TTC 3 years - general chit chat

@Nixnax Awwwww yay! Hey Squishy! Love the nickname too :) Enjoy all of your distractions, having a few weeks off from work can be just absolutely lovely.

@FTale I've got another few days before I can start testing so I'm trying my best to stay distracted as well. Proving harder right now as we have some of the worst air quality in the world right now... Not a title I'm proud to hold on to, but the wildfires in California and Oregon have created a plume of smoke that has gone out to sea and then pushed back up towards us in Washington. Their air quality is just as bad, if not worse in some areas. I think we're all ready for the cooler weather now. Once it starts to clear we can at least enjoy going outside again. I'll be here staring at my critters this weekend, potentially cleaning out the fridge. Really needs to be done and I've run out of excuses...
I was looking at the reports this morning before work. I just cant believe it. This is just unimaginable suffering for everyone in those states. The wildlife is going to be effected tremendously. There is no escape for them☹. Wish my only recourse wasnt to just sit and watch. I do pray. But on the inside filled with so much fear and agony over what you all must be going through.

I really hope the fires get under control and the aftermath is people coming together to build things back up again. The damage to the earth will take a while to recover from. Will get there though.

Being distracted during the tww is bliss. I was wondering when you might test. I have been testing out trigger and posting to the September board. But no dice really. I know I feel preggo and my tests say my body still is stirring it about. But Frer are not the best test to go by so dont think anyone really cares.

Yet, I never get lines that dont dissappear on them. Usually its just indents and lines that leave with the dye eventually. I found a cheapie and it is so fainy might as well be negative.

9dpo of beta 5 should be a dark test now that I am...uh hahah totally forgot my dpo for a sec..12dpo. Its not. And I will get two frer rapids in tomorrow to test with and then thats it. My sweet hubby bout me so many boxes of test last night and I about used them all.

Its not like its then end of the world. We get to try again soon.

Ok, I'm just blabbing. Better get back to work.

Keeping an eye out for your test results!!!
@FTale I just hopped onto sept thread to read.... wow what a rollercoaster you are going through. I really pray that they turn into a real BFP for you. They should defo be negative by now if you're not preggers. Or you're metabolising it very slowly. I hope its preggers though

@mandu10 those fires are really horrendous. My heart cries for families affected by them. Truly truly horrible.

AFM: I'm on holiday now. We've gone to Lake District in North West England. Its beautiful here. We walked miles today around Windermere lake, the puppy loved it. She loves thw water. When we got back to the cottage I flaked on the sofa for a nap and i woke up woth my sinus' on fire... I have a stinking cold coming. Yay!!! I have to keep grazing on small bits of food all day as squishy makes me feel queasy when my tummy is empty. So im using that excuse to keep stopping for decaf tea and a slice of cake :haha:
Hahahah...cake! Yup, squishy is a great side kick. All the yummy snacks you...heheheh
Oh I so very much hope your tests get darker @FTale ! This waiting game is just not fun and seeing even the slightest of lines plays with our minds so much, it's cruel. Even with a trigger shot, because everyone metabolizes it differently, so there's no definite time to know that its out of your system and could be actual HCG.

Thinking I'm about 7 DPO right now, so I'll definitely test in a week if nothing, but I can never hold out that long, so probably in 3 days or so... if I wait that long :roll:

I completely agree that it's just sad to see all of these fires and know how much climate change is affecting us and there's not a lot we can do at this moment. The recoveries will be immense and I do believe it will continue to get worse each year and that our world leaders need to truly step up and demand changes. I'm hoping that movement is in motion, there was a lot of talk about it this year, however with COVID there were other pressing matters to deal with.

@Nixnax Enjoy eating all the cake! Lol, i love it. Enjoy your holiday!

@mandu10 thread crashing- I am in oregon and I just want to say I feel you! We thought we might have to evacuate too... seems like we won’t but air quality remains “hazardous”... can not wait for rain. Take care.
@mandu10 FX for testing! I know I am out or if some stuck it didn't do too well judging by my faint lines. And I mean faint. Should be better at this point. So I am going to say I hold on to the trigger really

AF should be here by Wednesday and Lord willing we will get to start a proper IUI cycle. Looking forward to a strong O this cycle to as I don't think my was very strong this cycle.

Ok, better get back to work. Keep us posted on how you are when you can. HUGS
@MrsKatie I hope your air quality has started to improve at least a little. We've had very small amounts of precip, hoping it will really rain this weekend and help with fires all over!

