Hey Girls
Sorry its been a while, i'm sure ye have noticed by now I go quite when I'm upset!
Firstly, Congrats ELT delighted for you - gentlemans family now you will have
Issac - really have all my fingers and toes crossed that you catch that eggy this month x
Afm, Not taking it all very well, hence why I haven't been on don't really want to drag everyone else down with me and lower the mood, am doing that enough at home and ruining perfect good days with DH & DS just by being depressed most of the time without even realising it.
Anyway 14 DPO today AF due tomorrow - Monday probably tomorrow. BFN CD10, 12 & 13.
Decided to try and do the HSG this month even tho It means I can't take clomid. The letter says if AF comes on a Saturday or Sunday to phone them on Monday but I thought I would be smart and it may just have paid off! I phoned them today (Friday) and told them I started spotting (a lie) so AF will def be here to night for Saturday and that I need to know today if there is an apt next week as otherwise I need to take my clomid. So they just phoned back and I have an apt for Monday morning which means I should be able to still take my clomid this month too if I do days 3 - 7 instead of my usual 2-6. No more wasting time in this camp!
Also been on the phone to the fertility clinics trying to decide which one to go to one is 2hours away and one is 2.5 - 3hours away. Wasn't just going to jump at the closer one wanted to check out the waiting times and success rates. Not much of a price difference to bother considering, I'm more concerned about times and success.
The nearer ones is 4 weeks to initial consultation
The further one could have gave me an appointment on Monday - Tuesay next week if I wanted and they will do all the test on the same day the nearer one wasn't sure what tests would be done.
They are both the best clinics in my opinion from researching threads on the internet. There are about 10 in Ireland in total but I have narrowed it down to these 2. So I'm not sure I have an instinct feeling about the further away one but don't really know why. Success rates are pretty much the same.
15 - 20% for IUI
50& for IVF/ICSI - (41% actually carrying to term - 9% miscarrying).
Will have to decide over next few week.
So really am just waiting on AF to come now, HSG on Monday and hopefully start last round of clomid too then back to Consultant on 13th August and then down to fertility clinic which should be Mid Sept at latest with IVF in October ish if successful baby this time next year. Feels like a lifetime away but what can we do and that's only if it is successful only a 41% chance so not exactly fool proof