Hello Hello Hello Ladies
Would you believe I wrote the longest message back in August and September and 3 seperate times I lost it!! I cannot apologies enough, everyone was so good to me on here for over 2 years and then I just dropped of the face of the earth. My phone is a piece of poo and our internet connection in the middle of nowhere is almost non existent!!
Mama your bubs are so so gorgeous!! How are you managing with them? As good as James is, he is still v hard work. They must be coming up to 6 months now. James was 6 months last week so very hard to believe.
Hann - No.3 whooo well done you, we are on the not trying not preventing plan as of this month so we'll see how it goes for a few months if nothing happens I'll start doing a bit of timing and if nothing on that I'll start charting and prob go back to clinic. I'll wait until the end of the year I think before I take it seriously. I want so badly for it just to happen this time but we'll see.
Issac - how are you getting on - update us please !!
So better late then never but here it goes....
I was due on Friday 15th August and despite cramps and pains and docs and nurses telling me I'll go any minute in the last few weeks nothing was stirring in fact all my pains and aches disappeared so I felt like I was going to way over due. got all the standard anything stirring texts that day but went to bed pain and cramp free not a care in the world, but then.... 2.30am sweet lord I woke with an unmerciful pain through me lasted 1-2mins knew it wasn't a regular pain so waited and they it came 10mins later again, this happened for 2 hours pretty much the same before I decided to ring the hospital who said prob best to come in but no need to panic. So I rang DH who was working nights remember this is at 4.30am and said hi and his response was Jesus Christ Emma I thought you were in labour and hung up! So I sat in shock for another 20mins (2 contractions) before I text him and siad Eh I am in labour no need to panic but we'll probably be having a baby sometime today so maybe get home and get some sleep. 20mins later he was in the kitchen!! I went up for a shower as I knew once my waters broke I couldn't so did that, then had a bath and got into bed in the spare room so DH could get a bit of sleep. Then nothing not a twinge, fell asleep for 2 hours depressed that it had all been a false alarm, on the phone to mammy etc when I felt something wet and low and behold it was the full plug. So I got up got dressed and decided to do walking laps around the house, I made it around twice and I nearly passed out with the contractions. Phoned hospital again saying they are not consistant but very very painful - she said waiting until contractions are regular and 3-4 or whatever mins apart is the biggest myth. If I am in pain to come in straight away. Still though I was in denial and went back to bed. DH felt me squirming and digging my nails into the bed every fews mins so I rang my mother and asked her to make her way over to me when she got a chance no panic. That was at 12noon. By 12.30pm I was in agony every 2-3mins and DH had to ring mammy to tell her to get here quick (She lives almost an hour away!) MIL lives right next door but typically this was the one morning she was away. So we got up and got the last few bits into my bags which were pretty much ready bar couple of thing I was using daily. All was going fine inbetween contractions DH was unusually calm until I just looked at him and said start the car we have to go now!! We knew mammy was near so DS would be ok for 5-10 mins until she got to him (hes 8 and very good and his 13 year old cousin was with him also) but luckly she was coming in driveway as we were going out. we flew in the road (hospital only 20mins away) I screamed the whole way in the road begging DH to phone ahead for for an epidural!! Depsite all my I don't want one trauma in the weeks and months before. Had to get a wheelchair up to the maternity ward where I was traumatised to be told I was only 3cm on arrival at 3pm. I cannot tell you how bad the pain was - well you know how bad it was!! Asked for an epi straight away. Doctor came down to do the epi which was really hard as the contractions were so so strong (weren't that strong with DS1). 5 failed attempts yes 5 and they couldn't get it in. It was so so unconformable sitting there for over an hour trying to stay still with almost constant contractions. The Consultant was called down, she asked how many cm I was before she came down so they checked while she was on the phone and said 6cm (at 4.30pm) so Consultant arrived 5mins later and told Joe to go for a coffee and when he got back I would be all relaxed and much better. So he left and oh dear the pain got really bad really quick. She asked I be checked again as I seemed much further on then 6cm - I was in so much pain I couldn't open my legs for the mw who was begging to check me and not out of badness I just couldn't move I was so focused on the pain, I didn't even realise what was happening until she said to me Emma-Louise I don't need to check you I can see the babies head - are you pushing!! Mw told other MW to get Joe back quickly - poor joe had just pulled out of the hospital in the car to get a coffee and was told to get back quick. He didn't know why just raced back. Then the baby was coming at speed and he still wasn't back so I was told to stop pushing till they get him on the phone which they did and he was told to run. DH landed into the room nearly skidding sideways and James Michael was born 10mins later @ 5.16pm
So got the natural birth I wanted but def not out of choice!!
Oh my heart was racing typing and reliving that again!!!
He weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 6oz and took to the breast straight away.
First night was very scary as he kept vomiting up red mucus - nurse on the ward was not very nice even tho I was terrified he would choke but nurses after that were lovely.
Downside was I started to get really really really bad headaches and they discovered I had a epidural tap which pretty much means they punctured my spinal fluid during the failed attempts. I got home as I thought it was better but it got worse and worse I couldn't stand up or brush my hair so I had to be re-admitted again overnight and get another epidural where they inject my own blood into my spine to seal the tear. That was pretty crap but it worked and I was out again the next day. I had to lie flat for 6 hours and my milk came in so I had to lie in agony in a milked soaked mattress for hours before I could move ended up getting a blockage in one of my boobs and severe brusing and bleeding in the other. But we got through it and fed for 3 months but I had to stop because he wanted it every hour or sometimes even every 20mins. I had no life couldn't do anything or go anywhere and he hated the bottle. Screamed for 2 days solid on the bottle but eventually took to it and now he loves it!!!
So big big email to make up for the last 6 months but at least its done and dusted now. Back at worked since start of Feb - so I'm back in the land of internet again - hence this email. Oh dear I thought I have 10mins free I'll write it and just realised that was 35mins ago - I should write a book!!