Ttc #2

Oh Vel sorry to hear about your worries. Just try to remember (as hard as it is) that it is more likely that things will be ok than not. Is your DH like this because he's worried about losing the baby or is it something else? Maybe discussing your worries together would help. I really struggled with my DH during my pregnancy, not for the same reason, but if I could have had a proper talk with him maybe it would have helped. He's difficult to get through to though as he hates serious talks. Hang in there for the next few weeks until you scan and then I am sure things will be better :)

Alice had her first jabs today. She was so upset and then I had to get calpol in to her afterwards which she found almost as upsetting as the jabs themselves :( she's asleep on my lap now so hopefully she will be ok when she wakes up. It's horrible seeing them so in pain and I have to do it again in another 4 weeks! We are having very strong winds here today and I went to the cash point on the way home from the Drs and as I pulled the cash out it blew out of my hand, I had to scrabble around trying to get it. Luckily a man stopped and helped me so I didn't lose any, but when I got back in the car Alice was screaming :( I was all shaky and got home and then alfie was helping himself to a bag of chocolate eggs and I had a note through the door to say that a planning enforcement officer has been round as somebody has complained about the shed we built at the bottom of the garden, which we didn't think needed planning :( so now I'm worried about that and what that's going to mean. I tried to call them but the officer was out so I am in limbo now! Ahh stress I could do without.
I am sorry you're feeling anxious vel and that your husband is not really acknowledging the pregnancy. I can understand but I am sure everything will be OK. Hurry up 12 weeks!

Oh rose, what a nightmare day!! I hope the shed is nothing to worry about, I wouldn't have thought that would need planning permission?! Sorry Alice was so upset with the jabs, poor baby :hugs:

Jamie is a month old today which is just crazy!!

His neck is getting stronger and when I hold him on my shoulder, he can move his head around to look rather than be all floppy. I would say he is a good sleeper as apart from waking to feed often, he can self settle (most of the time), he sleeps for long periods without waking and can take himself back to sleep when he wakes. He will sleep pretty much anywhere but much prefers to be close so we are bedsharing even though the cot is side carred to the bed. He is low maintenance, chilled and easy going. He only ever cries for milk or if he has wind. I am pretty sure he is starting to smile, but it's just not often.

I am SO PROUD of myself for feeding him just breastmilk and breastmilk alone since he has been born. 98% of the time he is drinking from a bottle, but I latch him occasionally. I am expressing 6 times in 24 hours and currently have an over supply which means I have around 50 frozen bags in the freezer and we're running out of room. I have NO IDEA how long I am going to keep this up for, but I am certainly going to try for as long as possible. It's quite easy now as he is a sleepy newborn still and so expressing doesn't really take any time away from him, but as he gets bigger and more interactive it's not going to be as easy. Perhaps I'll manage to feed him more from the source? I just find I am not very graceful at breastfeeding.... I am so cack handed and where I have big boobs, I justr cannot do it discreetly. I am happy to do it at home, but not happy to try outside the home. I can only feed him in one position (rugby) and need a hge cushion to get him latched on. At the moment it's working , so I won't worry!
That's brilliant Pompey! You're doing great what a brilliant freezer stash you have. I used to only be able to feed Alfie in the rugby hold and found it difficult when out. I did find that once he got a bit older and more chunky, other positions were a bit easier. I still always preferred rugby though.
So tell me why as soon I put the nuvaring in my opks went from no line to this and I'm now getting ewcm


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Thanks girls ^^ I did have a talk with my dh. And it's all just the fear of losing this one again. The last time it hurt him very much and he is worried this time around he won't be able to get past it that easily. But he is getting much better each day everything is fine. And in one week I'll be 6 weeks and that was the time last time it happened so I think that'll make it a bit better after we get passed that point.

I'm glad everything is going well with your baby's :)

Hunni:don't know much about the nuvaring.. I just know my mom took it and it made her really sick.. hopefully you'll get the hang of it soon ^^
How are you all? :)

I got a message from the passport office yesterday to say that Alices passport is on its way. I'm so excited to take her on her first holiday :D we booked some tours/excursions yesterday too, we are going on a tour of Niagara Falls and a sea plane above Georgian bay. We have also bought tickets to the main attractions in Toronto including the zoo aquarium etc so hopefully the kids love it!

I can't believe it's only about 8 weeks until we go. Super exciting. It's crazy how quickly time is going.

Alice is still doing well at night, she's been quite fussy during the day the past few days so I think she might be having a growth spurt. Her 0-3s suddenly feel too short so I've just moved her up a size in most items. Most of her 3-6 sleepsuits look huge but the 0-3s are bending her legs so I can't do much about it :haha:
I forgot to update... A'mouri has had rsv for the past week. She is coughing up and each time she eats it is hard for her to keep it down because she is coughing up so much. I can honestly say in the last week I haven't not gotten any sleep but just happy her fever has broken.

