Hey Mama
Same as Happy, I just cannot get over this excitement. Makes me think of when DH kept saying to me while ttc that god was waiting for an extra special baby for us and I thought the same for you and look he was right, God was waiting to give you an extra special treat.
Beyond happy for you. I would have been overwhelmed but delighted to have been told I had two I suppose I always thought I would be on my 3rd by now so it would be just been like catching up on time!
I know what happened to poor issac little bean will weigh on your mind of course its only normal but the chance of the same happening to you is very slim I imagine. For now I guess its just sit tight and keep praying!
Have you told many yet?
Afm, am doing good, bought 2 car seats yesterday, I was going to wait until week 20 scan but they were on sale 1/2 price with really good reviews. Have my eye on a few other bits but don't want to go mad just a few bits here and there between now and August.
I think my bump has got smaller, I came into work on Monday and everyone said I was starting to show and on Tuesday for the first time someone asked me was I expecting so it must have been pretty obvious I don't think many people would take that risk asking otherwise. I should have told him no that I'm just prone to bloat!!
Got maternity clothes day before yesterday but I think the same thing is happening as with DS I can feel myself going in everywhere and today I can barely notice my bump only a little low down and I can feel myself going in everywhere else like ribs and face, I could easily have ate a few too many pies and one of the girls told me I was very neat.
So I don't know, have to try on bm dresses now for SIL should be awful now with my belly but anyway better run before I'm late have to be there in 20mins.
How are you issac/happy???