Ok so here is the story. On the 25th, I started what I thought was AF. I had been early testing and saw faint lines. I naturally assumed I had a chemical. Well AT was the weirdest AF ever. It started out with a heavy day, which is normal for me. Then I had a light day, and the 3 days following were spotting. This was not normal for me (I have 7 days of heavy periods). Well on CD7, 2 days after AF ended I had some mild cramps. So I took an opk, it was positive. A little weird for me considering I normally ovulate late and have a 31 day cycle with a 10 day luteal phase. Anyway, it is now 7 days of positive opks. I have been getting faint lines still on all my hpt. I have done some research and apparently the progesterone shots I had for 18 weeks (once a week) can cause me to have issues getting positive hpt in my next pregnancy. The progesterone can prevent hcg from latching to test strips. I am not sure if it's residue from the shots that woul d cause this or they could inhibit my body to produce more progesterone each pregnancy after that. Either way, it's the only explanation I have as someone who is not a medical professional.
For awhile I thought I was going crazy, but now I'm not so sure.
Tell me someone sees this?!!? It happened today, I noticed it yesterday but hubby and my friend Theresa can really see it today. If i was 5w1d with baby #3 is this possible or do I have a tomber or something?? I pushed on it, Definitely not fat and I'm 2lbs lighter now then I was when the pic on the left was taken. I am 133lbs, 5ft 3in tall. I also uploaded my most recent tests.