I got my BFP yesterday! I was 10dpo. Baby dust xxxxx
still no cross hairs and not sure if i o'd yet even tho my cm was fertile, i usually have temps in the close to or at 98 when i'm in the tww, 97.66 this am and it's got me wondering if i o'd when i thought, oh well i'll keep bding i guess. it's still so frustrating not knowing if i o'd, it's almost as bad as the tww.
Thank you ladies. My SIL has just told me she's pregnant too, very recently pregnant like me. So much so there's only 10 days between our due dates! I'm so excited.
Baby dust everyone xx
Lol I am such an idiot, I only went and left my lovely new shiny BBT DOWNSTAIRS

so I guess I'll start temping from tomorrow then
I already cant wait for this cycle to be over so I can start using my CBFM, BBT and OPK's!!

to all that we get our 2nd

soon xx
Hi ladies. 11dpo and I just took a frer
Hey gang!!
Ttc #2, cycle 1!
Our son has just turned 3, and we got pregnant and cycle 3 last time.
Anyone else feel like because you've decided you're ready for another one, you SHOULD get pregnant right away??!!
Come on universe, be nice to us all!
Hi Girls,
We are currently on cycle 1 of TTC baby no 2!
We have a 3 year DD, conceived first month trying.
I came off the mini pill on 1st June & according to OPK ovulated on CD11, so got busy for a couple of days. I was due to test next week but yesterday af arrived 7dpo

Was very disappointed but today I feel more positive. Onwards and upwards!
Good luck everyone x
Hi Ladies,
Congratulations Pink, I can definitely see a 2nd line on the FRER!! Did you buy the 2 pack? If so, i'd test again to be sure but that def looks like a BFP!!!
As for me, no sign of AF yet, am now officially late and really don't want to test...last time ended in a CP/MC so I can guess you'd see why I'm hesitant

Will give it maybe another 10 days and if still no signs then I may have 2 test or book in with my GP. The ladies in work think i'm preggo as for the last week I've literally been exhausted and tasting random things (like calpol!!) and now this week I have come down with aches and a head cold...am trying not to get my hopes up and just kinda wish AF would come already!
What OPK's does everyone use? I looked up Wondfo but they seem to be an American thing...what is the best UK alternative?
Anyway enough about me...hows everyone else doing? Mrs Cedar...def keep us posted, you never know x
MiBabyhopes - FX you O'd! xx
I've been searching a bunch of different forums looking for a group for ttc #2. I was so happy when I found this one. YAY!

I'm 24 and DH is 30. We've been married since March 2012 We found out we were pregnant for the first time a week after our wedding. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. We got another BFP October of 2012, but this pregnancy was not meant to be either. At my first appointment there was no heart beat. After that I fell into a deep depression. It was a pretty rough time for my husband and I. I suffer from hypothyroidism. After doing some research, I have come to the conclusion that I most likely miscarried during my first two pregnancies because I didn't take my medicine on a daily basis cause it would slip my mind and I didn't realize how much not taking it impacted my body. June of 2013 I decided I was ready to give ttc another shot. I got a BFP the next month. My DD was born March of 2014. She is absolutely amazing. I have been wishy washy on the idea of trying for baby #2, but about a week ago my DH said he was ready. For some reason hearing that made all my doubt go away and that night and every night since we have BDed. I have never tried using ovulation tests or tracking my temp. I just used ovulation calendar with my other pregnancies and I always got pregnant the first month of trying. According to my ovulation calendar this past week was my fertile week, so hoping this time around is like the others and I get a BFP in two weeks. Sorry for the long post I'm just to excited to have found this group. **Baby Dust**
Ahhhh, pink how exciting! Hi guys! I love seeing a ttc #2 group. DS turned 3 at the end of May and we've been ntnp since last October. Hubs has a lot of anxiety around ttc so I come here to vent because I don't want to freak him out and give him cold feet. Currently 7 dpo and feeling very optimistic with some light cramping. I'm ready to be pregnant. Being non chalant was fun at first.... now I'm just broody, lol. Testing Friday am.
Welcome and hi to the new ladies!! It's great having a ttc#2 group so good to have you here!
Sorry to just dive in talking about me in rushed and freaking out.
Cd28, I think I'm 9dpo but this month has been so confusing with the late pos opk I got. So I'm getting pink cm has now turned to brown spotting, I'm just lost. Could this be possible ib? Or as its cd28 which is my normal cycle length recently is it just af showing up? Am I'm wrong thinking I Od late? Surely that pos opk can't mean nothing??
When I got pregnant with my lo I spotted for about 5 days before I got a bfp and just assumed it was af arriving, I only tested because a friend convinced me to. Do you think the same could be happening again? I have some mild cramps too.
I'm going to reply in a few comment's bc I've been gone for a while, and there's a lot going on over here lately, so I don't want it to get too long for ladies to read. Okay? Here we go
missjennakate- So happy for you! That's wonderful news. wishing you a happy and healthy next 9 months! Also hoping this is the beginning of a "lucky thread" as, as I was scrolling through I've seen some other BFP announcements too! AND how exciting to have your SIL so close to you in due dates! Are you two close? I used to always day dream about how great it would be if my bestie and I were pregnant together and could share in the up's and down's of pregnancy at the same time! So happy for you
Mibabyhopes- I haven't gotten to the end of the thread yet, but I had already clicked on a lot of post's to comment on, so I decided to go ahead and post with those before going any further, have you O'd yet? the reason I'm asking is because when I look at your chart, it's a bit concerning to me. Do you have any other health problems? How was conceiving baby number 1?
Will's- There has been a couple times that I have forgot to keep my thermometer next to me, I normally yell for hubby to go get it while I try to keep my eye's closed and lay as still as possible!

