TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

All is grand here Issac :) was up for glucose test today god it took ages I was starving by the end of it, results Thursday but i expect them to be ok, I've never had GD before and only reason they test me is because my daddy has diabetes but he is because of poor diet, drink and lack of exercise. They were concerned that my bump is quite small for 28 weeks so are sending me for a scan on Thursday also just to check actual baby measurements. They said its not a huge concern but asked how I was comparing to last 2 pregancies and I said I did feel an awful lot smaller and then asked about baby movement which I said were certainly there esp in evening but much quieter than last 2 boys. I worried a few times but then baby would have a kickboxing fight so I stopped worrying.

of course I'm worrying a bit again now but I asked Dr. google and apparently the bump size is not very accurate but they do like to check it out just incase there was low fluid or anything.

Wedding Dress Shopping then Friday and Saturday with my BF can't wait :)

How are you feeling apart from kanckered!?! You're team Yellow still aren't you?/

Hey Mama, any sign of the witch I've been keeping a wee eye on your chart no sign of her at the weekend :( Any plans with meds etc...??

Hi ladies,

How are you all doing? How close is everyone to go time???

I got swamped with work over the holidays so I basically through ttc on the back burner. Haven't even been good about temping!

But yesterday ttc came back front and centre because I had my first apt back with my fertility doctor. I was nervous because I've gained about 10-15 lbs since going off the pill (which is typical for pcos but still annoying!) and I worried my doctor would give me grief about losing weight before starting meds again but he didn't at all. We just reviewed where I'm at and what we did last time that worked. He sent me for blood tests and we start meds next week! Really hoping this time around will be quick and easy! Fingers crossed!
Hey Mama!!

Sounds the same as me was much easier the second time getting treatment alot less guess work. Fx you are the same as me and it just happens quicker this time!!

Well I had my scan and baby is not measuring small at all despite my little bump infact he/she is measuring bigger and I know I ovulated early so I might not get to 14th April yet!!

SPD has been very very manageable apart from a few bouts where I overdone it but always rectified itself with rest. I over did it yesterday cleaning out fridge and sweeping and moping like a crazy woman and have barely been able to walk yesterday and today, I can but gets really really sore. Had to come into work today cause of super busy day which turned out not to be busy so could have prob taken it off. Will see how I feel now in the morning.

Other then that all is good here! Def not as sick as with last 2 pregs, thank god :)

so when is kick off with the meds / predicted ovulation time Mama??
Sounds like all on track with your little bean Banana!

I'm not sure of the game plan but I meet with my doctor again on Wednesday so I image he'll have my blood test results and will give me all my prescriptions then. Im towards the end of a long cycle so my guess is will be starting with a few days of progesterone to force af then will take Femara in the beginning of my cycle. Will probably be on metformin and synthroid again too. Will see what he has to say on Wed.

Today I had an odd bout of morning nausea which was very weird. Haven't had that since I was Prego with the twins. Also been craving potatoes/French fries this past week which was my first major early pregnancy craving last time. Might test tomorrow am just to be sure I'm not pregnant before I go to the apt on Wed. Im sure I'm just reading too much into things as usual but hey, you never know haha

I also finally got my hands on an actual bbt thermometer finally! I've always just used a digital one I had on hand because I could never seem to find one in the stores when id check. Finally got one today. Took my temp tonight just to see how the thermometer worked and my temp was significantly higher than all my other temps. But that was at the end of the day not the morning so prob means nothing. Will see what my temp is tomorrow and possibly what a pee stick says. lol
Well mama as I'm sure you know I'll have all my fingers and toes crossed for you poas!

Its Wednesday lunchtime here right now but I know there a big time difference with us so don't know if have been and gone to doc or just waking up!!

Let us know asap how you get on :)
Thanks banana! I took a test yesterday just to see and it was negative. Had a blood test today at the doctor to be sure I'm not already pregnant and it was negative too so I am good to start meds. Yay! I take my first dose of Femara tomorrow :happydance:

I thought I'd have to start with progesterone and go through AF but they said because I haven't ovulated I'm technically not even in a cycle so I can just treat tomorrow like day 3 of a new cycle. So glad I don't have to wait a few weeks to get started. I'm excited! It's so different from last time. I feel really calm this time around knowing my body can do this with these meds. Now we'll see what happens....

