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TTC #2 any one wanna be buddies!!

My ov pains are sharp and only in one side, depending on which side I ov from (left, this cycle). They can last all day or only a few hours, but it's definitely different to AF cramps. :)
my ov pains are all over and feel like period pains....i guess we are all different! sounds like u have covered it which ever way hun. are you doing opk's...maybe u are having another surge?
Opks are still positive, i think! Its like the test line is a thin positive but with a smudge on the rest of it if that makes sense. Cramps have eased up now, they were sharp pains but all over not just one side. How i wish i had a little camera in there to see exactly whats going on!
Grrrr... My temp went back down this morning so i obviously havnt o'd yet. So frustraiting, i was sure i had o'd coz of all the cramps and backache. Opk's were negative this morning so hopefully today is the day but im seriously losing hope for this month and i was so positive this was gona be our month! Oh well

Hows everyone else doing?
Looks like you might be ovulating today hun. What's your CP like? :)
Looks like you might be ovulating today hun. What's your CP like? :)

I always find it hard to judge as it seems to change throughout the day but so far it seems firmer and lower today. And havent had ewcm since friday. I suppose il just have to wait and see what my temp does
Sissors- ya I get pains on the side I ovulate on too. GL hope it comes so you can start bding!

Afm- 8 dpo and today I check my cp and cm sorry (tmi) and it high hard and closed but I have found a glob of ewcm. Anyone know what this would be?
Im on cd10 and I go in to the dr. tomorrow for my HSG test.
Butterfly ewcm is caused by estrogen but dont know what that means after ov. Your chart is looking good, hopefully this is your month!

Nlb good luck 2moro with hsg test!
Scissors hopefully you are oing todays temp looks good! fx for you o know how disheartening it all can be. :hugs:

Nlb good luck for tomorrow hun - you will be fine, just rember its all in aid of getting your lil bean :flower:

Butterfly i'm not sure what that means - i know if you get that at end of LP it can be a sign of pregnancy....

as for my my chart is bonkers LOL had my 21 day progesterone test today so get results either tomorrow or thursday - confirmation of whether i'm Oing or not! My temp spike this morning was because i was really hot and for a moment i got all excited but opk's are a white as can be LOL blooming body!
scissors i notice our charts look simular - rocky mountain style! I wonder if this is because we are having interupted sleep so therefore its not a correct indication? ie you may have o'd but temps are not showing it?? what do u think?
So I have my HSG test today. everything came out fine and my tubes and not blocked. I wonder what we do next. I get the blood results back on the 10th
Nimbec hopefully your bloods show you're o'ing. In theory Your temp spikes the day after o so your opk wouldnt be positive but might have been the day before spike?! What was opk like yesterday? Yea our charts are similar, its hard to know if broken sleep makes it that unreliable coz even when i get at least 4 hours sleep its still very rocky mountain! Im hoping to get my 3rd high temp 2moro and my crosshairs. I think i o'd evening time on sat but i think ff will say sunday.

Nlb good news about your results, hopefully the test wasnt to sore! Did they not tell you what to do next? Maybe they are waiting until you get all your results back and then take it from there
Hi all

Yay scissors i see you have your cross hairs whoo hoo! Interestingly my chart is 100% being affected by broken sleep as i had my blood test results today and I 100% ovulated on CD20 but temps don't show it at all....weird!!

Nlb Great news that your tubes are all ok!! what have they checked so far? Have they done a 21 day progesterone test to make sure your progesterone level shows you have ovulated at a value that is able to sustain pregnancy? Have they scanned you near ovulation to look at formation of folicles? or infact have they checked your other halfs sperm? lots of questions here - 4yrs of trying for the first & lots of hospital specialist visits i feel i could almost write a book!!

I'm so happy i o'd eeeek !! I used the override button on FF too so my chart is upto date just with silly temperatures!
nlb- Good news that you know that you O! And its more Awesome that you know that your tubes are not blocked :) I do agree with sissors that maybe they are just waiting until all the results come back. FX

Sissors- Yes Crosshairs :) now the 2ww Yay!! hopefully you catch this little bean!! And get your BFP soon.

Nimbec- That's Great News :) Hope you catch this little bean as well :) Come on BFP I know you are just around the corner :) also great news that your blood test came back good.

AFM- I go to the Docs tomorrow to get my Blood results :S so nervous. And im currently 10 dpo- 9 according to FF and still BFN :(.
Nimbec thats great that you o'd pity your temps dont show it. Do you temp vaginally? I found that really helped. You can see on your chart that the 2nd half of temps are higher but theres no obvious o day! Hopefully you caught your egg xx

I got my crosshairs for sunday cd17 which makes me 3dpo but im pretty sure the cramps i had on saturday evening cd16 was ovulation cramps which would make me more 4dpo and my temp went high this morning and it was very similar to last months 4dpo. Hopefully the vitamin b6 works this cycle. I was really positive the first half of this cycle now im feeling a little disheartened, idk why!
Butterfly good luck for your doc appointment! Xx

Actually i just looked at last months chart and it was 5dpo that i had the high temp so there goes that theory! :lol:
Thanks everyone

scissors don't be disheartened you have bd lots and your chart looks great fingers crossed the b6 does its job an u get a bfp next week! i have been temping orally perhaps i'll try vaginally ....

Butterfly good luck for the appointment! fx they are good results. dtill time yet hun i didn't get my bfp till 13dpo it was stark white the day before.

hope everyone is ok!
So many of you in the tww now! Really exciting!! I hope we see lots of bfps on this thread soon ladies xx

Afm, can't wait for the weekend. Feeling soooo tired. I just want to sleep. X
Nimbec defo temp vaginally, my first month temping i did it orally and it was off the chart wacky so switched to vaginally and have got crosshairs both cycles!

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