TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

So happy for you elt one of each whoop whoop! Boys are great I agree with runnergrl
Hey Girls

Sorry its been a while, i'm sure ye have noticed by now I go quite when I'm upset!

Firstly, Congrats ELT delighted for you - gentlemans family now you will have :)

Issac - really have all my fingers and toes crossed that you catch that eggy this month x

Afm, Not taking it all very well, hence why I haven't been on don't really want to drag everyone else down with me and lower the mood, am doing that enough at home and ruining perfect good days with DH & DS just by being depressed most of the time without even realising it.

Anyway 14 DPO today AF due tomorrow - Monday probably tomorrow. BFN CD10, 12 & 13.

Decided to try and do the HSG this month even tho It means I can't take clomid. The letter says if AF comes on a Saturday or Sunday to phone them on Monday but I thought I would be smart and it may just have paid off! I phoned them today (Friday) and told them I started spotting (a lie) so AF will def be here to night for Saturday and that I need to know today if there is an apt next week as otherwise I need to take my clomid. So they just phoned back and I have an apt for Monday morning which means I should be able to still take my clomid this month too if I do days 3 - 7 instead of my usual 2-6. No more wasting time in this camp!

Also been on the phone to the fertility clinics trying to decide which one to go to one is 2hours away and one is 2.5 - 3hours away. Wasn't just going to jump at the closer one wanted to check out the waiting times and success rates. Not much of a price difference to bother considering, I'm more concerned about times and success.

The nearer ones is 4 weeks to initial consultation
The further one could have gave me an appointment on Monday - Tuesay next week if I wanted and they will do all the test on the same day the nearer one wasn't sure what tests would be done.

They are both the best clinics in my opinion from researching threads on the internet. There are about 10 in Ireland in total but I have narrowed it down to these 2. So I'm not sure I have an instinct feeling about the further away one but don't really know why. Success rates are pretty much the same.

15 - 20% for IUI
50& for IVF/ICSI - (41% actually carrying to term - 9% miscarrying).

Will have to decide over next few week.

So really am just waiting on AF to come now, HSG on Monday and hopefully start last round of clomid too then back to Consultant on 13th August and then down to fertility clinic which should be Mid Sept at latest with IVF in October ish if successful baby this time next year. Feels like a lifetime away but what can we do and that's only if it is successful only a 41% chance so not exactly fool proof :(
Wow banana, you have been doing your research. I'm sorry you have been getting BFN :( I like how you are taking charge of everything. Don't get down Hun. Use your charge attitude and mind frame to get you through this. You're going to have a baby. It'll happen.

AFM - I have ha a terrible headache for the last 3 days. You ladies who have taken Clomid and come off, have you exp this? This is my first month without it and I'm just wondering if this is a hormonal headache. I've had lots of dizziness too. I'm going to check with the dr about it next week when we go.
Oh the panic! HSG this morning AF was due Saturday - no sign of her all day - no sign of her all day Sunday until late last night (TMI was constipated so was pushing a lot!) and got a tiny bit of bright red blood on the tissue so decided this was it put in a tampon expected full flow this morning but the tampon was only barely touched with blood.

Don't know what to do HSG in an hour they say it has to be done between CD1 & CD10 I considered yesterday CD1 and put it in FF as a light flow but now I'm not sure. I'm def not pregnant BFN up to yesterday 16dpo but terrified incase this isn't AF yet and I mess something up by having the HSG.

What to do What to do....????
Panic over - just went to the loo and its full flow - HSG here I come :)

So so strange to be happy to see AF !!!
Panic over - just went to the loo and its full flow - HSG here I come :)

So so strange to be happy to see AF !!!
Good luck to ya Banana. I'm sorry you didn't have a BFP this time. But maybe this will be what you need.
Appointment tomorrow. A little nervous. No real signs of OV yet. I hope I do OV though but I'm scared I won't after being on the meds.
Hey Happy - what apt is this that you have - is it with a fertility specialist, I think you said you were going to have an ultrasound and maybe get your tubes tested?? GL x

Afm, HSG done and dusted, not going to lie it was not nice at all, more painful then I thought but it really does only last 2mins and pain is totally gone now. Got the all clear so its another thing ticked of the list.