The last time I took Femara it took 3 cycles to get our :bfp: and all three cycles I ovulated around day 19 or 20. That put ovulation this time right about Valentine's Day Hahahaha that's convenient! Lol

Fun thing is that if this works this cycle we'll be very close to the same due date as the twins. I got my :bfp: with them on Feb 16 so will only be a couple weeks behind that. Weird!
Ah no I had a big message wrote and comp froze!

That is great news Mama. It is very different the second time isn't it!! You know what is happening, you have more faith, you aren't exhausted from ttc for so long etc..

I think it happened for us second time this time.

Oh i see you have started a new chart so you are well on your way whooo :)

I was so sick this last few days awful sinus infection, its still lingering but mostly gone. Then last night I have a massive puke it was horrible no idea where it came from, still don't feel great, not something I ate cause boys all ate exact same as me all week and they fine. Pelvis is pretty sore too, I ahave just reached the "want the baby out" stage now!!

Bump is still tiny compare to boys but all is good.

How you issac?? :)
Oh and Mama don't just rely on timing, both myself and issac got preg this time on totally wrong times!! and they do say things happen in 3s!!!

Issac have you started packing with Ds1 I was packed and ready to go at 20 weeks, DS2 not too long after this, this time I'm all meh ah there loads of time shur what do I need!!

I do think I have nearly everything tho from DS2 I have all the white clothes, breast pump, cot, crib, my sil gave me newborn nappies she never used, I got new bottles at the weekend in Aldi, need to get a steriliser, breast pads, maternity pads and sort out new sleeping arrangments with boys but the though of packing a bag is just ugh couldn't be bothered. I think its because I was so so hung up on having my bags perfect with James and it happened so quickly in the end there wasn't even time to grab my labour bag from the car!!

Have you packed yet or have you much to buy??
Haha sorry not been replying much things been pretty mad here! No to my dismay I haven't got anything packed officially yet either but from my history I really need to get that one ticked. I have only just been discharged from hospital had to have steroids and magnesium infusion for threatened pre term labour as I had contractions amd a bleed,all very scary at 28 weeks along. Scanned baby at 28 and 3 days and was estimated at 3lb so but of a fatty! What did they estimate your baby banana and what gestation where you? I have only ever had smaller babies so this might be a chunk if I reach term! Anyway I have got to rest for few weeks as they think I had a placental bleed, I have been on the go so need to slow it down. I'm also ready for baby to be put but need it to cook for longer yet.
Mama good luck on making that valentines baby/ babies xx
Aggghhh again wrote a big post and then lost it :(

Oh Issac you poor thing. How scary :( Glad ye are ok now tho. Whatever you do REST REST REST. You have all the time in the world to be running around afterwards.

Funny this time I have got estimates on weight, I never got them before so must be something new. at 28 weeks (Growth scan) I was estimated at 3lb also!!

As I said this is something new for my hospital so I can't compare but boys were 8.3 and 8.6!! Not massive but def on the large size!! I was cut with Billy and didn't tear or cut with James so fingers crossed. i remember the stitches with Billy were agony after I couldn't sit down for ages.

Chart is looking good mama not too Erratic!! Fx for you and your valentines baby!! Hope your Bding now too tho remember what I said about me and Issac we bd at totally wrong time and look at us now!!

I'm good nothing to report really :)
Hey ladies,

Just back from routine hospital apt. I was shuffling into apt and to my surprise vaugely mentioned being v sore and to my shock they said if they got me to 38 weeks and I was still in pain they would induce me. I didn't really say anything because I was schocked but after having a couple of mins to think about it I don't think its a good idea. I put my pelvis out on Sunday from cleaning too much it usually improves in a few days to a week but I think worst case scenario if I am in agony at 38 weeks I'd rather to on bed rest or something. I've heard induced labours are alot more painful and stressful. So if it comes to it I think I'll refuse.