And there's no way I could wait that long to test. But I do understand your hesitation. I've been testing since 5DPO though

I know I'm ridiculous. LOL. As for OPK's I'm using Wondfo's now and LOVE them, which you could probably easily find on Ebay for fab prices, but before I switched to those, I was using One+Step's I'll try to drudge up a pic of the exact one's I had, but they worked well too. (just to warn you though, there a lot of them out there that have some kind of Onestep on the packaging, so wait to purchase until I find a pic, bc they are not all the same

Pink80- How exciting! So happy for you and it's great that it happened so quickly. It's start's becoming a drag when it takes forever to conceive. I had serious issue's conceiving number one every time we "tried", then ironically enough, after we quit "trying' like a yr later, she ended up being a surprise! Wishing you a happy and healthy next nine months!
MrsCedar- Welcome to the group, glad you found it. I was having trouble finding a group in the beginning that was for second baby triers and was so glad when this one developed.
Xxx- Did that bleeding actually end up being AF or did it clear up?
Vagannon- Welcome to the group! So sorry about your previous loses, and I second the setting a timer. They even have pill cases, that you put all your rx's, supp's, and vitamin's into that has a built in timer and some of them can be set to go off several times a day if you take pills throughout the day instead of just one time

But phone's and apps are pretty advanced these days too

so I'm sure you could find some kind of little pill reminder app for your phone, even some with a little widget so it stayed open on your screen all the time. But definitely make sure that you find something that works fabulous with you, bc thyroid problems run in my family, and when it comes to conceiving and keeping that little bean it is very important to make sure your thyroid is functioning at top notch!
fxmommyduck- I'm hoping that you have tested by now and that it ended up being what happened the first time around and you got a BFP, but I haven't finished reading all the pages in the thread, so if not, I'm sorry.
As For Me- I am currently 7dpo, have been testing since 5dpo. I know I'm ridiculous


Last night I had horrible, horrible cramps bad enough to have to take an OTC. They stopped and haven't returned but hrs later that night, I did a CM/CP internal check, and my CP has remained about the same since my thermal shift, med/high, soft towards the opening almost feeling swollen and completely shut, but firmer towards the back. My CM has also consistently stayed creamy. But last night after the cramping it just looked a little "off" in color, so when I wiped it off onto the tp, it was pink, like a very very light pink. It wasn't pink enough to tell it was pink when it was on my finger, but when I wiped it one the white TP it was noticeably light pink. I had a temp dive this morning, but it didn't go all the way down to my cover line, I'm getting a little bit worried. I have TONS of pregnancy tests, seriously (I went nutso on eBay and Amazon last month

) and one of the really sensitive test's I have I swear I can see just a hint of pink line on it. I think I'm seeing sh*t. lol. I'm going to test again with SMU, bc I did a poll a while back and for early positive's an overwhelming majority of ladies got there first + with SMU and NOT FMU. Just in case anyone else never saw that poll. Anyways, I also have some OSOM test's that are supposed to be VERY sensitive and not ever show evaps. Even if the line shows up hrs later, you most likely are preggers. I'm going to do one today with my SMU, I'm waiting to collect that SMU as we speak LOL. Now off to read some more pages on this thread, haha