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TTC #2 any one wanna be buddies!!

Hi ladies,

How are you all doing?

Some weird question.............

I had period pains for the past 2 days and twinges on left side. Today for the first time my cervix was a bit more closed after d&c and high, but soft. This morning I still had white cm and when I just checked now this evening it was ewcm and stretch for about 1cm between my fingers (tmi sorry). Do you think I may be ovulating?
Yea angelbaby id say you are, the time frame would be about right. Are you charting or using opks?

GL x
I'd agree! do a few opk's..... fx!

As for me my shitty body doesnt seem to be o'ng this month grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Nimbec maybe you're a bit stressed with everything going on. All you can do is keep trying and hope it happens soon x
Thanks Scissors :) quite possibly but on a pos note my temps are much more stable!! So its a good start lol how are you feeling?
Yea nimbec temping vaginally is much more stable ! Im pretty sick now with ms but at least its a positive sign things are going ok. Are you all set for your wedding?
I didn't actually chart. Just added the bd dates and the days I spotted. It's been quite a rough month so far so temps couldn't been taken acurately and I read that opk's can give a false positive after miscarriage. We dtd on wednesday the 18th and on the 19th I noticed my cervix being closer after d&c, but higher and softer. Since friday I've been really wet down there and cervix where high. We dtd this morning. Don't know what to expect and can't test either since I don't know how much hcg are still left. Guess my next scan end of Jan would only tell or if af didn't arrive 6 weeks after d&c.
Angelbaby it sounds promising that you o'd or are about to o. Is it just a routine scan in jan because of your d&c? I hope you're doing ok xx
I think maybe I should just wait for af because I am spotting again so don't think I o'd. Gosh, it's hard to read a cycle after everything. Maybe I should make peace with the fact that I will most probably be ttc again in feb. :-(
Some people get spotting around o. Or it could be just your hormones taking time to settle down. Have faith that it will happen again when your body is ready xx
Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing you a joyful day with your loved ones and may we all be lucky to have a little new bundle in our arms in 2014.
Hi ladies!! How was your Christmas? My went awesome but very busy, I had taken a hpt a couple days ago and I'm not sure if I took it wrong because I had to pee mid stream I a internet cheapie and a line def came up but don't know if it an evap so then I took a deferent hpt I got in the mail and I think it came up after the time but not 100% sure and couldn't test again cause I didn't bring enough :( lol we are in our 3 hr drive back home and I'm going to do a test again... I'm nervous but I feel like it's going to be neg, I was also sick with a cold all Christmas always tired it sucked. I'm 10 dpo today.

Hope everyone is doing good :) any updates?
Hi all happy Xmas hope you all had a great time!!

Butterfly fx it's a positive I'll be stalking until I hear!!

Angel how are you doing?

As for me I got a pos opk this morning really late in cycle but 100% positive so I'm getting busy for a few days! I'm well chuffed as which ever way it means I won't be having a period on my wedding day :) would be amazing to be preggy tho! What a great wedding gift!! Test date wouldn't be till a few days after tho.

How's everyone else?
Nimbec- hope your weďding day is amazing!!! And that would be so cool if you get your positive too :)

Afm- I took a hpt again and nothing so I am pretty sure that I may have peed on he test :( I am only 11 dpo so I guess we will see in the next couple days I usually get my af on 13 dpo.
Butterfly I have my fx for you!

Nimbec, get on with the baby dance and hope it's your turn soon. It would be a lovely wedding pressie.

As for me, I will be testing today to see where I am at and then again next week. Me and Dh so badly want another one, but since we don't really know what my cycle is doing we are baby dancing every other night and hope for the best. Chances are that I will only be able to ttc again in feb,march.
Hi ladies

Butterfly its still early there is time - i know some people don't get their pos until 18dpo etc as they implanted late so please don't give up quite yet! Hope your ok!

Angel great that you are BD every other day at least that will cover all bases - do you 'have' to wait until feb/march or is that when you think your cycles will be back on track? could you start opking which would give u an indication? when i had my loss i carried on temping etc to see what was going on and i actually found it quite theraputic.

As for me well i never i actually have my pos opk yesterday and today :) i'd given up this cycle but i have pains today so i'm guessing ov will be today at somepoint...Typically oh has not been feeling great and coupled with that has sore balls :( he suffers occasionally something gets blocked common in men apparently i just hope it doesnt affect the spermies....plus i felt like queen bitch last night begging him :( Don't think tonight will be an option - gutted but hope for tomorrow morning....and hope i havent missed it! grrrr life can be so frustrating!!
I actually have to wait three months by doctors orders, but after reading up a bit me and DH decided against it. Thing is, DH is going away for 5 weeks soon so will only be able to ttc in feb then anyway. I did two hpt today and both where negative. Upside, all hormones are normal, downside, I'm not preggo yet. :-(

When af arive I will star temping and do serious charting just to check my cycle.
Hi ladies hope you all had a lovely xmas. Ours was nice but my little man was sick for his first xmas! He's still full of a cold but in good form. Now hubby and i are coming down with it and my ms is still bad so iv been feeling crappy!

Nimbec what date is your wedding again? Did you say the 6th? I have a good feeling that if you dont get your bfp this cycle you will have a honeymoon baby!

Butterfly have you done anymore hpt? When are your appointments with the specialists?

Angelbaby sounds like you're doing all that you can. We were told to wait at least one cycle before we ttc after our loss but we couldnt wait either and even though it was hard i tried to have faith that it would happen when my body was ready. I agree with nimbec that charting gives you something to focus on and kind of softens the blow when af shows because you get a heads up with the temp dip.

Hows everyone else doing?
Angelbaby- my cousin got pregnant before three months or on the three month mark and she is half way through her pregnancy. Fx!!

Nimbec- hopefully you catch the egg!! And you get your little baby! Fx, sometime it can be so frustrating trying to have one, but we should keep our heads up high cause we will all get our baby soon :) good feeling for 2014!!

Sissors- how you feeling

Afm- had af arrive yesterday:( but we got good news that hubby's spermies are just fine!! I teared for joy when I heard! Now just to do my appt. I was supposed to call at cycle day 1 for a ultrasound of the tubes but Cant go till cd 10 but when I called the nurse said my doc won't be in till the 21 so now I have to wait for next month :( sucks!

Happy New Years to all!!!! May 2014 bring us our babies!!
Butterfly I am glad that everything on your husband's side is all good, but it sucks that you have to wait another month. I pray for bfp's for all us before the end of March, April at least so that we can have 2014 bring home babies.

I think I am starting to gearing for af because the past two days I had red spotting instead of the usual brown spotting the past few weeks. I have my fx it is since I just want to move on. Then it will give me one cycle to see what my body does before DH comes home again. I do believe I will get back to my 30 day cycle with ov around cd10-cd14 like usual before I went on bcp and got pregnant with DD.

Happy new year to everyone! May you all have a blessed new year! Lots of love xxx

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