Commmoooooonnnnn Mama get those temps up!! Routing for you x

How are you issac. Hope your're getting lots and lots of rest and baby is staying snug inside you!!

thinking of you both x

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

First try on meds! Holy crap guys I'm freaking out a little bit! And of course it's 2 am here so I can't tell anyone except hubby who was like "yay!" Then went immediately back to sleep! Lol

I'm also a bit panicky about multiples again....we know that's a possibility again and we are okay with it but man, to get a positive test already??? I'm only one week post ovulation at this point!

I wasn't planning to test until next Saturday but today I was feeling exhausted and started feeling cramping and nausea. I thought well maybe af is on her way or maybe it could be implantation. I went to dinner with a friend tonight and couldn't eat a thing. Some fried something or other went by and I ran to the bathroom and almost puked. Had my friend drive me home and I immediately ran to my bathroom and was super sick. I figured I must have a flu bug and went to bed. Then I woke up and checked my temp and it was a HUGE spike so I figured yep, I have a fever. Must be flu. But I thought I'd POAS for the heck of it as I have a lot of tests ready to go and BAM......:bfp:! Holy crap you guys!!!!! I'm seriously in shock! Why am I so exhausted and nauseous already at only a week post ov?????? Yikes!
Omg mama congratulations girlfriend that's an amazing bfp you have right there! Get all of us being super fertile now, who would've thought a few years back. Life sure is weird but how exciting for you guys. Xx
Okay, now I'm being all paranoid and obsessive...

So opinions please....

My first test was taken around 2 am this morning. I had all sorts of cramping yesterday and ended up nauseous and vomiting. I went to bed early at like 8 pm totally exhausted. When I woke up at 2 I took the test mostly just to confirm it wasn't that I was pregnant so I'd stop obsessing with the "maybe I am" stuff. I was shocked to see that second line.

So this afternoon I took 3 more tests. One was a dud (no control line even) and the other two were both negative. So now I'm feeling unsure. But my thinking is, after being sick yesterday and sleeping 6 hours on a totally empty stomach I must have been pretty dehydrated. That could explain why I got such an early positive (I'm only about 9 days post ov). And it would make sense that after being up and drinking today my afternoon urine wasn't strong enough for the test to detect hcg.

So my you think that is more likely or is it more likely my first test was a false positive? Feeling confused.
Umm strange well that test sure looks like a positive mama! I guess it could've picked up a chemical pregnancy and the hcg maybe falling?? Perhaps try with frer?? And you're right it's still really early days and lots of things can interfere with hcg concentration. Hoping you get that lovely bfp still mama, fx'd xx
Oh wow, usually log in most days to see any updates haven't logged in a few days.

Ok I'm confused too but praying and praying it is a BFP Mama!! My first positive I took super early too and it was like that very light but it was there and was late in the evening. Now I drove into town that night and took a digi and a mid priced test. Digi came up 1-2 weeks pregnant and and the Mid priced test (tesco) came up with a super super faint line.

Oh I know the feeling the genunine shock of seeing the second line albet it faint and after trying the shock is still heart racing stuff. When I took mine with this one clinic had told me there were no mature eggs this month so it was a write off so the surprise when I did get it was massive!!

Ok going to wait for an update and pray pray pray for you!!

Keep us updated, I'll be checking in every few mins!! :D
Issac how are you, resting, resting and resting I hope. When are you due again?? I'm 14th April so coming up to 33 weeks on Thursday.
Well I had a blood test yesterday and just got the results....negative. It could still be too early to tell but my progesterone has dropped from my 21 day bloods so most likely we must have had a chemical pregnancy. I'm sad but I'm okay. My guess is after a long cycle with no ovulation my uterus probably wasn't in the best shape for implanting. Hopefully better luck next cycle. Now just awaiting the witch.
Oh no mama :( Feel so bad for you.

But at least you know your body is on the right track now. Its getting there!

I don't know what meds you are on but I remember being told that some meds can give a false positive test as they have HCG or something in them that takes nearly the 2 weeks to leave your body fully.

Hugs for you x

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