Consultant is on holidays but I asked her secretary well her temp secretary the usual one is also on holidays about since I was having the HSG so early in my cycle CD1/2 was it ok to take the clomid. I know she has originally said not to take clomid the same cycle as HSG but she also expected me to have the HSG much later. Anyway the answer still came back as no but I really want to take it this month. I've done a lot of research and it doesn't seem to be uncommon at all for people to take clomid and HSG in the same cycle some doc even recommend it for super chances. Apparently its just doc preference and they would be afraid that you might ov very early on the clomid then have HSG on CD10 which would flush out the egg but since I'm only CD1/2 I am obv no where nearly Ov.

My day 21 bloods last month were 151 and this month on same does were 80 so I'm afraid that if I don't take the clomid I'll drop down even further and not Ov at all and really don't want to waste this cycle since people say you've a increased chance after HSG don't want to waste that by not Oing with my nice clear flushed out tubes.

Any advice??

How is everyone else doing. Issac have you O'd???

Mama - hope your ok x

Banana - I don't have any advice for you :( I'm sorry. What did you decide to do?

My appointment was yesterday. I met with my dr, had an ultrasound, and some lab work done to test my thyroid, FSH, and something else. My ultrasound showed I had one follie on my rt side measuring 1 cm. they want it to be closer to 2 cm. I'm on CD14 and still a week away from OV which I didn't expect OV until at least CD20 this time since we aren't on Clomid. I go back in one week for a recheck. If the follie is big enough, he will then give me a HCG injection. Has anyone had one of these to induce ovulation? I'm nervous. Everything I'm reading online shows women taking these injections for weeks. Dr wants to take this
Approach for the next couple of months. I go back on Clomid next cycle and we will also continue with the HCG injections and ultrasounds.

Also, the ultrasound showed the class "pearls" around my ovaries. Dr says my ovaries look like PCOS ovaries but he wanted to check my hormones to confirm. Ugh... Not the news I wanted because I can now add that to my list of "issues". Mama, you hit that one right on the head when you saw my temps. Add PCOS to my endometriosis... How will I ever get preggo???

How is everyone else doing?
Hey happy yeah all ok here I ovulated late on clomid cycle on cd 19 so about 3 dpo and bd'd day of pos opk and day after so fx'd its enough! I have had hcg to trigger ov its nothing to worry about as its really just the same as lh. But obviously you might have increased pregnancy symptoms and if testing early can have a false positive. Good luck so sorry that they think you might have pcos I've heard sometimes the blood doesn't always detect pcos?

Hey banana sorry about af getting you but wey hay on clear hsg! Can't see why you can't have clomid this cycle? Talking ivf we have our initial app 29th July but it was for today after getting letter on fri! Far top little notice so rescheduled for after our hols. Weather is absolutely fab here and set to be for at least another week so we're going camping on Sunday for a week in Cornwall then isaacs christening on the sun then down to Dorset the following week! I'm so excited and sod it if af comes! My bf has had to be induced today at 36 weeks as her waters broke on Monday. Eeek! X
Hope every one else is ok updates please?
Happy so sorry to hear you might have pcos even if you do hopefully its a mild enough case you are ov regularly and AF is usually pretty much io time.

Issac your trips sound fab my sister loves Cornwall she wanted to get married there but after to much interference from her MIL she did it low key in Edinburgh then she wanted me to get married there but it was too much hassle would have had to pretend to the church we were living there

Happy I have never had the trigger I don't even fully understand what its for sometimes is it that it pops the egg out if so why would you need that when you ov on your own or with clomid. What did you say your dh sperm is like???

Afm decided to take the clomid thus month I did do a lot of research and if seems very normal gp said they nite the experts but they can't see why possibly not. Also changed my cd 1 to Monday it wad so so slight late Sunday night. I haven't really had a period now this month after having the hsg on Monday just a few hours after witch arrived it was very watery and brown the whole day aost nothing on day 2 and completely gone by cd 2 night totally gone as in white creamy cm and we anyway my battery about to die on phone and took me ages to write this so better post before I lose it !!!
Banana your temps are quite high still have you checked with preg test? Also with the light period bit weird!
Hey issac I did kind of think about that with the temps but even in tin highly unlikely event I was p reg the hsg would have washed it out. I took a test the morning before the hsg at 16dpo and it was negative. I'm sure it was just the hsg flushed AF out of me ! As for the temps gwen have am infection toffs my tooth and been on antibiotics all week plus we have had fires on in the house witch makes the soon almost unbearablely hot. Unfortunately our weather is not quite as nice as your sounds! So anyway tried to get a really really painful tooth pulled this morning but he couldn't do it something about a hot nerve that he has to wait for it to die. He gave me a quote for all the stuff that needs to be done and its a grand total of 1200euro / 1600dollars / 900sterling. Wouldn't be so bad but that on top of 5-6k for ivf at the least this year too. I dunno but he says if its not done I Will eventually loose the rest of them and it Will cost that in the long run to get them pulled and have no teeth to show for it.
Hi girls,

Long time no see for me I know, been having a rough time. Didn't ovulate even though I got a pos opk. I've basically jut gone into don't think, don't care mode as far as Ttc is concerned. I haven't even been temping. I just can't stand the disappointment anymore.

