Hey everyone, sorry to have been MIA for a bit. This cycle took quite a toll on me emotionally - I kept trying to kid myself I had a chance but at the same time a part of me knew I didn't. No AF as yet but I havent quite got a handle on how long my LP is, last month was 15 days, which would mean today for a Monday no chance OV, and tomorrow for a Tuesday ov (which we did actually DTD on), I caved and tested this morning, bfn. Been a bit of a week, had some family drama which we are working through. Hoping for AF to arrive so at least have a countdown to ov again!
Sorry to hear about heavy painful AFs Alligator and BabyBrain, I hope things settle back to normal again for you both soon. Glad you are getting some bloods done Alligator, should hopefully give you some answers as to why you keep getting faint lines even now.
I am so with you Babybrain - my first took 6 months, second was a slip up and now this one nearly a year of trying and either it doesnt happen or life gets in the way of even trying. Two of my good friends have been pregnant (one just had a baby yesterday) and I had my first before either of them and now one will have 3 and the other has 4.
On a more upbeat note welcome to all the new ladies! I hope all of your stays in this thread are short! (and becuase you get your BFPs, incase that sounds weird!)