TTC 3 years - general chit chat


Awwww...drink water you!!!
It will help with how you feel over all.

The tires will be around for abit initially. Are you suffering from sore bbs? They were killer during my first pregnancy.

What about morning sickness? It kicked in? I always thought it does if you are having a boy because I never had it when pregnant. And I was always preg with

I am 13dpo bfn and taking deep breaths.

I did speak with a clinic I spoke to almost a year ago yesterday and they said for cheaper they can get me in for an IUI some time this winter. Could be next month could be October‍♀️ Appt. this coming Wednesday to follow up.

My hubby was like cool. But then I see him lining up and cleaning all out bding gear I was like, you do know I am starting af tomorrow right? He was like ,yeah, just getting ready.

I think he plans to knock me up with all his might. Funny as heck. But is cute and thoughtful at the same time.

So I am doing my part to keep a clean diet and will start pregnancy yoga today to get blood flow to my uterus. Cant hurt I suppose.

Yup, just the usual ttc war prep going on . Hope we win this time.
I've been rubbish with water again today..... i will buy myself a new bottle this weekend, that may encourage me.

My boobs are only just starting to become tender. I had to poke to find out :haha:. No sickness as yet. I have gone off olives. I LOVE olives but I've had to spit them out... booo. Ahhhh I would love a boy. I always said i wanted boys. Of course I wouldnt be sad if it was a girl. I had rhe community midwifes call me today. First appt booked for 22nd September.

IUI is much cheaper, that would be amazing if that worked for you.

Awww your hubby is so sweet. I wish mine was like that. Sounds like he's very keen to get to trying again.

We haven't BD since just after AF. So almost a month. Pregnant without sex :haha:. Im worried it'll cause a MC. I know it won't really but I'm just being a baby about it. Poor hubby is sex starved.

I've got it all crossed for you hun, make september your month :happydance:
Ah, poor guy. But will be the same here. No dtd. For some folks its ok they never stop going at it but man when you have never been preggy before and it took you a while to get there dtd is a scary thought. But only a decision you two can make. Don't be pressured either. If you don't want to, don't. Get a feel for your body first. I know most women go at it like rabbits close to delivery time to speed things

Not sure what he's into but fantasy him up minus the your goods until or if you ever want to try...hehehe....It will be ok. The more your belly grows the more he will see there is a lil person in there that mommy doesn't want to hurt. I know some will say its silly but it all comes down to what you want. HUGS

And yeah, it would be amazing if IUI worked. I've never had a proper one. But you know me, hoping natural way is key. Meanwhile, I just want to have fun in general doing everything. Not just focusing on my self getting preggy all the time.

OH and I am 14dpo....seriously??? Didn't even realize it. But yeah af today or tomorrow. Crazy.
Hey lovely, how are you doing?

We had a lovely day yesterday, did some wallpaper stripping ready to decorate our lounge. It looks horrible now haha.

We went out for a meal last night as well as we haven't done that in months. Had a lovely steak. I've been thinking about steak all week.

DH finally started talking about this pregnancy like it was really happening. It was nice to finally talk about it all. He did ask what the rules around "banging" :haha:. I said thats perfectly safe, but I dont want to yet until these cramps calm down a bit. Which he was completely understanding of.

I hope you had a lovely weekend. Making it to 14dpo without realising is an achievement t in itself.
Hey lovely, how are you doing?

We had a lovely day yesterday, did some wallpaper stripping ready to decorate our lounge. It looks horrible now haha.

We went out for a meal last night as well as we haven't done that in months. Had a lovely steak. I've been thinking about steak all week.

DH finally started talking about this pregnancy like it was really happening. It was nice to finally talk about it all. He did ask what the rules around "banging" :haha:. I said thats perfectly safe, but I dont want to yet until these cramps calm down a bit. Which he was completely understanding of.

I hope you had a lovely weekend. Making it to 14dpo without realising is an achievement t in itself.

Got so busy over the weekend I thought I had

I am doing well. Just tried to get things in order better so we can function at home happier. Cleaning, getting things on a schedule for school and work. Its really looking up.

Fixed my diet more and supplements better. Feeling proud....hahaha

Working on not stressing so much and I think my new herbs are helping out. Just need to eat more of the good stuff. Keep my tummy full.

You??? How goes it? TOO funny that your hubby is getting on board. Never met him but I feel like over the years I know his personality so I'm being a meany laughing at him coming along...actually it cute really. He is gonna be a dadday!! Crazy.

