TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Hey mama keep strong honey I remember those awful days of sadness feeling like I was the only person on this planet who wasn't pregnant! Your time will come, your precious baby is just taking a little longer to come but I have every faith that it will. Good luck this cycle xx

Hey banana yeah all fine here thanks! Nearly 15 weeks and just recently startrd to feel little flutters and pokes here and there. Morning sickness still hits me now and again too especially after eating. The burbs and trapped wind I get makes me feel sick. Craving fizzy drinks so far! You got your 12 week scan coming up? I have another scan next week! Still thinking and feel sad about our loss but I have to be focused and happy and healthy for my boys and this baby.
How's everyone else and happy?
Hey Issac, delighted you are feeling a little better and can't believe you are starting to feel little flutters, very exciting :) I get the odd dose of nausea or sometimes sickness but not that often every few days really. Am acutally feeling particularly well this last few days which worries me more then anything, I feel fat but not as round if you know what I mean.

Went bm and wedding dress shopping with my sil yesterday, broke down crying when I got home, I am huge gigantic, I was a bit over weight before I got preg but my lord I looked like an elephant it was disgusting. She is only 4 weeks after having a baby and was 1/4 the size of me. I was blaming the baby for my belly being so big but realistically I'm only touching 3 months and the fat is everywhere face, arms, bum, legs. I feel sick thinking about me in the dress :(

We don't get a 12 weeks scan here as routine, first one is not until 20 weeks, I did get one at 9 week because the GP wanted me to have one because of how long it took and the medication I had been taking and I'm paying for a private one myself next week just to calm my nerves but normally its just the one at 20-24 weeks.

Mama, How are you!?! Hope your feeling a little better now and ready to ov! :)
Hi guys,

Just met with the doc. Luckily DH's SA results all look good. He didn't give me exact numbers (which sort of annoys me. May call the office to see if the nurse will give me them over the phone) but he said all looks good there.

The downside, he looked back at my day 21 & 28 bloods from 2 cycles ago and doesn't like my progesterone numbers. He thinks it's too low. Going to check me again this cycle on cd26 and if the numbers don't look good he thinks we need to take a more aggressive approach and switch to injectible drugs. In sort of bummed. :( they're super expensive and not sure if drug plan will cover it. It's called Puregon. Anyone know anything about it? Sounds like I do them for about a week and get monitored very closely with ultrasound and blood or urine tests. That will be fun with work. Might be time to tell the employers about all this. Blah.

I almost want to give progesterone creme a try this cycle but I guess I shouldn't so I do mess with the progesterone numbers right???
hey mama just a v quick reply am about to pass out asleep. I wouldn't mess with the prog cream I did it while not being monitored on clomid and I got sky high readings on bloods but turns out I most likely wasn't really ovulation at all. ill never know and that driver me even more mad tbh. like how expensive is this other monitored treatment?? out of this world expensive or doable with a lot of lifestyle cut backs like we had to sell our car to pay for the possible ivf.

I'm of course speaking from my own experiences because I know its what worked for me in the end but if its at all possible to do the monitored cycle I would.

great about sa results one more box to tick off the list.

got a tooth pulled today and my lord the pain now and all I can take is panadol almost useless!!
I talked to our insurance and they won't cover a thing with fertility :(

Now I feel like I want to try the progesterone cream even more because I want to give this my all and I want the doc to allow me more time on the Femara. But now with what yore saying Banana I just don't know. :dohh:

I hate this. The bottom line is we don't have the funds to go crazy on fertility treatments. Eventually we will hit the point we can't go any further. I'm getting so scared that point is getting too close now. I feel even more of a clock and even more panicked now. :(
Hi guys! Hope you're all having a good weekend!

Been doing a lot of thinking and praying and pondering the last few days about our situation and DH have mapped out a game plan.

We want to keep going with the Femara for the next 3 cycles if we don't get pregnant this round. If progesterone is still looking low then I'll ask the doc about a progesterone pill to help. My body has responded great to the Femara and I'm ovulating consistently and have great length cycles so I feel really good about it. I'm also going to go ahead with the dye tube test next cycle. Want to make sure everything is open and good to go before we start shelling out cash for injections.

After our designated 6 months of Femara is up then we'll try a few rounds of the injections. If still not pregnant and the only option left is IVF then we're done. Neither DH or I are comfortable paying that amount of money for such lousy odds and we definitely can't afford 5 or 6 rounds of it. So at that point we would start saving for and working towards adoption. I'm way more comfortable spending the money there. In the meantime I'm buckling down big time on working out and weightloss. That is a huge issue with my PCOS and if I'm able to lose some weight it could go a long way to help us conceive naturally.

