TTC 3 years - general chit chat

@mandu10 Really? By Cd11 I usually expect some thing as I O on Cd12. This Cd9 crap has totally tossed me for a loop.

I've been having weird cm and bbs pains here and there but chalked it up to a long medicated cycle recovery. But to see the opks today. Was really strange because normally if they are this dark I feel some thing about to happen. Nope. I feel mostly normal :shrug:

I will see if the hubby wants to do some thing. But I'm not sure anything would come of it. No ewcm or goodness just don't feel ovulatorish....LOL..I know not a word.

So jelly you are getting acupuncture!! I would like to try that again just not as intense as my first and only time. I want just a basic one to destress. How are you feeling? Do you feel like you are gearing up to O? I don't recall what day you normally O on. Is it a late time or are you smack in the middle?
@FTale oh wow they are strong opks. Im the same I normally O on CD12, but the last 2 cycles has been CD14. My body keeps making me wait :haha:. What MiU are your sticks? Mine only go like that on 10MiU. Looks like you are having an early surge. Hopefully hubby is willing.

She didnt comment on my lining actually, I was quite disappointed and completely forgot to ask. So frustrating.

We joked before hubby's SA saying I bet they swim in circles or backwards... turns out they do:dohh:. I hope your kitty's recover soon. Our pup is just coming out of her season. Oh the mess has been horrendous. Time to book her in to get fixed.

@mandu10 I hope your mom is doing OK. I love a long way from mine too, I haven't seen her for so long now.
@Nixnax Thank you. You were spot on saying they looked strong. Hubby and I dtd as we had planned to but those sticks gave us more incentive. Sure enough 2 hrs after my intense O pains started.

The pain is not as bad as on Clomid thankfully.

But still from left ovary which I dont too much care for but at least the wait is over before it started. Hate waiting to O.

You pup must be big. Mine was like 4lbs so lil dots everywhere..LOL Def get her fixed. Cause that is a disaster to scrape up. I didn't think of doggy diapers back then.

Sorry about you lining. Can you get yiur report of her findings? Should list her findings in it. They always look at it. Yours must have been fine.

Maca. Its susppose to help sperm. Wellman Conception for nen(havent tried but want to) Conception Rx for men(hubby likes but i think other is better)Make sure he has lowered intake of caffeine. Cut out majority of saturated fats. Wear lose fitting undies. And stay away from hot showers and baths!! No go for sperm dudes.

I bet you notice a dif in 2 months time.

Ugh, time to work and do other

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am looking forward to every hour of doing anything other than work this weekend though I have a smidge to

I had lost my bbt and was using a regular therm but found it last night so its with me to use whenever I get temp curious. We did got busy last night so you can say we did 'something' but like I said. So chill this month and no real expectations. Just a spark of glitter. I am enjoying not stressing.

On a very happy note, my hubby should be bringing home a waffle maker. The flip kind so I can eat them whenever I want. I don't mind whipping up the batter at all.

Ok, catch you all later. Hugs
Hey ladies,

I completely forgot about vitamins for men, thanks for the tip on that. I'll go and buy some tomorrow.

Yay for ovulation and it not being too painful. Mine was bareable this month as well. Being child out about it is so much better. I miss the chilled out days.

I forgot.... when i had my scan the lady said I had a retroverted uterus. That explains the painful sex in certain positions. I thought i was just a wimp. Now I know there is a reason for it. I should get a letter this week with my full report on it, so hopefully the lining is mentioned.

Its soooo hot here at the moment. 31 degrees..... thats scorching for the UK. We aren't used to these temperatures. Its not a nice dry heat, its a horrid sticky heat. Puppy is suffering, she's been sick a few times today. She was born in winter, so this is her first exposure to heat bless her.

We've had a day of gardening and house work, followed by a bbq.

Shingles is slowly getting worse. Im a bit worried, as the meds im taking could be harmful if i get pregnant this cycle, but they are holding the shingles at bay, so don't really want to stop them.

I hope you aren't working too hard this weekend, its the weekend after all, you deserve a break.
Oh, crap!! forgot you have shingles. I was just talking to my hubby about them and if I was a candidate. Were trying to figure out if you get shingles because you had chicken pox as a kid or if you don't have it as a child then you get the shingles as an adult....dunno but I've heard it is raving painful. So sorry you are dealing with this. Please do everything under the sun but in the shade in your case to keep it cool. Heard stress makes it worse.

Your temps look very good. Wouldn't it be some thing if this is the cycle you get preggers???? I wonder if having a retroverted uterus means you should be dtd a certain way to get the sperm dudes to go where they need or at least pool up???