Well better go stuff my face. Sure my dd is hungry too. We can never make it to dinner time when my hubby gets here...just have a snack while he chomps on actual food. :D
I need to take a leaf out of your book. Our house is a mess at the moment. We've started decorating the living room and it's just bare plaster walls at the moment, i hate it.

Ha ha yep, he's finally caught up with whats going on. He's so funny. I had to tell him off yesterday, he doesn't do any housework without being asked. So I had to remind him that I'm a tired, grumpy, pregnant woman and he must start helping out more. He said im more grumpy for sure :haha:.

Its wet an rainy here today, just gonna hide from the world
hahaha....sorry totally didn't see this post.

Yes, well that I can't complain about at all. While my hubby doesn't help with everything he does with what matters most like the dishes, trash, and yardwork. I will eventually get up and sweet, mop, bathrooms....hehehe. Like right now I'm due to clean up the floors again. All hardwood . I prefer carpet.

Had my call with the new doc. My IUI if needed will be scheduled for next month when my cycle starts. I hope I don't have to do it. So I will have to be on away staying at a friends house during the whole thing because she lives closes.

I hope you are getting some good sleep. I miss sleep. I can count on it when taking progesterone. Come on ovulation so I can get the sleepy drung...rofl.
Hey lovely, sorry I haven't been on here too much. Ive been so tired and just reading more than replying.

How are you doing? Thats good about the IUI. Im really hoping that one of the next 2 cycles is your cycle. I'll be stalking you.

I told hubby to let me lie in today as I really needed it. I woke up at 11am!!! Wowzers I must have really needed it. Im 5 +3 today. I've only had tiredness, sore boobs and nipples, constipation like you wouldn't believe. No sickness yet thankfully.

Im on the late shift in work next week, nkt sure how I'm going to handle that. Hopefully the daily lie ins will help.
Oh its. You are preggers. I don't expect you to be all lively and typing away 24/7. First weeks are the toughest. So many changes a foot. Sleepiness is the hardest. Well besides the cravings for weird

Thank you for the bfp wishes. We are really going all out this cycle. Like always hoping to nap the lil booger before needing intervention.

My hubby is even letting me tap into my IUI meds this cycle....hahaha....he called me druggy as I explained to him all the prescriptions and when to take what and how much I really needed.

The doc was kind enough to write me 3 refills for everything. And I got EVERYTHING....I needed. The only bit of it I am using this cycle is some of the Femara and endometrin then the trigger shot after a positive opk. All of which I have done before. I hope to time intercourse with the trigger shot and it is hopefully on a Friday or weekend when the hubby is home. I hate ovulating then waiting 12 or 13 hours for him to get home. We of course will be bding the days prior every other day.

I'm excited but also relieved that I know after these next few tries we will be calling it a day at 'trying'. Been so long its like looking forward to retirement. :laugh2:

BUT till then my beside table over 18 bottles of supplements and I am not against needles in the name of ttcing!! rofl

Sleep some more if you need it. HUGS
Hi ladies! @Nixnax CONGRATS on your BFP, that's amazing news! I'm so excited for you! @FTale I truly hope you catch this time, truly truly.

I had a whirlwind with my mom. She ended up needing to be taken from the airport to the hospital before we even got on the plane, making her have 3 admissions in two weeks. The docs just kept changing her meds and kicking her out the door. So I had to stay out there an extra week, then when she was discharged again, I monitored her vitals and adjusted her medications with her until we could get her back out here where her doctors who know her history take care of her.

She's now back with me, living with my spouse and I in our little house until she is stronger. On top of all of that, our hospital where I work had a COVID outbreak, staff and patients infected. Now we are all tested every 7 days. It was uncanny how many of us were positive with 0 symptoms...

I did not catch last month. Started spotting right no time and we will miss this month with Mom being in the next room along with me having to leave town once again. We are planning for next month though. Going to try Femara and progesterone I think. They're giving me the choice between the trigger shot and progesterone, so I might try the trigger shot, which apparently helps increase your progesterone naturally from what I hear?

Sorry I was away for so long! Between work and mom I have had very little time to get away to do much for myself, including this. Xx
No worries. Welcome back!!!!

Terribly sorry to hear about your ordeal with getting your mom back safely. From the sounds of it she has a great daughter :flow:

I understand how it is with travel and other people in the house. Can be too stressful.

Thank you for the well wishes. I myself did a short stent of Femara with trigger shot unmonitored. So I should have at least one good follie and hopefully on my right side. I have progesterone to use as well but will wait to see if its needed.

