TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Hi banana and mama! Had another baby boy yesterday 16th April at 02.00 after 2 hour labour in the water. Henry came out weighing a healthy 7lb 12oz which is quite a big bigger than my other 2. Very quick intense labour,it hurt like hell! Started with irregular contractions at about 2pm Friday which picked up by about 11pm. Midwife came out at about 12 midnight and I was 5cm with bulging waters so headed into hospital and literally felt like I got in the water and then it all kicked off big time. No time for using any of my coping strategies my body just got on with it. Think maybe I pushed about 10 or so times and he came out.. and it's all over for me! My family is finally complete. Sounds very strange to say it but I won't be going through pregnancy and childbirth again. How are you banana?? Mama looks like you've ovulated?? Good luck this month xx
Whoooooooo Isaac!!! I knew before I clicked in this was going to be an announcement. Hormones must have me all over the place because I just cried with happiness for you. dh was not quite sure what was going on!!

Such great news. 3 little muskateers 😁
Hey Isaac, hope u and the boys are good 😃

Mama, I hope that's an implantation dip!! How u feeling about it all now ??

I'm for induction in the morning absolutely dreading it and terrified. I dint know why this baby doesn't want to come out last 2 came on their own but it is what it is. So hopefully next message he get from me is a big announcement!
Hey Isaac, hope u and the boys are good 😃

Mama, I hope that's an implantation dip!! How u feeling about it all now ??

I'm for induction in the morning absolutely dreading it and terrified. I dint know why this baby doesn't want to come out last 2 came on their own but it is what it is. So hopefully next message he get from me is a big announcement!

Yeah all fine banana! Baby henry is a dream and feeding really well. All he bruising coming out of the wood work now so feel a bit battered down there but hey to be expected. Can't believe I have had 3 babies and not needed a single stitch when it seems most women have at least a few! I would've been going in for an induction too if he hadn't shown up at the weekend. It's his official due day tomorrow too!! What worked for me possibly, is a few mile walk up and down a coastal path with lots of steps etc, a quick with the hubby and I was inserting evening primrose oil, taking raspberry leaf tea. Hoping all goes smoothly tomorrow can't wait to hear your good news. Good luck and give it some wellie xx
Emily Margaret raced into the world at 1.01pm today Friday 22nd April 8lbs8oz It was super super quick once drip started an hour and a half from 1st pain which when I was asked was it a contraction I wasn't sure to her out!!

Still in shock disbelief but so so happy.

Norovirus us in the hospital so boys can't come up but they have tons of photos and care dying to meet her! Hopefully home tomorrow. No stitches again thank God and she latched on straight away and hsving huge feeds since. Hopefully go I g to get a bit of sleep now shortly after this feed 💜 💛💚💙💓💝💞💔🚺👶🚼🎂💖💕💟😃😆😁😀
Congratulations banana you got a little girl it looked that way going by that girly nub! So pleased it all went well for you,it's all over now well done. Fancy having your baby on my due date and mine nearer yours!! Hope you get out of hospital soon. How come you're not out already? Xx
Oh my gosh! Congrats to you both!!!!!!! :happydance:

I want to see pics of those new babies ladies!!! Hope you're both healing up well and getting some sleep! Banana are you home yet?

I know I've been terrible about popping on here. I've found its easier this time to not obsess or think about it all too much. Plus the twinners keep me pretty dang busy! Buuuuuut.......

I had to come on to discuss now because I'm either majorly symptom spotting or I'm pregnant!

Total tmi warning but hubby and I did our thing 2 nights ago and it was soooo good lol like hasn't been that good for me since pregnant with the twins! Then yesterday I started to feel some boob aches which I haven't had at all since I was pregnant with the twins. My boobs ached majorly the whole first trimester and it was one of my earliest symptoms before I even had the bfp last time. Anyway, I started feeling it yesterday and was like "hmm my boobs are a bit sore....but not as bad as when I was pregnant. I'm probably just symptom spotting." But just got up with miss Brooke crying and I'm telling you my boobs hurt sooooo much! This is totally pregnant boob pain! Also I've been needing to pee noticeably more the last few days.

And I don't have a single pregnancy test in the house! Lol I had one left and it turned out to be a dud! Didn't even get a control line. Errrrrr.

So going to have to get some tests at the store this morning and probably wait for fmu tomorrow. Though I'm feeling so confident I may take one later today.....maybe lol
Oh mama that would be amazing!!! I've no idea what time it is where u are its nearly 12 noon here on Monday!?!? I need to see that test!!

We are home now since Saturday afternoon. Emily was born at 1pm Friday personally I would have walked straight out of delivery room but most ppl stay 1-3 days. They would have kept me until Sunday or Monday but I told them no chance u was out the gap Saturday. I had to get an iron infusion Saturday afternoon but docs were busy so didn't get out till 5. It's only in big places like Dublin they let u out same day here and a midwife calls round to u after bit we live I'm the sticks.

