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TTC #2 any one wanna be buddies!!

Angelbaby omg I am so heart broken for you, I really can't image the pain that is going through you :( I'm sending you lots of hugs your way. And I hope as we'll you get your BFP again very soon hun!

Sissies- looks pink to me!! But ya def take another one but I think you got this one though BFP!!

Nimbec- GL on the move!

Afm- appointment today I'm nervous as heck! I'll def update you ladies and let you know what's happening.
Butterfly GL with the appointment! let us know how u get on!

Scissors you should be happy - we are happy for you, as much as it hurts we all want the same thing and are ultimately happy when someone gets their dream come true! As for the digi they need 30hcg to show up wheras the early result only need 12 so you may get a false negative digi tomorrow at 11dpo....i'd be tempted to wait until 13dpo with digi just incase!! I'm pretty sure thats your BFP tho!!!

Angelbaby i'm so sorry you are having to go through this :( Have you thought about asking them why its happening? I know that one of the ladies on the forum had a pronlem with progesterone levels and she was given a supplement and managed to keep her baby after loosing a few due to this problem. HUGS xx
Butterfly - I'd say that was a bfp!!! Congrats if it is, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! Exciting, keep us posted when you test again!!

Angel baby, so so sorry to see this. Sending bug hugs and loads of prayers your way Hun. I too would go with the flow, and I really hope you get your bfp soon. Is your hubby home now to look after you? Be kind to yourself xx

Good luck butterfly, hope the appointment went ok?

Nimbec, sorry af got you too. How's the move going? What's the new house like?

Mrs wafer congrats to you too!!
Mrs w 11- that was sissiors with with yet lol.

Just got done with the doc and he wants a semen analysis and some blood work and a X-ray on my tubes to make sure they are not blocked. So I guess see how that goes.
Glad your appointment went well. When will you get the results of all that?

Nimbec how's the move going? Hope af cramps are ruining your excitement on the move
My husband stood by my side the whole day and even looked after our precious DD whilst being in hospital. They allowed her to be with me since I had no one to take care of her and I needed to be reminded that I am blessed with a precious gift already. The staff was wonderful and caring and even crying with me. I cried all day and still while I write this. My boobs still hurt, but all other symptoms are gone. Think my estrogen levels are falling. I don't have much physical pain and little bleeding. The doctor sent the baby away for testing and will hear the results in 10 days to 3 weeks time. He asked for two different ones. He said my progesterone levels are fine. Personally I think it was an infection from my previous miscarriage. I wasn't treated for that one and had problems since then. The good side is that I still can get pregnant, just need to find out how to keep my baby. Earlier today I wanted to get rid of my tests and scan photos of two weeks ago, but think I will rather do a memorial box now. I already felt in love with this baby. It hurt so much. :-(
Sorry butterfly, I did mean scissors! Going mad already! That's good the doctor is ordering more tests. I hope you will have some answers and a what next plan very soon. X

Angel, stay strong, you are doing so well. You know you can get pregnant and you can carry and give birth to a healthy baby so keep positive, as hard as it will be, I hope your rainbow bfp & baby are just around the corner. Thinking of you xxxx
Angelbaby we're all here for you aswel, shedding a tear! Dont be afraid to fall apart over this, you need to mourn for your loss but dont let your sadness take over! You have a beautiful daughter and a wonderfull husband. I know how easy it is to go to a dark place after a loss so take the time to griev and then try to look to the future with positive eyes! You will always love your 2 angels and never forget them. I dont think anyone really knows why most mc's happen, but hopefully the tests will shed some light on it.

You know where we are if you need us xxx <3 <3 <3
Angelbaby- I cried my self just reading what you have wrote, You are blesses with a beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband, soon you will get your bfp and that little baby will be happy and healthy. Sissors is right You do have to mourn it is a big loss and we are all hear for you. *Hugs*

AFM- I have to wait til CD 3 to go for 1 blood test which sucks cause now i have to wait a month cause im cd 4 right now lol. And then I have another blood test at cd 23 and then a Xray to see if my tubes are blocked on CD 10. and the Semen analysis whenever. Not to sure I think he said by January I think. But it won't be till Feb because cd 23 for me is Dec 23 which for 1 is a weekend and for 2 I won't be home :(.
Angelbaby Oh my god :( Im very sorry for you :( :( I hate reading these posts..
Well we go on Tuesday for all the result from my blood test my husbands blood test and his semen analysis. I am praying for good news. At least my tubes were not blocked last week. I feel like the results took forever to get back. I also have to make another appt for another ultra sound in about 2 more weeks.
Butterfly that sucks you have to wait, hopefully christmas will keep you distracted so the wait wont seem so long!

Nlb hope you get an answer on tuesday. I know you dont want anythung to be wrong but if there is then at least theres a reason why you havent been successful ttc and then you can do something about it. Iv heard great things about acupuncture!

Afm test was the same this morning, very faint line that started at about 3 - 4 minutes and defo there by 10 mins! I think i have my :bfp: i might wait a day or two and do the digi. Im afraid to let myself believe it incase im wrong or if something goes wrong!
I trust we will all join the pregnant ladies again soon.

My bleeding is lighter today, but still have some mild cramping. How long before I be intimate again? Do any of you ladies know? I know that I should wait that my cervix should be closed again to prevent infection, but don't know how long that will take.

I am not going to actively ttc this time, but will not prevent either.
Angelbaby im not sure on how long to wait but i think to wait until bleeding is stopped fully. I cant remember what i was told think it might have been 2 weeks. I bled for nearly 2 weeks so maybe thats where im getting that from xx
I had no bleeding today yet, but will wait to see if I will spot later on.
Angelbaby i didnt have a d&c so maybe you dont realy bleed if you have that?

Cb digi confirmed im preg this morning.... 1-2 weeks. Thank you ladies for being such a great support network! Hope you all get bfp's very soon :dust:
Scissors CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! thats fantastic news!!!

Angelbaby i'm so sorry you are still going through this :( I think with a d&c you don't bleed hun but i may be wrong.

Hope everyone is ok? Busy busy here as its a friends wedding tomorrow and my partner is best man so all manic here! May noy get chance to get on over weekend so thinking of you all!

Boring here CD 5 nothing exciting still spotting - wishing time away until ovulation!
Scissors congratulations! H&H nine months to you :)

Some women do bleed up to three weeks after a d&c, I am just lucky that I don't. DH wanted to comfort me last night and we ended up doing the deed by accident. I panicked afterwards and phoned the doctor this morning. He said that if I don't bleed or feel uncomfortable then it's totally okay.
Sissors- CONGRATS!! great news :)

Angelbaby- At least you are not bleeding anymore! My cousin had a MC and im pretty sure but not 100% sure that she conceived like 2 or 3 months after she is now half way through her pregnancy. I really hope you get all the answers you need as to why this is happening to you. Praying for you and your Hubby.

nlb- I hope your tests come back all good, praying for you as well. Let us know what happens!

AFM- CD 6 today so 1 more day of AF hopefully. I really hope this is the month for me so I don't have to go through all this blood work and all.
Scissors congratulations!! Amazing news, wishing you a happy & healthy nine months!! So pleased for you xx

Nimbec enjoy the wedding, I hope it all goes well! X

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