So that being our plan, DH and I and our family are having a special day of fasting and prayer tomorrow, asking God to help us get our baby however we need to and to accept that it's in His hands now. We're doing all we can. Now it's up to Him to bless us with the little miracle. I'm feeling really good and calm about it all.

Anyway, that's our plan. Any of you who want to join us, keep us in your prayers especially tomorrow :) Who knows, maybe this will be our lucky cycle!

The great news is I got a pos OPK today! Ovulating right on time again! Perfect! :) I was also noticing this cycle compared to the first on Femara (that's the cycle he did the blood work last) my temps in general have gone up higher throughout the cycle. I'm hoping maybe that indicates my hormone levels are higher now I've been on the meds for a few months. Fx! Now off to :sex: :haha:
Hey mama that sounds like a wonderful plan, glad your feeling more positive! Getting your tubes checked is also good in ruling out a problem before you start expensive fertility meds. Could you afford a few rounds of iui with injectables before the ivf option, they offer it to a lit of women here with pcos and I'm a strong believer in it! Me and dh took just one round to get our bfp and according to them we both had excellent fertility with all the test results etc but somehow the sperm was reaching the egg. Sometimes it can be a simple as your bodily fluids aren't compatible, being too acidic etc! You are way off all this as it seems your problem is probably the lack of regular ovulation which hopefully has been fixed.
My doctor hasn't mentioned IUI yet but I would think it may come up as an option if the injections alone don't do the trick. We would definitely consider giving that a go. I just think we're decided on drawing the line at IVF. I can't explain it really, just a feeling I have. It's not a gamble I'm willing to take. I'll feel much more comfortable with heading into the adoption process than with handing over that kind of money for a one time all in shot that could easily end up with nothing.
Hey mama

Sorry for the late reply wanted to wait until I had time to sit down and write properly.

I was so sad when I read your first post but in good auld mama style you bounced back with a plan the next day!! You def seem a lot better but those bad days are to be expected esp when you get news you didn't want from the doc regardless of how minor it may or may not be. I remember my first month of the monitored and triggerd cycle went up for a scan but I had a cyst so they wouldn't do it. They knew the cyst would be gone the following month but I remember crying so much thinking its just not meant to be.

Found out DS who had been saying a special prayer to baby jesus since before Christmas for a healthy baby brother or sister is still saying his prayer but of his own accord said he has passed it onto someone else he doesn't know who just someone who wants a baby too. So I hope its you and my sister!! I thought it was so cute!

I don't fully understand what you mean, do you mean you don't think you would go for IVF at all and go straight to adoption or you give the IVF 1 go but not 5 or 6?

You should be getting crosshairs in the next day or so shouldn't you??

Do you know what level the doc actually said your progesterone was, I was borderline which 2 docs said I did Ov but the consultant in the fertility clinic said no way I did and even if it I did it was a very immature egg and wouldn't have amounted to anything.

The last two of us here who got our bfp myself and issac were on monitored cycles with triggers etc... I really really hope you get to do this.

Afm, 12+5 today going for a scan and I'm bricking it, did the same with DS first scan and my 9 week scan with this one, every symptom leaves me and I feel nothing, I think its preparing myself for bad news just incase. Please god everything is ok, Scan at 5.45pm this even so prob afternoon for you US ladies then straight to a church meeting at 7pm but will update ye after that fx.

How are you issac??

Is anyone else here still pregnant/ttc that we haven't heard from in a while or is it just the 3 of us??
Hey ladies. I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. Just trying to get things organized and ready. I can't wait to have her furniture in so I can really put things together.

Mama, you are so strong and such a positive person. I really believe this will happen for you. I hope with the Femera working you get your BFP soon. Is looking good this cycle.

Banana, I hope your ultrasound goes well today. I love seeing how much they grow in just a few short weeks.

Isaac, I hope you are doing well hun.
Hey good luck with the scan banana, be sure to put pic up! For some reason I can only put mine on my profile pic so will leave it up for a while so you ladies can take a peek!
Happy yeah all fine here I think, getting fat! Been poorly with a heavy cold this week which is pants and weather here in South West UK is totally crap, so not a great week to be on annual leave! Got app om Friday for scan, I'm 16 weeks tomorrow. How are you feeling? X
Mama your temp is looking fab! That was a nice jump! FX'd and prayers for you.
How did your scan go banana?? Wow mama those temps and cross lines look nice, come on bfp! X
Whoooo for the crosshairs mama :) How you feeling now??

My scan went great, everything is perfect, even tho the first one at 9 weeks was public and this one was private in a totally different clinic it was the same woman who did the scan, I didn't recognise her but DH did, she was like what has you back again I told you everything was perfect 4 weeks ago!! She was really nice laughing at me really. I just told her since it took so long to get I was terrified of loosing it.
You should have seen it jumping around lifted way up so whole back and head where lifted off the bottom of the uterus was crazy!!!