I feel great have to say no stitches either and v v little swelling. I was in bits with james no stitches but the swelling was unreal and I lost a little control of my bladder but nothing this time and my tummy is almost back down to normal already!!

Had to top Emily up with formula waiting for milk to come in she was hysterical she latched onto me for almost 24hrs solid I didn't get near bedroom Saturday night she was beside herself but 2oz of formula Saturday morning and she us a dream boat since!!

So far so good with 3, had to bring ds1 to school this morning only down the road but it was actually stress free getting all 3 up dressed fed and in and out of the car!!

Come on mama TEST TEST TEST TEST!!!!
Can't seem to pay photo from.phinevwoll do as soon as I get on laptop.

James thinks Emily is peppa pig!! To be fair she came home from hospital in a pink gro, pink hat and pink mits!

She is like a little doll!! The cherry on top of our cake ❤
That's a line!


Eeekkkkk :happydance:

Took one yesterday and thought I saw a line but it was such a squinted that I didn't want to say it was positive but today it totally is! Yay!

Going to go in for the blood test today so will get the official yes later today hopefully.
Oh my gosh congratulations mama that's awesome news you know your body so well!! That's defo a bfp and I'm guessing that blood test will have fab numbers.
Banana so pleased all is going well with you and your gang and emily is feeding well. Henry is a dream too after thinking he was the devils child for first few days amd just like you as soon as my milk came in he has been so content. Minimal soreness here too. My pubic bone feels very sore from time to time but that was hurting before I had baby and I guess it will take some time to mend. I will try and upload a picture of him x
Yes yes yes mama!! I cannot believe it soooooooo happy for you. Will say my prayers tonight blood test us good and you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!

So all going well what is your due date????!!!

Isaac Henry is gorgeous!! I Can't seem to upload photo from phone but will as soon as I get into laptop!

I am soooooo engorged 😔 Emily is much much more settled now but still feeding every hour or two esp at night. Nurse was around today and asked was she draining me each time I was like eh no look at the wee size of her absolutely gigantic swollen boobs! So she said ages not getting the hind milk which has all the fat that makes her feel full. I remember being told that with James now too. I woke up this morn wothba huge golf ball under my arm pit oh the agony hopped into hot shower and pumped just 3oz and got great relief but emilybdecudedcto have huge sleeps today bro I got very full again. Just had another shower and pumped a little more but afraid I'll keep getting engorged with the pumping but I really can't handle the pain and she can barely latch in they are so so so swollen. Hopefully it all passes soon 😜

Keep us updated mama!!
Not sure if this working. Trying to upload pic if Emily


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What a beautiful little girl banana she is just perfect well done! I have the same too not sure henry is reaching hind milk and when I have pumped I can easily within about 3 mins pump off about 4oz of foremilk. He has been every 3 hours and at night but tonight he has woke up after only an 1hr and a half grrrr!!! Bless him he must be hungry. My boobs aren't as engorged as they were at your stage so hopefully in a few days it will settle down for you. I get a painful lump in mu right armpit when engorged and can even feel the let down in it! Ohhh the throbbing x
So blood test is positive but the number is on the low side. Only 25. But since I ovulate late and first day of period isn't supposed to be till tomorrow I'm hoping it's just because it's so early. With my twins though my first test I was 424. They're having me come in Monday for a second test to see how the levels are progressing. If all looks good we will schedule my early ultrasound.

I'm not super worried because I'm totally feeling pregnant. The boobs, peering a ton and I have killer heartburn already plus waking up multiple times the past few nights. Everything feels like the real deal so I'm going to just be happy and trust all is well.
Second blood test was good. HCG is now 214. Doubling just right for a singleton. ☺️

So all is looking good. Starting to feel a bit of nausea and exhaustion. First ultrasound and first midwife apt both scheduled for June 6! :happydance:
Whoooo mama great news 😁

So when us your due date??

Isn't it sooooo much bettervsecind time ttc when u already know so much about your body and treatment etc. Before I started ttc with James I had no idea cycle day 1 was 1st day of period, the u ovulatedbin the middle (ish!!) What iui was, was a thermometer had to do with anything and bwvervheard of progesterone!! By timebibgir pregnant i was telling the doctors stuff they didnt know!! 😂

3 under 2.5!! you will have your hands full mama!! But I bet you'll love every min if it!! ❤❤❤❤

I Am totally besotted with Emily. For someone who had no particular interest in having a girl I really didn't mind despite ppl.presuming I was mad for a girl after two boys. I cannot stop looking at her. She is super spoilt already even tho i was quite strict with the 2 boys!!

We spend all day looking at each other. Chatting and putting on pretty dresses!

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