Hi ladies! Is it too late to join??
We are also ttc #2! My DD is 9 monthsalways wanted my kids very close in age! Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 months ago- we've been actively trying for a 1 cycle now. I don't temp or chart either- maybe I should really look into that! lol
I've also got some OPK tests & softcups coming in the mail- I'm really hoping they will work. I've heard rumors that with PCOS you could test positive all the time? Anywhoo lots and lots of baby dust to you all!
Morning ladiess,I have a question...but first will start with a little info about myself to help you better understand where I'm coming from...... My fiancé (not father of ny 1st)have been ttc my 2nd since Jan.of this year... In Feb we had a positive hpt but then AF 6days later Dr said it was a chemical pregnancy because I had just come off implannon...well a continued trying my monthly cycles are 24day on the dot have been the last couple months.. We had tons of unprotected sex about 3dsys before my period on April 30th which lasted 5days..we also continued ttc after that...now I am 3days late for my period..I have cramps and took a htp n got a negative..can I still be preg or is my cycle just changing..?
oh and how do you post that small version of your chart in your signature?
Have you had a positive OPK? I thought it had to be 3 consecutive high temps to be considered o? Maybe your temp will go back down tomorrow and your o is still to comeIm in a similar situation myself! so worried now!
So Fertility Friend is saying I O'ed two days ago on CD12! What the heck?! I had two high temps in a row, today and yesterday. Are there other factors that can cause your temp to go up? I did have several beers last night out with my husband for his birthday--would that have anything to do with it?? I hope it does! We had
on CD10, but theres no way thats enough! And I got up straight away, didnt let it stay in me at all.
SHould I keep using my OPK's just in case FF was wrong?? If it is right, I am so confused about my cycle! I can O anywhere between CD 12 and 21? nooooooo!
I have no idea when i 'normally' ovulate. my cycles arent the same every month, so I absolutely have to chart and use OPK's to help our chances of concieving.. The only thing I have to base anything on is when I concieved Brady, and that month, I ovulated on CD 20.. (but they still based my due date on my last missed period which was stupid because i knew EXACTLY when we concieved..)
Hopefully I will get my pos OPK tomorrow or not till Thursday because my husband will be out of town Tuesday and wednesday! terrible timing! tomorrow will be CD16 and I have had some slight cramping tonight, but so far no EWCM.. We are going to DTD tonight and tomorrow night in case I ovulate while he is away, then again on Thursday when he gets home.. please keep your fingers crossed and pray for us to get it! No way could I do this month after month.
Hi ladies! Is it too late to join??
We are also ttc #2! My DD is 9 monthsalways wanted my kids very close in age! Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 months ago- we've been actively trying for a 1 cycle now. I don't temp or chart either- maybe I should really look into that! lol
I've also got some OPK tests & softcups coming in the mail- I'm really hoping they will work. I've heard rumors that with PCOS you could test positive all the time? Anywhoo lots and lots of baby dust to you all!
Your little Princess is so cute! Sorry to hear about your PCOS diagnosisthat must be tough, you sound very positive about it all though which is awesome!
Welcome to the thread and hopefully we'll all get those