Hey Issac
What you said about subclinical hyperthyroidism sounds about right I have one level which is 0 and two other levels which are normal!
Were you taking any meds to make sure your ds2 stayed stuck?
Must be strange being on the other end of the sword now. Even though I wasn't told I had progestrone issues, my lp was fine etc.. The clinic I go to makes you take progestrone from 1dpo - AF/BFP as a precaution or to 3 months if you get a bfp. I read that a huge amount of miscarriages are due to progestrone dropping to low.
Its horrible stuff that goes up the lady parts but its worth it if it works. I was so afraid of coming off it but had to eventually.
Don't think we'll have time in Devon have a pretty full schedule. Flying into Luton on the Monday, Legoland Tuesday arriving at my sisters late Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and only staying with her until Thursday evening and then up to my cousin in Manchester. Billy so excited can't wait to get away ourselves although dreading all the driving. London - Devon & Devon - Manchester with 1 kid & a baby!!
So I was up in the clinic last Friday and got my tubes checked was fine not half as painful as the last time I got it done. She is said this was different it was sugar and water the other one I got was a thick dye. Anyway everything was grand but the follicle was only 10mm previous succesful cycle it was 14mm at that stage and she very cheerfully siad soooo you have polycystic ovaries. I was trying to put my knickers on behind the curtain when she said it and I nearly dropped to the floor. I think it was only when I started asking a zillion questions she realised I didn't know this before and she panicked and said she wasn't qualified to talk about it with me that I had to make apt with consultatn. She did say there were so many follicles that that 10mm probaby wouldn't grow to full maturity.
So went home depressed and waited for my second tracking scan on Tuesday (2days ago) and all the scan showed was one great big 21mm follicle - the exact same as James (ds2)! so we triggered there there and then (CD14) and BD that night and last night and hopefully tonight although all my cramps are gone since yesterday evening and my temp spiked this morning so I'm pretty sure I've already O'd and on schedule with the trigger (expected at 8pm last night). So please cross all your fingers and toes for me and say a prayer if you can. Would be so so lovely if it just worked again like the last time.
Funny thing is I'd be due on DS1 birthday but 9 years apart!!
So what are you doing now issac do you have to wait a while after your mc and what can you do to prevent losing again??
Wonder how Mama is doing with the twinnies!!