Gigglebox sorry to hear about the bfn, have you tested since? It's still quite early for you
Babybrain, fingers crossed af arrives and you can make your own decision from there about ttc X
Hoping, I couldn't see that link, sorry.
I did try temping a few years ago but I'm reluctant to start it yet, I found it made me even more obsessed!
So after the opk that looked positive, but was read after the time window, i did another opk but it was lighter and then I had awful pains on my right hand side that night, had to take painkillers it was so bad. Since then my opk s have gotten lighter so thinking that may have been my surge. It's a bit earlier than expected if it was as it was cd12 and my last cycle was 29days. We didn't be that night as I was in too much pain but we did the night before and after, will continue bding the next few days just to be on the safe side. Not going to think of this being the tww just yet though....