When is your test day? Or when will you take a test?
its not much fun at all, but luckily it seems to be a mild case at the moment. I think the meds are slowing down. The meds won't stop it, but will reduce the length of time i have it and the severity. You can only get shingles if you've already had chicken pox. You can't pass it to someone who has had chicken pox either. BUT you can pass it to someone who has not had chicken pox, and I will give them chicken pox not shingles.... its so strange.

I had a huge temp spike today but I think that is down to poor sleep and being hot all night id love to get prego this cycle. I will probably start testing on Friday, that'll be 9dpo. Im not going to go crazy like I did last month.

I was wondering that with the retroverted uterus. I think I'll have a Google about that.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend
@Nixnax Shingles are just awful. I've had a few patients with some bad cases of shingles, no fun at all. Problem is that is lays dormant in your spinal fluid and a lot of times really stressful situations can bring it out and make it really bad. But that's why it follows certain dermatomes, because it's in that spinal fluid.

Mom is starting to get better, more with it now, needing less oxygen, all good things! Looks like we might be building an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) above our garage for her to live in since her health has declined so much. Not stressful at all...

I had a blazing positive on CD 12, so probably ovulated yesterday or today. With the femara I was ovulating around CD 16 or 17, so I was surprised by the early ovulation, but happy to finally see a shift in stick! We covered it alright too I think. We do every other day as sperm count is on the lower end. Definitely enjoying the more laid back days though :)

Good luck with your animals! I have a 2 year old lab/shepard mix, he's around 60Lbs, and two kitties, so we have a lot of fun with our fur babies. Getting them fixed can be quite a process though. When are you ladies testing??

@FTale How are the waffles?
@mandu10 Great idea to have her a place to live above your garage. It will be a process but will bring everyone comfort being close enough.
CD12 is the day to ovulate!! lol..Femara or Clomid will give you a 16 or 17 day ovulation which is a stressful wait in my opinion. Every other day is perfect. We just went at it weird really. I can't say now that I think of it if we were close enough to when the egg was released. The pain was different and ewcm showed at weird times but no stress.....feels so good.

You have a big boy!! Love shepard mixes. So sweet and smart. What kind of kitties? We have a tuxedo mix 5 or 6 years old and a tabby mix who is crazy grey and only a 2 months old give or take a week. They are both rescues. Thankfully they like each other enough but we still keep them separated at night and have set play times during the day till the baby is big enough to defend himself if the big one gets aggressive ( so sweet but you never know)

Well, welcome to the two week wait. I think I am 2dpo today???? Meh. Bedtime...have a good one

OH...and I will probably test 11dpo.
I love rescue animals! I volunteer at a cat shelter once a week and get all my kitten snuggles in. It's an old house that they turned into a no kill shelter. One of the "office cats" is around 17 now, they call her princess :lol:. One of my kitties is a maine coon mix I think, he's just turned 17! Our other kitto is just 3 and she is a ball of energy, quite vocal, a tortoiseshell and tabby mix. One of her back legs is orange stripe while the others are different solid colors. They play well together when the big guy actually engages, generally once or twice a day, far less often then she wishes it happens lol.

Thinking I'm 1dpo, with EWCM and pinching yesterday, that's my best guess. Will likely try the femara and timed intercourse again in October as we may be out of town in September. Then hoping to do another IUI in November if we don't catch by then. Planning helps feel a little more in control ;)
Hi ladies,

@mandu10 having your mother close by will be a lot better for you. I think that's a wonderful idea. Hope she is on the mend. Ah i love Maine Coon kitties. My friend has one and its bigger than my dog. He's got such a lovely temperament. That's amazing that you volunteer for the cats. Really lovely. I love German Shepherds as well, my puppy's best friend is a Shepherd called Gru. They met when pups was 12 weeks old, he was so gentle with her, it was lush to see. Yay to being 1DPO, did you give it a relaxed go this cycle?

@FTale yay to being in the tww as well. Mmmm waffles, after reading that yesterday I wanted waffles.

5DPO today and have been feeling soooo ill with the shingles and the heat isn't helping. I logged onto work and worked from 8am-10am but I had to pull the rest of the day sick. I've had the most rotten headache and aches today. Trying to lie comfortably is virtually impossible. Cold showers have been a god send, i have had 4. It really helps the rash. I have a rash on my spine area and another is starting to appear on my side. I feel the meds are helping, I don't want to stop taking them as it'll come out in full swing. I run out tomorrow :brat:.
@Nixnax Of all things evil shingles sounds like it takes the cake. I feel so bad for you. Please take care of you now and get over this illness. Need you well. Can you take benadryl to help sleep and stay off itching or will it only make it worse. My growth hormone shots give me lil rashes here and there and I reach for the benadryl fast cause it hurts..not shingle hurts though.

