TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Happy New Year everyone! Hope I'm not the only one still hanging around now!

Had a nice Christmas but our New Years week was pretty stressful.
The weekend after Christmas DH and I went to Niagara Falls for some R&R. It was fabulous and much needed! Fancy dinner, couples massage, room service. Loved it! Want to love there haha

I ended up in the ER a couple days later with another corneal abrasion. I had one in Sept that got infected pretty badly and threatened my sight in one eye. Luckily this one we caught quick and no infection so it's healed up well. Then on New Year's Eve DH had a seizure at work! Scared the crap out of me. Luckily they haven't found anything major as of yet. Hate not knowing what caused it but happy it wasn't something major going on in his brain like a tumor or stroke or something. He has to follow up with a neurologist but so far he's been okay since.

He was supposed to do his SA last week and we missed the apt. Had booked it 3 months ago and totally forgot. I thought it was this week. Might be for the best because if we'd remembered we'd have had to forgo BD during ov time and missed our shot this cycle. So instead they fit us in for Thursday this week. Hopefully it will be all good news.

The great news is that the Femara worked again! Same dosage and same ov date it looks like, though I didn't opk this time so don't know for sure. Also had to fudge temps the week of Christmas because I totally didn't temp that week and ff wouldn't give me crosshairs without them. But I feel like I ovulated, sore boobs etc and my temps are def in post ov range now. :) feel very encouraged now the meds have worked 2 cycles in a row. The clomid would only work once then we'd have to up the dose so already Femara is doing much better for us! Fx we get a bfp soon if not this cycle! We didn't bd a ton thanks to hubby's seizure episode but I think we managed to get one in the day of ov so hopefully it's enough.

How was everyone else's holiday??? ;)
Congrats mama on your ov! That's great news that the meds are continuing to work. Your trip sounds wonderful! I'm sorry that you and DH haven't been well. I'll be praying for your DH. I hope this is your month!
Hey Ladies

So I've been hiding away for a few weeks until I broke some news to few relevant people so now that has been done I can finally say I got my :bpf:

I'm 8 weeks now, got it on tamoxifen meds (simulate ovaries), regular scans to check follies and pregnal trigger injection, was our 2nd month trying with actual ovulation and it worked(18 months in total trying) We are so so blessed.

Been really really sick and tired, very different to first pregnancy, don't remember being sick at all until the last few weeks. Have good days and bad days, today not a great day but if I have to take it everyday for the next 220 days I'll take it!! We suspect its a little lady in there but who knows!!

I know anyone handing around in here already knows but just incase any of you other ladies are still having a nose!!! Hope ye and babies are doing good :)

Oh Mama, just seen about yourself and DH being so ill over the Christmas break. I hope ye are ok now thank god everything turned out ok and nothing is too serious.

Wouldn't worry too much about the amount of bding, I think we only did it 2-3 times in the whole month we got it!! :) Bd about 8pm on the Sunday egg was due 11pm that night and bd again at 8am next morning. so pretty much both the day off :)
Yay banana!!!! So excited for your new little bean!

Which just lol

Yesterday I cried when I got a PM from banana about her news. So happy for her of course but still hard to be the last empty uterus standing. But today I'm doing really well with it. Luckily things are looking up for us so hopefully I'll join the bump club soon! In the meantime....hope you all don't leave me! I'll finally get a bfp and have no one to tell! Lol

Banana - yeah I'm hoping we are fine bd wise. Pretty sure we did it day of ov and morning after so fx! One week till testing!
It is wonderful news banana!

Mama, we could never leave you. You will be joining us soon. Your temps are looking fab! Fingers crossed this is it!
Banana SO thrilled for you, big congrats!

Mama, I second what happy said - we will never leave! I have everything crossed for this cycle for you, huge hugs sweets!
I can't wait for you to test mama! Your temps are looking wonderful! Prayers they continue to stay elevated :)
That's fantastic news banana so pleased for you! It's flying already nearly 9 weeks. Have you bwen offered an early scan?
So pleased the meds are working for you mama and of course we'll always be here for you!
Afm- still feeling very sick much worse than with ds but think it might be improving slightly I'm certainly able to eat more foods as I almost went od everything. 12 week and nuchal scan next week and I'm getting really worried about it! I defo know at least one baby is ok as I can hear heartbeat my doppler!
Anyway hi to all other girls who may just check in from time to time
Cheers girls :)

Am very very nervous, just waiting on date for early scan hopefully next week. I just don't "feel" pregnant last two days. I even ate dinner last night first time in 4 weeks I've been able to eat anything much other then ham sandwiches and junk! The smell of food normally turns my stomach but a okay yesterday and I think today could even be an ok day too. Fx everything is ok, have read so many horror stories not on purpose just seem to come across them when looking for something else and when I seen nurse for first time on Tuesday to get bloods she started the conversation about how she missed at 8.5 weeks (same as me now!), not what I wanted to hear, I know she was trying to help because I had rang her last week worried that my symptoms were disappearing and she was trying to tell me she had her symptoms up to and after she had the loss so symptoms or no symptoms don't really mean anything.

Mama, your temps do look good, really do have all my fingers and toes crossed for you x

How you feeling??

