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TTC #2 any one wanna be buddies!!

Nlb did you get all your results? I hope it was good news for you!

Butterfly have you had anymore tests done or any results yet?

Angelbaby how are you holding up? Hope you're doing ok, iv been thinking of you alot xx

Hows everyone else doing.... Any news?

I am doing better now thank you. I still get teary now and then when I realise I am not pregnant anymore. It's been a week now.......gosh.

I am planning on buying hpt's and opk's tomorrow. Just to see what my cycle is doing. Also started charting to follow my body for now and seeing what it does.

I stopped with folic acid and vits this past week, but will start taking it tomorrow again. I just needed a little break, but feel ready to go on. I am going to hide the next pregnancy until 20 weeks next time though. It hurt when people asking me how the pregancy is going and of I know the gender etc etc. I am also planning on buying a charm bracelet in memory of my two angels. Think it will give me more peace and a little closure eventhough I will never forget and always wish I could rather take them home.

Enough about me........ How is everyone else doing? Christmas is around the corner! :)
Angel baby- that's is a great idea about the bracelet, hope your cycle is or is going to be normal again fx for you.

Scissors- the hubby goes for his semen analysis on the 19, question for the ladies that had to do this when I called in she gave me a lot of info and she also said if I wanted to go into the room with him I can, I know (tmi) but have any of you ladies went in? She was like its 50/50 between just the man going in and the woman going in with him. And congrats again sissors so happy for you :)

Nlb- hope fully your results came back good!
Ok girls. I went to the Dr. today and got my test result. He told me as far as my ovaries and everything that they look better than a normal 32 year old. That was good to here then he said that I had a bacterial infection in my cervix (he called it a colony). Then told m that my testosterone levels were borderline high. Both which are easy to be fixed he said. The infection will be treated with a antibiotic and my husband and I both have to be treated. As far as the testosterone being high I have to give myself a shot in my stomach. He is as so going to have me on a fertility drug called letrozone which is a little stronger than clomid. I have to have ultrasounds and lab work twice during next cycle. So to sum it up I told my husband that I have turned into a an with a colony. lmao then when he got home from work I asked him how it felt to come home to his husband. haha lmao
Haha nlb glad your seeing the funny side! It is good news though so hopefully you get your bfp soon! Did the doc give any sort of time frame on how long it will take for the meds and injection to work?

Angelbaby glad your feeling a bit better. The bracelet is a great idea! I got a rose bush for my mc and one for ds when he was born. Hope the charting shows your cycles are back to normal!

Butterfly thats awkward about "helping" your hubby lol i suppose do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Iv been having terrible night sweats the last week, my hormones must be all over the place. Other than that im doing good
Sissors- I don't think I want to go into the room with him, just wanted to se if it was a normal thing that people do.

nlb- that's good it can be easily fixed fx for you :)
Omg girls I got a BFP today. I am so happy but scared at the same time.i hope this one stays.
Nlb, I am so so so excited for you!!! :) please don't be scared. I know coming from me it's not really reassuring and with your experience, but please believe this will be a sticky bean. Positive thoughts!!!!

Butterfly, I would go in, but then that's me. Lol

Seems like my period started. I had a headache the past two days, tender boobs, bloat and feeling tired. Today I started bleeding like my normal periods with no clots. Tmi it's brown reddish and light cramping. Too little too mention really. I really hope my cycle will return to normal soon now.
Think I will do a hpt tomorrow to see if levels went down and then also a few opks for later. Think I will start temping tomorrow.
Congrats nlb great news! Angelbaby is right you have to think positive. I know its hard not to worry, im kind of hoping morning sickness starts soon coz then il feel preg! It seems so long to wait for 12 week scan!
Congratulations nlb!! Try to stay positive, praying for a sticky bean for you xx
Hi all

Nlb congratulations thats amazing news!!!!!! Do the clinic know? i'm sure they will give u supplements....

Angelbaby i hope your levels are down so u can start temping and seeing what body is up to fx for you.

Scissors i imagine your homones are totally up the spout! are you still BF? Has it affected your supply or you LO's opinion of it?

Well as for me boring boring no ovulation yet CD13 but i don't usually 0 until 18-20 so time yet. Started BD last night will do tomorrow then everyday if oh plays ball :shrug:

Hopefully this is a lucky thread!!!!
Hey nimbec i haven't been breastfeeding since the beggining of this cycle, i think thats why i got pregnant! My supply had been really low for a while and nothing i was doing was increasing it so i decided to stop as ds hadnt really been latching on anyway and the pumping was so time consuming and only getting 1 - 2 oz out. I hope this is a lucky thread and we all have our little bundles in our arms next year!!
Angle baby- ya I gave him the options the clinic told me, and he will decide that day which is Thursday. Either way I am happy this is getting done but scared too about the results. And hopefully your levels are back to normals fx.

Nlb- CONGRATS!! Great news. What a wonderful Christmas present!!

Afm- I am not charting this month the doc actually told me to stop doing that, but that's not the reason. Just going to be hectic for the next week or so. But I ovulated today I think we'll according to my charts from previous months plus ewcm for the last Couple days and today which I think also today will be the last day of it.
Hi ladies, been very quiet and haven't posted in a long time.
Back in the game, positive opk today. Hope I catch this egg.
Congrats to those with bfp!
GL to those still catching eggies :)
Good luck butterfly and sharnw hope you catch those eggs!

Butterfly sometimes when you dont work so hard to get preg it just happens so maybe the not temping could be a good thing! It does get a bit obsessive, im still taking my temp every morning cant stop myself... I think it reasures me a bit.

Is everyone ready for christmas?
I went to the dr yesterday so they could confirm the pregnancy. It came back positive and my levels look excellent. I go back again tomorrow for the same test. They want to make sure my levels are rising. My first ob apt will be on the 30th. They said I am about 4 1/2 weeks.
Thats great news nlb! I hope it all goes well for you and gives others hope. How long were you ttc? Alot of us will be due within a few weeks of each other :flower:
Great news nlb!

Can't believe Xmas day is a week away! No we're not ready yet ha ha, is everyone else? X

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