Please stay safe!!! I know its hard when you work in the medical field but be as cautious as you dare. FX for when you do try. You might be able to sneak a quickie know.

Ok, hugs and will keep an eye out for your posts.
@mandu10 welcome back, bless you, it sounds like you've had a time of it. I hope your mom is on the mend. Im sure she is in the best place being looked after by you. Stay safe in work and take good care of yourself.

@FTale im glad you managed to get all the meds you asked for. Thats really good. I really hope this this is your month. Sending lots of positive baby thoughts
Thank you

I am hopeful and feeling resolved to let go too which is good/healthy for my relationship. We both want a little one and know this next month if we do IUI that has to work because we won't be doing anything medicially to assist us in getting pregnant. And like I think I said above, we will stop after December cycle trying all together and just have fun with everything. I will still be on here supporting everyone. And hope you don't go away. I want to see your baby. :pink:
I'm not going anywhere lovely. You'll definitely get to see the baby.

I had a full on meltdown yesterday so poor DH is on egg shells today. My first one so I blamed the hormones :haha:.
@FTale Really hoping this stent of meds is just what you needed! If not, then the IUI next month might do it. I admire you for not doing more of a medical intervention, stepping away from IVF is incredibly challenging, but I completely understand the financial burdens as my OH and I have discussed it quite often.

@Nixnax You and your OH will get used to the mood swings, haha. Sounds like he's quite supportive! Those dang hormones cause all sorts of crazy shifts.

Thank you both for all of your support. It's been a bit of a challenge. Mom is getting better, today we get to go see the orthopedic surgeon about her broken shoulder.

It's getting to look a little like Fall here, my favorite time of year. I'm getting excited! Hope your both doing well.
Hi Ladies,

How are you both doing?

@mandu10 hope your mums appt with the surgeon went well. I love the fall as well. We call it Autumn in the UK. I cant wait to start buying big fluffy pjs, putting the heating on and snuggling down with puppy and DH. He is getting used to the outbursts. When i snap at him he now says "OK hormones" like he's talking to them :rofl:.

@FTale hope you are well lovely. I hope your trigger lines stay for the next 8 months.

I'm 6 weeks today. Can't wait for the scan on tuesday. DH can't come in with me which sucks. We've decided that if he cant come to the 12 wk scan then we are going to book a private scan so that he can experience this as well. Still no sickness to speak of. Im not feeling a lot to be honest, just tired, metallic taste that will not go away, sore boobs, and a short fuse :haha:.
Thank you it was challenging but think it was meant to 'not be' for IVF. On a lighter note I did find a decent OB. Its about 20 minutes from me and in network this time so I don't have to pay so much out of pocket. Makes me feel better to know that I at least have a good doc for when I get preggers. He can handle all my high risk needs judging by all the good reviews he has online.

mmmm.. a broken Shoulder? ouch, I missed that entirely. Are her meds doing much to take edge off of pain? You don't know how much you move your shoulders until you hurt it. is starting to look like fall. I was checking the mail earlier this week and saw leaves on the ground. Really picked up my mood. I love this time of year.

Thank you for coming in and checking on us. So good to hear from you. :hug:

Completely forgot to reply to you!!! This hcg is no joke. Messing with my brain. I plan to enjoy every bit of it though. Its fake but I might never feel this way on my own so really wining about my back pain and bloated tummy hehehehe.

But like you said really hope it sticks around for 8 months. I posted my Trigger pics in September group. Lines are still there and my urine looked like water. Trying to stay hydrated. Guess I drank too much last night. That was 4am urine.

I hope you have a lovely weekend! I want to do nothing just plain nothing...:lol:
Hi ladies,

Sorry ive been MIA. I've currently got 2 weeks off work and have made so many plans that I'm either rushed off my feet or sleeping. Hope you are both well.

We had our scan yesterday, it was lovely. DH wasn't allowed in but I took a video for him to see. The baby was being shy so the nurse was struggling to measure it properly. The age kept going up one day at a time. Im in the 6 week range and by my calculations I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. She also said that our chance of miscarriage has dropped to 10% now as the early scan showed that baby is in the right place :happydance:. Meet squishy


Hi Squishy!!!!! LOL cute name.

Its alright! Enoy your time off from work!! Nothing going on but the crickets on my end. I have a new OB appt then will be working extra hard throughout the rest of the week and weekend. Its test time basically and I need the distraction from bfn drama if that's the way it goes.

Meanwhile. :wohoo: ...that's you...hahah have fun.

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