@FTale I've tested and nothing yet, but not surprised. At least I'm not spotting for a whole week prior to my AF this month like I did the last two months. Next month I think we'll try the trigger!
Well, if not this month, prayers for using the trigger. I really think it helps the body aquaint to hcg. Not a bad thing at all. I am still waiting to start AF cd 28 and normally I only make it to 23 or 25. So this is going to push our IUI back. Trying not to stress and let it be but I am so tired of the pills and the waiting and the disappointment. I am starting to want to go on vacations and fund short trips to Been at this too long. Maybe finally starting AF will change my mind. Who know.

Keep us udpated on when you know what's up and YAY for not spotting!!
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Hi ladies,

How are you both doing?

I am sick of this cough, getting no sleep at all. I had it the whole holiday. We got home yesterday. Im having a lazy day today. Ive been busier during my 2 weeks off work than I am at work. I need a rest. Im 8+2 today. Im amazed I havent coughed this baby out :haha:
Hi, good to hear you and baby are doing alright despite cough. Its that time of year. Air is a bit dry. Try and get some warm drinks in. Will help soothe your throat. And stop the tickle. Are you coughing up any thing? Do keep an eye out on it. Hugs

After my last post I started pushing out globs of ewcm and old blood. And it hasn't changed. I am not filling a pad or anything. Only when I wipe. Its not my normal at all. And I am having lower back pain here and there but no cramps. Took two dif pregnancy tests. I am not pregnant. I took my temp yesterday and today and it looks like I might be gearing up to O which is not good either. So I popped in my Letrozole like I am suppose to at cd 3 and hoping for the best. The Letrozole should stop the estrogen build up and give my follies (if any present) time to mature.

I honestly don't know what is going on. I just know that on cd 14 I am due for a scan of my ovaries. If the doc likes what he sees then I trigger that day and do insemination the next day at 36 hours later. I hope I do not O early. Hubby and I will step in and bd if I go through O pains before IUI for sure though.

Total wait and see cycle.
Oh that cough does not sound fun, hope it's clearing up and you're on the mend! The air here has cleared, we are having some blessed rain which has helped us out on the coast. Just wish we could send it down to California and Oregon where the fires really are right now.

@FTale hope the letrozole is helping you along and that your IUI works this go around. It's not fun waiting around for things to happen. Let us know how you get on in your scan! I'm sure you've mentioned this previously but I cannot remember, when was your last IUI? I know you did trigger last month, but I thought it might have been unmonitored?

AFM, my cycle is just starting, two days late, which just convinced me I was pregnant, but I'm not. Going to have surgery tomorrow on my leg to remove all the hardware I had placed earlier this year from an ankle fracture, so I think I'm going to hold off on the meds this month. Anesthesia has a special way of messing up cycles and I'd rather give it an extra month to regulate and truly try in November. So we'll just have good old fashioned timed intercourse again this month, though I'm going to try really hard to follow my temp this month.
Oh that cough does not sound fun, hope it's clearing up and you're on the mend! The air here has cleared, we are having some blessed rain which has helped us out on the coast. Just wish we could send it down to California and Oregon where the fires really are right now.

@FTale hope the letrozole is helping you along and that your IUI works this go around. It's not fun waiting around for things to happen. Let us know how you get on in your scan! I'm sure you've mentioned this previously but I cannot remember, when was your last IUI? I know you did trigger last month, but I thought it might have been unmonitored?

AFM, my cycle is just starting, two days late, which just convinced me I was pregnant, but I'm not. Going to have surgery tomorrow on my leg to remove all the hardware I had placed earlier this year from an ankle fracture, so I think I'm going to hold off on the meds this month. Anesthesia has a special way of messing up cycles and I'd rather give it an extra month to regulate and truly try in November. So we'll just have good old fashioned timed intercourse again this month, though I'm going to try really hard to follow my temp this month.

NO Way!! I did the same last year. Fractured my lower right leg above my ankle and ripped my foot off enough to need a rebut tendon to attach it. And had holes dug into the top of my foot to get my leg to attach to the foot again. Just tore up all that cartilage in there.

How in the world are you going to get surgery done again. I need a few more years to forget about the pain of the cast and physical

And no IUI for me this month. My cycle and ovulation clashed together something awful. I didnt get a chance to start my letrozole. I ovulated with pain and temps to support it on cd 3. Period really was just heavy spotting of old blood and lots of ewcm. I am 3dpo and on oral and vaginal progeaterone. I figure once I am off of the progesterone at maybe 10 or 12 dpo a real period will start. Towards the end of this strangebaf I did get 2 and a half days of normal light but red bleeding which was comforting to see it shed proper.