Nonetheless she is trying to crawl and hold her bottle on her own as well.
Poor A'mouri! It's so hard to see them ill :( hope she gets better soon
Poor A'mouri!! That is so horrible!

So glad Alice is doing well Rose! Also so nice your passports automatically get shipped to you! (Or did you go through the process of applying for one already?) I need to get all of my kids their passports soon because my family goes to Mexico every year!

Baby Brody is doing great just nursing all the time and I'm just feeling like he's not getting enough from me! But we will see at his next appt if I need to supplement or not!

Hope everyone else is doing well!


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We had to apply for it - it's very easy though, simply get photos taken, fill in the form, get someone to counter sign it and send it off :) it only took about 10 days to arrive, I can't believe it was so quick.

Brody looks really healthy :) both mine fed a lot to begin with, especially my son - days would go by and I achieved nothing but feed him all day and watch tv! :haha: I am sure he is getting enough.
Sorry I haven't replied in a while!

Velathria - I hope you are still doing well and get to have a scan soon to set you and DH's minds at ease.

Hunni - so so sorry to hear about A'mouri being sick! That's scary and I hope she is all better soon.

Rose - exciting to have a trip planned! We need to get Jack's Irish and American passports asap, and renew DD's Irish one. We're hoping to visit in the summer.

BSelck - you are probably in the middle of a growth spurt for Brody. How often does he nurse? Definitely normal to have those fears that you're not making enough, but usually things are fine. Jack eats all the damn time. Rarely goes two hours. Usually every 90 minutes, sometimes every hour - but I'm also of the mindset that "when in doubt, whip it out" so I probably feed him before he's really hungry sometimes just because he's fussing and that's my go-to resolution. But he's definitely getting enough. 13 lbs now when I weigh him and myself together.

I am not losing any freaking weight! I haven't lost since a week PP. No pants fit. Probably going to have to buy all new work pants before I go back.
Hey shaele ^^ everything is going good this time. And omg morning sickness has started now... I feel like crap.... :sick: but it's all a good sign ^^ although my sister is here for a visit and it's not easy hanging out when I feel like I just puke and curl up in bed..
My son is telling everyone that we're having a baby which makes it hard to keep it a secret xD

Our scan is coming up soon too. I can't wait but also a bit scared... hope everything is OK. I'll keep you posted. ^^
Slammerkin, I also feed Alice like you feed Jack - whenever she fusses or we get the opportunity to be honest! Usually that's every hour or so when we are home. If we are out and she's asleep sometimes she goes a couple of hours. Never more than 2-3 during the day. When we are doing nothing (sometimes we get snuggle mornings if DS is at nursery and I have kept up with the housework) she might just keep feeding and snuggling all morning!
I think I was back to my pre pregnancy weight quite quickly but I just feel really flubbery and like I might have put some weight on!!!! I was quite over my ideal weight when I got pregnant as I'd put on some weight while TTC, so I don't feel confident in my body at all. I tried to do lots of exercise but it just made me weigh more!!! Now I've given up, I know I shouldn't, but it's hard fitting it in especially when the scales are saying its doing nothing. I really wanted to feel good in my swimming costume but that's never going to happen. Maybe I'll buy myself a cover up instead.

Ahh Velathria sounds like your son is excited :) that's great! Hope you feel better soon.
I'm sure I'll be "flubbery" too once I do lose the weight! My belly will never be the same. It wasn't bad after DD, but I got a ton of stretch marks this time.
Sorry slammerkin: didn't realize that it was you that asked XD
well i am now 7 weeks today but woke up this morning with brown mucus staining the TP... totally freaked out and called the doc. but she said to wait it out till tomorrow and see if it changes or gets worse. But then went to the bathroom a few more times and it just went away..

I kinda overdid it yesterday.. went to the pool, did a long walk and went to the playground. Doc put me on bedrest for the next few days and told me to take it easy. And then hopefully everything will be fine next week for the scan.

Praying to god that everything goes well. And that it was just old blood.
Hope everything is ok. Definitely take it easy, although I'm sure as its just light brown it will be fine :)
thanks girls ^^ going to the doc tomorrow to get checked out.. Spotting has stopped. Still scary though.... I'm getting a few cramps here and there today but they are the same ones i've been getting since I found out i was pregnant. Just dull little cramps that don't last long.

I'll let you know how it goes.
I think my biggest fear is that they do an Ultrasound and tell me that there is no heartbeat... It be so unfair to have another one not work out... :(
Try not to worry yourself too much, the chances are everything is just fine :hugs: I know it is easier said than done. I was a wreck the first 12 weeks, I convinced myself I had a MMC and was in a bit of a state but of course everything turned out fine :)

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