TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Hey banana, sorry you and DH have been fighting. Are y'all better now? TTC is so stressful on a marriage especially when there are difficulties. I don't know your past with DH, but my DH has struggled with our TTC journey as well. You're right, they don't understand what it's like to POAS or to have their bits examined all the time. But they also go through the same emotions we do when AF shows up. We typically at least have a BFN before AF to prepare ourselves. Then they feel like they have to be strong for us and hold us up because we are a hormonal wreck. This is the perspective I've gotten from my DH. No they don't see it from our side, but we don't see it from their side either.

I hope y'all are well.
Hi girls! Back from the most delightful 2 weeks hols in the glorious British sunshine can't express just how lovely and relaxing it was but it was so needed. So where to start I got my af currently cd 6 and not taking clomid again as I really don't like it, it made me ovulate nearly a week late and had a weird af with 2 days of light watery bleeding then 2 days of medium flow then nothing! Have our consultation with reproductive consultant next Monday so just getting prepared for that. Had to have some more blood tests etc for their requirements. Quite excited about it really, not feeling any sadness at all anymore just gonna go for it but won't be having ivf until new year as they think it's feasible for a couple to try for a full 2 years before ivf! It will be 2 years by then. We may try few rounds of iui but not sure?

Anyhow girls happy glad you looked liked you ov'd eventually but sorry you didn't get some well timed bding in. How weird the ultrasound didn't show follicle unless of course it popped and disappeared? Gopd luck anyways.

Banana- things don't sound too happy in your camp sp sorry your having troubles with your dh. It's something that should get better or at least it did with me and my dh. Try to not let it get you down and enjoy each other more. I know how hard it is with work etc and the daunting prospects of ivf etc! Your stronger than what you think! But always take comfort in that you are far luckier than others and already have a son. I know I may sound patronising but over the last year as sad as its been at times i have had to come to terms with maybe never having another child! I have finally found peace with myself but its a slow process. I will however go to the extra steps to try for another but after this will leave it in gods hands knowing we tried our hardest. And I agree with happy it is so hard for the men too I too have had every invasive test going but I think if he could my dh would happily swap places to lessen all that. Hopefully things are better now and you'll get through this difficult patch of your life. As I've said before your so young so chances of pregnancy and ivf working are still good xx
Issac it's so nice to hear from ya. I'll be praying for your consult visit!

Banana, looks like its OV time! Go catch that eggy!!
Hi all, just caught up with everything!

Isaac - so glad you had a good holiday and you have such a great attitude towards it all. I really hope you are successful before the ivf. I think you are doing the right thing about the clomid too.

Happy - sorry to see it looks like AF is arriving :( I know you thought timing was an issue this time, hopefully you'll get it right next cycle!

Banana - I am sorry you are having a tough time. I agree that men have no idea about the amount of stress we place ourselves in, all the poking and prodding plus the psychological traumas each month. I hope things are better now. I have no idea what's going on with the opks, just seems strange! Is it worth getting rid of the flashing ones and sticking to cheapies to see what they say?

Mama - hope you are okay, thinking of you!

Elt - not sure if I said congratulations on your little boy! Very exciting and glad you are well.

Runnergrl - is it nearly time? Good luck :)

Things good here, just been to menorca for a week which was lovely but not exactly relaxing! Since we've come back Henry's sleep has regressed which is annoying, Annabelle is also up a lot at night so we have taken her cot bars off and she seems a bit better for it. She was 2 on sat so we had a party. So crazy to think she's two already and such a little girl now. Funny to also think that this time last year was my last cycle before I got my bfp. Just goes to show how quickly things can change and I have every faith that things will change for you all. I'll try to be on more now anyway :)
Hey girls

Thanks for yer replies, I have have really bad internet at home so only checking them out now in work.

DH kissed and made up well for one day then it irrupted again but we are back on track now again. Looks like its an non ovulation cycle for me. So disappointed after expecting high fertility after the HSG but anyway we have apt in the fertility clinic on 7th August so only 2 weeks away really.

Hann - So great to hear from you, wow that is mad almost a year since you got your BFP, feels like only a few months ago but obv the proof is in the pudding with little Henry!!!

