I believe we have a BFP. 9dpo and with SMU. DH can see it but it is so faint. Line showed up within 4 min using FRER. It's hard to get a good photo with my phone. Have you ladies exp evap lines that quickly and with a FRER?
I'm scared and DH says we will take another tomorrow before we say for sure.
I'm just so scared to take another test. Especially today. That was with SMU and what if the next test is negative? We have been trying for so long. This is cycle
Thank you Elt. If you never got a positive in a FRER but got a positive on the digi I'll go ahead and get a digi. That makes me feel better. In my gut I know it, but DH is being more skeptical. I can't say I blame him. Guess we will go buy some tests! Lol
I appreciate your help and kind words.
Digi says "Not Pregnant" but I also bought more FRER. This one is much darker than this morning. Showed up immediately and this pic was taken at 5 min. DH believes it now. I can't believe it. Isaac, Mama, and Banana do not give up hope. After 20 months of TTC it has finally happened. Thank the good Lord above. I am praying for you ladies. I love you all dearly and I feel like I've really made some good friends in you ladies.
The smudge is where I wrote on the test and smeared it so nvm that. Haha. But you can see the progression in just a few hours.
Yeah defo bfp congratulations darling! Think those frer's are the most sensitive it seems i would defo trust them. So very happy for you and your family hopefully your long and emotional ttc journey has comes to an end for now and you can just relax and finally just be you. 20 months is a long time, I defo will not lose hope think we are around the 18 month mark! Please please god help us other ladies too. Will pray for you and your little bean xx