was googling earlier about when I could or when other people usually O when taking clomid days 2-6 (or 7 in my case - naughty!!). Most people say its between 5 & 10 days after last dose. Today is 5 days since last dose (Thursday night). My cramps are getting a little worse but another - OPK for me. I think they work for me I only used them once before, my line went from nothing to about 85% as dark as the control line - so I took that as a positive. I've always used the digital ones but just cannot afford it anymore, maybe I should have this month tho since this is my super trying don't hold back month????? Will I regret squinting over the lines on the IC ??? Its €30 for 7 sticks of the digi one?????

Same as Happy - Hann - so anxious to know how you are getting on !! Thinking of you x

Elt - How are you now, when is your next apt??

Mama - when did you say you would test?? Are you using the progesterone cream this month - how are you getting on with it???

Issac - Hope your holding up ok x

So are there just 4 of us left now 2 Happy & Mama & myself and Issac?? WOW it has to be our turn soon!!! :D
Banana - I can't say that I'll go back to the digis after I'm done with this box of CB. I got a super great deal on them is the only reason I got them. Never used IC's :( I've thought about buying a fertility monitor but they are so expensive... I think you'll be fine. But I've noticed since being on Clomid that my surge happened very quickly instead of being gradual like before. I also used softcups after BD around O time to keep those swimmers in there and then kept my legs up for about 20min...
Banana - for cervix I always have trouble determining open or closed. Can usually tell a difference with soft or firm but the big one for me is high or low. There's no real mistaking when it's high because its hard to get up there enough to touch it. When its low its right there and no trouble feeling it. When you ov it should be soft and high :) I stopped doing te cm and cp checks daily in my efforts to take the "low key" approach this cycle, but the best tip is the more you check it the easier it will be because you'll have the comparison knowledge and you'll know your own body better. When you start you don't really have a clue what it all means but as you keep checking it the subtle differences become easier to detect.

Happy - fx for you!!! All sounding good! As for me, more crazy dreams last night. My appetite has been weird....don't feel hungry at all and then my brain will hit on something and suddenly I feel ravenous for it. I've noticed an increase in cm though I haven't really been checking it, just notice it when I wipe. Last night after we bd I had tons of cm! It was different than just his stuff...hard to explain but def not the norm. Today I've felt a bit odd in my abdomine when I go to sit or stand up from the couch. I'm probably symptom spotting like mad! Prob all in my head, but that's everything I've noticed.

Oh something I'm not feeling sure about is my temp today. DH left our bedroom window open last night and our room was freezing this am! Like I was full on shivering when I woke up to temp. My temp was 97.1! Massive massive drop! I bundled up with an extra blanket and shut the window and when I woke an hour later I felt normal and checked temp again and it was back up to 97.7. I'm thinking it was my room affecting my temp and hoping the second temp is more accurate but I've also heard room temp won't really affect bbt. :shrug: so I'm not sure. Either way I don't feel today's temp is very accurate.
Mama - do you temp orally? I do and sometimes can be a mouth breather when I sleep. I like my room cold too when I sleep and have wondered the same thing as the nights I sleep with my mouth open tend to have lower temps.

I'm starting to wonder if my elevated temps are due to this sinus stuff I have going on. I'm not really sick just lots of drainage and some stuffiness....
Hey girls feeling much better now thanks on cd 3 and af dwindling away at least me and dh can be intimate soon. Will defo be starting clomid next cycle prescription on its way in the post. I have also made the decision we'll be having ivf towards the end of the year if no luck before! Family eill help foot the costs thank the Lord! Not really a nice prospect but I'm willing to try anything before I hang in the towel and at least I can say we tried everything! Anyway just a quick few lines as got a poorly boy to attend too. Hope all you girls are ok happy and mama charts and symptoms are looking good.
Good luck han thinking of you!
Elt and runnergrl thanks for the hugs and thank you for those who have prayed for me also xx
Oh and banana if you go on amazon you can get 20 clearblue digital tests for about £27 or the new ones which apparently pick up 2 extra days of high fertility for about £21. I'm crap and not sure about £ to € conversion rate x
Happy - yes I temp orally ;)

Isaac - so glad you're feeling alright and have a plan you're feeling good about! :hugs: praying for us all!!! :)

Afm - more symptom spotting. My appetite continues to be bizarre. I felt ravenous for dinner but about halfway through I felt super full and had to actually spit a bite out because I felt like if I swallowed it I'd throw up. Not nauseous really just super full and I hadn't even eaten much. Stomach still feeling odd as well. I got some very like AF like cramps this afternoon so wouldn't surprise me if AF is gettin ready to settle in. Thinking I may test in the morning, mostly just to see the negative and make the symptom spotting cool off! I feel crazy! I swear I must think myself into these symptoms! Won't stop progesterone cream till I test Sat or AF arrives ( though I don't think she can if im taking the progesterone can it??)
But at least if it is in fact negative tomorrow I can chill my wishful thinking down a bit and be better prepared for a neg on Sat. I really want to hope for the positive, I just don't want to be completely disappointed :( *sigh*
Hey happy - not sure how I am. I ended up not testing because turns out I have no tests! Haha thought I had a few but nope. This morning my temp dropped down and I had a tiny bit of spotting and cramping but after this morning both went away. I worked a half day and felt really tired so I went to sleep around noon and literally slept the whole afternoon! I just got up at 6:30 when DH got home! I checked my temp before I got up and it was 98.8! So this morning I felt sure AF was on her way, and now my brain is toying with the idea of implantation dip and implantation bleeding! AF will prob arrive tomorrow...but till then I guess hope is still alive....will prob still wait to test till Sat now.

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