TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Banana I couldn't wait to see your reaction!!! I'm totally still in shock here! I'm hoping to get into my doc today for a blood test and I'm hoping to talk to the midwives today as well :)

I've been bursting into tears all weekend! But mostly just smiling a really stupid happy grin haha

We told some close family and friends this weekend. Basically the people who have been following our fertility journey and praying with us. So many people crying! It was awesome lol

Now just crossing fingers our little one stays nice and stuck in there :)
Hi guys :) How's everyone?

Went to the doc yesterday for my blood test. I'm definitely preggers! My hcg was at 424 so it's nice and high, yay!

I asked how my progesterone was from the test last week and I was at a 32! Way better than the 6 & 7 from our first Femara cycle.

I should hopefully hear back from the doc office in the next day or two to set up my week 7 ultrasound :) can't wait!

I also spoke to a midwife practice since I prefer to be with midwives over doctors. Sounds like I'm all set there assuming I don't end up high risk. They are calling next week to le me know what team I'm assigned to and set up my first meeting for around 10 weeks. They calculate my due date out to be Oct 28 for now.

I started talking to doulas last night and I think I found one I love! We meet with her in person on Friday evening.

I'm so excited!!!!!!! Yay for :bfp:! Haha

So far super sore boobs is my only major symptom. I feel a lot of abdominal twinges but I'm not sure if that's the real deal or just my brain running amock! Lol

Oh and my one issue is sex! I'm terrified of it! I know logically it's probably just fine but I'm so scared of miscarriage right now that I don't want to do anything to risk it! Is that just stupid? Anyone else feel this way? Advice?

Love you all!
Hey mama

Whooo still so excited for you!! Great results from the doc. Crazy how high your day21 was this month, its possibly your first confirmed strong ovulation and bang your preggers bit like me once I got working it was just like "normal people" getting pregnant!

I had really bad cramps and pains from just before I got my BFP on and off right through to now at 14 weeks. I made myself sick with worry but please try not to you. Some of my cramps were so so like period pain I would run to the loo expecting blood.

Right now I have been diagnosed with SPD which is pretty painful. Turns out I had it with DS too but thought it was a trapped nerve at the time. Its pretty much a pelvic disorder for some it goes away after a couple of weeks some its stays and gets worse. At the min mine is getting worse. Worst cases on the internet have been in signed off work and on crutches etc.. Walk in stairs is really painful and even walking is getting really sore. Just pray it passes, want to enjoy this pregnancy after wanting it so long.

I had to see nurse yesterday because I when I googled my symptoms (mostly groin pain) it said it was SPD which was the pelvis softening and separating getting ready for baby so I panicked and thought why is it getting ready for baby to come out yet!! Turns out you get a rush of the rexalin hormone about this time so its peaked at the moment and will hopefully balance off.
I read on a lot of other forums about people being afraid of sex, I am not inface prob the opposite but I think its very normal for people to be put off or afraid everything says though unless you are told or advised by the doc or are high risk miscarriage then its fine. If your not 100% comfortable just leave it, I'm sure you've done enough bding to do you a lifetime!! We didn't have sex for a few weeks after my bfp - no planned just worked out that way!!

Mama, your numbers are nice and high. That's great news. I understand about sex. I was the same. But honestly within a week or 2
It was the furthest thing from my mind as I didn't feel like it at all. I was either too sleepy/tired, my boobs hurt too bad, or I was too sick. Now that my hormones are raging (since about week 22) I've wanted it al the time and DH has hardly any interest. Ugh! Haha. Can't wait for your first scan!

Banana, I'm sorry you are in so much pain. I hope you feel better soon. Is there anything they can do?
Just wanted to share a picture of our little girl. She was sucking her thumb almost the entire time. She has flipped and is head down. Not that it matters because I'm having a csection anyways. Haha


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Oh wow what a beautiful scan pic and little girl, got any names chosen?
Mama your beta is fab and I so can't wait to see that first scan picture. So happy we have all finally managed to get this far!
Sorry your feeling all that pain banana, I had awful pelvic pain from 6-8 weeks and I assumed it was because I was carrying 2?? It seems so much better now unless I've had a super long day! I really feel for you though, not nice let's hope it's just a phase xx
Thank you ladies. Her name will be Brooklynn. We can't wait to kiss those chubby little cheeks.

How are you coming along Isaac?

I'm so happy that we are all pregnancy buddies. Even though we are in different stages of our pregnancy, it's still nice to follow along with you ladies. Mama it's going to be so exciting getting to share your first experience.
Yeah all seems fine here thanks happy! I'm a little over 18 weeks and have my anomaly scan in 2 weeks will defo confirm sex of baby as we are pretty sure we saw little boy parts at last scan. I'll be over the moon either way! Can't believe I'm almost half way through. So excited just booked a 5 day trip to disneyland Paris over Xmas time, my little boy will love it!
Awesome Happy! My fav girls name is Brooke! :) hubby likes Justice best but I'm not keen on it. He does like Brooke so I think if we have a girl that will be it. Boys names we're all over the place haha

Banana - hope you're feeling better! :hugs:

Isaac - you must be so psyched for the gender scan! We just found out my mom will hopefully be visiting right around the time for ours so going to try to schedule it for then.
I'm so anxious for my first scan! Want to see and hear that little heartbeat!