Issac - Glad you had such a good time - the weather has been just unreal hasn't it. Ours is starting to fade again but its still really warm just cloudy. I think we deserve it after the last few super bad winters and summers but I think you generally get better weather then us in the south of England rather then the north west of Ireland, I know my sister does anyway, I remember her sending me a pic of her on the beach one day and I had ds out playing in the snow!!! I really love your attitude, I am starting to relax a bit now, I've done everything I possibly could and fretting isn't going to change anything. I'm excited about going to the clinic next month but also sad that it actually came to it.

We went mad bding this month just incase. Esp with such erratic BBT and 3 positive OPKs over a week apart !!! My Nipples have been so so sore since Thursday can barely let the air touch them and I've had horrible AF like cramps all weekend CD19 - CD22 so far - very strange way to early for the witch shortest cycle I have had was 28 days usually 31-33days. Very confusing cycle - just want it to be over now I think.

I did notice one thing about my temps this month tho, I remember Issac saying to me my BBT was still quite high in the first few days of my cycle so I checked out older charts and my coverline was always between 36.4 - 36.6 so if we say 36.5 is my average coverline almost all my temps have been on or above that this whole cycle, maybe that's why my temps aren't showing an increase plus with the weather the way it has been here so hot that might affect it. The really low temp the other morning was when we slept with no duvet on the bed at all and the window open almost like sleeping outside!! Incase you US ladies haven't decked it - Irish are not used to this kind of heat!!!! We usually get 2-5 days of good warm sunny weather about May or June and then cool, wet and windy for the rest of the year!! Now we have had blazing 30degree heat for over 2 week and we had 2 good weeks in June too!!

Had my Day21 bloods done today so will see what they say by the end of the week.

We are going away to Dublin just the 3 of us for 3 days on Sunday so hopefully the weather will hold out. Only problem is now I've no idea when AF is going to show - hopefully she doesn't arrive when we're swimming or something!!

Mama - Hope your keeping ok - Thinking of you x
Just a quick thought banana regarding your chart and temps and no ov! Just wondering whether you may have a post luteal cyst caused by the clomid! Read up about it and let me know what you think! Did they thoroughly check your ovaries for follicles ehen doing hsg or did they just check for over spill of dye?
Hi Issac, I've had a look at the post luteal cyst you talked about. I had heard before of clomid causing cysts, I haven't found a huge amount of information except that elevated temps for the length of time I have had could indicate a cyst. Not sure what have a cyst means really. They only checked for overspill of dye during the HSG nothing else.

Also read that below 36.5 is normal for before ovulation and over 36.5 for after which ties in with my theory that majority of my temps have been over 36.5 this month.

Ah I dunno just going to hold out now till AF comes then have the fertility clinic on 7th August. Plus we are away next week so that should take my mind off it all!

Oh great - if it is a cyst it could be weeks or months before AF comes back :(
Oh great - if it is a cyst it could be weeks or months before AF comes back :(

I think my luteal cyst cycle was 56 days, so not too bad. They are quite common really, especially on clomid! I'm sure AF will be back in no time and you can start a new cycle!
It was just a thought cuz you said you had a strange period too! When I had mine I had some light brown spotting for 3 days around af time and then after a further 3 weeks my proper af came and cyst disappeared! I got pregnant after this cycle!
Well I think the strange period was due to the hsg which I had on cd 1 so it must have just flushed all the blood out I think.

Will give this cycle 35days which would be my longest yet and if no AF ill go to doc or actually day 37 Will be my fertility clinic apt. Just playing the great waiting game now!
Well its def a no ovulation cycle for me got my bloods back today only 6.9! Last month was 80 and previous month 150 all clomid cycles. Months before clomid were between 23.5 and 38.5 so its the lowest ever by a mile. I knew it with my temps but the confirmation is still devastating esp since we were expecting a super fertile cycle after the hsg we put a lot of bding effort in this month. Ah well just hope AF arrives when due next week. Still have pretty bad cramps.

If I do have k cyst would that stop me from ov?
Banana I'm so sorry that's rubbish! Do you just have to wait for AF to start now or can you get something to make it start? Hope you can get to the next cycle soon!