Next scan now won't be until 20+ weeks but hopefully I will start to feel it move before then there have been 3-4 times mostly while lying down after getting into bed and once on the couch after dinner last night actually that I could swear I could feel it just flutters, I really don't think it was wind but impossible to really tell. I wasn't looking out for it and have never felt it before just a really strange sensation (can't remember it with DS was so long ago!).

So that scan will keep me calm for another few weeks when I'll start freaking out again that something is wrong, just can't wait for a full on bump and kicking for reassurance!

How is everyone, you issac?? you still feeling sick at all?? What is your actual due date, I'm 15th August :)
Hey banana so pleased your scan went well was getting worried cuz you hadn't updated. Got a pic? Had a scan today 16 weeks 1 day and everything looking good and we think we saw another little willy but not definate yet! He was opening and closing his mouth taking in fluid and was on his front most of the time, totally amazing. My edd is the 24th July so we're so close!
Hey guys, thanks for all the positive vibes! Glad all your scans have gone well :) Isaac, love seeing that scan pic!!!

I'm just hanging in the TWW. I have to go for my blood draw Monday to check my progesterone. The doc never gave me my numbers from the first Femara cycle so I'm going to try asking the nurse if she can tell me. I didn't even think to ask until we'd left. Our visits with the doc always feel so rushed.

My test day/AF due date is DH's birthday. Hard not to think about what a fun gift that would be. We successfully did SMEP except we missed the last try but as I'd already ov'd at that point I'm not sure it makes much difference. Hopefully not. We got our 3 days in a row right at ov time so that's good. I'm hopeful this cycle but not overly so. If that makes sense. It would be fabulous and of course we have a chance but I won't be shocked if we're not. I feel like it will be one of two things. Either we get pregnant with the injections or we won't get pregnant till I lose more weight. I'm really focused on that now. Eatting much better and gym almost daily. I think that may be what has to happen for me. We won't do IVF. I mean I won't say that for 100% because our feelings could change but as of now we're pretty decided. I just can't take that. Too much pressure and money riding on my uterus. I'd rather start towards adoption and keep working on losing weight and trying naturally.

Anyway, hope you ladies have a good weekend!
Okay....feeling stressed again!

Just went in for my progesterone blood draw. Doc wanted day 36 which was yesterday so went in first thing this AM as they were closed yesterday. I asked the nurse what my old results were. My day 21 in my first Femara cycle was 6.33 and day 28 was 7.73

What is it supposed to be??? I can't seem to find a solid answer online but I've read a few that say it should be over 30??? Is that right? If so why on earth wouldn't the doc have brought this up sooner? I assumed it was only slightly low. This seems ridiculously low! Does this mean I'm not actually ovulating???

I asked one of the office ladies about adding a progesterone suppliment and she said that's not an option!?! Why wouldn't it be an option? I feel so confused and never feel like I get straight answers from the doctor or the office staff. THEN I find out not only are the injections almost $400 per cycle, but the cycle itself costs $500 just for the ultrasounds and monitoring etc which I guess isn't covered by the health system here. What the heck!?!? So we're looking at almost $1,000 each cycle????? That's fine if it works but I can't do that for 6 cycles in a row and get no results. Ugh! I hate infertility BS! Why don't insurance companies cover this stuff at all! Even a little bit!?

Sorry, I'm venting and ranting and just fuming right now. I feel so trapped by money and genetics! It's so unfair that some dirt poor teenage girl with no money can get knocked up no problem and we have to pay thousands as thousands of dollars we don't have to even get a shot!!! UGH!!!!
Oh mama! I'm sorry you are having to go through this. Why can't they give you answers? Do you have to schedule a consult for them to talk to you? I understand your frustrations. You are entitled to those questions being answered so that you may understand your care. I found this article if it helps. It seems that's after ovulation your levels can range from 2-25? If this article is accurate, I could see where they would say yours is a little low but they aren't at the bottom either. I'll be praying for you hun.
Hey mama

Don't they have different measurements between the UK & US. Which do you use?? I know for me using the UK ones it was 30 but the US ones were much lower.

I found this if its any good to you?? Would put you in the low but normal range?

•Female (pre-ovulation): less than 1 ng/mL
•Female (mid-cycle): 5 to 20 ng/mL
•Male: less than 1 ng/mL
•Postmenopausal: less than 1 ng/mL
•Pregnancy 1st trimester: 11.2-90.0 ng/mL
•Pregnancy 2nd trimester: 25.6-89.4 ng/mL
•Pregnancy 3rd trimester: 48.4-42.5 ng/mL

I def used nmol/l not ng/ml ???

Have to run but post again properly for you later.


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