Symptom wise I've got the sore boobs. It's weird, they are sore all the time but first thing in the morning the pain is excruciating! Just or a few minutes though. Very odd.

I also have to pee a lot. At the moment I've caught a head cold from one of my kids I babysit. That's blah. Hopefully that will clear that will clear Up quick. I also have a lot of mild abdominal cramping. Feels like pre period cramps and I'm always panicked that I'll run to the bathroom and see blood. But so far so good.

No nausea yet, my only real food craving is for baked potatoes haha other than that I just have like food moodswings. Either I feel ravenous and want to eat anything I see or I take a few bites of a meal and feel too full to go on.
So far so good :)

No nausea yet. Boobs are hurting more and more each day. I've resorted to plain cotton sports bras round the clock haha

Heartburn and constipation have set in. Getting up 2-3 times each night for potty breaks and feeling exhausted.

Still getting some random abdominal cramps, they seem to hit harder during the night. But don't last long.

I go for my first ultrasound next Tuesday :) so excited! But also feeling really nervous. My friend just went in yesterday for her first ultrasound at 9 weeks and there was no heartbeat :( my heart is just broken for her now and of course my mind is racing with the what ifs :(

Other than that sadness I'm doing well. We hired a doula that a love! I scored a few baby items through a mom swap. Just want to get past Tues and see my little bean and know he or she is okay.

How's are you Happy? Everyone else? :)
Mama, I'm glad you are feeling well. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know it's hard not to worry, ESP given the situation. You will go next Tuesday and I am confident you will see your little bean's hb. It sounds like your levels are still rising due to the change/rise in symptoms. This is good. Soon you'll be feeling that little bean squirming. That is the best reassurance :) I can't wait to see your ultrasound photo.

I'm doing well. 31+2 today. Little but is moving like crazy and I'm having BH just about everyday off and on all day now. I really don't think I will make it to 39 weeks for my csection. 37 weeks is stuck in my head for some reason. We hope to have the nursery finished within the next 2 weeks. We are just waiting on the furniture now. Then I can start washing and putting everything away. At least the painting is done.

I hope all is well with you banana and Isaac. Can't wait to find out why you ladies are having :)
Happy I can't believe how close you are already! That's exciting! :) What are the BH like? Are they painful?
I can't believe how close we are getting. BH just feels like a tightening all the way around my abdomen. They usually last about 30 seconds. They aren't painful but they are uncomfortable. I have been having the occasional painful one that goes into my back but there is nothing regular about them yet. I do feel like she has dropped because walking is getting painful and there is lots of pressure. Once she flipped, it seems like she moves almost all the time. Lol.
Wow!! First of all huge congrats to mama! Amazing news to come back to! Sorry I've been gone so long. I only have a few minutes, but just wanted to pop in and read up on everyone's progress and there was definitely LOTS of progress :) Yay for everyone!
Aww happy what a cool scan pic with the thumb sucking bet you just can't wait to meet her now!

Can't wait to hear what your having issac!

Will you find out mama??

Mama your symptoms sound pretty normal to me esp the peeing at night I thought it only happened at the end with the pressure on the bladder but it something to do with your kidneys being extra affective during pregnancy. That and the sore boobs which were agony like you described esp in morning pretty much went for me about 9 weeks or so. Still pee more den usual now but not as much plus I've a thirst on me that won't quench since I got my bfp so that would explain the peeing more.

I would freak out coming up to scans all my symptoms would magically disappear so id be convinced I wasn't anymore but everything was perfect everytime. I think its normal to worry so much when we've tried to long. My friends who got pregnant by surprise didn't worry once and I didn't worry once with ds.

I'm starting to show a bit now depends what I wear sometimes its with out a doubt a wee bumpy but the wrong pants and I just look like I ate a few too many pies !!

elt great to hear from you, how are you and yours??
Hi ladies,

Hope all the bumps are well and good :)

This weekend I had a bit of brown spotting which made me panicky. We went to the hospital just because I couldn't stand to just sit around worrying all day. All seems fine and the spotting has stopped. They checked my hcg level and I was at almost 25,000 :) so that's good. The ER doc didn't want to risk a vaginal ultrasound but he tried the external one just to see if we could see anything. They weren't able to get a clear image but he could definitely tell there's something in there so that's good.

I go in for my first "official" ultrasound tomorrow morning. I'm nervous and excited. Just hope everything is good. Wish me luck!

What's new with everyone else?
Oh mama best of luck tomorrow/today with your scan. Hopefully you get to see something. I wasn't expecting to see anything much at my 1st scan but could see everything it was mad but I was 9 weeks and esp in the early days even just a few days makes a huge difference.

2 weeks ago the nurse tried to get a heartbeat on my poppy (14 weeks) with the dolloper just in the GP surgery at a routine check up but couldn't find anything. Went back a week later and it was there straigth away. So 1 week made a huge difference.

Can't wait to hear from you x

Got an email from my sister last night 3 years on and just completed a 3rd IUI and nothing she is giving it a break for a few weeks now then another 3 IUI I think before IVF.

Am gutted for her and on top of it all the sale fell through on a house she loved, an offer has been accepted on another one but it not the one she really wanted. She is thinking about getting a dog now when they get the new house too.

Please cross all your fingers and toes for her she is the only one left now that I know ttc :(

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