Aww Tink, not a long wait
good luck with eveything 
Welcome all u others who r ttc number 3
Wel this month i didnt use OPKs or anything to track ovulation, the only thing i notice is mittleschmerz that i get when i O and that my cm goes to dry/sticky.
I think i O'd on the 15th october but cant be too sure.
I hav done numerous tests in the last couple of days and all BFN. I tested positive with my two children at 11dpo. So i keep thinking i out
I would normally expect my period by now, i would say i am 1 day late, i dont want to test as dont kno how i will feel with another negative
I woke with really bad heartburn this morning and this was the only symptom i had with my two children.
Had a chat with hubby and he is extremly supportive, he said test and if its negative, its negative
which is really sweet i thought so i am under no pressure from him.
Just looking for a bit of advice from u ladies on what u would do in my situation?

Welcome all u others who r ttc number 3

Wel this month i didnt use OPKs or anything to track ovulation, the only thing i notice is mittleschmerz that i get when i O and that my cm goes to dry/sticky.
I think i O'd on the 15th october but cant be too sure.
I hav done numerous tests in the last couple of days and all BFN. I tested positive with my two children at 11dpo. So i keep thinking i out

I would normally expect my period by now, i would say i am 1 day late, i dont want to test as dont kno how i will feel with another negative

I woke with really bad heartburn this morning and this was the only symptom i had with my two children.
Had a chat with hubby and he is extremly supportive, he said test and if its negative, its negative

Just looking for a bit of advice from u ladies on what u would do in my situation?