I was thinking you didn't have another scan after ff said you ov'd. I suppose it is pretty unlikely. I was on the 100mg of clomid for the last 3 months. I actually had the worst side effects on the 50mg! the first month of 50mg didn't work on me but the second and third month on 100mg did work and the 100mg did not work at all this month. I wonder why they are doubling your dose if you were ovulating on the 50mg? Fx its the boost you need!
Oh Issac I'm sorry, it really does sometimes feel like the world is against us ttc! But I don't think you need to accept the fact you won't have another baby just yet, there is still lots of more stuff and time for you to try. Chin up - I know its hard trust me but this whole thing is a rollercoaster your down at the mo but you will pep up again! Your the most positive optimistic of the lot of us I think!!
He doesn't think I'm truely releasing an egg. He thinks my body is going through the motions but its just not happening. Weird... I know. But my ovaries are so cystic. I'm going to end up with hyper stimulation and get preggo with 3 or 4.
This cycle will run like this:
CD5-9: 100mg Clomid
CD12: ultrasound for follie check followed by HCG injection if follie is big enough.