MommyB, I can also see that super-faint line on there. FX that it darkens up for you!
steph, I agree with the others, no more daily testing for you! Daily testing can be fun, but if it's upsetting, it's time to step back. The darkness of the lines on the test can fluctuate from how much water you drank, if you drank pop instead of water, if the test itself was from the beginning of the batch versus the end, the dye packet may have been faulty, if the ascending moon was in the third house and the moon aligned with Venus... In theory, you're right, it should progressively darken, but it doesn't always work like that unfortunately.
AFM, BFN. Stark white, couldn't see a thing. I expected that since it's early, only 8dpo, but ya know, was still hoping. The most telling sign I'll have is if my period doesn't come. I think it needs to be like 3-4 days late before most tests will come up +.
Have any of you planned any sort of 'announcement' to your DH? Obviously he knows we're trying, so he's waiting for it, but he doesn't calendar watch like I do so he won't know when. We had almost 5 inches of snow last night and he does snow removal for a private company so he's been gone since 7 last night (it's 10 am now

) so I got mine all set up.
I bought this set of photo frames (I wish I could add a pic but I don't know how).
It's 3 frames and a sign that says 'Our Life Our Family'. I put my boys pictures in 2 of the frames and in the third one (the one that is matted, if you looked at the link) I put a piece of construction paper in it that says 'Baby #3 Coming Soon, Expected date of Arrival:' and then left the date blank so I can fill it in whenever I get my BFP. I repackaged it back in it's box and added a baggie with nails and a marker so I don't have to search for supplies to finish it when I'm ready to hang it. It'll be hung in our bedroom, so that no one else will see it until we would be ready for a more public announcement.
I wanted to do something more fun, since the last time we found out by me discarding a test and him digging it out of the trash to double-check (he made me take the test, he thought I was, I thought I wasn't and we were about to go get tattoos).