Sweetpea, cannot believe your little lady is 10months, I remember you getting pregnant, it does not seem like that long ago!!! How is all with you busy I imagine!!

Happy, Issac, do you know what you will be having or will ye be finding out??

Hi ladies, hope you and all those babies and bumps are doing well :)

Doing okay here in the 2ww. Feeling tired and irritable but that's pretty normal. My boobs are super sore but also normal for me. My temps are sitting pretty steady and that's unusual even in the 2ww I'm usually still up and down. Maybe that's a good sign! I've felt some abdominal twinges and things but never know if it's more my imagination than anything else. 9dpo today. Will be waiting till 14 dpo to test. If AF is coming she ought to arrive before then. DH is doing his SA this morning, fun for him! Haha Seriously though....that's his test and I have to do the awful achy dye test soon! I'd take his personally haha.

Anyway, anxious to get our results. Also meet with a neurologist about his seizure today so that has me a bit stressed. Hopefully it goes well.

Hope you're all having a good day!
Mama, I hope all the tests and visits go well today. Please keep us updated.

Isaac & banana, I can't wait to see your scan pics.

Banana, we are def having a little girl. DD was not happy about that at first and still insists she is having a brother. But she is coming around.
Happy - my best friends little girl wanted a little sister so badly, when they found out it was going to be a boy, she burst into tears right there in the ultrasound room with mom lol
Oh mama that is a lot of tests in one go!

Hope all goes well, when will you have the SA results, one clinic we went to took nearly 2 weeks (public), private one rang us the same day! Hope you don't have a long wait.

Have met with the doc about the seizure, really hope that goes well. No point me telling you to not stress or worry because you will naturally whatever anyone says!!

I had that dye test done, Tbh it was not nice, more painful then I thought but I had AF when I got it done so everything seems more painful and Tbh I was back in work half an hour later pain free. Its like really bad period pain but once its done the pain 100% disappears. Plus if you are hoping to deliver a baby one day this is only a drop in the ocean!!!

Issac, hope your sickness goes soon, its not nice at all. Mine seems to have mostly disappeard thank god, I was worried when it did disappear so suddenly, but good news isI had a scan this morning

Everything was perfect on the scan, size, measurements, heartbeat was going so hard and strong! We even seen it wiggle!! Cannot believe. Will try to post a pic but not sure if it will work. Am so happy now tho, I can finally try to relax. I was so so worried since I found out, was 90% sure was going to get bad news in the clinic.



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Mama, how did things go?

Banana! Look at your little peanut!!! What was its heart rate? I'm so glad things went well.
Wow great scan banana, baby looks great! It's so reassuring seeing a heartbeat past 8 weeks or so. Think I picked up 2 heartbeats on doppler today but getting major withdrawals from not having seen them for so long. My ms would come and go until about 7-8 weeks worst 9-10 and gradually easing but sometimes I have the odd bad day!
Looking forward to hearing your news mama?
Happy any apps coming up for you soon?
Awe Isaac, I wish I would have gotten a Doppler. But I feel like now since I feel her move that I would rather feel her kick :) I love love love those feelings. With you having 2, maybe you'll start feeling some flutters soon.

We just had an appt for our glucose test which went well. We do not go back until 1/23 in which we will schedule our 4D scan for 29 weeks. After that, we won't get to see her again until 36 weeks. But the scans are spaced out enough that at least we get to see her about every other visit. I may try to fit in another private scan but we will see.
Hey guys,

Banana! So exciting to see the scan! Yay! So glad all is well with your little one!

Happy and Isaac hope you're both doing well. :)

DH's apt for the seizure went great! The doc doesn't think it was a true seizure. He thinks he blacked out due to a stomach virus and since he started vomiting that caused te convulsions. He talked to the guy that was with my hubby at the time and he said what he described wasn't a seizure. Thank goodness! He has to have an MRI and an EEG to be sure they don't miss anything but all should be fine. :happydance:

As for me....despite bit wanted to get my hopes up I of course am! My stomach feels very strange. I've had some AF like cramping but it started days ago and no bleeding. I just have a "feeling" which could be all in my head. But this morning my bbt shot up to 98.3!

So....I couldn't help myself and I tested! Not a thing. Stark white. I'm a little bummed but I know it's still only 11dpo so it could still happen. Just hoping that temp stays high. As soon as it drops I know I'm out and AF is on her way. Should happen by Monday if it's going to.
Wow your temps do look good mama, fx'd that bfp comes to you very soon! Excited for you and happy your finally ovulating! It would be good if they could monitor your follicles and maybe have a trigger like banana did.
Glad your gtt went well happy I have to have one of those at 28 weeks too because of family history! I'll be having all sorts of scans and tests with twins on board. Yeah love having my doppler its been wwkl used, I got it when pregnant with ds and since then it has been used between family and friends, well worth the money! Bricking myself about my scan on Wednesday, I'm creating lots of scenarios in my head. Hopefully all will be ok
Isaac, prayers for your little beans with your upcoming scan.

Mama, I'm loving your temp! You're right, it is early, especially if that spike is due from a recent implantation. It would be another few days. I'm happy to hear that your hubby's appt went well and they don't think it was a true seizure. Please keep us updated on him. I'll be praying. :)

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