Having a tough time this week, Henry has gone from sleeping 8-12 hours to sleeping 3-6 hours at night, Annabelle is up constantly too. I can't believe its just the weather! I know it's really hot but tonight isn't too bad and he's done his worst sleep since he was 2 weeks old. I know he's still young and that's the way it is but with the both of them waking constantly at night I'm getting zero sleep and its just me in the day to look after them. I feel like I'm falling apart! Sorry I know I shouldn't moan because I know how lucky I am but I'm just feeling so helpless because things should be getting better not worse!
Oh Hann I'm sorry the little ones are keeping you up at night. Maybe Henry is about to go through a growth spurt :)

Banana, sorry to hear about your bloods. If I rembrt correctly, Elt and I both had anov cycles one month together and the very next month, Elt caught her eggy. Now here you and I are with anov cycles (despite what my temps show, I didn't ovulate as it was confirmed with ultrasound). I see history repeating itself!

Anyone heard from runner? Wonder how she is coming along.

Mama and Isaac, hope you ladies are doing well.

Elt, you are getting closer and closer.
Hey Girls

Hann - I'm sorry about you getting now sleep, hopefully it is just a phase and it will pass soon. I remember DS went from sleeping 10-12 hours then the same. I'll be honest it lasted a while but he did get over it again. Fx it is just the weather. I haven't slept properly for over 3 weeks now! The heat is just unbearable! I'm sure I just have to wait for AF to start I'm only CD25 yet so earliest she is due is Sunday and latest is Friday. Hopefully she will just come I am usually fairly regular worst case my fertility clinic apt is on the following Wednesday which would be CD37 so if there is a cyst and she doesn't arrive hopefully they can prepscribe me something at that stage. I think its too early to consider jump starting my cycle yet, even tho I'm not ovulating I'm pretty regular so don't want to mess that up!

Happy - Ah no when was that confirmed? Strange we both having one now, you didn't take clomid this cycle did. I did which is what is worrying me! Fx history is repeating itself and its a good sign!! How are you anyway how is AF treating you. What your next plan of action???
Hey girls sorry but about to add more doom and gloom this thread sure could do with some happy news. Looks as though my dh has got another uti one month after last so back on antibiotics abd a referral to urology in process. He was peeing blood last night! With one thing or another things seem against us at this time and doubt we will ever have another baby! Also had a major headache for 4 days solid and pain meds not touching. Thinking it may be side effect from not taking clomid?

Banana sorry your having an anovulatory cycle you never know you could just ov really late fingers crossed. I know how it feels but stick with it and enjoy your days away.

Hannah lovely to hear from you! Hoping your little cherubs find a little more sensible routine to follow soon. The heat is for sure going to affect them I know it has isaac. He has defo reached the terrible 2 stage and very very testing at times. Its hard work this parenting malarky. Keep in touch hun we miss you xx
Happy sorry about your last anov cycle too things have got to change for us girls soon.
Isaac - I'm sorry to hear that about you and DH. It'll happen Hun. I just know it. I'm with ya though, we need some good news here. It's been awhile.

Banana - I had an ultrasound on day 14 and day 21. Neither one showed a follicle big enough and FF has me OV on day 22? Follie can't grow that fast in one day... I didn't take Clomid this cycle. So I start that back tomorrow with a nice big double dose. Going up to 100mg this time. AF is actually pretty light this go around. Which is a nice change.
I was thinking you didn't have another scan after ff said you ov'd. I suppose it is pretty unlikely. I was on the 100mg of clomid for the last 3 months. I actually had the worst side effects on the 50mg! the first month of 50mg didn't work on me but the second and third month on 100mg did work and the 100mg did not work at all this month. I wonder why they are doubling your dose if you were ovulating on the 50mg? Fx its the boost you need!

Oh Issac I'm sorry, it really does sometimes feel like the world is against us ttc! But I don't think you need to accept the fact you won't have another baby just yet, there is still lots of more stuff and time for you to try. Chin up - I know its hard trust me but this whole thing is a rollercoaster your down at the mo but you will pep up again! Your the most positive optimistic of the lot of us I think!!

Oh Hann I'm sorry the little ones are keeping you up at night. Maybe Henry is about to go through a growth spurt :)

Banana, sorry to hear about your bloods. If I rembrt correctly, Elt and I both had anov cycles one month together and the very next month, Elt caught her eggy. Now here you and I are with anov cycles (despite what my temps show, I didn't ovulate as it was confirmed with ultrasound). I see history repeating itself!

Anyone heard from runner? Wonder how she is coming along.

Mama and Isaac, hope you ladies are doing well.

Elt, you are getting closer and closer.

Happy's right banana! I did have an anov cycle and got my bfp the next cycle when I ovulated early on CD12.

I'm also wondering about runnergrl...anyone heard from her?

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