You temps are high. And hope its baby and not the frickin shingles causing it. Your progesterone I think based off your spike is high.

My temp has gotten ovulation type high but I have no idea if my progesterone is at a good level. I get my progesterone tests in the mail Wednesday to test. And I am also supplementing with progesterone pills as well started this morning.

Man, hope we all manage to make a rainbow baby this cycle. If not, I'm giving it all I got for until years end and I will be happy to hang up my pee sticks and save money for travel in the future (who knows what it will be like) plus have one 10 year old squirt to care for and imagine she won't say no to the spoiling that will for sure go her way.

Hugs you all .
I feel sooo much better today, yesterday was just awful. It was super hot as well so that just didn't help at all. I can take anything paracetamol based. I can't take anything ibuprofen based because its a virus and that can make it worse. I've been doped up to the eyeballs. The meds end today though, so lets see if it gets any worse or better now.

My temps are lovely, but the weather has been hot here, so could be that, and shingles. It dropped a little today, but i would say todays temp is a normal post O temp. So its looking better.

That would be so amazing if we all caught this cycle. Im 6DPO today and am practically sitting on my hands to stop me testing ha ha ha. Someone said on the aug testers thread that you can often get pregnant when your immune system is through the floor. Hoping that's the case this month
Good you are feeling better. Hope it holds up past the meds being gone. Yes, low immune system is helpful. You body just kinda lets things in the case, lets a baby in rofl.

8dpo you can safely start driving yourself insane. If my osom tests get here in time I will for sure test evening urine on 8dpo that would be Saturday.

I have easy at home, some rotten frer, and some other generic tests at the moment.

So tired of itching. Had eggs like I know I shouldn't but now paying for it.

Well I will be stalking you!!!:dust:
How is everyone doing?

I've been fighting some type of bug. 5dpo today. And my progesterone test came back positive at least for ovulation or to say my progesterone pills are at least keeping my levels a float.

Other than that all I want to do is eat bad food and sleep. Work should calm down a bit by Thursday so I can fully chill. Come on weekend.
@FTale Hope your itchiness is gone away! Great news that your progesterone level is up! Great news, maybe we will all catch this cycle!

@Nixnax Hope you're doing OK without meds and healing up alright. That virus is just a bitch.

AFM I have to fly out tomorrow 3,000 miles away, pick up my mom and then fly back with her. 48 hour adventure. She just cannot fly alone right now, so I'll be off the grid until 8/16. Guess it'll be a nice distraction for the time being though. Hope you're both doing alright.
@mandu10 I've added sneezing to the itching this loratadine. Already feel throat getting sore from goodness knew something was up when eyes started itching horribly last night. Thought the groceries my husband brought home were just dusty.

Have a safe trip with your mom. A very good distraction. Keep us posted on how everything goes!! Hugs

@Nixnax Have you tested? Shingles backed off? Thinking of girlie!! Hugs

As I posted above, just feeling crap this morning. Better than having shingles though. Hugs

Just hanging n here with my work load n dd schooling..housecare...I am not masterfully but everyone seems well enough.

6dpo I guess in the implantation window with you. FX..ugh..back to sleep for a small bit.hugs
@mandu10 im feeling much better than I was thank you. Ah that'll be nice for your mum, to be with you. Safe journey for you both.

@FTale oh no, the allergies have got you. I have to take antihistamines a lot, for rashes and pollen. Sometimes pets. Luckily I'm not allergic to our pup.

I did test today 8DPO. Negative of course. My temp dropped today, but so did the crazy heat we have been having here in the UK. And the shingles subsiding.... i really can't trust my temps this month. I've had 2 giant zits appear in the last 24 hours, on under my chin and a beast on my shoulder. Probably from sweating so much :haha:. Oh i just remembered, I was having my last pee of the day last night and had very slightly pink CM when I wiped.... i had that at 9dpo last month so not getting excited.

Hope you are feeling a bit better. I can imagine that the home schooling makes what was already hard, a little bit harder.
@Nixnax HUGS....sorry for the spotting and temp dropping. Mine is on a down curb starting today and I've been having chills. So who knows what are bodies are doing. But we are not out unless the witch finds us.

Home schooling through the county is awful. Talking with anonther parent. We might seriously go over the radar and teach our own kiddos. Will see.

Right now I feel a lil better but still bad and need to much on some thing.

Please let me know when you test again and I am very happy your shingles are subsiding. HUGS
I'm not hopeful for this cycle, just doesn't feel like the one at all. However you are right, we aren't out until the red witch shows.

I'll test again with FMU every day until AF shows. Hopefully temp perks up tomorrow.

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