I finally called my OB to get the referral to the fertility doc and then I remembered why I've been putting it off. The witchy receptionist at the OBs office literally had me in tears. She's such a witch, refuses to make an appointment for me on the days/times I can actually show up for it even though the doc told me it was fine to do that time. And she can't even get me in till September! All just to get a referral to another doc that will prob take another few months to get into see!! So I called my family doc and was uncontrollably sobbing my story to the poor receptionist there. She a least had some compassion for my situation and expressed concern that the other office had been so rude to me and keeps giving me the run around. She said she'll talk to my doc and try to get me the referral to the fertility doc without another unnecessary appointment. That was 2 days ago so I'm giving that office a week and if I don't hear I'll be calling back. I'm so sick of the medical system here in Canada. I should have been to see the fertility specialist months ago! I'm so sick of jumping through their hoops and sitting around waiting months for a stinking appointment! I've got clomid for a couple more cycles so I may start that again. Really I just want to get into see a doc who actually knows what they're doing and will try something that may actually work! And maybe even do the tests to know what is really going on! Ugh!

So there in a nutshell is why I haven't been around. I'm definitely not a ttc ray of sunshine these days. Sorry :( I wanted to give you all an update so you know I didn't fall off the face of the planet. And wanted to see how you all are.

Banana - sounds like you and I are in a similar boat of frustration :hugs:

Elt - Big congrats on the little man!!!!! Bet you're so excited!!!!

Runnergrl - you're getting soooo close!!!!! So exciting!!!!

Hope everyone is well. :hugs: to you all and much love!

Hopefully I can get my mind in a better place ad think positive again. I think a ttc brain break has been needed though.
I'm in need of opinion I have one son he is almost 11 months TTC #2 I was on depo last shot was early march and for past week I've had some signs like I was pregnant but nothing out of ordinary my period is not regular so IRS hard to track when ovulating but today our of nowhere I started bleeding but I'd say its closer to spotting cause I could prolly go without a liner just don't want to stain my last period was June 7-14 so I'm sure I'm do soon. Im used to starting out pretty heavy not light. My breasts are tad sore have been for week or so but only when I'm like bouncing around I get headaches a lot now and just don't feel like myself I don't remember if had this before with my first one because didn't know I was pg til 13 weeks
Hey mama nice to hear from you I think all of us girls struggling tp ttc on here all have times when we want some quiet time to just try to be normal and reflect on the situation. It's good to have you back! Sounds ubber frustrating about all your referrals etc just hang on in there hopefully they'll pull there fingeroout soon!
Adams the only advice I have is yes there is a possibility of pregnancy so best just to take a test or go to Dr's for bloods to rule it out and welcome to the group if your sticking around
Morning ladies,

So Friday I got a happy surprise and my doc office called back to discuss my referral. They're going to go ahead and do it for me straightaway which is great! There are two clinics for me to choose. One is very close to my work and the other is a bit of a drive. My doc office has referred to the far away one and everyone had been happy with it. I think though I'm going with the closer one. Just makes more sense with how many visits I'll prob need for bloods/ultrasounds etc. I've been reading up on both clinics online and both have very similar reviews. A lot of happy people and a lot of not happy people. Very split on both. Figure people who end up pregnant are happy and those who aren't pregnant are not happy. I have a friend who went to the close by clinic and she thought it was great. Anyway, the point is the ball is rolling! Yay! Now I just have to wait for the fertility clinic to call which could take awhile. Blah. But at least things are happening now.

Another of my best friends just found out this weekend that she's pregnant. They hadn't even started trying yet officially. I'm happy for her but its still so hard. :(

Thanks Isaac for the encouragement :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hey ladies!

Mama - that's wonderful news about your referral!

Isaac - How are you Hun? What DPO are you on now.

Banana - How are things coming along with you?

AFM - CD20 and no OV. I'm hurting on my rt side. Hoping tomorrow comes with good news. The blood work is to check my hormones which will either show i need additional work up to confirm PCOS or I could just have the polycystic ovaries just not the syndrome part. Sounded crazy to me.

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