Anyway, I am sorry your AF was late and it wasn't that allusive bfp. Hugs..

Maybe we will both catch that eggy with the new cycle....whenever that what late October?

Prayers for a safe surgery and healing after.
@FTale wow that is one crazy cycle you are having. To have to start the DPO countdown again is just crushing.

@mandu10 I hope you surgery goes well. Sounds mighty painful.

Nothing much to report here. I was being nagged about getting a covid test. I couldn't get one so will never know. I dont think it was covid, I think it was just everyone else being paranoid.

I had my first MW appt on Tuesday. All went well. She wants to get an opinion from a cardiologist to find out whether ive inherited my fathers 2 heart conditions as I've never been properly tested. Im not worried about it. Just waiting on that and my 12 week scan date now
Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Surgery went well, all hardware is out! Can't believe it, so happy. Not a lot of pain, just some burning/itching around the incisions but I can walk with just a bit of a limp from the stitches pulling, get them out in two days though. @FTale cannot believe you had to have tendon work, that just sounds awful, I broke three bones and had to have some fragments removed, but yikes! Tendons are so much worse, the recovery is at least twice as long, you make me feel lucky to have what I had done! I really just want to run again, like a normal human. It'll happen...

Since my cycle was nice and late, I get to try the trigger shot this month! So I just made the appointment for my follicle scan and we'll try timed intercourse. That's not until Oct 9th though, so have some time to kill. Going back to work tomorrow. Hope you're both doing splendidly!

@Nixnax Hope you don't have any congenital heart issues! As for the COVID testing, I get that everyone is being paranoid, I just hope you're feeling better! If I sneeze outside of my house I get stared at...
Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Surgery went well, all hardware is out! Can't believe it, so happy. Not a lot of pain, just some burning/itching around the incisions but I can walk with just a bit of a limp from the stitches pulling, get them out in two days though. @FTale cannot believe you had to have tendon work, that just sounds awful, I broke three bones and had to have some fragments removed, but yikes! Tendons are so much worse, the recovery is at least twice as long, you make me feel lucky to have what I had done! I really just want to run again, like a normal human. It'll happen...

Since my cycle was nice and late, I get to try the trigger shot this month! So I just made the appointment for my follicle scan and we'll try timed intercourse. That's not until Oct 9th though, so have some time to kill. Going back to work tomorrow. Hope you're both doing splendidly!

@Nixnax Hope you don't have any congenital heart issues! As for the COVID testing, I get that everyone is being paranoid, I just hope you're feeling better! If I sneeze outside of my house I get stared at...

You are are a champ!! My hubby did what you did, I think its called a trimaluar?? Not sure how to spell it but no tendon damage. He broke 3 different bones and he had to be plated as well. Neither of us are budging for the hardware removal though. thank you hahaha.

Well, well, well!! All my prayers that this cycle goes really fab for you!! And its great you can get back to work again. Get your foot back to doing some action. :hugs:

Please keep us all updated on when you do your scans and trigger shot. Really want to cheer you on !

@Nixnax Awwww so happy for you girlie!!! Really got whatever I can find crossed for you that all goes well at your 12 week scan. Preggo days can go by so fast. Hope you are enjoying them all. :laugh2:
@mandu10 im glad your healing well from the op. Im a bit squeamish so that all sounds rather horrific to me. I dont even know how I'm going to cope with labour yet, im going to be a big baby about it im sure of it. I have a very low pain threshold. Pain makes me sick. I was sick having each of my tattoos done. :rofl:

@FTale its going so fast, but so so slow at the same time. 10 weeks already!! We have our 12 week scan booked in for the 16th October. I've had a lower back ache ALL day today. Its driving me nuts. I've already gone up 2 cup sizes with regards to bras!! Hubby loves them... but he not allowed to touch them :haha: will this be your IUI cycle?

Wishing you both lots of luck xxx
Hey there!!

Sounds like your uterus is growing growing growing!

Amongst other things lol

My cycles have been horrible and fertility treatments are up in the air.

Best I can do now is adopt a new routine that keeps me active and happy until we can try again. And when we do, I want to be as stresd free as possible.

Fx for a lil less pain and a beautiful scan.
Got everything crossed for you @FTale hopefully you get your IUI this cycle.

We've been decorating.... lots. Trying to get the downstairs of the house finished before baby comes....its a mammoth task.

Scan is this Friday. Im so stressed about it. I know I shouldn't be, but most days I just don't feel pregnant. I've had an easy ride of it and that makes me worry that something has gone wrong. Praying it hasn't. DH is allowed in for the scan so at least I have a hand to hold.

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